《Avaritia》Chapter 3: Hansel


Chapter 3: Hansel

"Just how long is this girl going to take plucking her weeds." He muttered. Observing Yuna harvest herbs.

Garren decided to visit her town which she was very proud of in order to gather information which he clearly can't obtain by talking to her. He needed someone from town to show him around in order not to attract attention and this girl would certainly fit the job.

It was mid afternoon. He dozed off and was awoken by her.

"All done!" She said with a smile.

Yawning before he responded. "Took you long enough. Let's go, you've already wasted enough of my time making me wait" He stood up and stretched his limbs.


The two set off. Yuna in front humming in a tune, while Garren followed her. Happy little twerp aren't you. He thought.

"How long are we going to keep walking? Are you seriously walking this far every time you go to that place? I'm quite surprised you're not in some beasts belly by now."

"Were almost there, I can see the road marking up ahead. If we keep this pace we should arrive before dark and this path is fairly safe. Monster's rarely pass through here."

Aren't you almost eaten by a troll and yet you're full of confidence.

After awhile He can already see smoke rising from the distance. The sun had just started setting, the smoke must be from the townsfolk preparing their meals.

They eventually reached the guard post located at the northern entrance.

hmmp, such flimsy defences. I would not be surprised if they'll be overrun by monster's one day. Garren thought as he observed the thin walls surrounding Hansel.

"Yuna! welcome back. It's good to see you safe and who's the boy? I haven't seen him before." Ask the old guard.

"Good evening Henrick." She greeted. "This is Garren, he's an adventurer. I met him while I was gathering herbs."


"Hmmm, an adventurer you say? Very well. It seems that you trust this fellow. He can come in. Just make sure not to cause trouble in town ok boy?"

"Sure, whatever old man"

"Err.. Excuse him Henrick." She bowed.

"hmpf. You're lucky this girl is vouching for you boy."

You're lucky I don't blow up this town with you in it. Were the words on his mind.

They passed through the entrance. The streets lamps were already lit and the aroma of food was on the air. They continued walking and arrived at what it seems to be the town's square. Yuna stopped at a small stone building with a sign that has red bottles drawn to it.

"Umm, this is the town's medicine shop. Wait here for a bit. I have to drop this off. I'll show you where the inn is afterwards." Yuna said while raising the bag of herbs in her hand.

"Just don't take too long."

"I won't." she smiled.

He leaned on the stone building. Observing the town and It's citizens.

After a short while Yuna exited the shop holding a small pouch. Her face full of glee.

"Let's go. The inn's this way, by the way a night at the inn would cost you 5 silver coins.

A meal would be a silver coin and I doubt you even have a single copper coin, so here. That's 15 silver coins. I was able to get 45 silver coins for the herbs earlier. If you want to keep staying at the inn you should really find work. Perhaps you can go visit the guild office tomorrow for current job request's."

She handed the coins to him.

"That's for saving me, now were even."

"I'll consider this as payment for the weeds you stole." He placed the coins in his pocket.

Acting like she didn't hear anything she continued to guide Garren to the local inn.


"Ahh were here. I guess I also have to go. I need to get home for dinner. If you want I can properly show you around town tomorrow."

"Please do." in a cold tone. He was not used to rely on others.

"Then I'll pick you up after breakfast!" she smiled, then waved goodbye.

He entered the inn. On the first floor was the receiving area and a tavern which patron's are currently happily drinking and chatting. The smell of alcohol is on the air. The second floor must where the rooms be.

Garren approached the counter. Pulling out 5 silver coins.

"Ahh.. Room for 1 night my good lad? Will you be paying for meals as well?" Said the jolly middle aged man with a round belly.

"Yes. Just the night and two meals. Tonight's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast." He answered while providing 2 more silver coins to pay for his meals.

"Very well. Your room will be just up the stairs, second room to the right. Here's your room key and if you would like to take a bath before dinner the bathhouse is through that door. You just need to pay the man at the entrance 10 copper coins."

He could not remember when was the last time he had taken a proper bath so he decided to proceed to the bathhouse. Garren paid the man watching the entrance and took his long awaited bath.


Garren was now back at the tavern, feeling refreshed. Waiting for the meal he paid for to be served. He can hear a couple of patrons talking.

"Did you hear ? a couple of orc's were spotted due west" Patron 1

"Really!?.. I haven't heard of orc's so close to town for some time now." Patron 2

"Yeah, they say that the orc's might have set up a base in one of the caves at Pylai ruins. The guild posted a subjugation request just this morning." Patron 3

"Hmmm, I hope they do deal with them soon. It would be troublesome if they continue to show up near town. I mean It's almost harvest season, what if they start pillaging our fields." Patron 2

"That's true." patron 1

"Here you go sir!" Said the young waitress while winking, as she laid the food platter and one iron mug with ale in it on the table.

The meal consisted of one piece of bread, a serving of mush potato with green peas and 3 grilled pieces of lamb.

Once he had eaten. He took one gulp of the ale and commented on how stale the taste was.

He stood up and walked towards the inn keeper and asked the same questions he had for the girl before. The inn keeper provided him with the same answers. To his knowledge there were no wars that had occurred recently and after Garren asked about a Dark lord, the inn keeper just told him that he was not aware of such tyrants.

Observing the tavern. Seeing that there was no point asking the drunk patrons about his inquiries. Garren decided to take a stroll outside. Making sure no one was looking he slipped through the dark alley at the back of the inn. Then jumped towards the roof, landing by the chimney.

He sat by the edge of the railings.

"So this is Hansel, what's so great about it?". He said. His cold blue eyes stared at the distance.

He recalled he used to live in a small town just like this one when he was a child, but that was ancient history. There's no use dwelling on the past. What's important now is getting information.

Once he got bored. He jumped down and decided to turn down for the night then proceeded to his room.

"Tomorrow, I'll make sure to get answers." He muttered.

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