《Realm Of Assola》Ch 27
Ron wanted to run, towards Shadows room. But after a few steps… he couldn’t. He was sweating, his stomach hurt. Ron was tired. With everything that happened, and now with someone attempting to escape… he couldn’t guess who it was.
The [Slaves] had collars, everyone in this place… that was a risk had a collar. And that meant everyone except him and Shadow. And Ron didn’t dare… to get Shadow to wear one. And them breaking the enchanted door, without proper tools. It was impossible. He still doubted the words that his [Servant] designed to take care of defenses told him.
Jerry was odd, from the way that Ron saw him. His mismatched proportions, long arms combined with short legs. Made him almost comical… but he was good with a sword, he was cheap too. So it worked out for Ron.
Ron believed in him… but it was strange, still not wanting to risk anything. He… walked towards Shadows room. He still felt somewhat strange with the fact that Shadow wasn’t the first to react. Being an assassin, he must of sensed if something was happening. But there was no sign of that from Shadow.
So Ron walked, trying to move his legs just a bit faster. He ended up taking a stamina potion, even though the [Healers] advised him not to. There was a chance that it would react badly with the expired vine… that he drank.
But he wanted to be there, when the things happened.
Caden was there, standing when the [Thugs] broke the door.
As the door collided with the wall, Caden didn’t follow it. He didn’t care what it had damaged. He was looking at the [Slaves] that were running, disoriented. Staring, looking for a path. Or a direction where to go, where to run. They didn’t know.
In all the confusion, Caden noticed one of the [Slaves] trip, he ended up getting trampled by the thugs, and some [Slaves] as they were running. He saw that the [Slave] was somehow okay… but there were other things happening.
He could feel multiple people, going in this direction. One being closer than the rest. Sensing Ron, approach his quarters. Caden sighed, he was glad that the door was enchanted. And the last item that he left there should isolate the room from the outside sounds.
He didn’t want something, to spoil his fun. Looking at the four [Thugs] following behind the [Slaves], scanning their surroundings.
Their stay in the tunnels didn’t do a lot on their physical state. They looked to be in good shape, not out of breath. Just the fact of not having any kind of armor… could end up costing them.
Caden could see, one well-timed fire spell or a scroll. Roasting them all alive, where they stood. And that would be boring.
Looking at the lone [Servant] that stood there, face contorted in anger. As he watched the [Thugs] and the [Slaves] run. Cade rose one eyebrow.
He had enchanted gear, the sword that he held was a similar quality to the ones that [Thugs] found. Caden couldn’t notice anything else that he had, gear-wise. But the [Servant] had levels.
It would be interesting, but being alone… his chances were slim.
Clark was there, running. And it hit him… that he didn’t know where to run. Yes, the alarm went off. But he had no idea what it was for. And there was no one that he could ask, except master Ron, or Shadow. Or a [Servant] if he spotted them. So he had to decide, where to go first.
“Run towards master Rons quarters. Speed up, time is running out.”
[Servants] looked at him, some confused. Some understanding the goal of doing that. But they weren’t fighters. Only Clark out of the group had some fighting experience. And most of it was based around the past month of training with Shadow. The rest of them were… cleaners, [Servants] that went into the nearby village to buy groceries. To polish the statues, bring light orbs to the [Enchanter] little tasks that would do something about the hygiene.
They had only one [Cook], and he wasn’t the one washing the dishes. Cleaning the kitchen. And them being seven [Servants]. They had their specialties. One was there for the defense, the enchantments that were there to protect the estate, the tunnels. And to monitor, and let Ron know when they needed to be fixed.
Some were there, to just clean the bathrooms or the rooms of master Ron or special guests like master Shadow currently.
So if there was a real attack, with people with skills, and classes based around that… they were doomed, unless Shadow or Ron had something up their sleeve.
So they ran, getting to the main stairs, Clark spotted Ron, walking towards Shadows quarters. Seeing Ron… Clark did a double-take, Ron was looking bad… he shrunk during the period of the past week or so. Even though he was dressed well, like always. And now had even a sword on his belt. The clothes that he usually wore… didn’t fit him.
“Master Ron, where is the emergency? We heard the alarm, but we have no idea… what it is.”
Hearing the voice, Ron looked down towards it. Seeing six [Servants] and a [Cook], he relaxed somewhat. Meeting them, made the whole thing easier. He turned, and walked down, towards them. He ended up needing to hold the handrail.
“[Cook], go find Shadow, tell him to come as soon as he can. Clark and the rest follow me. Jerry should already be there.”
