《Two Souls of Three Worlds》Chapter 2: Questions
As soon as they'd gotten down to the foot of the hill, they could tell something was off. Not the rustic-ness of the place; they'd both seen that well enough coming down- even including a wooden wall several stories high, surrounded the place, complete with guard tower and presence. That was fairly expected- at least for Hokuto. Jessica hadn't seemed to either notice or care, or was just keeping it buried under the joy of finding some presence of people. But still, there was something about it that just felt...off. Awkward. He wasn't sure what, but he'd just keep quiet and observe, for now.
Once they'd gotten within a reasonable view, the two guards- both younger folk, from what they could tell- crossed spears. Now, Hokuto was no spear specialist, but from what he could tell, they were fairly simple spears, but steel was steel- it'd skewer the both of them easily if they made a wrong move. Fortunately, Jessica seemed to realize that as well, and she lifted her hands with an easy smile as the guards spoke. “Hold there!” The one on the right was redheaded, and seemed to just be into his teenage years, if Hokuto had to guess judging by his height being comparable to Hokuto's own. He wasn't sure at all, however. The one on the left was the one that had spoken, and judging by his grimace, larger size, and scar, he was the more experienced of the two.
That said, it was plain to see that Jessica STILL towered above both of them; that plus her musculature so clearly on display clearly got them wondering, as they seemed to regard her with...fear? Why would they- well, she WAS intimidating, but enough to keep them silent? The older one seemed to chew on his words for a bit, even as he glanced at Hokuto. Briefly, they whispered at each other, and while Hokuto couldn't hear, he couldn't help but feel concern- particularly once they turned to him and actually spoke. “Why are you here?” The question seemed reasonable, but at the same time...
Jessica glanced at Hokuto briefly, before shrugging. “We kinda got lost,” she said casually, and...they jumped? They seemed surprised. Jessica merely raised an eyebrow. She hadn't not noticed that they'd looked at Hokuto asking the question, but the kid hadn't seemed like he was ready to answer. The jump was unexpected, though.
“You can speak our language...?” came a mumble, and Jessica couldn't help but give a grimace that lasted all of a second before she plastered the smile on her face again. That didn't sound good, but...she'd wait before presumptions.
“Yep. Plenty well, too.” She wasn't the most formal person, but she could at least play nice. “Like I said, we're just trying to find a place to rest for a while. Is there room here for two?” The two guards looked at each other, and there was some quiet conversation before they looked back at her. “Well...we might have to call the Captain. See what he says.”
“Leader?” Jessica couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Look, this place is...well, I'm not sure how much I can afford telling you, creature, since-” For a moment, Hokuto thought he'd misheard.
Jessica didn't seem to, immediately dropping her arms. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! 'CREATURE?!'” The look she gave them was withering. “What the fuck is this shit about 'creature'?!” Hokuto had wished that he'd managed to say something, but now, as they brandished spears once again, he was just worried about surviving.
Surprisingly, though, the two made no motion to advance...in fact, they seemed kind of scared. “Look, call yourself whatever you like, but you're no human-”
“But I AM!?” Jessica's incredulousness had reached new heights- as had her voice. “Look, you might not have-” and then suddenly, she cut herself off, looking around, almost as in realization. “-hah...what the hell is...hoo.” And then, as if all the fight had gone out of her, she sighed, shaking her head, and Hokuto caught a mumbled 'of course' as she turned back to them, face back calm and hands up again. “Look, as far as YOU know. But I'm one hundred percent human, alright? I'm just from reaalllly far away. Like I said, we got lost. This is the first civilization we've found in days.” Hokuto knew that was a lie, of course, but...well, it wouldn't be too bad to let that one fly, he supposed.
Seeing that she'd calmed down, the two lowered their spears again- though they were ready to engage at a moment noticed, he could see. “The Captain will have to rule on that, WHATEVER you care to call yourself-”
“Jessica.” Came the immediate response.
