《Blood of the Sun》Chapter 5: Visions
Nero was all alone. He was running through the back alleys of the city when he suddenly emerged onto a street. There were many people shopping and going about their daily business. It seems they were unaware of the situation that had happened at the academy. The street was beautiful, and smelled of baked bread and other freshly cooked foods.
“This must be the market district.” Nero said to himself as he pulled up his hood.
As he walked down the street, he stops to watch as a few merchants scold a man in rags.
“We don’t serve your kind here. Beat it!” One of the merchants yells.
As Nero got closer to get a better look, he noticed the man in rags was an elf like him. Although this elf looked a lot different from Nero. He had slightly darker skin with a greenish hue to it, his skin was almost reminesant of grass, or maybe even leaves from a tree. His hair was dark green, almost black. Also, his ears were a lot longer than Nero’s too.
He looked to be around Nero’s age.
“Maybe this guy could help me find out who I am.” Nero thought to himself.
The merchants eventually left the elf alone, and he continued sulking on the curb. Nero approached him and sat next to him on the side of the street. The elf looks at Nero and begins to get up.
“Yeah yeah I get it, I’m not allowed to sit here either.”
Nero pulls his hood back enough to reveal his tipped ears to the elf, who then sits back down, amazed at his appearance.
“It’s okay, I’m not welcome here either.” Nero says to the elf.
“You’re an elf? If it wasn’t for your ears I’d have thought you were a human.” The elf replies.
“I suppose I am, what’s your name?” Nero asks.
“Green skin, Tree crawler, Bug eater, Knife ears. But my parents named me Kymil.” The boy says with a laugh.
“Kymil huh, I’m Nero. I’m uhm... new here in Hevaria.”
“Where are you from? I’ve never seen an elf like you before. Are you a half-breed?” Kymil asks.
Nero never considered the idea of him being a halfbreed. However, Stella would’ve said something if she thought he was.
“No, I’m not a halfbreed, I actually don’t know what I am.” Nero said followed by a laugh.
Kymil looks at Nero suspiciously for a moment, but his gaze shifts when he sees a baker put a bundle of freshly baked bread on display at this stall across the street. His stomach grumbles. Nero notices this and has an idea.
“How about we make a deal? I get you some bread from that stall, and you show me where more elves are. I doubt you’re the only one in the city.”
Kymil’s eyes brighten at the idea of eating freshly baked bread.
“Sure we have a whole community not far from here, If you buy me some bread I’ll show you!” Kymil replies.
“Who said anything about buying?” Nero says with a smile.
Nero gets up and walks towards the bread stand, blending in with the crowd easily. As he walks past the customers, he uses his incredible speed to slip his hand into their bread baskets and puts the buns up his sleeve. They are all completely oblivious to his actions.
After a moment Nero returns to Kymil, holding a dozen bread buns in his arms.
“That was amazing! How did you do that?” Kymil says in awe.
“If you’re quick enough, these people won’t even notice, they aren’t trained to keep up with high speeds.” Nero replied with a shrug.
“Well, a deals a deal. Let me show you to the magnificent elven slums!”
Nero follows Kymil into an alleyway, and the two enjoy freshly baked bread. Exchanging a few laughs on the way.
After a while, the two arrive in the elven slums.
“Welcome to Lnthyr! Our kingdom in a kingdom.” Kymil said sarcastically.
Lnthyr was no kingdom at all. It was a very wide alleyway that spanned a long distance. There were makeshift huts and canopies lining the alley. Lone children slept and played on the sidewalk. Some played with tin cans or balls made from paper and tape. Kymil led Nero to a small house made from plywood and metal sheets. There was an unlit hearth in the center of the room, and a mat in the corner. Nero sat by the hearth while Kymil began to ignite it. Once lit, the two stared into the flames and continued eating the bread Nero had stolen.
“I don’t understand, I read in books that the elves were rich and prideful.” Nero said in confusion.
Kymil scoffed at his remark.
“Well books don’t teach you shit Nero. The elves you read about are the True Elves in Aldaryl, the prominant elven nation. We are all refugees here.”
“Why are you here then? Clearly elves aren’t wanted in Hevaria.” Nero replied.
“Believe me when I say we’d rather be here than at home. Our small nation, Syvamel, was sacked by the Aldari a few years ago. Many of us escaped and came here. We are known as Gleam Elves... or Forest Elves.”
