《Cliché Fantasy I》Chapter 1 - City in Flames, Intermission - What Went Wrong


[I’ll get their attention so hide. Once everything is clear, escape. I’ll see you later outside. Don’t do anything stupid.]

Saying so, he ran off without even hesitating and I could only stare stupidly at the doorway. I tried to reach out to him, but my right hand only caught air.


The shock that rendered me inept earlier was temporarily subdued due to the shocking turn of events. And although they were gone, I managed to put it in the back of my mind for now.

I did not expect it. I somewhat understood what happened just now but I still can’t process it. He, who appears to have lost memories is now somehow acting as a diversion while I, who kept leading him on earlier was just slumping down with my mouth hanging agape.

I tried to register these developments in my mind but was interrupted by his echoing footsteps across the burning streets. The distinct claps of his shoes striking across the stone-paved road were followed soon after by numerous clanking of metallic heels.

He’s in danger. I want to help him. I need to help him.

I thought of getting their attention and distracting them for a while flitted in my mind, all with the purpose of just allowing him to escape. But the image of their heads hanging from those demons’ waists held me in place with fear.

Never again would I see their smiles nor hear their laughter. Those bulging eyes, those hanging tongues and the blood that dripped from their severed heads was all the proof I need to understand that detestable fact. I don’t want to end up like that. Fear ruled over me.

The so called affection I held for him proved useless against the instinct to survive.

‘I’m sorry.’


Despite feeling lethargic, I managed to scramble my way towards one corner before the demons could get near this building. I imagined them closing in and the result was that I felt death fast approaching. Their haunting steps grew louder and louder faster than I could decide what to do. In the end, I stayed at that corner.

With tears silently falling from my eyes, I hugged myself. Realizing that the feelings I held dear could only be so shallow.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I love you.’

‘And I’m so sorry.’

I heard every footfall in a thundering crescendo, but I couldn’t do anything. Paralyzed with fear, doubt and self-loathing, I just sat there. A selfish thought just wanting to end it all and just let things as it is popped up in my mind. I felt that I couldn’t care less about what happens next.

My thoughts were numb. I could see him slowly slipping away from me. I was slowly believing the illusion that he, just like them, will be gone. And that in the end, I’ll be all that’s left. The mere thought of it froze me in terror.

I braced myself, clenched my teeth, shut my eyes tight, and closed myself off of everything that was happening. The roars of the flames, the booming strides of metal boots, my shallow breathing, I escaped it all. Selfishly hiding into my own world as I awaited that painful escape.

Time moved forward...

But nothing happened. The booming footsteps which I believed will be the reason of my death passed by uneventfully.

Hearing them gone, I laughed. A decrepit laugh aimed towards the pretentious woman who selfishly thought of surviving while harboring these deluded thoughts of one sided affection.

The tears that rolled down these shaking trembling cheeks left unnoticed.

I sat there frozen in time before being swallowed by darkness.

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