《Seven》0-3 Battle preparations


“Are you sure about the things that you have said?”(Leon)

“Yes I’m sure of it”(captain)

“It seems like we might be in a pickle. Who knew she would be really just inviting us to come against her in that place.”(Simon)

“If that’s so then we should just barge in there and end it! Owww! What’s that for?!”(Damon)

“Big oaf didn’t you understand what seems to be the point? Although I guess we can’t expect a musclehead to think up something in their heads.”(Elise)

“What’d you say?! If you want I will truly show you how smart i am!”(Damon)

“You guys stop your bickering for now. Leader what should we do?”(Robin)

“Let’s hold a meeting after 1 hour everyone should be present understand!”(Leon)


All the people have left only leaving the five heroes in the tent.

Elise was renowned as the best in the use of bow with her gaining the title of “Angelic ranger”. Because of her beatiful face she also attracted a lot of suitors thus left mournfell. After leaving she had finally received a message from the gods and a gift to continue on to Leon to meet up and to defeat seven.

Robin “the devout priest” gained renown through his deeds of traveling everywhere to heal people and spread the teachings of the gods. Thus while almost near to emeryl he had received a message not to press on and to wait for leon. With the gifts of gods bestowed upon him he waited for leon in the camp.

“So leader what do you think we should do?”(Robin)

“This battle will surely change fate of the world. So we must plan out to the informations given to us.”(Leon)

“I believe we should make the soldiers with us to test her real strength.”(Simon)

“Simon! Do you know what are you saying?! If we make them do that it would be a massacre!”(Leon)

“I understand that but we can never truly plan unless we know some extents of her abilities. This is the plan I can think of for now.”(Simon)


“I agree with Leon bloodshed just for the sake of information doesn’t sit well with me.”(Robin)

“Can you truly say that how about what the gods said to us? She is the one that will bring destruction to our world thus we should all means necessary. Even though it means costing a lot of lives. Don’t worry i will take full responsibility.”(Simon)

“I’m in favor in simon’s plan besides all the people have pinned their hopes on us. We can’t turn back now.”(Elise)

“I’m sorry leon but I agree to even though I want to test her strength first.”(Damon)

“Then that concludes our conversation right? Then let us meet up later in the meeting.”(Simon)

“..... I understand then later you explain the plan for the meantime later to them Simon.”


Everyone finally left the tent and our preparing their weapons for the incoming battle.

I can’t believe that we will have to go through a plan like that. If we only have enough information!

Leon has been thinking a lot while looking at the divine relics bestowed upon him. Centurio a golden broadsword with a magic gemstone in the center of it. The gemstone contains magic and can also unleash it by the use of the sword. While leon’s Armor has been enchanted with “hardening” and also “resistance against all elements”. It can be said the same as the enchantment on the armors of the other heroes.

“I should get the feels with this blade before the meeting.”(Leon)

Thus Leon left for the training grounds. While in the meantime Elise has been watching him from afar. Staring at him while blushing truly makes a sight for a girl who fell in love.

“Haaa... Leon sama how wonderful! With your jet black hair and charming face I can’t help to swoon!”

Elise had fallen in love with Leon at first sight. Thus she had been watching him from afar when they are not talking. With that the soldiers had the conclusion of a stalker that is so beatiful that they are now crying blood in envy.


“Hey wall! I’d prefer it if you stop stalking Leon. Look the soldiers are already glaring daggers at him.”(Damon)

“Shut up big oaf! Also take that word back I’m not flat I’m still growing!”(Elise)

“Oh really? It looks like as straight as a choppping board to me.”(Damon)

“You bastard!!!”(Elise)

“Ooooff!! Why-why did you kick my balls..”(Damon)

Thus on that time a casualty had been found near leon’s Tent.

After 1 hour the meeting has finally started.

“Everyone we will be finally starting for now this is where Seven is currently located. Since we don’t know the extent of her abilities I would like to request the soldiers to initiate the battle.”(Simon)

The crowd suddenly started murmuring.

“I know that all of you have your opinions. But let me ask you this for what reason did you join us?”(Simon)

“Well that’s to join you in subjugating seven right?”(soldier)

“Yes but even so we are also the last hopes of humanity against her right. Thus we want to implore your devotion to this cause this time.”

The crowd’s murmurs have finally died down and one man spoke for all of them.

“Then as a soldier who believes in you heroes we should do our best right everyone?!”(Soldier)


“So what should we do Simon sama?”(Soldier)

“Then let us start the planning.”(Simon)

While the meeting is concluding the other heroes are getting ready for battle. Elise preparing her arrows and also her bow ”gae strom”. A divine relic with the enchantment of wind and lightning element. Also enchanted with hardening and amplify power. With the result of each release of arrows much more powerful that can kill a normal human to smithereens. Damon has been prepping his axe “glacsis”. A divine relic axe enchanted with ice element, hardening, and also amplify power. While robin’s focusing his energies on his staff “requiem”. The divine relic staff enchanted with amplified healing and also amplified magic power.

“Leon among all the divine relics I don’t understand yours. What’s with the magic gemstone in the center of the sword?”(Elise)

“Oh you mean my sword? Well it also has hardening and the amplify power enchantment. But the gemstone’s main focus is absorbing magic power and releasing it back.”(Leon)

“So you mean whatever magic gets thrown unto you can also be returned back to them?”(Robin)

“I’m not sure about that I’m not good with those things. Since I don’t use magic I think it’s much more suited for someone like me.”(Leon)

“Yes I think it totally fits you leon sama!”(Elise)

“Is that so? Thank you elise.”(Leon)

“D-don’t mention it I’m honored to be helpful Leon sama.”(Elise)

“Elise sama what seems to be the problem? Your face is turning red are you in perhaps sick?!”(Robin)

“Don’t mind her Robin is sure that it’s nothing to be concerned about.”(Damon)

“Is that so?”(Robin)

“Yeah that’s just a girl in lo-oofff! Wall why did you suddenly kick me?!”(Damon)

“Shut up big oaf! Lest i struck my arrow in your tongue!”(Elise)

“Bring it on! I would like to see you try that!”(Damon)

“You two stop your fighting your much more noisier than the one explaining the meeting!”(Simon)

“Yes.”(Damon and Elise)

While the soldiers where trying to best not to laugh at the current situation that they are seeing. Leon thought that these days should continue on forever. And there is only one person they should end to continue this peace and that is seven.

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