《Treading Twilight》7 || Starlight Disciples
So, the appearance of Sir Newsitt left Terrance and Reia locking stares, and the trembling in his eyes told her she would have seriously wounded him, and for a split moment, Reia might've pitied him.
Too bad her face probably needed to see a few healers.
His eyes fell to her photon sword and it looked as if he was putting together just what was about to happen to his limb, so he didn't even care to address the battle tactics instructor.
"You tried to split my shoulder from my arm!" There was only fury in his voice, but his eyes still trembled, like Reia had committed some sort of transgression. Because everyone knew self-defense was such a horrible and unacceptable act.
"Yes…that would have been an issue " Sir Neswitt was speaking directly to her, his voice deep, calm, yet commanding "Had you removed his arm, I'm sorry to say we'd have to, just as brutally, remove your very arm. Especially since you're not fighting within the respected grounds of a duel. Does the hallway look like the arena, Ms. Welsh, Mr. Mac, Ms. Marina?" he pointed at them, unamused.
The three students all looked at each other, everyone concerned as to how knew all their last names when Reia was probably the only one who had his class.
"No." They all said together.
"And yet there are still three bloody teenagers in front of me. You had enough time to stop fighting, but your persuasion was to keep going regardless? Why? We gave you ample time to stop—so, what the hell compelled you three to continue such a pointless dung-show that could have cost you your lives before you've even had the chance to be the king's instruments." Now, he was slowly pacing around them, a long sword about 5 feet in length, sheathed at his back.
Respect was demanded, his eyes looked calm, but at that moment she knew he was analyzing, dissecting the three students like a frog on the operating table.
This… was probably the part of the job he'd dreamed of as a kid wasn't it? So cool, yelling at children, indifferent to whether they were defending themselves or not.
"Sir Neswitt, there is a huge social hierarchy lifestyle discrepancy that needs to be addressed—" Maila was explaining but Sir Neswitt, frowned at the mention and gave a glare that made her slowly just cease talking.
"You're a knight, are you not?"
And Reia felt the self-righteous rant in his voice and was saddened to admit her slow eye roll.
But Sir Neswitt wither didn't see it, or simply did not care enough "Mr. Mac, what do you say, would die to protect nylon and polyester? We're here to breed killers. Ms. Marina, the king of Azurath puts any captured Dame to axe and stake, need I explain more? What would you do if war between us two nations came? Ms. Welsh, ooh, I've heard a good bit about you. Surely you know better, you were tag teamed by two larger boys who could match you in speed. Was it fair? Did it matter to them?" Neswitt was silent, the floor being some median, as for a few awkward seconds the man seemed to ponder over some distant memory "Hear me, you'll encounter such unfair odds on the battlefield in the near future. Then will you complain that it's all unfair?"
Any dame to death?
So, any serving lady under any crown? Well, at least Reia didn't quite have the dame title yet.
Some places and people were just stupid, and not understandable in any way.
"Yes, it's still unfair!" Reia answered, but her answer only served to irritate Sir Neswitt.
And so was having your students live in terror before they even have a chance to develop and hone their skills.
Terrance raised his hand with the blankest stare "I–I never said it wasn't unfair."
And before she could hold her tongue, she jerked forward in Neswitt's direction "That's it?!"
Sir Neswitt gave her a stare, then pushed his glasses up "Indeed. Killers don't care about fairness. They're here to kill."
And that…was the first time Reia had seen Terrance smile, Maila shook her head but certainly didn't look too surprised at the outcomes.
"That's your justification? Just killers…"
"Ms. Welsh, you seem to have a sour taste towards what I'm saying. Surely, you don't think our methods are without reason."
Without reason?!
"You could lose lives, you guys took like twenty-five minutes to stop a fight where any of us could have died."
"No one would've died, especially while I'm on watch." Sir Neswitt answered it, like he just freaking knew—but there was a certain point earlier where Reia was being kicked around like a damn kid's play ball and not a single soul thought to help? Welp, that was Decorous for you.
Do you see the problem?
"You're so sure—and if they did?"
"Then they were never meant to graduate.", was Sir Neswitt's answer
So, her jaw clenched and there was certainly an invisible chain that clamped down and made the air around them heavy.
