《Realm Of Assola》Ch 25 - Survival
After a few minutes of running, or well being carried around. Six felt nauseous, disoriented… he wanted to vomit. He was trying his best not to, throwing up on a guy that had a sword, and was much larger than him… didn’t seem like a bright idea.
As they approached the voices grew louder. But he wasn’t in a situation to look up, and see what was happening… Six was doing his best to keep yesterday’s meal in his belly. And he was close to not managing it.
Soon they came to a stop, he was lovered down next to who he presumed was Three… he didn’t seem to be in a better position than Six was. As he was trying to come to his senses he noticed… that the voices stopped, there were some protests, arguments. But even they soon quieted.
Six wanted to raise his head, see what was happening… but he just couldn’t manage to do it. So he just knelt there with his hands on the ground heaving for breath, as he tried to at least listen and try to comprehend what was going on… and by the voices and the pleas. He was certain that whatever was happening… wasn’t good. But at least it was quiet now.
As Six managed to raise his head, he saw fourteen slaves sitting on the ground, organized. He was surprised, looking closely he could see it, on their faces… fear. Some were clutching their arms, some curled up.
As Six was taking in the scene… comprehending what happened in the short period of time, he couldn’t help but gaze at the guards in fear mixed with awe. He knew they were strong, but still, he felt surprised. They managed to get them to submit, and it looked like they even took the swords, in less than a minute.
“You are finally back with us, we helped your fellow [Slaves] get in order, and quiet down.”
Six shivered, Claud was speaking in a low but cheery voice.
“Er… Claud sir, sorry I was just not feeling well.”
“Don’t worry kid, you did great. But weren’t there seventeen of you [Slaves]?”
“Yeah, is there something wrong?”
Claud fixed him with his eyes, after a moment of silence. Claud shook his head.
“No, it’s just that one of you is missing, and we don’t want someone to be left behind, after all, that you went through to help us out, we feel obliged to save you all.”
Six couldn’t tell if them finding the missing person… was good for them, but if they wanted to? He couldn’t stop them even if he wanted to.
“I have no idea, sir. I was with you the whole…”
Before he could finish one of the [Slaves] jumped in.
“I know where he is! If you give me the sword back, I’ll tell you!”
Claud glanced in the direction of the [Slave] that spoke, honestly he was kind of surprised that he still had the will, to shout. But if he knew something? He would let it go, just this once. Walking towards the [Slave], he looked at him.
“Tell you what, if you tell us… and it turns out that you were right? We will give you a sword, once we leave this place, okay?”
“You… you won’t go back on your word?”
Claud just glared at him, he was starting to get on his nerves, but if he went further dragging the [Slaves] wasn’t an option, and to just leaving them behind? That would hurt them in the long run. So he turned, to walk away, and talk with Gerald, on what to do with the kid, and one missing.
“He took the turn, towards the bathroom. I saw him… he was behind me, I promise.”
“Good job, see it wasn’t that hard.”
Claud didn’t even turn around not bothered to see the reaction and just walked off.
“Six, teach Cedric where the exit is from here, and tell him where the turn for the bathroom is. Once you are done, we shall move. Time is running out.”
Six was confused why they were even bothering with finding someone now. But before he could ask, seeing the expression on Cedrics face... he didn’t dare to and just did what he was told to do.
The whole situation was hectic, things changed so fast. Hopes were dashed. But at least they were still going to escape... right? Four was sitting there, he and five were the only ones that gave up the swords… without resisting. The rest? They couldn’t even react, as they moved through their group. Knocking them aside one by one. Striking them hard enough… that most of them just dropped the sword, not being able to even hold onto them.
Four was scared thinking… that [Servants] heard them, but he somewhat recognized them… as the [Guards] that were escorting them to this place. And seeing them casually carry Six and Three while running? He just followed orders. He assumed they were on the [Servants] side… but as the time went on, it became clear that they were [Slaves], or prisoners? And that they were actually a part of the plan? Too many things going on, and they wanted to find the missing [Slave]? Who was even missing? And if someone was missing… why would they care?
Things weren’t going as Claud expected them to, they actually managed to steal twenty-two swords? With the quality… it was surprising. Leaving the weapons in the hands of [Slaves]?
Was a no-go, Claud didn’t trust them… and those were too sharp, if one of [Slaves] decided to stab one of them in the back with those swords? They were done for.
But carrying them all? He couldn’t spare one of his team members to do it. So he decided to get a slave to do it. If he tried something funny? Having twenty-two swords in his hands… Claud doubted that the [Slave] could manage.
“Three, you will be carrying the extra swords. Cedric if you are done, we should get going.”
“Yeah, one second let me go to the details one more time, and I’m off.”
Claud could tell by his voice… poor [Slave].