Motioning with his hand, Ron tried to speed up. But it wasn’t working. Even with the potion that he had just drunk… he felt somewhat worse. His stomach was rumbling now. He was close to just calling it there and then. And let the [Servants] deal with it… but the allure of the new class… was too strong.
Jerry watched the [Slaves] run out from the door. That was kicked open just minutes ago. Seeing one of the statues get crushed… he cursed.
“[Slaves], get on the ground! Now!”
He jelled, enchanting his voice. Trying to scare them, he didn’t have the authority to use their collars. And killing them… wouldn’t look good for him.
Seeing as they weren’t stopping. Some even running in his direction. Jerrys mind was racing. They didn’t have weapons. And without levels, or artifacts… blowing the enchanted door open, was impossible. He searched the crowd, for a sign. Something that could have caused the escape.
As he saw the last of the [Slaves] rush out, Jerry saw them. Even as they were crouching, trying to blend in. They were bigger, his danger sense was going off. And seeing those weapons. He grimaced.
The [Thugs] that were behind the [Slaves] had levels… they were strong. And Jerry could see that, even from a single glance. Turning around, seeing if any of his colleagues or even master Shadow was coming. He was disappointed. He was alone, against four… and it was looking bad.
He took out the only potion that he had… that would increase his strength for five minutes after drinking it. Popping the cork from the flask. He drank it all in one go, Jerry could feel the liquid go down his throat. And the reaction of his body… was instant.
He felt stronger, taking a defensive position. He stood there. Jerry debated going back, uniting with the rest. But if he managed to solve the whole situation alone… even getting free seemed like a realistic thing to ask for. As a reward. So he clenched his jaw. And relaxed it, fixing his eyes on the [Thugs], he yelled.
“Come at me cowards! Stop hiding behind the kids!.”
[Thugs] turned, in unison. Looking at the funny-looking guy. They laughed. The atmosphere around them shifted. They didn’t have to be told twice, and they moved. Running, some sprinting, some gloving from the abilities that they had.
Jerry didn’t care, if they had [Lesser Strength] or [Lesser Agility] or whatever kind of buff that they used. They had no armor, no enchanted gear. No potions. And he had the upper hand.
So he waited, as they approached, splitting around. Some trying to get in his blind spot. But he moved, Jerry, slashed forwards. Trying to break their formation. He knew the area, he was in charge of it. Worst comes to worst, he would retreat to one of the tunnels.
He moved, swinging his sword. [Heavy Swing] swept forwards, increasing the already huge weight behind his swing. He caught the sword of one of the [Thugs].
Jerry couldn’t help but widen his eyes… as he saw the sword actually not break. It didn’t even chip, as the [Thug] was sent stumbling back a few steps. Before Jerry could gawk at the result, a strike came from his side, striking his armor. He reflexively swung in the direction of the strike, but he hit nothing but air.
The hit hurt, Jerry was certain that a few more of those… would even break his armor. Before he could assess the current situation, and see where the other two of the [Thugs] were. A strike from behind, sent him rolling to the ground.
Jerry screamed in pain, as he could hear a crack. Luckily he could still move, he tried getting distance from the [Thugs] as they tag-teamed him, but he was sent rolling towards the [Thug] that he first hit, he saw the strike coming, in the last moment. Rising his hand with the sword, he blocked the incoming slash, that was aiming for his neck.
He could feel shivers run through his body, he was nervous… this was too close. Jerry had to either buy time… hope that someone arrives, or try and get into a smaller space, where they couldn’t team up against him.
But Jerry had no time to get his bearings, as another strike came from the side, this one got through the armor, as it cut through his skin. He could see the blood, as he was sent flying towards the wall.
It cut the skin, below his ribs… the armor was ruined. Jerry could see the enchant break, and now he was in a bad position. Looking up, seeing the four [Thugs] approaching him, ready to pounce on a single mistake.
Jerry didn’t have the luxury, of making large swings… it costed him, he would need an opening. They had nothing, only swords. One clear strike, and it was over. He stood up, throwing the armor to the side, as it was useless now. He waited. He wasn’t going to make the first move this time, he learned from his mistake.
Fifteen was there, at the end of the [Slaves] that were running out. He slipped, yelling for them to wait for him, to help him out. But before anyone could hear him, the damned [Thugs] walked over him, stepping on his head, he could feel his nose break. One of his teeth fell off. As his head hit the floor from the impact.
Fifteen felt dizzy, as he looked up his vision was somewhat blurry, but he focused. Seeing as none was looking at him, he turned his head. Towards the pile of swords, that the [Thugs] took from them, Fifteen was mad at the [Thugs].
