《Sunset of the Dragons》Chapter 18: Battle of Mt. Geolith
Lightning and thunder continued to crackle above them. Aquis and Kyltmyne were chained to the mountain while Azor flew above, but not as high as the storm clouds.
Lightning bolts struck the mountain missing the ancient dragons and Akai.
"She did say that she couldn't properly control it." Akai whispered to himself as he prepared himself. His wings flapped above. His tail swung back and forth in anticipation. His yellow reptilian eyes moved between the dragons waiting for one of them to make a move. He held the sword's grip firmly while white flames spewed out of it.
The heat from the fire could be felt by all of the dragons. The snow around him began to melt as they passed by. The tip of the mountain started to melt over.
Kytlmyne and Aquis tried to escape the chains, but with every movement, the chain constricted more and more. Kytlmyne roared in agony and tried to move his wings off of the chains, but as he did so, the chains squeezed. His wings began to crack and he stopped.
He roared with all of his might as two trees grew on his back in seconds. Then, vines appeared to grow out of the snowy mountain surrounding the forest dragon creating a protective barrier around himself as he tried not to move.
Aquis calmly transformed her scales into a hard icy shell as she saw the forest dragon's resistance was futile.
They both covered themselves with protection as lightning bolts struck the mountain area.
Akai looked down upon the ancient dragons. For only a second, he thought that facing the ancient dragons was a mistake, but he shook his head throwing away those thoughts.
In that moment, Azor charged at Akai from above with speed of lightning. Akai quickly reacted in time to dodge the charge. As he dodged, he noticed giant ice spikes being shot up at him. Aquis formed spikes of ice by freezing the snow around her and shooting them at Akai like projectiles. Akai took his blade and began cutting ice spikes that were going to hit him. As he did so, Kytlmyne's vines reached up towards Akai. At the same time, Azor began ascending while being below the storm and dodging lightning bolts. Akai saw the vines coming towards him and he flew in the opposite direction of them.
Azor flew up and breathed out balls of fire towards Akai. Akai was being barraged by balls of fire on one side and ice spikes on another. A lightning bolt almost struck Kyltmyne and he recalled his vines. Kytlmyne focused on the defensive and created a protective barrier around himself using plants and vines. The lightning was shooting faster and more erratically. The winds from the storm sped up.
Akai dodged back and forth between the fire and ice. Some ice spikes bounced off of the enchanted armor that he was wearing, but some shards penetrated Akai's skin. Fireballs were being shot at from Azor's high position. Akai was able to dodge most of the fire, and his armor was able to protect him from the ones that did hit. Luckily, none were able to hit his wings, otherwise, he would be incapacitated. "I'm too small of a target for them. I can dodge their attacks, but if they get one good hit at me, I'm finished," Akai said aloud to himself.
Lightning began to concentrate themselves on the chained ancient dragons. The witch can't control where the lightning strikes, but the metal chains were attracting the electricity. Aquis' ice armor was being hit by lightning and Kytlmyne's vines and plants were being torched. The forest dragon continued growing more plants from the ground to replace to destroyed ones. Aquis, even though she was being struck at by electricity, continued to fire ice spikes at Akai.
"Damn it! I'm being pushed back! The lightning is barely having an effect," Akai complained as he swerved from the oncoming barrage of fire and ice.
As he did so, he flew straight towards Azor and his barrage of fire from above. Akai thought he should focus on the one that isn't chained to the mountain. The forest dragon formed an opening within the walls of plants surrounding him. Kytlmyne began to shoot his own fire into the barrage from the hole. Red fireballs shot out through the hole and at Akai.
Akai noticed them and continued to dodge what he could. He still got hit on his armor a couple of times, but they didn't hurt him as much as they would have.
As Akai approached closer to Azor, the sky dragon flew himself upwards towards the storm.
Lightning began to shoot near Azor and Akai. Akai dodged a lightning strike that would have collided with his head if he hadn't moved. Akai took his white flaming sword and flew closer to Azor.
The ice spikes and Kytlmyne's fireballs were too spread out at the height they were at.
Azor moved higher and higher. Akai's wings flapped faster with adrenaline. He held his blade pointed at Azor while swerving from the sky dragon's fireballs.
As Akai approached closer, Azor flew higher to the point where the storm clouds touched. The moment his wings touched the cloud, lightning struck at Azor. His wings turned black as coal.