Aron still couldn’t believe it all, he managed to sneak off. Without anyone noticing him. He had so many plans, so many things that he thought could go wrong. But somehow he just… took an opposite turn, he even waited close to the corner, seeing if he could hear something if someone noticed that he was gone. But as he waited, time went on. And nobody turned or said anything.
But as he still felt somewhat uncertain. So instead of going straight back to his room, Aron continued on towards the bathroom. While he walked, he couldn’t help but look at the sword.
It was similar to the training swords, but instead of wood. It was metal, it had a pointy tip, with two edges and a guard. It didn’t look special. But if what Four told them was correct? And even seeing him drag the sword through the stone floor. It was amazing.
As he was walking towards the bathroom, Aron couldn’t help but try swinging it. Copying the moves that Shadow showed, he was still somewhat clumsy, but there was progress. It was heavy, but the regular exercises that he was doing, were clearly paying off. He was somewhat comfortable with swinging it, even one-handed.
Arriving at the door, and entering inside. Aron just collapsed to the ground, placing the sword next to him. Having finally some time to think, and not pay attention to the surroundings… checking if someone spotted him, or if one of the [Servant] was coming his way. He couldn’t help but start guessing, how would the rest do. And what would happen if they managed to get out, or if they failed.
Sitting there with his back to the wall, massaging his temples. He sighed.
Even what would happen to him, once Ron found out about what their plan was. And that he was now in possession of a weapon, a real weapon. Feeling overwhelmed, he tried to just clear his head. And wait it out a little bit longer, before returning.
Having calmed down, and collected his thoughts. Aron was ready to go back, and see how the things would play out. He was still somewhat nervous, but at this point? There was no going back, no changing things.
Things were already set, people made choices. And now dwelling on it? Just didn’t feel right. If he came to a point where he would regret? That point wouldn’t come… having picked what looked like the best path. Even if it turned out to be wrong? It was still the best path, just that it wasn’t meant to be… and luck wasn’t on his side.
Sighing, he grabbed the sword and stood up. Now for the final push, with the hard part done? It should be easy. Just to get back to the room, and let the day pass. And with that… things will hopefully go back to normal.
Pressing his ear against the door, trying to hear if someone was approaching. Hearing nothing, Aron decided that it was safe enough to peek.
Opening the door, he poked his head out looking. Aron froze… he had to blink a few times, to make sure that what he was seeing was real.
There was a person walking towards him, he was big, bigger than the [Slaves]. But seeing how he wasn’t wearing anything aside from his pants. That confused Aron. He didn’t see anyone else than [Servants] and [Slaves] around here.
But he couldn’t risk it, not being sure if he was spotted. Aron slowly closed the door. Checking for the lock, or a way to block it… even though he knew there wasn’t one.
Only after scanning the bathroom once again… did he notice that his heart was beating... fast. Aron was shaking, his palms were sweaty.
He had nowhere to run, and the bathroom was cramped. He was small, but even if Aron stood upright his head would touch the ceiling. And having nowhere to hide. He could only hope.
But Aron felt strange… he couldn’t even hear the person approach, or move. He slowly approached the door, hesitantly placing his ear again against the door… but again, there was no sound.
Did his eyes play tricks on him? Aron didn’t dare to check… he would rather wait it out. He didn’t want… whoever that was to see that he had a sword. He wanted to keep it.
So seeing how he couldn’t hear anything… and the door being not lockable. Aron set his foot at the bottom of it and moved his body back. If they decided to slam the door open? He didn’t want it to slam into his head first.
So Aron found himself standing there, in an awkward position, waiting. And he didn’t have to wait for long.
There was a knock.
Aron flinched... almost taking his foot off the door. He quickly readjusted his posture, trying not to make noise.
“[Slave] I know you are there.”
Came a low voice, just outside the door. Things just became serious, Aron had to get his shit together.
“Yes sir.”
“Why don’t you come out, so that we can have a little chat.”
The voice seemed surprised that Aron responded… so they weren’t a [Servant], or so Aron guessed. If they were? And wanted him out, Aron was certain that they would straight up threaten him.
A [Servant] going to a [Slaves] bathroom to chat with him? If they didn’t find out about their escape plan? Made no sense to Aron and that made things more complicated.
“I’m sorry sir… I’m having stomach problems, I can’t get up.”
“Let me help you out then.”
As the voice finished, they tried to open the door… even managing to push his foot back a bit. They were strong. The more the voice spoke, the more it sounded familiar to Aron… like he heard it somewhere, before coming to these tunnels? He couldn’t place it. He needed more time.
“Sir… it stinks in here, I think it would be better if you waited out… until I finished up.”
“Kid, don’t think that I’m not aware of what you are doing. If you don’t open the door in three seconds.”
The voice didn’t finish… but it was obvious as the voice started to count down. Aron couldn’t hold the door if that person used more force, maybe even his foot would break. And then he was done for.
