《Countdown to Inferno》Chapter 7: Bel Kabab
After Alus boarded his chariot with the heartened colonel, he asked his companion to give a briefer of the situation while they go for the city’s barracks, which is not far away from the Governor’s Palace. For once, Alus felt he was being given an opportunity to apply what he learned as an attendant. Despite being a reservist of low rank, he has closely seen some of Piso’s works. Perhaps he could actually wing it being a pretender exquisitor?
“Yes, Lord Exquisitor,” the head guard said with a more determined tone, “Of what we know, Rabka’s a merchant by profession, but failure in business drove him away from the city. After three years, he has returned to begin the cult of Bel Kabab.”
“Who is Bel Kabab?”, the pretender exquisitor asked as he looked around the city at night.
“Bel is the local name for god in Aramathi. When we crossed the market a while ago, you’d seen statuettes of Bel for sale. Male Bel, Female Bel, Child Bel, Animal Bel. Many images of Bel. But Rabka claims that the single, all-powerful Bel has revealed himself, and made him the last ambassador to the world. This Bel he calls Bel Kabab, and there is no Bel besides Bel Kabab.”
“You don’t seem to regard Rabka well.”
“Indeed not, my lord. Many were attracted to Rabka’s cult in the ten years since he returned, but not I. My life has been devoted to Ieso.”
“Like Lord Piso…?”
“For me, to live is Ieso, and to die is gain. I’m a soldier of Ieso, and as my commander, I’ll fight the good fight of faith for him. Even if my duty meant having to kill...”
Before Alus can respond to the head guard, they have already arrived at the barracks, only to see the doors locked. None of the head guard’s keys worked, forcing him to ram the doors with brute human strength. After a few bashes, the doors were opened.
“This is an emergency!”, the head guard announced, “Where’s your commander?!”
However, the soldiers were nowhere near battle ready. They were also holding their own orgy. The two gaped at the sight.
“Oh, co… colonel…,” a tipsy guard in shredded clothes replied while pointing, “There’s… he is…”
The commanding officer takes a bath in a large cauldron full of soup, his face covered by girls who showered him with kisses and licks, while soldiers keep the fire low for their commander’s liking. Some are even drinking the soup from the same cauldron where the commander relaxes himself. Despite being a general, and thus ranked higher than him, the colonel lost any respect.
The head guard bawled, “This is the limit! You’d all be in the soup, I tell you!”
He then dragged the pretender exquisitor away with him, and left the barracks for good. Laughter and merrymaking can still be heard from the distance, which further irritated the head guard. Alus looked depressed after that encounter. His mouth still open and his eyes still wide, the head guard had to shake him strongly to snap him out of his disappointment.
“My lord,” the head guard pleaded, “There’s no more time. You’d get used to it, I’m sure.”
“Oh… alright…,” Alus said, “I mean, who else can we rely on?”
“There’s still one I have in mind, Lord Exquisitor. But only because he’s our last resort…”
“What do you mean, colonel?”
“You will see soon enough, my lord. If you may, please bear with me on this one.”
Alus gave a nod. As they sped through the alleys and small streets of Pasco to avoid the night traffic, both knew that they needed all the help they can gather for the upcoming conflict. They felt their body warming up despite the occasional cold breeze wafting inside the city.
Is it nervousness? Excitement? Whatever the feeling it may be, anticipation is certainly building up. However, also because of this internal condition, they almost missed their supposed destination, the Lecture Hall of Taraga Kayapa.
Alus asked, “Targarya Kayaba? Colonel, are we going to recruit teachers to fight?”
“No, my lord,” the head guard responded, “Don’t you remember? Taraga Kayapa is Pasco’s representative to the Assembly.”
The pretender exquisitor tapped his head, but even when he was not familiar of Aramathi’s local officials, he said, “Yes, I know, but the Honorable Assemblyman is of civilian authority…”
He was unable to finish his statement because the head guard already knocked repeatedly.
“Taraga! Taraga!”, the head guard called, “It is I! Open up!”
The knocking annoyed Kayapa, who was just about to sleep after his routine night reading.