No way he had said that to them, to her that was a red flag, and looking over to Maila, when they locked eyes, there was only mutual agreement.
Reia then understood.
Bullying wasn't only ignored and tolerated by the staff—no, if all the tall-tale signs she was getting from the situation were true, then the faculty at Decorous Academy most certainly encouraged it.
When down the steps came Caroline and Akika walking forward with their hands up like they had just been arrested or something—but oh my did they have to make each other's faces so black blue? Caroline's forehead had a huge lump and Akika, red with welts, looked like she had taken several whip welts to the face.
Though actually—looking over at Dennis, Reia probably looked a lot worse than all of them. Thankfully there was no mirror.
And she'd get the Mac brothers back for that.
Dame Foster came down clad in a similar surcoat, her face a frown as Akika and Caroline took the walk of shame down to their level.
"These two ripped apart the girls' bathroom and, head this, all the donations for 'children with green thumbs' foundation flyers have been torn from the walls—I'd just stapled them there too!" Dame Foster was distraught.
Sir Neswitt strolled over to both Caroline and Akika—Akika looked away, intimidated and in shame, but Caroline just picked her ear with her pinky and then blank-face looked Sir Neswitt in the eye.
"What do you have against children born with an affinity for farming?" Sir Neswitt demanded an answer.
Which left Akika and Caroline speechless, and at first it looked like Caroline was going to shoot back some sort of quip, but his question seemed to hit the both of them like someone had just told them to do mental calculus in ten seconds.
"Sir Neswitt—Well, I believe they were just attempting to maul one another and the posters just were there." Dame Foster answered.
"Ah yes, of course. But that still leaves the question. Who in the green pastures of Grento hall, gave you permission to kill each other? And if you've correctly accepted the terms to a duel, why aren't you all in the arena?!"
Huh? Green pastures?
"I was defending myself!" Reia said as a matter of fact.
"I can attest to that." Caroline raised her hand, stepping forward though still staring as if she had no interest in the whole thing.
"It's not self-defense, we're retaliating to an attack executed by Reia Welsh, her, right there!" Reia defended herself, her index pointed, though she wasn't sure if that girl believed her.
Caroline—who in the most inconspicuous and most unnoticeable way possible slid her way beside Reia and Maila, then the three of them all looked at Akika like she had dropped the last bucket of water on Earth and it was about to be fight-night.
And Terrance just reinforced her reply "Yeah, they attacked us first, we're retaliating! See, it's an honor thing."
Newsitt shook his head from side to side, though having the nerve to shoot Reia and her group a disappointed glare.
Oh yeah, because Reia totally just started it, cool it's an honor thing.
"Ms. Welsh, you have been causing major issues among the student body. And as your instructor, I suggest you cease all shenanigans! We don't condone club wars."
Shenanigans? When were people going to stop using that stupid word!
Sir Nesbitt then told the surrounding sentinels "And good lord! Can one of you bring something for their faces, at least wipe the blood off! Look at all that swelling, my goodness!"
Okay, did he have to look at her when he said that?
So she looked at him like he was stupid, "False! What? No way you believe that!"
And of course, Sir Neswitt had an answer "Regardless. You're all still in violation."
"They're always in violation, but we're the only ones held accountable! And for self-defense?!" Reia spat.
"You're only getting pressed because you've allowed yourselves to get caught. Had it been a shorter scuffle, I'd have to say that, indeed not a single soul would have held you accountable. But, now that you've cut into your own learning time, you've successfully put yourself in this position." he spoke smoothly, like what he was saying was obvious.
But Reia didn't particularly like their tone of voice or mainly their refusal to acknowledge the abuse or the fact that you can be attacked in school and have no justice unless self-extracted.
And right, so, she would just have to self-extract justice herself.
"We were attacked!" Reia shouted.
The two instructors just looked at Reia as if to say: 'so what?'
And at that moment, she was done and her mood for arguing has tossed itself into the trash compactor.
So, Maila interjected "I don't know what happened in the beginning, but Reia would never, without reason, start a fight with anyone! I came to help her because these two boys had ganged up on her and I couldn't just let my friend take an L like that!"
"Huh?…Take an L?" Sir Newsitt repeated like it was the most disgusting and confusing thing he'd ever heard from a student.