So he had to act, slowly making sure that he didn’t make any noise Aron stepped back, to the corner of the bathroom. If they kicked the door, it would make noise. And Aron had a weapon, maybe he could scare him off?
True to his words once they counted to three, the person kicked the door. It almost flew straight towards Aron, he saw one of the hinges break… luckily the other held, and with a loud crash the door slammed into the wall.
The sound of the impact alone scared Aron. He couldn’t imagine what would have been of his leg if he kept it there. He was sweating now, even more. He was staring at the place where the door was, looking at the person that was standing there.
He was bent, Aron was certain if he stood straight he would only see up to his chest. Rest being higher than the door frame. Looking at the face… he recognized the person, but the way that he was looking at him? Made Aron shiver.
“Little kid, you made me wait. Even damage this fine door, be a good boy and come here… it’s still not too late, okay?”
It was one of the [Guards] that escorted them to this place… but he looked different. He had a collar on his neck, and on his waist was the same sword that he had.
“Sir [Guard], I was just about to get out. You didn’t have to be so violent.”
At Arons words, the [Guards] creepy smile, became even more terrifying. He scanned Aron with his eyes, pausing at the sword but not for long. He stopped on Arons eyes.
“Kid why don’t you put that little sword away, so that we can have a nice time. Okay?”
The voice made Aron shudder, a nice time? Aron was certain that he wasn’t going to have one. By the way that the [Guard] spoke, even looked at him. Aron was certain that he could see hunger? In the man’s eyes.
So Aron tried to take another step back. But there was only a wall there. Things were bad, the [Guard] was awakened. If he caught him, he was done. He had to make a first move, something that would catch the [Guard]... unprepared.
“You have nothing to worry about, I love kids like you. I was even thinking of buying you from the [Slaver], but see how things turned out?”
The guard sighed, taking a small step forwards. Entering the bathroom.
“You see, we are both [Slaves] now, but you don’t have to worry. I’ll help you out, and your friends too, to get out of here… once we are done here.”
Aron watched him inch forwards, every step he took towards him, made Aron shudder. But he forced himself to think. He had the advantage here, it was cramped. The [Guard] couldn’t move as well as he could. The [Guard] was bent, Aron could see the way out. He had to bet once again. Aron had to, he didn’t have time to think... he had to move, and now!
Once the guard came in range, Aron moved. Lowering the weapon, like he was surrendering. He took a step forwards.
The [Guard] was smiling.
“See that wasn’t that hard, good ki---”
Before he could finish, Aron lunged forward, as his body was moving he thrusted forwards with his sword. There was no sound, no gasp… it was like the world paused as the sword pierced straight through the [Guards] skin… stopping once the guard of the sword touched the [Guards] chest.
Aron was surprised… that it actually worked, he looked from his hands towards where the sword was. Realizing that he was now in reach of the [Guard], he tried pulling the sword out, and making a run for it.
As he tried the sword wouldn’t budge, Aron looked up. He saw a hand on the guard of the sword, holding it in place. It was lodged in [Guards] chest, moving his head up. He saw pure hate, in the [Guards] eyes, there was some fear there too, or was Aron just imagining it.
In his peripheral vision, Aron could see the other hand of the guard move, grabbing towards him. Still being in the same position, Aron released the sword hilt. And rolled between the [Guards] legs.
As he was trying to get up and run for it, Aron heard a savage roar.
“Bastard! Look what you have done. I’ll fucking kill you!”
Aron turned around, just in time to see as the [Guard] started to glow, he whirled. Still a hand on the weapon’s guard that was in his chest. Still having one free, he launched himself at Aron.
Instinctively, Aron rolled to the side. Just in time, to notice the fist of the [Guard], slam in the place where his head was.
The stone cracked. Bits and pieces flying everywhere. Some puncturing Arons skin… only now did he realize how dire the situation actually was. The pain woke him up, he had to get up… run, or something, this was real. He had to, get away from this lunatic.
Aron looked to his side to see, the [Guards] hand stuck in the cobblestone. He had just enough time to get up. Before Aron could turn his back to the [Guard] and make a run for it. Aron saw the [Guard] let go of the sword guard freeing his other hand.
Aron watched, stupified. As the [Guard] pushed with his free hand. The floor cracked, around the place where his other hand was.
The [Guard] was free, and now he was using both hands. The [Guard] didn’t speak, he just screamed… as he hurled a stone towards the slave, full force. He was no longer joking. The sword in his chest, if he doesn’t find a healing potion? He was dead. So with no hope left, he wanted him dead. He was still low-level, but he had skills, and he used them.
Aron couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He was lucky to be looking at the guard. He saw the [Guard] rise his hand, with a stone in it? And then the stone flew… too fast. Aron jumped to the side… too late. The stone grazed his shoulder, even so, it still took the muscle with it.
