《Blood of the Sun》Chapter 11: Dark Clouds
Nero rushed Stella into the castle, with Alba at his side. Stella was unconscious from the beating she took earlier.
“Will she be alright?” Nero asked.
“I will take care of her. My healing magic is quite unmatched.” Alba replied with a smile.
They came across a room with three massive hallways. They were made of sun steel and gold, and were lit by sun magic. The air smelled unique, as if there was a special scent just for this castle.
“Which way?” He asked Alba.
Nero quickly walked down the large hall to the left. After a few moments they came across a large room. It was a mess hall of sorts, many knights and guards were eating and communing there. There was a large staircase at the end of the room.
“Up there please.” Alba said politely.
As they went up the stairs, the knights seemed to have stopped communing and just intently stared. Alba waved them off and they went back to business as usual.
Nero continued to follow Alba’s instructions, if she was not here, he would be entirely lost.
“How big is this place?” He asked.
Alba giggled.
“Much too big.” she replied.
Finally, they arrived at what looked to be the entrance to the west tower. It was a large circular room which was guarded by two lieutenant knights. At the center was an elevator, which seemed to operate magically.
“On we go.” Alba said.
Once they got on the elevator Alba motioned for a guard to send them up to the top. He pulled a lever all the way down and they began moving upwards.
“I had imagined Stella walking up a plethora of stairs to get to her chambers, but this makes more sense.” Nero said with a laugh.
He looked down at Stella as he held her. She looked at peace. Nero wondered what she was dreaming about.
“You’re sweet on her, aren’t you?” Alba asked with a smile.
Nero looked away with embarrassment.
“It’s okay, nothing to be ashamed of. Many men like to deny the existence of romance, I find it cute.” Alba laughed.
Nero looked sincere now, he took the moment of silence to appreciate Alba’s honesty.
“It’s just... I was asleep for so long. I still remember nothing of the time before. Yet she was the first face I saw when I awoke, and she was smiling. She stood up for me when I was in danger too. She’s the first person to care about me.” Nero said.
Alba just listened and smiled. The elevator had reached the top floor.
There was another round room with two knights standing guard at a hallway. As they walked through, they got to Stella’s room.
“Where is the door?” Alba asked.
“Eclissa kicked it down a while back.” Nero replied.
“Sounds like her.” She laughed.
Nero placed Stella on her bed, and sat down in a chair by her desk. Alba began pulling herbs and potions out of her satchel. Her hands began to glow with a white light as she hovered her arms over Stella’s body. She was feeling for injuries with magic.
“She has no serious injuries to her body, just cuts and bruises, no scarring.” Alba said.
She hovered her hands above Stella’s head and let out a sigh.
“She may have a concussion. Probably from when Lord Joshua slammed her head into the wall. Damned animal.” She spoke.
“Lord? Just who was that man?” Nero asked.
“Joshua War-Song is a legendary knight. He fought alongside my father, the king, in the 4th great war 30 years ago. He is no major knight, but a golden knight instead. Granting him the title of Lord. He used to be a member of the Gallant Six, but stepped down when age started catching up with him.” Alba said.
“He looked like he was only using a small fraction of his power in his dual with Stell.” Nero replied.
“A very small fraction indeed. He was nicknamed The Stonewall in his prime. During the war, he was tasked with defending a fort in Eldrant. Fort Lawbridge. He was only a Major knight back then. One day, the fort was under siege by a battalion of true elves. The elves slaughtered all but one knight. Joshua War-song. He was backed against the stone wall of the fort, and fought for three days and three nights. His sword grew cracked, but never broke. On the fourth morning, reinforcements came. But they found no battle, just Joshua War-song... standing over the bodies of 1,000 elves.” Alba said with a mile long stare.
She snapped out of her daze and began healing Stella’s head with magic.
“He killed... 1,000 warriors? In one battle?” Nero asked with amazement.
“Like I said, that was just one battle. There were far more in the war that he took part in. He was there when my father defeated Jyndryran, the white dragon of the north. This deed ended the war.”
Nero sat up like a child. These stories amazed him. He saw past the blood of war, and only saw glory.
“Your father sounds like the strongest warrior to live. Could you tell me more about the king?” Nero pleaded with Alba.
She giggled at his childlike interest.