“...huh. Oddly common name,” the younger one said idly.
“Yes, because humans tend to name their babies,” Jessica snarked back. “Like how mine was. And how I am.”
A pause, and then the older one sighed, before turning to his partner. “Stay here, ring the bell if they're any trouble. They'll be watched by the others, so don't worry.” Others? What others? “I'm going get Armuth.” With that, he stepped in-between the entrance, and headed down the town street- it was only then that Hokuto noticed that there seemed to be a bit of a growing audience...
“Call ME a creature...” Jessica mumbled to herself, clearly annoyed still. Hokuto was just curious- what were they about to say?
After a half hour of Jessica amusing herself by doing basic stretching exercises and Hokuto simply hoping he wouldn't be ran through, the man came back, and with someone else. He wasn't quite what either of them were expecting- instead of a older man, with greying hair and either wizened and frail yet intelligent, or a fat, richly clothed fellow, it was a man who seemed fairly on the young side- early 30s maybe? He had short brown hair and sharp grey eyes- and he was clearly military, judging by his blue and gold armor and sword. He gave them both a look over, although he clearly lingered on Jessica longer as he looked up at her annoyed face. His expression morphed briefly from something curious to concerned, but it was only for a moment as he turned to Hokuto, who was...less than eager with the staredown. It took him just about everything he had to not quail when he locked eyes with the powerful man- Jessica hadn't seemed particularly impressed, but...
“These are them?” His voice was indeed young, strong. “The strangers?” He didn't seem to expect a response, looking over to Hokuto quickly, before eying Jessica up and down, eyes narrowing briefly. “How belligerent was this one?”
“Er, ah, only a bit. She, ah, seems to have some control over herself,” one of the guards said.
Jessica opened her mouth to retort, but was cut off by the Captain, who'd instead was looking again at Hokuto. “Where'd you find her?”
The poor boy almost flinched as he registered the response. “Oh, n-no, sir. Um, she is from far away, as she says. I didn't- we were traveling together, sincerely!” Jessica looked...well, she looked less angry than before, at least. But she didn't look happy at all as she just sighed in annoyance.
Not that the leader noticed nor seemed to care. “You don't look like any human WE know,” he said as he finally turned to Jessica. “But if you're claiming such, then hopefully you'll behave according to our values. You CAN understand me, right? My words are clear?”
“Like crystal,” Jessica responded, and Hokuto (and the guards) seemed to note her dry tone, but didn't respond. “Finally deigning to speak to me, huh?”
A frown was all she got. “...I'll permit you entry into Fodlum Village. Provided you stay out of trouble, and keep your temper in check, then all will be well. Ah, hold- what's that in your strange bag?” he asked, pointing down at Jessica's gym bag. “We'll have to check it.”
She shrugged, surprisingly. “Clothes,” she said as she opened it, pulling out shorts and shirts- some more casual than what she had on. He knew there was more, but she turned it inside out- and nothing else fell out. It was then he realized she had likely put her other stuff in closed pockets. He'd thought they'd get called out, but their attention seemed elsewhere.
“What kind of fabrics are those...?” one of the guards mentioned.
“Nothing I've seen before,” the other nods. “Maybe she IS from far off...”
The leader seemed thoughtful. “Hmm...interesting...if that IS the case, then perhaps we can speak later. But for now, please, refrain from getting into any trouble.” The tone of speaking had changed, suddenly- although he wasn't at all POLITE, he seemed to start to speak with something closer to respect after the showing of what Hokuto could only see as exercise wear.
“Naturally,” came the response from Jessica. “Like I said, we're just looking for a place to sleep for a while. Is there anywhere around like that?”
“The Rabbit's Hutch is the only inn Fodlum has,” the leader explains. “It's clear to see along the road. Has a sign.”
“Ah! Thank you!” Hokuto was quick to thank the man; Jessica didn't seem in the mood, though she did nod and give something of a mumbled thanks herself as they passed through. They seemed to keep a special eye on her, though Hokuto was more worried about finding a place to rest, now that they'd gotten past the gates.