Nero didn’t recall seeing Syvamel on the world map, it seems it was yet another nation erased by war. He heard of Aldaryl though, home of the “True Elves.” They are the orginal elves, before many others split and formed their own nation.
“Why would Aldaryl attack fellow elves? It seems counter intuitive, being at war with the orcs already.” Nero asked recalling the books he had read.
“Before our nation was taken from us, the Aldari had asked for our help in their war with the orcs. They had never helped Syvamel in the past, and they knew we were a peaceful race. We offered them supplies and restorative mages, but they only wanted bodies for their bloodshed. When we declined they sent a few battalions to take our forests, it was more than enough for our small peaceful nation.” Kymil replied with a dark tone.
“So when did you escape?” Nero asked.
“They came at night, creeping through the forest. They used magic to set our treehouses ablaze, and ripped others from their homes. They knew we wouldn’t fight back, and some of the soldiers laughed as they began executing citizens at random. I can still smell the blood... My family took me and my older sister to the docks, many of us were attempting to escape using fishing boats. The last boat was about to leave, and there was hardly any space left. My parents put me and sister on it and we sailed away without them. I haven’t seen them since. I can only assume they were executed.” Kymil replied with teary eyes.
“I’m sorry, that can’t be easy. You still have your sister right?” Nero asked.
Kymil went silent and stared into the flames of the hearth. After a moment he replied.
“She enrolled in the knights academy soon after we arrived here. I believe that was 6 years ago now. It’s the only way for an elf to be accepted into hevarian society after all. Last year, she became a major knight. She’d been assigned to a squad, led by a Lieutenant. She woke me up before dawn, and told me she was leaving to go on a mission. I begged her to stay, to live amongst her people, in peace. She promised that after just one mission she’d be able to buy us a house, outside of the slums. She broke her pact of pacifism with Xiana, our god. She left and never came back from that mission Nero.”
“What happened?” Nero asked.
“A month after she left, a human knight wearing a silver cape approached me. He was the leader of her squad. He handed me her sword, and bronze cape. Then he simply said “She sacrificed her life, so we could survive” and walked away. She died just like my parents did.” Kymil replied.
Neros heart grew heavy. The two elves ate their bread in silence for a while, and the sun began to set.
The two watched the flames of the hearth roar, and Nero noticed something strange. The fire wasn’t ordinary, it was magic. As he stared into it he could see faces that he couldn’t recognize.
“What is this fire?” he asked.
“Ah, I forgot to tell you, I apologize. This is Gleam Flame. My people can use nature magic, and this fire allows you to reflect on your past. Earlier you said you didn’t know who you were, I thought maybe this could help you remember. Least I could do after you got me all of this bread.” Kymil said with a smile.
“How does it work? I can see faces, they seem familiar although I can’t recognize them.” Nero asked.
“It’s different for everyone. For me, I can see the trees of Syvamel. Our shamans used to use this fire to see into the future, or commune with Xiana, goddess of nature. Now we mainly use it to keep us warm at night.” Kymil replied.
Nero stared into the brilliant red flame, and became lost in it’s light. The room he was in faded out of his vision, and the faces in the flames became clear. They were looking down at him now, as if Nero was laying on his back. He is now in the room he first awakened in. The two faces turned into people. They looked like him, elves with pale skin, black hair and violet eyes. One was a woman, and the other was an older man. The woman began to speak in Nero’s native language. The one thing he didn’t forget.
“We can’t do this to him, everyone he knows will be dead by the time he’s awakened. It will destroy him.” she said.
“We have no choice, besides there’s no guarentee he will remember anything after sleeping for 2,000 years.” The older man replied.
Nero was clearly unconsious, but during this trance he was able to see what was happening.
“Perhaps that’s for the best.” the woman said.
She caressed Nero’s face, and began to cry. She was beautiful, her eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. Nero had the urge to get up and embrace her, but couldn’t move. Who was she? Could this be his lover from the time before?
“Elincia. It’s time.” The older man said with a dark tone.
“We need to perform the ritual before he wakes up, we need to summon the Miasma.” He added.
Elincia clutched Nero’s hand, and leaned down. She placed a kiss on his sleeping lips.
“May your pain be healed in the next life, my love.” she said.
Elincia and the older man were joined by 3 hooded figures. They all joined hands, and began reciting something. The light in the room began to darken, and the air grew cold. This was lingual magic. A contract with a god.
