《MMORPG: THE FALLEN》Ch-1 Innate Ability





I glared at the clone in front of me, my hands clutched my knees harder as I continued to take deep breaths. I heard the sound of the door opening so I hastily swiped at my right hand and the clone disappeared.

"What are you doing here Miss Grey?"

Slowly I stood straight and turned to look at her, her red hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, clear azure colored eyes scanning me, her lips pulled into a frown. Her demeanor instantly commanding respect as her perfect figure stared at me with her arms crossed. She kept looking at my soaking form before saying, "It has been a year already, would you stop torturing yourself-"

I cut her off by picking up my knife before turning away and swiping at my right hand, adjusting the fitness index for the clone before hitting confirm. The wall on the opposite side opened and a white clone appeared, indicating that its base fitness level was 10.

I lowered my centre of gravity and got ready to dash or defend when her figure flashed by me, I could clearly see her duck beneath the swing of the clone easily and punching it straight where the clone's heart should be.

[Damage exceeding threshold exceeded]

[Congratulations on passing 10th level]


I turned away and placed my daggers back-


I heard her quiet voice, I turned back to see her uncomfortable face, "-We're joining the Multiverse tomorrow, join my team, there are still lifestyle professions on which you can focus, maybe accept the offer that Dr Celerene offered you, becoming a fighter is not the only way..."

I closed my eyes as she continued, "Aunty called yesterday, she's worried, you haven't talked to her for a year-"

"Stop calling her Aunty-" I glared at her, "-We don't owe each other anything, so move on will you."


"WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN!!!" She screamed at me before her voice was barely a whisper, "-your fitness index keeps falling behind every day, even Ken is stronger than you-" She came closer and I could see the pain reflecting in her eyes, "-you don't have the Blake family behind you any more to support you, without the gene solutions you'll keep falling behind, so why don't you change your specialty, you know the gene researchers are treated as equal to the fighters, so why, why keep struggling for that pride of yours."

'Maybe what you said should have been my reaction, is it worth it trying to struggle, using every penny that I have saved to gain low-level gene solutions to increase my fitness level even just a little bit-'

"Goodbye Rem" I smiled at her slightly and turned away.

'Maybe I won't ever reach the heights I could have if I had awakened an Innate ability, but I still had a headstart over normal people who could only scrape by, maybe I won't reach the standards of the 4 great families...'

I pressed the button as the door opened and I walked from the training facility and towards the dorm, I looked at my wrist and the congratulations message was still displayed on my I.V.

'Four more hours until I can enter the Multiverse, although the difference in the real world would continue to increase and some people would have a headstart due to their Innate abilities-'

I shook my head clearing away the negative thoughts, 'Levels, stats, titles, skills... I just have to make sure that I won't lose to anyone in that area and I'll be fine...'


2 hours later

Mars Military Academy Dorm Room-423

I went through the steps one last time and cleared everything, checked on the nutrient solution, locked the door with a password, connected it to my I.V, and then laid down on the capsule, picking up the helmet that had the words 'note' written on its side I secured it on my head and closed my eyes.


'Establish Connection...'

Establishing Connecting ... Binding Class 5 Note Capsule ... Name Registered Adam Blake ... Connect I.V?


I.V connected... Time left until Integration starts, 11 hour, 57 minutes, 34 Seconds... Choose Profession? you have 21 Character creation cards left...

'Let's get it over with, I have 21 attempts, I need to at least get a rare class...'

Drawing Cards... Please select one to choose your profession...

Every year for twelve hours the character creation window will appear, everyone has a 0.01% chance to get one free character creation chance every year which they can either use or sell to anyone else, that is how the 10 extra character creation cards that I got from Mom were purchased. Through every character creation card, you can one card at random from a stack of 100 cards. It is entirely based on luck which class you get, well at least that's how it was supposed to be...


I looked wide-eyed as the information of almost 90% of the cards was displayed in front of me


[Apprentice Hunter of Artemis] [Class type- warrior] [Main weapon- Dagger] [Class Restriction-Female] [Class Quality- Rare]


[Apprentice Priest of Shiva] [Class Type- Priest] [Main weapon- Staff] [Class Restriction-none] [Class Quality- Rare]


[Apprentice Blacksmith of Hephaestus] [Class Type- Blacksmith] [Main weapon- None] [Class Restriction-none] [Class Quality- Rare]


[Initiate Alchemist of Dionysus] [Class Type- Alchemist ] [Main weapon- None] [Class Restriction-none] [Class Quality- Uncommon]


[Initiate Warrior] [Class Type- Warrior ] [Main weapon- Meele] [Class Restriction-none] [Class Quality- common]


Of the 100 Cards that appeared in front of me, I could see the information that should be hidden for 94 of them, there were 60 Common white cards, 30 uncommon green cards, and 4 rare blue cards. The rest of the 6 cards were hidden and looked like normal cards according to the presentation.

'What happened? Did I get a bugged helmet? No there are no bugs in Multiverse...'

I clicked on the Blacksmith card and a system prompt appeared.

Congratulations! You drew a Rare Profession, Apprentice Blacksmith of Hephaestus

[Would you like to bind Apprentice Blacksmith of Hephaestus to your I.V.]


As the Popup disappeared and my senses returned I lifted my arms and removed the helmet, after swiping on my I.V a new window appeared.

[Available Profession Cards]

[Apprentice Blacksmith of Hephaestus]




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