"I would have been seriously hurt had it not been for her! So much more was done for me by her, than any instructor or sentinel ever in the history of this place—now sir Neswitt I have class, can I leave?"
Sir Neswitt only gave a half-assed reply, with some weird 'hmph' noise, like her question wasn't worth an answer.
"Do we look like the type to start issues for no reason?" Terrance added, getting everyone to look at him, which was ironic because wasn't looking at a single one of them, instead, he watched his unconscious brother get hauled off on a stretcher.
Good for him.
"What was the name of that club you were forming? You know that pathetic shit you said you guys were starting Caroline?" Akika's question came suddenly and with a superior undertone.
And with a quick hand raise with one arm and a shoulder nudge to Reia, Caroline answered her former opponent "Go on president, what's the name of our new club, again?"
See, at the mention of a new club, Akika stared with a satisfied yet somehow still hostile gaze, Sir Neswitt and Dame Foster were bewildered but looked directly at Reia like Reia had some sort of beans to spill.
Was this happening? Yeah, Reia loved to be put in the spotlight like that, awesome.
"Club?…" for a moment she was silent, not particularly equating her own club into their plans—that was… until then "Right our club! Ri-ight…"
Dame Foster put a hand over her mouth and Sir Neswitt narrowed his eyes.
A few kids were rubbernecking, and Neswitt's glare became focused on them as he silently lipped to them "Mind your own business."
"Right right!" Caroline nodded with a sly smile trying to encourage Reia, though leaving Maila to just look at Caroline perplexed, before her confusion did a complete 180 and Maila was nodding her head like this was something they planned since elementary school, "Now what was the name again? I kinda don't remember…" Caroline said scratching her head and again Reia was left in the spotlight.
There was little time as all eyes shot to her expectantly, forcing the girl to improvise in her silent panic.
Her fingers wiggled against her thigh. When the hell did she get voted as president of some club she didn't even know her school needed?
But at that moment it hit, Decorous Academy needed it!
"Starlight… The Starlight Disciples."
Straight silence.
There wasn't officially a club, but at that moment Reia knew what needed to be done. To combat the ruling elite of the school, to make her last four months at the school more productive than her entire four years.
"Yeah, that was it! I–I mean, I could've come up with a better name than that." Caroline chided.
"So why didn't you?" Reia retorted.
"Well, Reia, I actually like it! And since I might not be kicking it with the Unicorn benders after this—"
"Enough." Sir Neswitt had reached his patience peak, shaking his head "Two weeks, detention, my class, all of you after school! Now, see a medic before heading back to class! I want no injuries unaccounted for!"
Terrance didn't look too happy, Akika didn't seem to care all that much and was satisfied. Maila and Caroline were at Reia's side, a bucket load of questions seeming to be on their faces.
With that said, Reia's new plan for the school's social reform would begin and it all would start with registration for a new club. Her new club!
The Starlight Disciples.
By the final period of the day, Reia found herself in the library, at the far end corner sitting with her advanced magical conjuring textbook, brushing up on her skills.
Purah on the other hand was restless, pacing around the squad table, totally concerned with earlier events.
"The Mac brothers attacked you? I should have known something would happen! But they sent the mac brothers!" So, Purah held up a fist "We can't just graduate in peace, huh? People want to lay their hands on my friend?! I won't let it go down like that!"
"Keep it down, people are studying. Library and all you, know!" Maila reminded Purah with a shushing finger to her own lips, there Maila sat at one of the four ends of the table
"Had I been there, I would've teleported them and dumped them into the nearest trash can!"
As much as Reia wanted to get back at them for brutally attacking her, there was more that needed to be done.
"We'll think about the Mac brothers later…this club I'm putting together, that's what we need to talk about!" Reia pressed her hand into the table for emphasis.
"I'm all for it! Just—I don't know if my club will like it, they'll definitely excommunicate me…" but the concern in Maila's voice was gripping.
"What, we won't have you leave your club for us."
"Yeah, you can stay, we don't want you picking between—."
"No, that's the thing, this is the perfect cause! Shit, this school needs a lot of reform and you Reia you're the first one to really do anything!"
"I don't care for forming a club or even helping random kids—but you guys, I won't let anyone touch you two. Next time, next time I'll be you guys' shield!"