Yes, they helped them out, with everything. But they took the sword from him, he hated them. Fifteen crawled towards the swords, taking two. One for each hand. He cheered, Fifteen felt triumphant. Looking back at the direction where they ran. He could see one of the [Servants], dressed in actual armor, face the [Thugs].
Fifteen hoped, that at least one of the [Thugs] would get killed. But seeing how, the [Guard] failed. Fifteen moved, he tried to sneak, behind one of the [Thugs]. He wanted revenge. And now had a weapon to do it.
As one of the [Thugs] sent the [Guard] flying, towards the wall. Fifteen followed, seeing the [Thugs] focus on the [Guard] that was there on the floor, taking his armor off, Fifteen sneaked towards their backs. He didn’t care which [Thug] he stabbed. But he wanted them to pay.
As Fifteen got into the range, he pounced forward. Hand with the sword extended, he watched with amusement. As the sword went straight through the spine of one of the [Thugs].
Claud couldn’t believe it, they were winning. The [Servant] or whatever his class was, was now on the ground. He wasn’t anything special. Maybe one on one, they would struggle. But they were trained, even with two missing members. Everyone knew what they were doing.
And so it would end quickly. Killing the [Servant] all that they would need to do was find Ron. Claud did a battle cry. Hearing the other follow, Claud snapped his head to the side.
This time Claud screamed, moving faster than ever before in his life. As he swung his weapon. Beheading the [Slave] that dared to stab his friend. Looking at the limp Gerald, laying there. Claud shouted into space.
“What have you done!?”
Not even bothering to look at the [Slave] that he just killed, Claud cried. Through strained voice, he squeezed the words from his mouth.
“Kill, that [Servant]. That every single one of the [Slaves]... look what they did to our member!”
He got up, not daring to look again at the limp Gerald. Now laying there… on the floor. Claud charged, he wanted to kill. And he was going to do it.
He swung, recklessly. Using everything that he had. Claud saw the [Servant] falter, his hand flinched from the impact. He took that opportunity, [Shoulder Charging] into the [Servant]. Slicing at his sword arm, as he was flying back.
Claud smiled, as he heard the scream of the [Servant]. That lay there, holding his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. He walked up to him. And looked down. Smiling, the tears still going down his cheeks.
“I won’t kill you, don’t worry. Killing the [Slaves] we will need a hostage. And you will do just fine.”
Swinging his sword again, Claud cut the other hand of the [Servant]. Throwing his head back, Claud laughed. He laughed for something that seemed like a minute.
Looking around, Claud saw everyone frozen. The [Slaves] looking at him, in shock. Frozen in their places. Even his team, the only two left… were looking at him, somewhat strangely. But soon went after the frozen [Slaves].
Claud wasn’t happy, his friend. Someone as close to him, as a real brother. Was dead… he slowly walked towards the body, trying to see if he was mistaken. If Gerald was still breathing, or blinking. Or something.
But there was nothing, as the body lay there. Sword protruding from his front. Claud cursed, again. Screaming.
He stood up, scanned the area. Seeing [Slaves] dying, his team members killing. He looked to the side, seeing more [Servants] coming their way. Claud was mad… but he wasn’t mad enough to throw their lives away.
So he turned, towards his team.
“We have company, we will deal with the others after.”
Hearing his voice, Angus and Charles joined him. Claud could see Ron in the back… even with the way that he looked, he still recognized him.
Clauds blood burned, he wanted to rush in first. But he couldn’t risk it, he needed an opening.
“Look who it is if it isn’t the traitor of the Snot Guild.” Claud sneered.
Claud needed to create discord, and hope that Ron couldn’t activate their collars.
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Aura of Magic
Disclaimer: Keep in mind this is a first draft! Developmental editing for the book will be underway at the end of this month. Aurora Nightshade spent her whole life living as a countryside bumpkin, living just to get by. Despite the hardships brought onto her by the Song clan, the tyrannical people that levy insufferable taxes onto her and the villagers, she was content enough with life. This all changed one day, when an amulet fell from the sky like a meteor, a werewolf became her companion and the world of magic opened up to her. The world of spirits and gods revealed to her that fateful night. If you are into Wuxia and Cultivation themes, then don't miss this novel. It touches on some interesting mythology as well, and a lot of magic based on Epic Fantasy. A book that any WMW fan should read! Preorder Aura of Magic on Amazon: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B095Z1VX9B Chapters daily (Advance chapters on Patreon) !!! Extra chapter for every 100 followers we reach! ________________________________________________________________ Creator of the Mage of Shadows series. Link to amazon below. https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B089DJS52J Currently making a discord where you readers can send me messages and chat to me! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/sWcBsxWGSc Instagram: @mageofshadows Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge
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