Aron screamed it hurt… hurt so much he wanted to just stay still. But he had to move, he was still on his feet. He could still make it. As he tried to go for it, Aron saw the [Guard] move again, he sprinted towards his location… too fast. Aron couldn’t outrun that, so he braced, better to lose a hand than his life.
The [Guard] punched forward, managing to get his hands in a blocking position, Aron hoped that he got the position right. The fist struck his hands, he could hear a crack… as he was sent flying.
Falling back first to the ground, Aron screamed as his body kept skidding on the ground from the momentum. He could feel his skin being torn, from the rocky floor. Both of them were screaming now.
The [Guard] charged again, somewhat slower… his chest was bloody, and from the place where the sword was, blood was starting to flow… faster.
Aron was disoriented, as he was staring towards the [Guard], he now knew what hate felt like. Aron wanted that [Guard] dead, he tried to move his left hand… but it wasn’t responding. So using his right, he threw his left hand off his chest… screaming as he did it.
He had to think, move. Do something, Aron didn’t want to die. But what could he do… one of his arms was disabled, he couldn’t stand up. His back was a mess, it burned. And the time was ticking, the [Guard] was a few steps away. He had to do something! He couldn’t manage to get up, he laid there… mind racing.
Cedric the [Guard] was mad, he was dying… he could feel it. And the little bastard was slippery. The [Slave] should have died, from the first hit… but somehow, he dodged. And now Cedric was running, he could feel the organs in his chest… it wasn’t good. He wanted to kill the [Slave] with his hands, but he was losing too much blood. He didn’t know what the sword went through… but it was bad. That didn’t stop him, he had… even if it was the last thing that he did… he had to kill that bastard. The [Slave] was laying there, he somehow managed to even block the other strike, but now Cedric was certain. He got him.
Aron followed the guard with his eyes… he was ready. He was going to bet his life on the line. For the chance that he was right. It was the only chance, the only path that he saw… for him to survive.
Aron saw the [Guard] move… he lunged at Aron, again with his fist extended.
Aron moved his head to the side… praying, screaming. It had to work.
The fist struck next to Arons head… millimeters away. He could feel the ground crack, debris flying hitting the side of his head. But he had to move. It was now or never, his bet worked out.
Screaming, Aron moved his only working hand. Grabbing the hilt of the sword, that was lodged in the [Guards] chest. He moved it, stirring it as he pulled the sword out.
Cedric screamed, the bastar---, he wanted to move this hand, but it was stuck in the ground, again. Moving the other, trying to stop. He was late, he… he didn’t want to die.
The [Guard] screamed, flailing with his free hand… Aron didn’t care, he gave it his all. Pulling the sword out, blood gushed out.
Screaming, Cedric reached for the basta… neck. He didn’t have enough in him, to tighten the grasp on his neck. Despair, and regret… his mind was spinning. Memories going through his head, of his family, hope of escaping this place. The last thought, that hurt him the most, he remembered that he had a weapon on his belt.
Aron managed it, he pulled the sword out. The [Guards] hand was on his neck, he didn’t know if he was done for… he tried moving the sword, maybe cutting his hand off? Before he could, the [Guard] collapsed on top of the sword. Aron felt the sword pierce the [Guard] again, the blood sprayed over him, it was warm. He couldn’t budge, he needed to remove the hand from his neck. But he couldn’t move.
Aron didn’t know what was happening, the guard lay on him, the hand still on his neck.
Aron couldn’t move, he was pressed down to the ground, scared. Still screaming, trying to move, struggle to get out. But he couldn’t the [Guard] was too heavy. And Aron couldn’t move his other hand. The [Guards] hand was still on his neck, locking his head in place. Aron tried to move, roll over… or something! He screamed!
Aron wanted, needed… he. Aron lost consciousness.
Everybody Loves Large Chests
Everybody Loves Large Chests is now available on Amazon and Audible! Featuring lots of editorial love and a more enjoyable reading/listening experience! Large chests are said to encompass all manner of hopes and dreams. Men covet them. Women envy them. But one fact holds true - everyone wants to get their hands on some big ones. The same holds true for one intrepid adventurer - a strapping young lad by the name of Himmel. Armed with his grandfather’s trusty longsword and the dream of being the strongest, he sets out on the journey of a lifetime! It is sure to be a long and dangerous road, fraught with danger! And it all starts with a simple test - reach Level 5 in the dungeon called the ‘newbie zone’ and earn the right to become a full-fledged adventurer! However, such things get hopelessly derailed when his adolescent mind beholds an exposed chest for the first time. A fateful meeting that would inevitably lead his life in a direction he never even dreamed of! This fiction is written, maintained and owned by Neven Iliev. It is also a participant of the WriTEr's pledge.
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