Akai slowed down as Azor descended. He tried to flap his wings, but in that instant, another lightning bolt struck. Zap! Azor's back was electrocuted. Zap, zap, zap. More lightning struck the sky dragon. His eyes blanked out. Akai saw his chance. As Azor fell, Akai took his blade and striked his sword aiming at the dragon's neck. However, the sky dragon quickly woke himself up and smacked Akai with his tail.
Akai was forced back towards Mt. Geolith, but instead of continuing to fall, he kept flying.
Azor flapped his wings slowly as he descended. His wings were damaged, but still, albeit painful, usable.
Akai was now in range of Aquis' and Kytlmyne's projectiles. The ice spikes and fireballs from the mountain collided with Akai. His armor took most of the blunt force, but he still felt sharp pain all around him. He took a second to readjust himself and then went back to dodging the oncoming wave.
Azor kept descending even as he flapped. The sky dragon's breath was short and weak. As he continued downwards, he closed his eyes.
Akai noticed this and saw the dragon's weakened state and thought that this was his chance. Akai dodged the barrage of ice and fire as he made his way towards Azor. As Akai got close enough, Azor's eyes spring open.
"Fooled you," Azor said as he flipped his tail and smacked Akai with a more powerful force than his last.
The force pushed Akai towards the mountain as he was being shot from behind. None of the ice or fire hit him, but he turned his body over, so that if they do, they would most likely hit his armor, rather than his back. He swung at the ice spikes and dodged the fireballs.
He was able to stop himself near the tip of the mountain.
Azor flew slowly near the mountain.
Now, that Akai was close to Kytlmyne and Aquis. The forest dragon grew vines on the tip of the mountain towards the young dragon. The vines grew thorns and tried to grab Akai. Akai swinged his blade at the plants and they burned in an instant.
Aquis breathed out fire that was cold as ice. Akai flew back away from the mountain avoiding the ice breath.
He turned around and saw Azor trying to keep flying. The ancient dragon was tired and heavily wounded, but Akai didn't want to get close in fear of getting tricked again. Akai began breathing red fire out of his visor towards Azor, but the flames were too weak to hurt him.
Akai looked around the area. Azor was flying above him, while Aquis and Kytlmyne were chained up to the mountain.
Aquis began forming more ice spikes. Akai was between Azor and the mountain. Lightning still struck around the area, but they weren't hitting anything. Azor was too weak to shoot out his own flames, but might have been capable to fighting back when Akai gets close to him.
Akai thought of an idea. He stood still. Aquis' ice spikes surrounded her. A momentary standoff.
Aquis looked at Akai before firing off the projectiles. At that moment, he concentrated on his blade.
"Hotter. Hotter. Hotter," he said to himself as he closed his eyes. He couldn't feel the fire himself as he was the wielder.
The snow around him began to melt faster. The snow falling near him turned to water in an instant. As the ice projectiles came nearer. They melted into liquid and then burst into steam.
Steam surrounded Akai. The ancient dragons were no longer able to see him. In that moment, the steam began to spread across the mountain and above. The ancient dragons were now covered in the steam.
In that moment, Azor tried to fly away at a faster pace, but the pain was becoming too unbearable. The adrenaline that was pumping through him no longer existed. Azor kept turning his head in the steam. He wasn't able to see anybody, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Akai.
The dragon in human form flew to Azor's location and cut the dragon's neck, instantly cauterizing it in the process. No blood was ever spilled. The look of suprise was glued to Azor's face as he died.
Azor's body and head fell beneath the steam and down the mountain.
Lightning continued to strike.
Akai's burning fire didn't last long. The steam shrank around them.
Aquis created large spikes of ice surrounding herself. She watched for any sign of Akai and waited.
The steam further shrank. Kytlmyne kept himself covered in vines covered with thorns.
The steam shrank and shrank until there was nothing left except more snow and lightning.
But Akai and Azor was nowhere to be seen. He was no longer above the mountain.
Aquis turned her head downwards, but it was too late. Akai flew up with incredible speed and stabbed an opening that he saw in Aquis' neck. Aquis tried to scream, but Akai quickly cut the head hoping that he wouldn't have to make her suffer.
The wound was instantly cauterized as the head and spikes of ice fell down the mountain. The body continued to be held in place by the chains.