Jessica seemed disgruntled, but she had a smile on, if a sardonic one. “Right-o. Got past that bit of unpleasantness. Now for the rest of it...” Rest of it? What did that mean?
It was only one of many thoughts running through Hokuto's head. Mostly, he was busy still trying to come to terms with what had undoubtedly happened. They'd been sent into another world. One with strange creatures, and judging from the spears and looks, limited technology- something like medieval Europe, perhaps? He'd read about this before- but had Jessica? He was worried she might be panicked. She didn't seem like she'd have much interest in manga. He'd have to be careful and help her wherever he could.
Jessica, for her part, was...honestly kind of amused. Annoyed, but amused at the same time. She had an idea of what might be going on already- not that she wanted to admit it for several reasons. The least of which being she'd rather not have to explain things Every. Single. Time.
But from how the people on the street were looking at the two, that wouldn't be the case. They were looking at her like she was a strange beast or a threatening monster. When she made eye contact back, they'd turn away like they'd gotten their hands stuck in the cookie jar. Some seemed as though they were more innocently curious more than anything, but those individuals seemed few and far in between. Hokuto, comparatively, got much less in the way of looks, she noticed. “Think we're gonna be the talk of the town for a bit,” she muttered to him.
“Do you think so?” Hokuto asked- and sincerely, it seemed. Jessica wasn't sure how to take that. “I can see why they'd be confused, I suppose...we DID come out of nowhere.” Also true. But not her concern. “Perhaps it'd be best to stay out of anyone's way as best we can. We do need to figure out where we are, though...”
“Meaning that staying low profile is just that much more impossible,” Jessica responded with a shrug. “Doesn't matter much to me- anyone get too pissy, then they can catch these hands,” she said nonchalantly. “I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck's going on. If we ARE in some fantasy land bullshit, we need to find a map.” Now THAT, he could agree with. “That, and once we get to this inn we can sit down and think for a bit.”
Right, they- wait. An inn. If it's an inn, then- “How will we pay for it?” he suddenly asked, stopping in the street.
Jessica did too, as the implications washed over her. “...well SHIT.” That caused some people to glance over, and others to scurry away. “Gonna need to solve THAT problem. Maybe we can work it off or something...” she mumbled. Hokuto, unfortunately, had no suggestions of his own beyond that, and so they resumed walking.
The Rabbit's Hutch wasn't much- a two story inn and clearly not intended for a large amount of patrons. But the rabbit sign above it along with the small lettering reading 'Inn' (the fact that she could understand what it read was both concerning and relieving in equal measure) told enough. The two shared all of a glance, and then headed in.
Honestly, Jessica had expected something grungy, dingy. Worn seats and tables and rough looking men all around a filth-covered hole in the wall. What she got, however, was somewhere she had to admit didn't look too unappealing in general. The wood was well kept and shined, the tables seemed well crafted, and there was a set of stairs leading upwards to the rooms, which seemed well kept. While there were a few folk present, none of them seemed particular wicked; some she gathered were laborers due to the wood chips on them, but many seemed like normal folk; the bartender included, who was maybe a bit pudgy, but otherwise quite normal looking with a full head of salt and pepper hair and beard. The talk didn't seem too raucous, but it flowed freely.
Of course, that all came to a screeching halt once a few people turned to see who'd stepped in. After that, it seemed the majority of the populace were gawking. That had the result, she'd registered, of causing Hokuto to flinch a bit. Poor boy. Still, he kept with her as she calmly walked to the bar; only one man was nearby, and he seemed fairly asleep, his head down on the countertop. She took a seat on one of the stools, as did Hokuto.
The bartender was as resilient as she'd hoped, at least; though he kept a careful eye on her, he'd also eyed Hokuto by her side. Of course, it was him the bartender spoke to first. “New 'round here?” His voice was gruff, inquisitive. Hokuto nodded, still trying to find how to speak. “Well, welcome to Fodlum. Not much to us right now, but we're in good position to be a big trade town in the near future.” Ah. So that was the case.