Opening the window in his topmost floor, he shouted, “Go away! I’m not interested!”
“Taraga, this isn’t about the church dispute! The city is in trouble as we speak!”
For years, Ieso’s followers have debated whether or not people who are non-Aramathian can join the church, more so hold official church positions. They have also debated, among other things, if commandments bound to Aramathi culture should also apply to non-Aramathians.
“Pasco’s always in trouble! What else is new in this city?!”
From a nearby house, someone else shouted, “Hey! Give us a wink of sleep, will you?! Make up with your girlfriend already, or I’d show you something new alright!”
Across it, another person shouted back, “I’m not anyone’s girl! And I’m trying to rest, too!”
The entire street turned on their lights as the boisterous neighborhood talk continued with no signs of slowing down, forcing silence on Kayapa and the head guard. It was not as if the neighborhood knew of the ongoing siege for them to demand a good night's sleep.
“Colonel,” Alus softly spoke in the head guard’s back, “Let’s force it open.”
The head guard nodded, and they both bashed the hall’s door, which proved easier to open than that of the barracks. Already waiting for them is Kayapa, who was seated on the carpeted floor.
He wore a robe that flows down to his toes with no toga over it. His headwear, which fully covers his hair, is a black velvet hat with tassels of red and blue on one side of the head. His lecture hall is typical of Aramathi’s style. No chairs can be found, and the only furniture in sight is the wooden pulpit which was covered by white cloth as its protection. The hall itself was already lighted well, not by candles, but by oil lamps clamped on the stone walls.
“I figured you’d try to enter regardless,” the teacher said with some anger in his voice and also on his face, “Make this quick, I haven’t got all night for you.”
The two also seated in front of Kayapa, and Alus looked at the head guard to let him speak.
“Taraga,” the head guard opens, “Rabka’s at the gates. The provincial government is unreliable. Please, I come here not to squabble. I humbly request you to mobilize your forces to help us.”
“What are you talking about? Can’t you see? I’m a teacher of the Word, and a representative to the Assembly. Both are civilian functions and...”
“I know that well! But Taraga, there’s nobody else left to defend the city…”
“Hmph! The city persecutes us to this day. If what you say is true, then let god do his will, but expect nothing from me. Who knows? Rabka may be a better ruler than Horden.”
“How can you be so harsh to your people?”
“My people? Yours, perhaps, but not mine.”
Kayapa’s family migrated from Bayan before Dalreida made Aramathi a province. Being a trading center between Bayan, Berania, and Dalreida, among other nations, for centuries, the native Aramathi population tried to keep their ancestry purely Aramathian through the maintenance of the idea of their exclusivity in relation to the world. Despite decades of Dalreida administration, forcing Aramathi to scrap their local laws against intermarriage, and in the process soften their xenophobic principles, unfavorable opinion of Aramathians for foreigners persisted.
“Taraga, I don’t have time for this, please…”
“And I don’t, too! If you want to quarrel with Rabka, do it yourselves.”
The head guard seemed to be at a loss of words. He no longer felt he can convince the resolute teacher. Alus, who listened intently to both, decided it must be up to him to enlist Kayapa’s aid.
“Honorable Assemblyman,” Alus said, “I don’t fully understand the details, but what I know is this. Pasco is in trouble, and we have a responsibility to the country to preserve its provinces.”
Still frowning, Kayapa turned to Alus, “And who might you be? I don’t recognize you.”
“Oh, did the colonel forget to introduce me? Then, let me do so. I’m the Lord Exquisitor visiting Aramathi, and this man right here just placed me in command of all available forces in Pasco.”
“An exquisitor, huh? Now, that’s rich. Most of the exquisitors never reach Pasco at all.”
“Is that so? What can I say? I’m here, Honorable Assemblyman.”
Kayapa then turned to the head guard, who still feels humiliated by his lack of eloquence.
“So, this is your plan,” Kayapa said, “You knew we’d never get along, but the Lord Exquisitor can be the catalyst to unite us for the time being. A clever move, if I may say so myself.”
“Wait… you mean you would…?”
“I believe we’re on the same page, Lord Exquisitor. I’d be willing to help, but on one condition.”