“Hmm... where to begin? Well, he was born an only child. Meaning he was the absolute heir to the throne since birth. He was taught by the most brilliant scholars and trained by the strongest of warriors from all around the world. Some call him the master of all arts. His knowledge is vast in... well, everything. He’s even more skilled in sun magic then I am. He may seem like a warrior at heart, but his true passion lies in fishing. He keeps a look on his face that could cut any metal, but he’s soft deep down. Just don’t get him angry.” Alba said with a smile.
“Fishing?! The king?!”
Alba laughed hard at Nero’s surprise.
Nero liked Alba’s personality; she was a lot nicer than Eclissa was. But he could sense she had much more power than her.
“Say, since there are four of you royal children, who is the heir?” Nero asked.
Alba’s demeanor shifted, perhaps he had pushed the wrong button.
“The oldest has claim to the throne, but I relinquished my right to power. Ruling is not my destiny. When the oldest does this, the current king or queen can choose their heir. My father chose my younger brother, Mezzo.” Alba said softly.
“Is Mezzo fit to rule?” Nero asked.
Alba paused her healing and turned to Nero for a moment, she smiled.
“He doesn’t believe he is, but I know he will be a great king one day. However, he doesn’t want to be the king. He resents his family to a degree, and he doesn’t come home often. He stays on the road, leading his squad on treacherous quests. He is only 20 and is even stronger than me and Eclissa, and will soon be stronger than my father.” She spoke.
“Is he a gallant knight? How can he be stronger than you two at 20 years old?” Nero asked in amazement.
Alba continued her healing and had a small smile on her face.
“It is his blessing. The wraith of sun. When active, his power is multiplied for a time. Once he stops using it, he gains a fraction of power from the strikes he gave out or received. Since he’s always on quests of the highest degree, his power grows every day. I can feel it, even now when he’s on the other side of the continent.” She spoke.
“That’s quite a blessing. So, he has infinite potential?” Nero asked.
Alba chuckled as she began bandaging Stella’s head.
“Yes, and so do you it seems. When I was flying into Citta Della on Pytyth, my dragon, I sensed a power just like Mezzo’s. I thought it was him, but I knew I was mistaken when I saw you.” she said.
Nero remained humble.
“I’m not that strong Alba.”
“You cannot fool me, I heard you defeated Eclissa. I heard you could’ve killed her if you wanted to.” She said with a smile.
Nero sat in silence for a moment, thinking about the other form of him that granted him power. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of thunder. He walked to the balcony and looked into the sky beyond. A storm was coming. Alba joined him.
“A storm is a bad omen in Hevaria, the skies are usually clear here.” She spoke.
“It’s a shame, the sunsets are beautiful here.” Nero replied.
“Well, rain is beautiful in its own way. Alba added.
The two watched the storm grow closer for a bit. A noise was heard from behind them, Stella was waking up. Alba went to her side.
Stella groaned in pain.
“My head...” she whimpered.
“It’s okay Stell, it should be better in a day or two.” Alba said to her as she took her hand.
The two talked softly for a while, and Nero watched from the balcony. Rain began to fall on his head, and he looked up. The cool water felt good on his skin.
“Nero?” Stella said from her bed.
Nero turned to her and approached her side. He knelt down next to her.
“What is it?” he said to her softly.
“Did I do good?” She asked him.
“You were awesome. You awakened your blessing.” Nero replied to her.
“We’re all proud of you Stell.” Alba added.
Their conversation was interrupted when a man cleared his throat behind them. Nero turned around and saw what looked to be a messenger of sorts.
“Sir Nero, you have been called upon by the King. He requests that you come to him as quickly as you can.” the man said.
He left as quickly as he had entered.
“I guess... I have to go.” Nero said.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find my father to be a very fun man to talk to.” Alba said with a smile.
“I’ll watch after Stella.” She added.
Nero gave Alba a smile and quickly left the room. He caught up to the messenger, who began leading him to the king.
After walking for around 10 minutes, they came to a massive hall, it was lined with immaculate statues of Hevarian kings and queens of old. They were made of marble, and had quotes on each base of every statue. As well as dates, no doubt the length of their rule. At the end of the long hall there was a large set of doors. They began to open when Nero and the messenger got close.