Akai flew up on the side of the mountain. Kytlmyne's face was in shock, but the vines covering him kept it hidden. Only his widened eyes could be seen from holes in the barrier.
Akai flew to the side of the mountain opposite of Kytlmyne and took a long breath. The forest dragon prepared himself and grew more vines surrounding the entire mountain. Flowers began to sprout in the snowiest of areas.
Akai took his flaming sword and with a mighty roar, he slashed the side of the mountain with the fury of a thousand dragons. His blade created a beam of white fire penetrating through the mountain. Vines reached towards Akai, but were instantly vaporized by the sudden heat. Kytlmyne could feel the heat. His vines began to go out in flames. He continued to grow more and more to replace them, but they weren't enough. White flames melted through the barrier and struck the forest dragon.
Akai took many breaths. The top of the mountain has turned into a plateau. The fire on Akai's sword still glowed, thought less instensely. The top of the mountain was completely destroyed. Lightning bolts struck the now plateau.
He looked back at where Kytlmyne was and saw the forest dragon still alive. His body was burned to black. His wings were charred and had gaping holes in them. Kytlmyne breathed heavily and coughed profusely. Blood spat out as he coughed.
Akai was taken aback. He couldn't believe his eyes. The ancient dragon of the forest still lived after that.
Akai flew towards the forest dragon, slowly. He noticed that Kytlmyne was weak, but didn't want to be overconfident.
The lightning storm still flew above the mountain shooting lightning. Kytlmyne's barrier was turned to ash and its ash turned to dust, yet the ancient dragon, ruler of the forests, was still breathing.
The chains on Kytlmyne were still on him. "I can't believe you survived that," Akai said.
Kytlmyne stared and coughed, but didn't respond.
"You know, you always were -," ZAP!
A lightning bolt struck Akai's back. The shock ran through his entire body. He fell to the ground on his knees. He tried to hold himself up from the agonzing pain using his blade. His sword was no longer on fire. He tried to calm himself and get back up, but it was too late.
Kytlmyne took a long breath in.
And he fired a large ball of flames at Akai as he looked up at the coming fire.
The ball of fire hit him and his surrounding area as rocks and ash flew up in the air. Akai was pushed back over the edge of the once great top of Mt. Geolith.
He fell alongside rocks and his sword. His eyes went dark as he fell from the mountain.
Miura heard lots of fighting going on from above. She stayed near the top of the mountain while using her magical chains to hold the ancient dragons and her storm to shoot heavy bolts of lightning around the battle.
Suddenly a heavy shock jolted inside of her body. Her branded neck glowed with intense heat. Her knees weakened from the pain. Her bloodshot eyes dilated. Her chains clutched her harder than before to keep her from falling off the side of the mountain. She knew that the pain was from hurting Akai. Miura assumed that one of her lightning bolts struck Akai by accident. She was hoping that Akai would be too small of a target compared to the other dragons to actually get hit by one. But hope didn't alter the facts. Her markings signifying her servant-hood glowed in response to hurting her so-called master.
A pool of vomit and blood burst out of her mouth. The chains held tighter around her waist as that was now the only safeguard between life and death. The vomit dropped down into the depths below. She wiped off the vomit and sweat from her face, and tried to readjust herself back on the cold icy slopes.
She continued to latch onto the sides of the mountain, hoping not to fall off from the heavy winds and falling debris.
Suddenly a loud explosion shook the entire mountain. She kept herself steady with her magical chains.
"What is going on up there?" She asked herself.
Time passed and she looked up. She saw Akai fall in front of her. "Oh no!" she screamed as she used recalled her magical chains to grab Akai.
On top of the mountain, the chains holding Kytlmyne were recalled back into the ground. The storm clouds above turned to sunshine. The winds calmed itself.
The ancient dragon painfully limped on the plateau. He tried to flap his wings, but pain overtook him. He coughed and wheezed. His throat was burned alongside the rest of his body. His wings were barbecued. His body was charred in black. Even with the pain, he needed to fly away. The forest dragon moved faster and flapped his wings harder.
He jumped off the plateau and began flying slowly away as his coughs could be heard around the mountain.
Miura's chains reached towards Akai and grabbed his foot. She sighed with relief. Miura looked up and saw the ancient dragon fly away with grievous injuries.
Akai opened his eyes and his last vision was his blade falling with the rest of the debris. His eyes closed again as his mind fell into darkness.
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ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ 11:11 ᴡɪsʜ
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