“I’ll see if I can accommodate you, Honorable Assemblyman.”
Kayapa smiled, “I suppose none of us here have much of a choice, haven’t we? No. My condition is this. Dalreida, and I mean both the government and the people, must receive updates on this battle, regardless of the outcome. Also, as Lord Exquisitor, I would like you to recommend me as the next governor, and your companion as the interim representative to take my place in the Assembly. As you may know, Lord Piso has announced that he will forego the regular elections to hand down the dictatorship to the worthiest. The chances are slimmer if I remain one of 500 representatives than being one of nine governors, don’t you think?”
“Taraga,” the colonel interjected, “Do you really mean it?”
“I meant every word. If anyone should succeed Piso, he should be as devoted to Ieso as well, and I believe in our chances.”
Tears burst from the head guard’s eyes as he rose to hug Kayapa, who gave a sheepish grin. Not wanting to interrupt the moment, Alus simply gave Kayapa a sign of approval, even though he is no Lord Exquisitor and possesses no actual powers to grant his condition.
“Very well,” Kayapa said as he slowly moved the head guard away from him, “All of our paramilitary forces are yours to command, Lord Exquisitor. My radio here is available for you to directly contact the capital.”
At the Dictator’s Palace, which is currently being taken care of by Hundo, the frequency from Aramathi was received strongly by the communications team.
“My lord,” the radio operator said to Hundo, “An urgent message. The source is acknowledged to be that of Honorable Assemblyman Taraga Kayapa.”
“Patch me,” Hundo responded as he sat on one of the stations, “Kayapa. This is Hundo.”
“Lord Hundo,” Kayapa opened, “This is Kayapa. Thank you for your acknowledgement. At least 20,000 soldiers and militia organized by Rabka to take over Pasco. Governor Horden and his generals out of commission. Command is handed over to Lord Exquisitor Alus. Reinforcements are needed. We also request media coverage in Dalreida of upcoming engagement.”
Hundo’s eyebrows raised, “Understood. Kayapa, hand this over to Lord Alus. This shall be private conversation. Proceed to your preparations. May Ieso keep you.”
As ordered, Kayapa and the head guard left their exquisitor to talk with Hundo. After adjusting frequencies, the next voice to be heard was that of Alus, who Hundo did not easily recognize.
“Forgive me, my lord,” Alus said, “I was put on the spot. Is Lord Piso available?”
“Alus? It can’t be helped,” Hundo replied, “Sadly, Piso’s not here at the moment. He’s campaigning against Bereta. Why do you ask? Are there updates on your mission?”
“I arrived in Aramathi earlier than expected, my lord, but this coup hampered plans. I seek Lord Piso because I entered an agreement with which I’ve no power to grant.”
“As exquisitor, I presume? Good for you, I’m the one in charge of the palace at the moment. Otherwise, you would’ve been charged of insubordination, even if your rank is quite apt for one.”
“I understand fully, my lord, but what can be done? Honorable Kayapa wanted a recommendation as the governor of Aramathi, and the colonel organizing the defenses with us be his replacement as representative of Pasco.”
“Kayapa’s putting all into it, I see. Yes, I’d inform Piso about that agreement. As you may know, I also don’t have the power to grant it, but I can assure it reaches Piso’s ears.”
“Thank you, my lord.”
“Don’t forget your mission, Alus. It is of vital importance as it is top secret.”
“I will keep that in mind, my lord.”
“May Ieso keep you.”
After the conversation, Kayapa installed a long-distance line in the lecture hall to keep Dalreida updated, a line which they believe even Rabka cannot hope to cut as long as Pasco remains resistant. After all, the rebels would likely need the lines alive if they are to proclaim to the world their eventual victory. Meanwhile, Alus and the colonel called to arms all the troops they can find. The guards from the gates numbered more or less a thousand, while Kayapa’s paramilitary forces, composed mostly of former soldiers and rebels who believed in Ieso, totaled two thousand.
“I didn’t expect them to be so few,” Alus remarked, “But colonel, one question.”
“Yes, my lord?”