“We call upon you Abellios, god of darkness
Grant us the Miasma, the air of night
We grant you our souls as payment, and the sweet dreams of the exiled as a gift
May he sleep for 2,000 years, in your honor
May he awaken in 2,000 years, in your honor
We banish Nero the Ruthless from this time
May he carry out the prophecy when he awakens
May he get revenge
Sleep now, Black wolf
Sleep now, and free us from the wrath of the sun.”
A black mist began filling the room. The people standing around Nero had begun to suffocate. The older man sat down, seemingly accepting his fate with ease. Elincia dropped down to her knees, and caressed Nero’s face once more, before collapsing on the ground. Nero’s vision began to darken.
Nero felt a tap on his shoulder, and was immediatly snapped out of his trance. It was Kymil, who stared at him amazed. The fire had gone out in the makeshift hearth. Reality sunk back into him.
“I need to go back, relight the fire!” Nero shouted at Kymil.
“I can’t, nature magic is a living thing. If the fire went out, that means it has shown you all it can.” Kymil replied.
“I saw what happened, I can remember something now!” Nero said with a smile.
Nero told Kymil about his vision. The people who looked like him, his lover and the lingual magic.
“Nero... only people bound to a god can see visions like that. The people who put you to sleep made a contract with Abellios, the god of darkness. That may not be a good thing.” Kymil said.
“Is Abellios a bad god?” Nero replied.
“Well, us gleam elves are followers of Xiana, the goddess of nature. So I’m not too educated on the god of darkness. However, Abellios is a god that has no proof of existence. He’s known as the “Damned God.” He’s only ever been a legend... until now. Nero, the Gleam Flame doesn’t lie, your vision is actual proof of his existence.” Kymil replied in wonder.
Nero had only seen a glimpse of the truth behind his existence, but now there were many more questions than before. Who were the people who put him to sleep? Why were they communing with Abellios? Why did they call him “Nero the Ruthless?”
“They said I’d be asleep for 2,000 years. The history books only date back to 1,900 years. What could that mean?” Nero said.
“I don’t know Nero, your best bet would be to ask someone that old.” Kymil replied.
“Who could possibly have been alive for 2,000 years? Nero asked with a laugh.
Kymil waited for Nero’s naive demeanor to subside.
“Alberisyus, the god-king of Aldaryl. He has been alive for over 1,700 years.”
“The king of the true elves? How has he lived that long?” Nero replied in awe.
“He is the son of the god of war, Goryndar. He’s the one responsible for all the bloodshed Aldaryl has caused.” Kymil said with a dark look.
Nero sat silently for a moment, before standing up.
“I have some serious shit to figure out don’t I?” He said to Kymil.
“No doubt, allow me to offer some insight. Hevarian’s praise Ibris, the god of light. The opposite of Abellios. So perhaps you should keep all of that to yourself to avoid making enemies.” Kymil replied.
“Kymil, thank you. For being a friend to me, and for showing me the Gleam Flame. I will repay you someday, I swear it.” Nero said.
Nero left Kymil’s house, and the elven slums. Not knowing what was in store, he began to wonder what to do next. He recalled the connection he felt with Stella when he first awoke. Was it because she was standing right where Elincia was before she died? Or was it something more? Regardless, he knew he had to find her.
He looked up to see the large towers of the royal castle in the distance. He pulled up his hood and began walking.
As darkness fell upon the city, streetlights began to ignite with flame. As Nero passed by one, he stopped to stare at the fire inside the glass. He empathized with the brilliant flame. It was containted, and had no where to go. It knew not of the world it existed in, or of it’s destiny. Nero stood there for a couple minutes. His fear has caught up with him again.
“Why am I here?” Nero said to himself with clenched fists.
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” a voice said from the shadows.
Nero’s heart skipped a beat, and he whirled around. The voice came from a dark alleyway. All Nero could see was a figure of a man, and the lit embers of a pipe he was smoking. The man had snuck up on him, usually Nero could sense the people around him.
“Who are you?” Nero asked with a sincere look.
“There you go again, asking me the questions meant for you. Very rude.” The unknown man replied.
The unknown man stepped from the shadows, and into the light of the dimly lit streetlight. He’s wearing a black suit, and wore a silver cape around his body. He has a shadow of facial hair, and had messy black hair. There was a scar that ran across his face. He was clearly a human. He blew a puff of smoke towards Nero.
“What are you? A discount store knight?” Nero said with a smirk.
The man chuckled at Nero’s remark
“Now, I prefer diplomacy. You see, I don’t like getting my hands messy. I got a kid y’know? So how about you come with us quietly? So I can tuck my kid in tonight without having blood on my hands.” he said as he took another drag from his pipe.