They were now in the throne room. It was the most beautiful thing Nero had ever seen. The room was incredibly large, and the floor itself was made of gold. There were large white pillars along the walls. The throne itself was made of gold and sun steel, behind it was a large window that revealed the ocean. Nero was lost in thought, never had he seen a room with such elegant design. The messenger cleared his throat.
“Sir, this way.”
The messenger showed Nero to a winding stairway. He obliged and followed the small man.
“Where are all the guards?” Nero asked.
The man stuttered for a moment.
“T-The guards? The king needs little protection.” The man replied.
They arrived at hallway with three doors. One on the left, right, and the end.
“The door on your right, the king's study, sir.” The messenger said.
The man left Nero alone.
As Nero approached the door on the right, he heard the soft sound of a piano. It was being played very well.
“Come in.” Said a voice beyond the door.
Nero didn’t question how the King knew he was there. The strange things of life were all too familiar now. He turned the handle on the door and entered.
The room was lit by spheres of sunlight. There were neatly organized bookshelves lining the walls, and a large desk at the end of the room. The king was in the corner, playing the piano. It was an elegant tune that made Nero think about a farewell. Or perhaps a loss. There was a fireplace, with two comfy reading chairs in front of it. Nero chose to sit in one and wait for the King to finish playing his song.
After a few moments the song had ended, and the King let out a tired sigh. He looked at Nero.
“This song was written by the queen. My late wife. Thank you for listening to it.” He spoke.
Nero looked into the fire, unsure of what was about to unfold.
“It was nice to listen to. Thank you for letting me hear it.” Nero replied.
The King stood up and began walking towards the fireplace. He was wearing his white robes. He is a very tall man, and his footsteps were heavy. Something about the King put Nero at unease. The king looked out a window by the fireplace. Night was falling.
“The rain is a bad omen in these lands.” The king said was a long stare.
“Alba said the same thing.” Nero chuckled.
Nero could feel the King’s stare shift to him. However, Nero continued looking into the flame. He was uneasy.
“Your existence is a strange one. I’ve had many advisors and friends tell me I should dispose of you. What do you say to that?” The King asked.
Nero was shaken by the question.
“I... am no threat to Hevaria.” he replied.
“That wasn’t the question. Do you think you should be rid of your life? You made a bloodbath of three knights and an Abiti associate a week ago.” The king said as he maintained his stare.
This irritated Nero.
“I had been wrongfully tortured! I was provoked...” Nero said with anger.
The king was silent for a moment.
“I’m asking you if you want to live, Nero.” The king said.
“Yes, I want to live. I want to learn more about this world. I want to fight; I want to love.” Nero said as he put his head down.
The King sat down in the chair next to Nero, and looked into the fire.
“I can give you that chance.” The King said.
Nero looked at the King, he looked tired.
“You’ve already exonerated me of my crimes, am I not a free man?” Nero asked.
“Nobody is ever free in life. Not until death takes you from your burdens.”
Nero pondered this statement for a moment.
“What is it you want from me?” Nero asked.
“I ask you to become a knight. A special kind of knight.” The king said.
Nero looked back into the fire. This proposition caught him off guard.
“It is a role that knows no ranks, and you will only answer to me. As equals.” The king added.
“What is this role?” Nero asked.
He was curious to see what the king had meant.
“There is a well-kept secret within the guild of knights, only the three masters and the grandmaster know about it, as well as me. The Crownsman. The highest honor of the knighthood.” The king said with a long stare.
“What is a Crownsman?” Nero asked.
“A knight who defends the royal family. They also go on certain missions for the King or Queen. They are the strongest knight. One who faces great peril with a fire in their heart.” The King said.
Nero thought on this for a moment while the fire crackled.
“Will I be able to fight? I want to test my strength.” Nero asked.
The king chuckled.
“All you will do is fight.” He replied.
“I suppose there is only one other question I have.” Nero said.
The king looked at him. Knowing what he was going to ask.
“What happened to the last Crownsman?”
The king sat back in his chair and let out a deep sigh. He was clearly saddened by this question.
“Her name was Aldara Forte. She died ten years ago. Aldara was the strongest and bravest knight of her time. None have been able to match her valor since. I sent her to investigate a disturbance in the north. The dwarves had called for our aid in a rising threat of dragons. It appeared they were gathering, which is very unusual for dragons. They are prideful by nature. I got word that Aldara had arrived in Vim Kahldur. The dwarven capital. She then set out into the perilous mountains, but never returned.” The king spoke.
