《Don't Cross My Vampire Girlfriend》Chapter 21: Frightful Demons


“Tell me something little girl, why must you get in the way of my fun?” The demoness stroked her bountiful breasts, causing thick drips of sweat to bead down her stark purple skin. The creature was fierce in stature, and frighteningly beautiful. Horns extended from her brow, and a whip lash tail curled around her wide hips. The creatures eyes were obsidian gemstones bearing a small kernel of flame, like a lighthouse beacon guiding ones soul towards the darkness.

She ignored the rush of excitement as best she could, keeping her feet planted while facing the monstrous woman. The hero instead focused on the poor warden trapped in her thrall. “I will stop you!” Her determination echoed through the small room.

“But why?” The demoness asked. “I’m only giving this poor man everything he wants, and so much more.” The sound of distant violins surrounded her, complimenting her lustful aura.

“You’re a fiend!”

“Am I? This man has lived a long life of misery, he’s so alone…and miserable.” As if to agree with her, the warden began to drool while standing in silence. The look of platitude on his face was bizarre.

“What do you have to gain from this?” The hero realized the question was mute, for it didn’t matter. The demoness was an abomination, a malefic creature that needed to be destroyed. And yet, watching it stroke its tiny waist made the hero want to drop her sword. She resisted, clinging to the blade while bringing her shield up high. Her armor, while not covering all vital areas, gleamed from the flame light as she took on a fighters stance.

“I give him his every want and desire, and in return I feed off his life force,” The demoness ignored the hero’s renewed stance.

“You’re killing him!”

“Nonsense, I’m merely sharing his life force.” The hero knew this was a lie. There was no sharing with a demon creature. Only the wanton indulgence of the abomination. It would sap the wardens strength, his life, and his very soul until there was nothing left. By the time she was done, there would be only a withered carcass laying on the floor.


The hero couldn’t allow that to happen. She wouldn’t allow that to happen. “I won’t let you.”

“Again I’ll ask, why?” The demoness stroked the bud of her left breast, causing it to grow stiff. “You have nothing to gain by challenging me. I mean you no harm. You can simply walk away, and go save your chief enchanter.”

The hero wondered how this creature knew of her mission. Time was short, and without the chief enchanter all was lost. Yet still, the hero couldn’t just walk by and ignore this monstrosity. How many other’s would follow in this things wake before the chief enchanter was saved, and had the strength to repel the magic of the tower? The hero wouldn’t allow this.

“Leave you be?” The hero mocked the demoness’s own words. “So that you can feast upon another when you’re done with this poor man. I think not!”

The stark flame of her obsidian eyes burned, a sign of its frustration. The demoness scoffed, clenched her fists, and pushed the warden aside.

“Fine! You’ll regret this!” The demoness extended its hand, and a curtain of flame descended upon the hero.

“Are you seriously playing games!” Maggie’s voice contained every ounce of frustration as the demoness in the game. Kyle jerked back with alarm, dropping the controller, and leaving his hero character to wash in flames. A giant ‘game over’ series of letters appeared at the front of the screen, signaling the end of the hero’s quest.

“Honey!” Kyle turned the chair around, and tried to appear accommodating. Wearing his sweat pants, and loose robe, he probably came off as guilty and disheveled.

“Reby’s in danger, your wife is hungry, and you’re here playing games!” Kyle listened to his wife with a quivering smile. He knew it was the hormones talking, his wife’s mood swings were even worse during the first pregnancy. The memories of some of her earlier rampages still haunted his dreams. Kyle did his best to look his wife in the eyes, rather than gaze towards her voluptuous chest which was barely covered under a loose gown.


The day before, Kyle had striven to prepare a full dinner for her, only to meet her anger. Maggie was livid with the thought that she couldn’t cook for herself, or needed him. Today, after watching the news, Maggie was clingy for his attention, and service.

After twelve hours of working from home, while on the phone with emergency services about what was going on in New Orleans, Kyle just needed a moment to catch his breath. Once Maggie was asleep, and his son put to bed, he snuck to his office where he kept his gaming computer. For two solid hours he had progressed along the main story, until now.

“Honey, I’ll warm up some left overs. What are you hungry for?” He raised his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

“I don’t want left-overs.” Maggie looked over to the computer screen. “And why are you playing a female character?”

Kyle froze, not sure how to respond. He tried to explain how female characters were always shorter and leaner, making them harder to hit from magical attacks. Thus there was a small advantage, and he was able to progress faster. The truth, however, was that he liked watching the backside of the female character as he explored the game. The third person camera offered him a pretty nice view.

Not wanting to die, he did his best to explain to his heavily pregnant wife all the logical reasons why he would play the game with a fairly attractive female warrior. All the while, ignoring the sharp glare from his wife. He knew he was in trouble when her fangs began poking through her lips.

“Food, blood, and more food…now!” Maggie crossed her arms just underneath her milk laden breasts.

“Of course my love!” Kyle jumped from his seat, and rushed passed her.

Just as he reached the door, he felt her fingers latch onto his arm. “Oh, and dear?” Her voice was subtle, sweet, and somehow terrifying. “I never want to see that harlot again!” Her eyes darted toward the monitor, as if the character he was playing was a real person.

Kyle gulped, and could feel the sweat cascading down his brow. “Consider the entire play through deleted.”

He knew he was a precious second away from seeing her throw his computer out the window if he protested. By the grace of god, and the mercy of all the angels, his vampire queen softened her composure.

“Do we have any AB positive samples?” Maggie asked curiously. Evidently her hunger for sustenance was close to outweighing typical food.

As a vampire himself, Kyle preferred O negative. It was simple, easy to find, and had a subtle aftertaste. AB positive was far rarer, and a little too spicy for him. Somehow, it was another thing Maggie craved during her later months of pregnancy.

“I have a small vial left, I’ll stop by the blood bank tomorrow and see if they have any more.” He doubted they would, and if they did it would be expensive.

“That’ll do, I guess.” Maggie walked with him out of the small study. She offered a single sharp glare over the shoulder, just before closing the door. Kyle could just feel her spite for the video game, and knew he would have to be more careful with future play-throughs.

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