《My Classmate is QiLin》News of the New Students


"Many thanks to your majesty for the answer."

Dianthe thought for a moment as if in a trance.

"Well, the news from the Broken Maze in Africa recently came that the Anubis Werewolves of the United Arab Emirates have agreed to send student representatives and guardians to participate in this social experiment, and the new myth-based bioexchange students are on their way."

"Woah... When will the new student representative arrive? I'm going to get ready!"

Dianthe thought with anticipation, just like anyone would be curious about the exchange student from a foreign country, after all, anyone with curiosity would be attracted by new things, which is human nature.

"He is expected to arrive in the United States this weekend if nothing else, but unlike you, he has not lived in human society for a long time, so he will need short-term training from the mythological biological exchange bureau, and he will be able to report to school next month."

"Your majesty, are we going to be in the same class?"

"Well, even if it is not the same class, it will definitely be arranged in the same school. I know you are very nervous and looking forward to seeing other foreign mythical creatures.

Na-Jia's authority in the MRP Foundation is high, but not in all respects. There are some things she didn't know in the first place.

"Oh, that's wonderful!"

"Oh yes! After that, student representatives of mythological creatures from other worlds will arrive in succession in the upcoming month. You, as the first mythological creature to arrive at the school, must pay attention to guiding them! Take care of new student representatives, especially those who are prone to accidents. After all, not all student representatives can adapt to human society in the first place.

"Good! I will try my best to be like my predecessors. This time, I will never do anything wrong again!"


Dianthe said loudly, she remembered her humiliation when she was bullied by Michael and Blair, her heart was more and more firm, her eyes were no longer the kind of honest and dutiful when she first came to the class, but another kind of serious attitude to start first.

Na-Jia nodded approvingly. She could sense a change in her student representative.

"Well, go to bed early at night! I'll be looking forward to the test results at the end of this month."

"Yes, I will, Your Majesty!"

Dianthe puffed her chest and saluted Her Majesty, then ended the call and put the communication device back in her schoolbag, relieved.

At this time the sky is developing from dusk tonight, the sun is only but a beam of light left in the skyline so that the sky is like a curtain has been opened in a corner; from time to time let the stars mushroomed out.

"Her Majesty says I know myself, but what is that strange feeling in my soul? Why was she so happy when I only smiled at Her Majesty? What does Chris think of me?"

Though some doubts were removed, there were still new ones, some of which troubled her, and some of which were gone in a flash.

She thought to consider herself to think impassability, be inferior to enjoy the current life more seriously. Review a course diligently is the most important thing to do for now!

Dianthe thought and began feeling a lot better. She picked up her backpack and went to her home in the suburbs...

Kunlun, the capital of the Eastern Dragon Theocracy.

A magnificent golden palace stands on the top of a high mountain, and the clouds cover the lower part of it. From the height, it looks like an island floating on the Sea of clouds. The golden palace beyond the sea of clouds is one of the highest buildings in Mountain Sea World.


The golden palace is different from the architectural style of the western temples. It is the architectural style of the Asian temples. It is based on the civil temples of the Tang Dynasty of China and developed in the style of India, Southeast Asia, and other countries.

If you are an ancient architect, you can see the features of many places of interest in Asia on it, or even the shadow of architectural style only existing in ancient documents.

The golden palace on the top of the mountains was owned by one man, dominated by a god who often revealed herself as a silver-haired maiden, and whose name was Na-Jia.

But Na-Jia, in her golden palace, has no time for "a view of the hills." her expression is serious.

Having just finished communication with Dianthe, she did not immediately take a rest, but switched the connection channel and initiated a communication with Ray, the Regional Director of Ohio in the US.

"Ray, have there been any recent Anti-Mythology League attacks in Ohio?"

After the communication was completed, Na-Jia did not offer much in the way of polite words but stated its purpose explicitly.

Ray, who was examining and approving the documents, was surprised by Na-Jia's sudden inquiry, but, out of politeness, answered directly.

"There has been no attack in the last month except for Michael."

"Come on, send us the map of the location of this year's Anti-Mythological League! I want to see it!"

Ray was puzzled but then sent the data file along with the communication link, because he had rarely seen the lady goddess in a nervous situation.

After receiving the data file, Na-Jia opened the data file for the first time, and then nine maps of the location distribution appeared on the hologram. She also began to examine the red dots one by one in the order of time.

At first, these little red dots showed dispersion. Time stamps were also different, but as time goes back, in the activities of the site map, there appeared some kind of change, a substantial reduction in those red points were located in North America. The red spots across the country have begun to gather each other, seemingly to be expelled by something unknown.

At the same time, they rapidly formed three large circles of activity, and within a month reduced their appearances considerably, during which time two large red dots disappeared as completely as droplets of evaporated water.

The rest of the red dots are spreading again, but the red dots in Ohio are unusual in that they don't reappear, as if the area were isolated and protected.

Beginning in June, however, a red dot left the Ohio area; but in Ohio areas around the state began to flourish, in a very short period of time, they formed the Ohio region surrounded it by a circle. The time and place are beginning to appear in unprecedented regularity, then because of MRP Foundation under the suppression and destruction, the red circle went silent again.

Looking at the pictures, Na-Jia sighs and points to a map of the event's location in April.

A recent undercover investigation by the MRP Foundation revealed that its own staff members are active in the northern United States. So what are these people for?"

Ray looked at the time-lapse slides and the superimposed map of Ohio, and his eyes flashed with a myriad of doubts and seriousness. He also found the clue, but he could not find a suitable reason to explain this situation.

It seems like it's not just happening in Ohio...

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