“Ah- thank you very much,” Hokuto managed to say, at last. “It's good to meet you. I am Hokuto Shimamoto.” Seems like he was getting over himself, at least.
The older man simply nodded, not giving his own name, before tilting a head to Jessica. “Can't say I've seen any folk like herself afore...”
“Unsurprising,” she said drily. The man jerked a bit, but beyond that, his only response was a raised eyebrow. “I'm from...real far away.” Not false, but she could hear the murmuring start up in earnest behind her. They'd be the talk of the town for a while, just as she suspected...
“And you understand the King's,” he remarked. He didn't seem to contest the claim, which...well, she hoped that was a good thing, but she had no way of being certain. She HAD been called 'creature', so maybe there was another expectation? “Curious.” He glanced over at Hokuto briefly, who was still following the talk silently. “He teach you?”
She instinctively wanted to say 'no'. But, considering the issue at hand...maybe it WOULD be easier for now if she just could use him as an excuse. “Yeah,” she went for it before he could speak up. “Some o' it, anyway. The rest was listening.”
The old man nodded in acknowledgment. “Good work to ya both. Impressive.” She tried to not let the roiling in her gut bother her- it was clear they just had no clue. “In any case, I don't much care 'bout the whos or whats so long as you don't cause no trouble here. What'll ya have? Mostly got mead, ales and some whiskey. Nuna that fancy stuff.”
Oh? Well, that was convenient. “Mead?” She noticed Hokuto looking at her in surprise. “Any fruits in it?”
He nods, with a small grin showing up on his face at the question. “Nothing too much, but a coupla Redberries. Good n' sweet.” With that, he turned to Hokuto. “Same?”
“Oh, ah- I don't think we would be able to pay for it, remember?” he said, turning to her. Jessica bit back a curse. She'd forgotten about it just that quick. Damn.
Looking back at the bartender, who'd gotten a much more neutral look on his face at the declaration, she allowed herself a grimace. “Sorry. Got too excited. But we're willing to work it off- for that, and a place to sleep, if possible.”
“Mmm...come in on nothing, huh?” It sounded like a grumble to him, but to their relief, he didn't throw them out immediately, instead scratching his chin in thought. “Ain't got much need for another server. Not enough business quite yet fer two. That might happen inna couple months. Hmm...” Ah, crap. If he didn't have any work for them, then- “Tell ya what. I gots a friend what could use some help. Name's Charles. He's a good egg. Does farm work. You help him out for a bit, and I'll give ya rooms until he's done with ya or ya can find a place yer own, whichever comes first.”
A quick look at Hokuto's face told the story there. He wasn't entirely enthused, but they both needed a place to stay. “Really? We're very thankful.” He offered up.
The man just shrugged. “You'd be doin' me a service. He's the guy what gets me mosta what I cook up. Me and a few others, ta be honest. He's been shorthanded ever since a couple of his farmhands went missin'.” He shakes his head. “Probably dead ta monsters, but. Is what it is out here.” He turned away to pick up another glass- and missed the worried look on both of their faces. It was dangerous out there, sure, but...death like that would be brutal. “He's down the street a ways. You'll see it prolly afore he sees you. An when he does...”
The way he looked at Jessica brought more than a little concern. “Mmm...you prolly best keep your hands to the sides and don't do nothin' much sudden. We ain't keen on a fight here, but...demon-blooded folk ain't common. Infact, I s'pect you might not get such treatment most places.”
Wait, what? “Demon-blooded?” THAT wasn't what either of them expected- and that was enough to shake Jessica's annoyance into sheer disbelief.
Although it was clear that wasn't the reaction expected, as the man simply raised an eyebrow. “Not much hard to wager. Y'aint got the extra bits, sure, but the skin's the telltale.”