It was very much appreciated to have a friend be so ride or die for her. Though there was still a lot to discuss.
Reia then said "We need six signatures in order to start this club the Starlight Disciples—and I've been thinking, this club should serve as a safe house for any student who's been made fearful by the social elite. And we don't even have a registration paper!"
"It's in Ms. Nowhare's office, I have her first period. I don't quite know where she's at, I think she may have left." Maila said.
"So, where do I get a registration paper from?" Reia looked to Maila for the answer.
"…her office, she's head of all club activities."
"Isn't it locked?" Reia said.
"Well, yeah."
"Oh, great, helps out so much, Maila." Purah huffed before taking a quick seat. "They have the office barrier shielded, right, so I can't just try to teleport in and out? Tough…"
Typically, most officers were protected with a barrier seal that keeps teleporters such as Purah away from important documents and items.
A no-no, zone.
But that didn't discourage Reia, "If it's locked, I'm sure I can just find a way to open and squeeze through the window."
But Purah became really worried at this "A window? Those tight basement windows? No, look at all that cargo you're carrying, your butt will never fit! Remember when you got stuck at Blutarks cavern and the gum-gum spell didn't work."
Reia totally-absolutely appreciated being reminded of how big her ass was and that horrendously painful experience.
So, of course, she considered her friend's words for a second, looked down at herself with a quick twist, and curiously asked "Really? You think I'll get stuck for hours?"
Purah nodded insistently "Yes! Let me do it for you!"
Well, if Purah was so confident and Reia could avoid getting stuck…
"You don't even like the idea of a safe house..."
"I mean, I don't see the point in it, graduation is around the corner, those kids can defend themselves like we had to. But… I love you guys and want to help every way I can!"
The heavy footsteps of what sounded like horseshoes, squeaked against creaky floorboards drew the trio to a small brown unicorn with a mane that literally burned with an orange flame, the unicorn walked over with a pink envelope in his mouth, dropped it in Maila's lap and did an about-face, before moving to the exit.
Reia held her nose the entire time, in her experience, it was better for when they walked by:
The three all looked intently towards the retreating figure, then Reia slowly tilted her head with inquiry, but in a way as to not seem rude.
Maila opened it without further permission and both Reia and Purah politely waited for her eyes to gloss to the bottom page.
And for a moment, Malia's eyes grew red and puffy, as she kept reading.
Reia reached a hand over to her friend's side of the table "You alright?"
Blinking rapidly, Maila answered "Oh yeah, they haven't excommunicated me on the grounds of treason…yet. But I've been suspended from all meetings for the rest of the year—and their reason, you wanna hear this? This is Riiich!" Maila laughed, though two tears from each eye managed to escape, then she read aloud, skipping a huge paragraph about her contributions, "…however because of your affiliations and actions today against officials from a fellow ally club, the unicorn benders hereby strip you of title, rank, and ability to enter clubroom, for the remainder of the semester and graduating year."
Affiliations and actions? That was fast!
And immediately Reia felt her heart crumble, Maila was removed from the Unicorn benders because of her. Maila knew the consequences, she even said that this would happen, but Reia understood that Maila didn't clean up animal dung and move giant haystacks because she wanted to see unicorns burning. And here Maila was doing this on Reia's very own behalf, it was all Reia's fault if she were being honest.
"Maila I'm so sorry I—" But Reia couldn't finish.
"Don't be!" Maila pushed herself to her feet standing both palms planted on the table and holding her head high "I understood the consequences, I even read the Daily Decorous earlier and, I'm sorry that I have to admit this, I almost believed it. But then, I remembered those bastards had tried me when I was clubless too. And I knew there was no way that you, Reia, would hit anyone that many times without fairly a good reason. And look, what I discovered? Your reason is, like, the noblest reason for anything in this freaking school! Screw those unicorn benders, they clearly no longer want me!" Maila hit the table, and she swore the entire floor shook. Thankfully, Maila was sensible enough not to use her full brawn.
It was okay, Reia took her friend's hand as Maila sat, a flurry of apologies coming out of Reia's mouth.
"Well, it's certainly noble…" Purah said, then she chugged a bottle of water empty in mere seconds "I hardly call it the noblest reason in Decorous. Hear me, perhaps those getting bullied could simply get stronger? That's what we did."