“Is the standard of military discipline declining in Aramathi? All of our soldiers have beards and mustaches. Some of them have long hair, too. You get where I’m coming from?”
Dalreida has a tradition of keeping the face clean, making razors and shaving kits quite popular, almost comparable to an iconic possession.
“Er, yes, Lord Exquisitor. But you see, it’s cultural. Aramathians usually grow facial hair. I myself have a mustache,” the head guard replied as he stroked his thinly spread mustache.
“You don’t say… As long as they’re in good shape, then I have no problems.”
“Will you not exhort them, my lord?”
Alus laughed, “Oh, I mean, right… Right you are, colonel.”
As he stepped forward, he realized it was the first time he would speak to thousands of people. A lieutenant usually commands only around fifty soldiers, but as a reservist, he did not have as much experience in the field except for the training regimen they have survived in Dalreida. It was as if he was entering a new and unexplored world, an entry he did not expect to experience during his lifetime.
The troops looked at him, and for a moment, he felt like melting. Is there some public speaking trick to it? How can he whip them into action? Boost their morale? Or just remove the butterflies in his stomach for once? He is not saying anything, but the battle is coming, and he knew he needs to at least tell them something. The racing of his mind reflected.
“Uh, Lord Exquisitor…,” the head guard said with a nudge from the back.
Moving him suddenly warped him back to reality. The soldiers do not seem to be intimidating him. Another look at them shows their fears, their doubt, their uncertainty, of what will happen next. Even battle-hardened soldiers have their soft spots, especially when they are caught flatfooted such as this moment, and being made to cooperate with former rebels as well. He breathed deep, closed his eyes, and then opened them.
“Soldiers, my friends,” Alus spoke with great force the audience never expected, “Aramathi is in peril, and we’re the ones who are placed here in duty! I know we’re outnumbered, but my hope is that we’re not outmatched. As men of duty, let’s fight them to the best of our ability. Even if we are mortal, we come here not to die, but to survive!”
The troops cheered, and the head guard was noticeably pleased with Alus’s short speech.
“Brothers,” the colonel declared, “let us pray!”
All of them, except for Alus, closed their eyes and clasped their hands together. At first, they seem to be praying in unison, following the head guard’s lead. Then, they began praying in other languages, tongues that Alus himself cannot comprehend. Aramathi? Kamui? He cannot interpret them at all.
Suddenly, small spheres of light appeared floating above their heads, spheres that are about the size of a grape. It was a powerful manifestation that Alus never witnessed before. Is this their faith in Ieso? Do they sincerely believe that their so-called god would deliver them in battle?
“May we honor you in everything. If we are not to enjoy your blessings in this world, then we fervently hope to do so in the next,” the colonel concludes, “In Ieso’s name we pray.”
The spheres of light remained even after their prayer closed, which caused Alus to be amazed.
“Colonel,” Alus said while pointing over the head, “Do you see any light like right around here?”
The head guard raised his eyes but saw nothing but hair, “No, my lord. Why should we be wearing head lights? Wouldn’t that make us easy targets for the enemy?”
“Ah… Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well then, let the battle begin!”
The three thousand marched to the city walls with the head guard and Alus in the lead. Meanwhile, the teacher took command of their communications arm, as well as the female contingent of their forces, also numbering around a thousand. He divided them into two groups, one assigned to watch the barracks, and the other assigned to watch the palace.
This move reinforces Kayapa’s desire to keep the glory of winning the day without Horden or his generals, all of whom can still be found partying with their friends and associates. Things are also busy in Dalreida, as Hundo figures how to deal with the Aramathi Coup in Piso’s absence.
The rebellion was timed well to coincide with Piso’s campaign in the far north, which front has diverted Dalreidan forces. Losing Aramathi is detrimental to Dalreida’s expectations of keeping its vast empire, as well as the republic’s buffer province bordering Bayan and Berania. Without Aramathi, the easternmost provinces would be Kandara and Miarza, both bordering Berania.
Nevertheless, can Alus and his allies in the sieged capital recover the peace in Aramathi? Will Kayapa succeed in his ambitions? And also, how long does Horden plan to party without the visitor he gave it for?
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