《Realm Of Assola》Ch 8 - The Beginning
Waking up, more refreshed than I had right to be. I felt happy even though I haven't believed a single word from these people, not that they talked a lot.
It was basically a single speech, that well contained a lot of information. On what I could hope for, and what could be expected to come our way. Having experienced physical exhaustion for the first time, a few days ago... I couldn't see myself doing any better in any sort of training that they had prepared for us.
If I had the ability to change the past and following what I already knew, that well exploring a ruined village would bring no gain? Would I do so? No.
Why? Well, because I felt refreshed like I actually did something! Yes, don't get me wrong finding food, catching those rodents it too was amazing in its own way, it fed me, kept me alive. But somehow... after doing it for so long and well, it really didn't require much energy. Food was nice, it fueled your life, but with food and water alone, while being tied to three streets and not knowing who you were, or where you were? Could you call that living?
So before opening my eyes, I concluded that well, I didn't want only to live... to survive. I wanted to live, experience things. Have the freedom to chose how I would spend my day, not think about the next meal, and if me moving, walking… could cost me my life.
Coming to that conclusion, I sat up and well noticed that it was still dark, we were still going. Those [Slavers] had torches and us being on a road that went, for the most part just in a straight line, with some ups and downs, they didn’t really need to wait for dawn.
I guessed that they just wanted to get over with the journey part.
My cart was in the middle, so even with this low light I could basically see all three of the carts, and eight-man formation that went along, two at the front, two at each of the sides of the middle cart, and two at the back following. I guess that formation serves some kind of defense purpose, but I couldn't tell if there was more to it?
As I paid more attention to the carts and tried to locate where the Dirt brothers were... they were the only ones that I 'knew', I didn't know them that well, but Bronzedirt looked gullible--- and well if I managed to get on his good side... I think his brother would 'befriend' me as well. Now that we were on our way, towards the unknown, I somehow wouldn't mind knowing someone. They couldn't help with [Slavers] but--- against other beggars if they decide to do something, I couldn't tell if [Slavers] would interfere. I could only imagine them doing something if one of the beggars... or well [Slaves] now. Tried to cripple someone or something... and so destroying their merchandise. Well, that sort of help, once you were at that point--- wouldn't be of much use.
And us all being squished together in carts, led me to believe that won't change. And if we were in a similar location, I doubt that we would have the opportunity to get the food ourselves... so we would be getting food from them, and it being in the open. Well, with the way that we lived--- it wouldn't surprise me if they started stealing food from the weak.
And well, I for one... was the weakest one. So I would be living there, with a target on my back, while being trained? And if that training was anywhere close to my exploration the other day... I was basically screwed.
That brought me to a point where I needed to make friends--- but how do you do that? Wouldn't it be awkward to just poke them in the side... and be like.
"Yoo, I'm that scrawny beggar, that well, lived with you for the last few years. Yes in those streets, I don't know if you remember me, but would you like to be friends?"
Even as I thought about that, I cringed.
So I thought to myself... that well, I should bide my time. Try to help them out, in a way that I can, and slowly get into their good graces. But that way, it would take too long. And I would much more prefer... that I get some kind of reassurance before we get there, to our so-called new home.
Looking around for the N-tieth time, I couldn't find them. And every time I counted, there were sixteen of them, including me seventeen. Two were missing. And recalling that well, there was no commotion, no protests nor gasps--- I concluded that well, they went on their way before we were caught and put in these cages.
The conversation that I overheard seemed like they wanted to leave the village, follow a road towards another village… or something like that? But how did they learn of the location, of the next village? And if they did leave... how haven't we seen them?
I couldn’t help but sigh… feeling disappointed somewhat.
Well, whatever my hopes of having easy protection were gone. So it was back to slow and steady, observing and well, looking for an opening to wiggle myself in.
Not being able to see much further than the torches, made it quite spooky. Looming woods on each of our sides. With a road cutting straight through. Well, being unable to see much further than the first or the second row of trees, made it look infinite and that scared me.
Having enough of the spooky... I closed my eyes. Not knowing how long was left until the sunrise. I just tried to fall asleep again.
Some sort of an argument woke me, rubbing my eyes I sat up... looking towards the location where the sound of their voices was coming from.
I saw the head [Slaver] one who held that speech, argue with the only hooded figure. Seeing how the hooded figure wasn’t backing off, he even wore somewhat different clothes than the rest of the [Guards]. That made him important, I thought to myself.