But Purah and Reia were always above average, it was easy to say this. When they first had to acclimate to Decorous it was easier for them.
"I'm sure some are trying.", Reia reassured.
"Reia, if anything, I'll be one of the freaking first to register as a starting member of the Starlight Disciples!"
"Oh, so we're serious?" Purah said, more curious than in agreement Reia noticed.
"Yeah, you still want to get those papers for me, otherwise I'll jus—"
Purah sighed but gave a small grin "Okay if you're both so serious I'll do it for you, hell I'll even join up. But, you must really care for Blanket."
But Reia gave no answer.
Yeah, she cared for Blanket and everyone else who practically was defenseless against more talented knights.
At that moment, Maila tossed over a wheat color sack, gave it a good shake and they heard something in the bag before she neatly planted it on the table with a smile.
Purah and Reia had to give each other a quick glance to make sure they both understood that something weird could possibly happen.
"Right, Purah, go on, put your hand in the bag."
"Look, Maila, that's not a normal demand to make. I don't jus—" Purah shily said.
Maila reinforced sternly but with a devious smile "Just put your damn hand in the bag and grab whichever one you grab first."
Purah understood the message, so Purah, not wanting to get on Maila's bad side, said: "Why am I doing this?"
"It's a gift for all of us, now go on I insist!" Maila said to both of them, definitely gaining some attention from those around them
Okay, it was getting strange, but Purah rolled her eyes and did as was demanded and reached in.
It sounded like change in someone's pocket…
Pop, and out came a black toy unicorn, no bigger than a pencil. Like an all obsidian unicorn, with a giant mane that fluffed out like one of those long industrial mops, the unicorn stood on its hind legs.
Purah looked it over, "Um, beautiful unicorn, Maila."
"It's yours. No take-backs!"
"What? Really?"
Purah blinked and turned to Reia who just shrugged.
"Your turn, Reia." Maila then shook the bag again like they were marbles.
Was there any specific reason Maila wanted them to take toys? Reia reached her hand inside and grabbed the hard figurines like some weird plastic cold, heavy, though just as Purah had said, they were beautiful.
But…Reia didn't really like unicorns… not in the slightest.
It was a less loud-colored unicorn, standing on all fours and looking behind itself, it was gray and for some reason, the toy just seemed more docile. If that was an accurate description of an inanimate item. Like crafted by a master.
"And so Reia, that's yours…a gift." And the brunette-haired girl bowed.
"Where did you get these, Maila?"
With a wink Maila just gave a weird smile, not even giving them an answer as she pulled out a white unicorn, standing on three legs and one leg triumphantly planted mid-air.
Instead of answering her question Maila softly cleared her throat and said "Chosen at random, these toys are a token to our new agreement." then Maila paused, gathering her thoughts
What was Reia supposed to even do with this? Leave it back at her dorm along with her handheld mirror?
Maila continued "For luck and to our new upcoming club—that'll be so much better than my last shitty club! So, let's be successful in our endeavors and save this school from bullshit hierarchies that serve to help nobody!"
"To teach kids how to stand up for themselves and others." Reid declared.
"To be the greatest defender of noble causes—you know, for peace!" Maila should've been a bobblehead the way she was nodding her head.
"To protect my friends." Purah kept her eyes on her unicorn, confused but at least content.
And the trio was in agreement.
Right there in that library, the three new leaders of the Starlight Disciples were decided at that moment.
And of course, they would've included Caroline, but the girl had politely declined such burdensome responsibilities.
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While in English exists only one word for it, the ancient Greeks with their aim for self-understanding and knowledge found eight different varieties of love that we might all experience at some point:1. Eros (Erotic love) - represents the idea of sexual passion and desire;2. Philia (Affectionate love) - friendship, love between equals;3. Storge (Familial love) - love between close family members;4. Ludus (Playful love) - the early stages of falling in love;5. Mania (Obsessive love) - an imbalance between eros and ludus;6. Pragma (Enduring love) - love that has matured and developed over time;7. Philautia (Self love) - self-love in its healthiest form;8. Agape (Selfless love) - the highest and most radical type of love.(Unless stated otherwise, everything except the art belongs to me.)
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