《Shattered Souls》3 - Preparation for a promenade


Chapter 3

Once again waking up in the darkness, this time much more comfortable than before. Keshat said mana exhaustion and I sure don’t feel tired anymore so I must have it back. I need to find a way to extend my time, maybe there is a technique to train my magic. And not to mention how I could only see green, I hope that means if I learn or develop more types I can see more colors. Green is probably not the best color to only be able to see, like whats green

“My friend” The elder’s signature fine aged wine voice wakes me from my thoughts “Now that we have at least relieved your vision issues are you ready to help us”

“I guess I can give it my best efforts, just know that I’m unsure of how to use this gift of mine”

“We can assist in your learning, as long as you help us with this favor as far as I’m concerned you can live here with us!”

Turning on my eyes I suddenly see the elder, and well he looks like an elder. His hair a clean white, His horns growing out and branching across his head like a crown, and skin near a leathery tan. Adorned in animal leathers and furs, on top of some black robe. I had expected most people to dress like Keshat, in his clean green shirt and leather pants, I’ve had my expectations flipped. Between the elder's odd robes and furs, and Talion wearing some stiffy looking leather armor, I have no clue what the dress code is.

“Wow, so did you know your eyes turn green when you activate your magic power, It seems like that links to your vision with the way you're staring” The elder states his face full of smiles a clear excitement present.

“So Elder I agree with your proposition, In fact, I would be interested in going right away as to secure a spot in this village. I would truly appreciate the safety while I figure things out for myself, the question is what is it you’d have me do?”


“Well, to tell you simply we need you as a sherpa of sorts, as you may have noticed that wind of yours seemed to guide you deeper into the forest. And that's exactly where we need to go! The property of this forest is that it disorients those who enter as they proceed deeper, only those who are attuned to the forest can head deeper.” The Elder’s face turns from the excited smile to a forlorn look, almost like a look into the past.

“So just go back to where we were and keep walking?” I ask.

“To be honest, yes. We really just need to get where we think that wind is leading you.”

“And where is it that the wind is leading me friend” I turn my eyes off returning to the darkness in an attempt to save mana.

The Elder sits quietly for a moment slowly taking a breath “Well you see, we need to access the deeper recesses of the forest as a form of reclamation and protection. Those who wish to gain its strength are not only invaders like you maybe but for us, its former tenants. We as a people have lost our way and attunement to the forest. I’m sure by returning we can regain our past alignment with the forest.”

“Hmmm” It is not that I don’t believe the elder but am more concerned with his frankness, why would he tell this much to an outsider. Not to mention that he said they lost their attunement to the forest which sounds like a pretty big deal, not something you mention so casually. He acts to close to me, it's uncomfortable.

Still, I reply “Alright I’m convinced when shall we go”

“Well, I’m glad you asked we already gathered a party of 6 of us, two of which you may know. Come with me I’ll greet and introduce you”

The elder rises, and grabs my hand, with a blind stumble I follow him. Leading me outside” I hear the talking of a group of people. As I begin to distinguish the voices the elder cuts my thoughts short.


“This first one, you should know somewhat, she tried to kill you in the forest-”

“You told me to test him, elder!” The young girl Akalia burst out

“Ha, I’m just messing with you” He turns to me and whispers “she is a great young girl very bright, one of the many prodigies of the village.”

Turning my eyes on, I see Akalia, taller than the elder and slim with some color and faded green hair. Her horns are skinny and curve back on her head elegantly. Her outfit consisting of a robe and leather covering the important ‘do not stab’ bits. On her left hip is a shortsword yet on her gauntlet is some kind of small shield

“Woah, his eyes glow, that’s neat pretty big upgrade from being blind I bet” shouts out a voice from behind Akalia.

Peering around her I see a short-haired girl walking towards our group of people. Shorter than Akalia but much more muscular, and much less armored looking more barbarian than anything else. Taking after Talion she wears a combination of fur and leather bracers and shin guards and chest piece. In addition, she has some sort of waist guard but I’m clueless to what its called. All of this and she leaves her midriff exposed showing a nasty scar across the majority of her stomach. Oddly enough she lacks horns, but I imagine that there is a story behind it that I shouldn’t ask

“Yea I must say being blind sucks, glowing eyes, on the other hand, is a very unique trait”

The red-haired girl nodded her head in agreement “My names Vadoah by the way if you need a brusin’ call me”

“That’s enough Vad, you gave him your spiel there are 4 more to introduce, I’m Mald by the way”

Mald standing to the right of Akalia is taller than her and eye level with me, His horns pop clearly out of his shiny bald head. He seems to be some kind of archer based on the three quivers he is carrying, a bit excessive if you ask me. His longbow sits firmly on his back peeking over his shoulder.

As I look to the right again I see my personal favorite the ever quiet Talion who nods at me. Next to him is a lady with light-colored hair and piercing eyes, radiating a mature vampire look that throws me off a bit. I’m guessing she is a magic-user of some kind as she has a wand that is chained to her hand for some reason, wonder the story behind that.

“Hello, My name is Leissandra, you can call me Lei if you’d like, I’m our resident blood magician. So if you wanna be really useful let me suck you dry!” Lei’s voice oozes out like sweet poison

My face twisting up, Lei begins laughing her lungs out. An annoying childish laugh rings out introducing Keshat to me. I turn to glare at him only for him to laugh harder.

“Nice to see you again my friend, as the oldest I will be leading us,” Keshat says throwing a wary eye to Lei, who returns a nasty glare. Clearly, she is not as young as she appears…

“Now that introductions are finished let's not burn daylight, you’ve already been here for three days. Le-”

“Three Days!” I yell out in surprise “How!”

“Well, you passed out for two from mana burn” Keshat chimed in.

“Not to mention you were passed out for a few hours initially to bring you here” Akalia tosses in.

This passing out thing is becoming a problem. Hopefully, we can stay lucid for longer than a few hours this time.

“Alright, you fool enough talking I wanna be home before dark.” Keshat yells out as he climbs up on my Talion express “Let's go!”

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