“Us?” Nero thought to himself as he turned around.
There were four men in suits surronding him. All human. From the look of it, they had been there all along just like the man with the pipe. Nero turned back to the man, and was met with a smirk. The unknown man was delighted to see his surprise.
“Who are you?” Nero asked again.
“Not the right question kid. What you should be asking if you’re going to still be alive tomorrow. We don’t know you. And by “we” I mean the Hevarian National Government. Plus, a large amount of witnesses saw you strike a Major Knight through a wall while he was attempting to arrest you at the academy, nearly putting him in the hospital. Now, we’re under the impression that you are not aware of who you are, I personally don’t believe that, but I'll negotiate in good faith. You ask a question, I’ll answer. When I ask a quesiton, YOU answer. Got it?” The man said.
This man was dangerous, Nero could feel it just by the way he talked. He knew that they could’ve just killed him, so it was in his best interest to play along.
“I get it. Now tell me who you are.” Nero asked the man.
The man chuckled. He loved seeing Nero’s look of frustration.
“Lieutenant David Frederick, me and these fine gentlemen are from the Abiti, the royal police.” He replied.
Nero had read about the Abiti in the government book from the library. There was not much written about them. He could guess why from the way they are operating though. The Abiti is made up of high class major knights who act as muscle, with talented lieutenant knights leading these squads to conduct investigations and arrests on behalf of the king. Very nasty people.
“We’ve talked to your pals, Aria De Sempre and Alexander Erikson. Erikson cooperated willingly, claims your very existence is suspicious. He told us about the door, and the gargoyle. We had some people check it out, scary stuff huh? De Sempre wouldn’t cooperate, we had to rough her up a little. She only talked when we mentioned the names of her younger siblings. She says you’re a good guy, and only acted in self defense. Erikson found it weird someone would “defend themselves with a smile on their face”. Princess was off limits though, can’t be interrogating royalty now can we.” The lieutenant said.
“What do you mean... roughed her up?” Nero asked with a look of anger.
“Ah ah, I haven’t asked my question yet have I Nero? Wait your turn.” The lieutenant said with a smirk.
“You defeated a Major Knight with ease, not many people can do that. Who have you recieved training from? The Rhugians? You’re some kind of elf, maybe the Aldaryi special forces?” The Lieutenant added.
Nero did not know who those people were. But from the sound of it they were enemies to Hevaria.
“It just... happened. I haven’t received training from those groups. I truly don’t remember a thing from my past.” Nero said as he looked towards the ground.
The lieutenant chuckled and puffed on his pipe.
“Anymore questions kid?”
Nero continued looking down at the ground in frustration.
“I guess question time is up for you, and ours is just getting started. Sorry kid, but this isn’t going to be a pleasant night for you. Boys, take him back to HQ.” The lieutenant said calmly.
The other members of the Abiti began walking towards Nero, no doubt they were about to take him somewhere to be interrogated.
“No going back now.” Nero thought to himself.
He rushed the lieutenant with blinding speed, and attempted to punch him in the face. To Nero’s surprise, the man was just as fast as he was and caught his punch. This knight was on a completely different level than Gallus from the academy. The lieutenant forced Nero’s wrist back with great strength and a cracking sound was heard, his wrist had just been broken. The man then brought a fast kick down on Nero’s knee, causing him to buckle over on the floor. He then pressed his foot down on Nero’s skull, causing him to wince in pain. By now the lieutenants subordinates were putting hand restraints on Nero’s wrists. He then began to feel incredibly nauseous, these restraints were enchanted. The men liften him up and the Lieutenant grabbed Nero’s face, forcing him to look at him.
“Now that is no way to treat someone who was nice to you. NOW I’M GOING TO HAVE TO TELL MY KID WHY DADDY CAME HOME WITH BLOODY HANDS AGAIN!” The Lieutenant shouted in Nero’s face.
The nausea caused by the hand restraints was too much to bare, Nero could feel himself losing consiousness. He was about to black out when he heard the Lieutenant speak.
“Boys, take him to the “Butcher’s Shop” and DON’T be nice. I’m going to report to HQ, I’ll meet you fellas tomorr-.”
Nero had passed out, and was in the hands of complete strangers. He dreamt of the fire from the streetlight, now envious of it’s glass casing. Warm, and safe from harms way. Waiting for daylight.
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