There was a pause, and then a deep, rough sigh from Jessica. “Every-fuckin'-where...” Hokuto managed to hear her mumble, before she raised her head. “Look, I'm not trying to do anything to fuckin' anyone. I just wanna place to lie down for a while.”
“Fair 'nough, an' like I said, you'll get one so long as you help my friend out,” the man calmly relates. “Jus' givin' a warning. Now go get. You innerduce yerselves and make nice with 'im an' come back at the end o' the day. I'll know if'n ya ain't kept up your end of things. Word travels fast here.
“Right...” Hokuto nodded once more, before standing up and bowing. “We greatly appreciate your assistance!”
Jessica nodded, though Hokuto could easily see her disgruntled expression. “Yeah, we appreciate it. Thanks.”
It was only when they stepped out and started down the road that Jessica let her opinion loose. “DEMON blooded? The hell is that? There's fucking hellspawn around here now? Fuck's sake...”
Hokuto privately wanted to say something- but she had broken down into incoherent mumbling, and there was no sense, to him, in bringing her wrath down on him, accidentally or not. He'd just let her speak- and maybe try not to bring her attention to the feared stares and whispers that she was getting as she passed people muttering to herself.
This kept up essentially until Hokuto was more or less forced to gain her attention. He hadn't wanted to, but... “Er...Miss Gaines? We're here.”
“Swear, one of these people try to- huh?” She jerked her head up, looking around as though she'd been snapped out of a spell. Sure enough, they were clearly more on the outskirts of the village now, and more into the farm areas...or at least, the one. There was clearly something resembling a farmhouse not too much further away- and they could see someone in one of the fields, busy with what seemed to be watering. A stout fellow, with a thick, bushy black beard and basic clothes. “Oh. Well, we're probably here. C'mon,” Jessica started, almost immediately grabbing Hokuto's arm. “Might as well go introduce ourselves. And by 'we' I mean 'you'.”
It didn't take long for that statement to register, and less for him to dig his heels in. “W-w-wait, wait a moment! Why me?”
Jessica just grunted. “Because APPARENTLY I resemble the local hellspawn and I don't want to get a shotgun in my face thanks to a paranoid farmer!”
Well, he couldn't fault that logic. So, taking a deep breath. “Er, hello?”
Blessedly, it was only a bit of surprised yelling and shock that occurred before Farmer Charles realized that they were there to help him, not ransack his chickens. “I, uh, I have to say that wasn't what I was expecting ta see coming down the road,” he admitted as they ate. After telling him of their plight, he had, if hesitantly, invited them in for a quick meal. “I can use the help, but no sense in puttin' ya to work without knowin' whatcha getting out of it,” or so he'd said. They'd readily agreed to the invitation...provided they dined outside. “I do apologize for not lettin' ya at the table, but, uh...” he vaguely motioned to Jessica, who just grunted. “...although yeah, gotta say you're awful peaceable for a demon-blooded sort, truly.”
“Not demon-blooded, just from far off,” she muttered. “Not that I think anyone friggen CARES.”
“...might be demon-blooded an' ya don't know it?” he offered gingerly. “Heard it happen afore. Folks brought up wit no one else 'round 'em, but they're usually more...feral, yeah?”
“Look, I wasn't even aware demons were a THING until like...thirty minutes ago,” she mutters.
“Ah. Well...” Charles, for all his humility, seemed to not be sure how to respond to that. “Suppose I should letcha know.”
“Please,” Hokuto added. “We could sorely use any information you might have.”
“Right, well...to put it simple like...demons are pretty much th' enemy of mankind,” he begins. “See, it all began...oh, I wanna say 'bout five hundred years or so ago? S'pose that's what most folk say, anywho. Apparently, they came waaaay from th' east. Waaay past th' capital, an' beyond the Wastelands, too. Showed up outta the blue, they did. Looked too much like us, but with horns an' tails an all sorta a ruddy colors an' shapes an' sizes,” he explains. “Angry, eager, but not much interest in talkin'. Most folk out in the frontier those ways got taken over in days, so the stories go. 'Parently they had strange magics. Dangerous stuff, nothin' like what the royal mages use or any o' that.”
