《My Classmate is QiLin》A Change in Mindset


Blair Palermo began to cry. She was in a trance, like a flood that she had repressed for years.

Dianthe tried to comfort her but still could not stop her tears, so she could only choose to release stable mood magic, letting Blair return to reason. She didn't want any teachers coming in while they were already on probation.

The spell released by Dianthe was not as useful as she expected, but it allowed Blair to control her tears and speak.

"I've done you and Chris a disservice by living in luxury for so many years, and, as the worst culprit, I asked you to kneel and oink like a pig. I'm... "

She blamed herself, but she couldn't say the last word, and then she had the shy look on her face that made everyone think of her. We were all shocked. Who would have thought that Blair Palermo, who has always been like the queen of the school, had a shy side?

"Yes! We know you want to apologize, and even if you're too embarrassed to say it, I understand."

Dianthe smiled, nodded and hugged her, acting like a comforting child, patting Blair on the shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... After all these years, I have been an asshole and became the person I hate the most... "

"I forgive you, as long as you know you were wrong and try to be a good person in the future."

"Aren't you angry that I've done so much to you, deceived you with the reason of making friends, and even got Lightning Thomson to beat you up in a crowd?'

"Of course I am angry, otherwise why would I chase you and bite you after losing control? Because I also hurt others because of my anger.


"Thank you... Thank you... "


Looking at this scene of healing, we all didn't know what to say, no one believed that Dianthe used magic to bewitch Blair Palermo. We all thought it didn't matter what happened between the two people, as long as the conflict could be solved, it would be the best result if the order among classmates could be peaceful.

"As for the detention, I'll explain it to the principal myself. You don't have to come forward."

Blair, recovering her composure, was rarely seen acting responsibly, looking solemnly at Dianthe like a proud princess under her royal highness.

"After all, as the daughter of the QiLin of the land of the QiLin, I also have an obligation to take responsibility for my own mistakes. I have to go."

Dianthe, on the other hand, rejected Blair's opinion and showed her princess demeanor as a mythical creature. She felt it was mainly her own responsibility.

So, the two girls who had been at peace had an "Academic Debate" and fought over their main responsibility, leaving us all speechless. It was the first time we had seen such a fight over someone who was willing to take responsibility, and both of them were "Her Royal Highness"...

After school, they were still fighting over who should take the main responsibility. Even in order to fight over who should take the main responsibility, both of them had some signs of quarreling with each other. However, in the end, because of the strict requirements of the teacher, both of them were sent to school to write self-criticism letters.

Ray also appeared at the door of the headmaster's office, responsible for solving this problem. When he heard about the process, he looked surprised and couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that the two "princesses" who had quarreled with each other in the morning had settled the quarrel and reconciled.


Blair, who is a human, apologized to Dianthe for all the trouble she caused and promised nothing similar would happen in the future. As a mythical creature, Dianthe chose to forgive Blair after being forced to kneel on one knee.

Of course, there were a lot of people that day because of curiosity. They wanted to know what happened between the two people.

Why did Dianthe upset Blair?

Why did Blair ask Dianthe to kneel down and oink like a pig, and then let her off?

Why did Blair suddenly wake up and admit her fault after seeing Dianthe give in?


Under the urging of many people's curiosity, they found me as a witness to ask what happened. I also learned detailed things from Blair and Dianthe, so I acted as a narrator, responsible for telling other students to explain the process, so as to avoid rumors spreading everywhere.

Of course, I didn't tell anyone about my encounter with the MPR Foundation and Na-Jia, the Goddess of Water. I'm not a person who gets carried away.

Meanwhile, because of Dianthe's influence on Blair to become a good person, Blair apologized to me personally. If there was something difficult to solve, I could ask her for help. In addition, she gave me a new smartphone, it was the latest smartphone that I couldn't afford.

After the conflict between Blair and Dianthe was relieved, my life returned to normal in the following days, but compared with the past, my life became lively. After all, Dianthe was my deskmate.

Although I forgave Blair, I couldn't forgive myself. Although Dianthe did owe me a favor, it didn't mean it was a simple favor for her to kneel for my friend.

To tell the truth, I don't think I'm much of her friend; it's not a question of identity and status, but I don't have high resolution and friendship. I'll be her friend completely as I feel sorry and a have a good coincidence. If I had the choice and made any mistakes, I'd choose to give up her for our own safety. So, I'm really just one of her classmates.

I know that even if nothing happens between her and I and we become friends through daily communication, I am sure that our relationship would definitely not be as good as it is now, and she would not kneel down for me.

I had to give back to her trust and not doubt her as I had done before. At least I had to work hard for this precious friendship and not miss another chance as I had regretted before.

Perhaps, it is not a bad thing to expect a new encounter in life, even if it is really painful to leave. The special things sometimes solve really troublesome situations, but this may be the value of its existence or my existence.

So, at that time, I thought of my life and gradually began to have a new idea about the future of life, and a new curiosity about tomorrow.

Well, could I discuss it with Dianthe and make an appointment to go to the suburban hill to enjoy the scenery on the weekend?

Sometimes god is willing to play a joke on a human being. Sometimes the good things you expect don't come out, and it's not as easy as you'd imagine.

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