《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》Sunken Town of Ruby proof


In the Florian Triangle.

Jason have befriended the sea kings and right now they we're helping him doing some extreme training.

Right now they're 9,000 ft below the sea surface..

Jason*Good thing that I have managed to obtain that devil fruit. If not, there's no way that I will be able to train this way. By the way.. what are those rods?..they seems like a tripod to me.

Jason curiously lead their fight on that pod..

And when he saw a chance he deliberately gave a massive Genkotsu fist on the pod



Seakings: ! ! ! ! ! !

The sea kings we're terrified...

Jason* small crack... Yet there's something wrong with this crack, I clearly go all out with that...yet just a small crack?

Jason gave out another attempt

It was a hit.

Then a small black scrap were removed.

What comes next was a red luminous light...

Seeing the red luminisence the hundred and fifty sea kings sprinted away from Jason leaving him all alone..

What comes next was the appearance of two humongous red eyes.

Jason* Such A strong killing aura from an

opponent... It was behind me. Around 400 meters away from my current position. Seems like , I made a wrong choice.. But this...

This Red light...it's unusual, it seems like it was trapped here for a very long time.

Jason think about it for awhile..

Then he suddenly remembered what Bellamy bragged when he and Luffy first met.

Jason*But this isn't green.. could it be that..

Hoo.. fine..Since I had already your attention, then better find out what this pods are..

Without hesitation, Jason gave out a strong consecutive punches with his hardening haki towards the small crack...

A huge scrap of black rot was removed..

And it slowly floats on the sea water..


Slowly until it disintegrated.

What comes next amaze Jason's eye.

In front of him ... A red luminous light lit up and covered the whole sea with red luminisence..

Jason: ! ! ! !

This are...

Long time ago, not before Rogers appearance.. there is a story from an old sailor who had travelled the whole sea about a certain place .

According to him while he was on the sea and sailing his way back to the island when he had saw three great shadows that were like shadows of monster.

But he never did believe that it was a monster, and he just thought that it was just 3 towers.

But as soon as his ship gets far , a strange scene that will he never forget in his entire life had appear..

The three towers stood up having a huge red eyes looking at him. Because of this, he rowed his sail as fast as he could to escape from that place.

Although he is lucky that he had escape, he died right after he state that event..

After that a pirate claimed that what the old sailor spoke off was the famous town of Ruby, the place of the God.

He said it was the island god. But no one believed his story that time.

After that because of the water God thing, they no longer gave out any talk about this words

Until Roger became pirate king and had claim that town of Ruby and Emerald City does exist, together with the city of gold.

Many pirates travelled the world sea finding this dreamlike places , but not a single one of them succeeded.

Because of that this places were now currently forgotten

Yet Right now, in his front was a red luminisence light coming from the body of the scrapped pod .

This pods are made of Ruby gems covered with rot weeds?..

Jason*Then could it be that, the town of Ruby is just beneath this depth of Florian Triangle...? Is it really the town of Ruby?..Then I. ..

Suddenly Jason's moral got increased.

Jason*I don't have a strong proof yet, i have to dive deeper first to reach the ocean floor.

But all of a sudden.. a gigantic hands appear behind him, hundred times larger then normal Giants.

Jason: ! ! !

Jason*Dodge Dodge DODDDGE!!!!!!

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