THAT caused them both to pause. Magic? Magic was a thing here? Something common enough to be used like that, to boot? They both looked at each other, but neither spoke as they read each other's expression. And then, a singular, simultaneous nod. They both understood the meaning of that, but fortunately, Charles was in his own world as he told the story, and didn't pay them any attention. THAT was something they'd have to talk about later.
Ignorant of the soundless conversation they'd just had, Charles continued. “For a time, we'd gone an' thought that was th' end. Most our fightin' men were exhausted or dead from th' earlier war, and now this? Too much,” he said as he shook his head. “But then 'bout a year after jus' barely holdin' on...all o' it stopped. The raids, battles...was all like they just got bored with it all and left.”
“Interesting...was there any known reason?” Hokuto asked. He'd been entirely drawn into the story.
“No clue,” came the response. “But the scariest thing? Even though they disappeared? So'd the people. In alla those villages they took over, not a soul was left from 'em. Jus'...vanished, like thin air. But on rare occasion...you got someone comin' inta the city. A young lady. A young man, sometimes. Never both, always jus' the one. And carryin' a babe.” It was here he looked over at Jessica, eyes heavy. “Rusty colored skin, but lookin' awful human-like otherwise. Kids. Like that. At first we wasn't too kind to 'em, but...” He shook his head again, as though trying to clear it of those memories. “Babies. Can't do nothin' against those. So we kept an eye on 'em. Still keep an eye on 'em, really. Ain't many, mind. Real few. And most o' em have the same temper issues the fullblood have. So they're usually under close watch. Real close. Too strong ta just leave to themselves. Break mosta what they touch. Liable to kill a man over a bad card game, too. An' then wreck the shop they was playin' in.” Ah. That...explained a lot. It didn't soothe Jessica's frustration any, but she at least knew the likely cause of the local attitude. "We rebuilt, o' course. Some folks high up decided we needed ta expand still, but in another direction. So thisaway we came. Not a demon ta see, but plenty o' beasts.”
“Wait, wait...” Jessica stopped him as something came to mind. “If demon-blooded people are so dangerous, why am I not under lock an' key right now?”
He shrugged. “Well, who'd be able ta hold ya? We ain't prepped for demon-blooded folk here, and ya at least got a minder.” He motioned to Hokuto at that, who tried to back away- but failed, considering they were on stone steps. “I 'spect you'll come in awful handy with th' hoeing and log-splittin'. In fact, mebbe you could clear out those boulders what been sitting north o' the house, so's we could use the land for crops. Jus' would need ta-”
“Wait!” she quickly interrupted him. “Wait, wait...look, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm NOT demon-blooded,” Jessica insisted, interrupting him. “I'm just a darker-skinned human, I- look.” She pointed off to the side toward said logs- arranged in a neat pile, under some tarp, they were large things- clear . “Those boulders you mentioned? I can't lift them any more than you can. I- in fact, hold on.” Grumbling, she marched over to one of them- easily taller than her, and...what, just as wide? Maybe more? Annoyed, she placed both hands against the rough stone. “Look, lemme show you. I'm decently strong, but-” Here, she shoved.
...And there, it moved. With a grinding noise, the massive boulder began to shift- rather smoothly, too.
Jessica was too shocked to really register what was going on as she shoved the rock up, up...as dirt began to fall from the bottom, she could barely remember to keep her mouth closed. With astonished eyes, she took a deep breath- and PUSHED.
The stone practically got air time, as it collapsed onto it's top side with a massive thud, shaking the ground around her like a miniature earthquake.
Jessica didn't hear the hollering of Charles. Or the alarmed yelling of his wife. Or even the frantic exclamations of Hokuto. All she could think of was one thing.
'What the FUCK?'
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