“How did you find out she had died?” Nero asked.
The king looked down and closed his eyes, she was clearly very close with the family.
“When a week had past, I couldn’t stand by to wait any longer. I traveled to the north with Master Knight Migliore, Joshua War-Song, who was a gallant knight at the time, and a platoon of skilled knights. I was willing to bring war to the dragons if it meant bringing her home. When we arrived in the mountains, we saw the corpse of a large snow drake, then a corpse of a fire dragon, then another. It was a trail. A trail of dead beasts. We walked for miles through a horrible blizzard, and that’s when we found her. She layed among the corpses of ten dragons, sword in hand. To this day, I have never met someone who has killed more than two dragons. Aldara must’ve killed twenty during her quest. She didn’t even turn back when things got rough, she fought until death.” The king spoke with a saddened voice.
“She must have been one of the greatest warriors to ever live.” Nero said in awe.
The King stared into the fire for a few moments.
“Today is the ten-year mark of her death. It’s time for someone else to take up the mantle, I cannot delay any longer. Hevaria needs a Crownsman, Nero.” He spoke.
“I am no knight, your majesty.” Nero said.
“Do you want to be?” The King asked with a smile.
Nero took a moment, and then smiled back.
“More than anything.”
The King went to his desk, and rummaged around papers for a bit, he then pulled out a contract.
“If you sign this, you will have a home, a purpose, and a family. You will defend my children and my people to your dying breath. You will be a knight. A warrior of the west, one who spreads the light of the sun to the darkest depths of this land. Nero, I know my story about Aldara was a sad one, but that was just the end of a larger story. A glorious one. You have the potential to be the strongest warrior to have ever lived, I can see it in you. I know you don’t have memories of your previous life, but this is a chance for you to make new ones. This can be the beginning to a lifelong quest. Do you accept?” The king spoke.
Nero read over the contract for a moment.
He signed the contract, with a great smile on his face.
“Well, my lord, what is my first task?” Nero chuckled.
The King put his hand on Nero’s shoulder and smiled.
“I will assign you to Stella’s squad, I want you to be a part of their team. I worry for her; I want you to protect her. I can tell she’s taken a liking to you. I want her to be happy.” The King said.
“I will protect her, although, she’s a lot stronger than you think.” Nero replied.
“I know, she’s just like her mother. Perhaps one day I will tell you about her, but right now you should get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow, Nero.” The King laughed.
Nero pondered this for a moment, and then realized he was homeless.
“I... I don’t have a place to go.” Nero said embarrassingly.
The King was dumbfounded.
“Nero, you live here now. Just find an empty bed and sleep in it. I’ll have someone make you a formal room in the morning.” The King laughed.
Nero obliged and began walking out the door. The king stopped him.
“Wait, is there anything you need? I can get you armor, weapons, anything really. You don’t have a sword with you, and your armor is light.” The king asked.
“Oh well I recently learned I can summon a blade of darkness anytime I want.” Nero said.
The king stared at him with a blank expression.
“That’s handy.” He replied.
“As for armor, I suppose I could use something better. What I have now hasn’t offered me the best protection, although it doesn’t break.”
“Well, what do you have in mind then?” The King asked.
Nero stopped at the door, before turning to the King with a smile.
“Something in black.”
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Y: a novel
Y is a boy looking for his father. Drake is a conman trying to be a hero in the worst ways. Panther Sprung is a chief who must choose between continuing a fruitless war or fleeing into Canada. In this historical fantasy thunderbirds, gunslingers, soldiers and prophets tell a story long lost and barely remembered. *I want to personally thank you for your interest in "Y". It is a novel and I hope to post its installments chapter by chapter here weekly on Fridays. I do work full-time so I may fall behind here or there, but I have every intention of finishing the work right here. I hope you, the reader, enjoy it, and feel free to make suggestions or voice complaints so long as they are relevant and respectful. I appreciate any time you invest in my story and I hope you come away considering that time well-spent. *Cover art done by Damian Handzlik. Check out his work at: https://www.deviantart.com/daisanvisart https://www.artstation.com/daisan https://www.instagram.com/daisanvisart/?hl=en
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