"I do not think that it would be wise of us... to continue moving forward. However the village might seem, us going with kids in cages would be too dangerous."
Hooded one commented. But the [Slaver] wouldn't have it. Waving his hand, dismissively.
"We can just go through, like on our way here! We already have the cloth prepared, and if you are scared of them making noise--- well, just knock them unconscious or we can use some of that potion in their next meal."
Hearing that, I shivered… but seeing how they weren’t pausing to let me calm down. I strained my ears, trying to hear more. The Hooded figure, didn’t even blink at the gesture, as he continued.
"What if they check the carts? Do you wish to have a target on your back? Even though slaves are allowed, I don't think they would let go of the opportunity if they caught us... kidnapping kids. So I must insist that we take the longer route "
That got the [Slaver] to pause, he looked somewhat… annoyed?
"Fine, whatever--- have it your way if it makes you happy."
It was a short argument, but it confirmed my assumptions--- we were their merchandise. And apparently what they're doing, is to an extent illegal. So maybe if they get caught? Would we be free, or just move from one [Slaver] to the next?
I was in a situation that was above my head. I knew too little, to find an exit... a way out, and I felt like if I somehow managed to escape. I would be losing a chance... if all escape did was bring me back to the starting point, those three streets, or maybe something even worse? I would rather take the risk and become a [Slave].
I found out that--- I was prone to taking risks if the safer, more logical solution brought stagnation... regression. I would go for it, take the risk. And hope, that it somehow goes the way that I imagined it.
Now that their argument came to a conclusion, and I was done thinking. I noticed that the sun rose... and with better visibility. I confirmed that well, the Dirt brothers weren't with us.
Were they lucky? Would they do better on their own, not being captives... future [Slaves]? I couldn't tell. But I wished them luck.
His name is Ron, Ron The [Slaver]... he liked his name, and how it went with the name of his class. What Ron didn't like? Being forced to listen to his bodyguard... if he was any other [Bodyguard]--- and not a freaking [Assassin], high level at that. Ron would make him listen to him! Well, it was natural, Ron was in charge... this was his caravan, his [Slaves]. And Shadow was there for protection, not to tell him what to do.
Maybe if he was discreet about it... and not freaking yelling out for everyone to hear. Ron would have listened to him. Did he want to make sure Ron knew his place or did he just not care?
Ron was a [Slaver], there were many of his class in Snot guild... he was at the bottom, but Ron looked at his rank and from his perspective, it was much higher than an [Assassin], Shadow was just a [Slave] that needed to follow his orders, be there... do that. Follow anything that he was ordered to.
Ron was the same, well he needed to follow orders too. But Ron had more freedom! He had people under him, serving him. Ron couldn't have someone undermine his rank in front of people that he hired... however temporary. It would bring rumors, and how could someone... that couldn't even have [Servants] that would obey, progress, get promoted? They would just laugh at him.
But there was nothing that Ron could do... except remember and when the time comes, take revenge--- if he was still alive by then.
With them being sidetracked and taking the longer route, they had to get some barrels for [Slaves]... or things would get nasty. Ron was lucky to ride in front, he didn't have to smell them.
"We'll be stopping by the town, some of the [Thugs] will go in, and buy three barrels."
Ron declared. At which the [Assassin] just nodded. How infuriating... calm down, He could make it through this--- Ron told to himself, trying to make the annoyance not show on his face. Keeping a cordial relationship was more beneficial to Ron, than antagonizing Shadow.
Once they got to the fork in the road. One went towards the town, it would be visible in two hundred or so meters, and the other one led to the longer route. They made a stop, Ron was scanning through the [Thugs] trying to pick two of the better looking... less suspicious ones.
"You two."
Ron spoke, pointing towards the chosen [Thugs], they looked at him somewhat surprised, a bit of annoyance? That he didn't know their names? Who cares. Shadow already did the damage, Ron couldn’t bother to mend things now.
"I’ll give you some bronze coins, you have two hours. If you don’t come back by that time, well my [Guard] here.”
Ron pointed at the [Assassin] who now looked somewhat annoyed by being mentioned. Which somewhat made Ron happy.
“Would make sure that you don't come back at all." Seeing them tense up, Ron continued.
"No need to worry, all you have to do is get three barrels. Size doesn't matter, just make sure it isn't too big."
Throwing a bag with fifty or so bronze coins at them, seeing how one of them managing to catch it. Ron shooed them away.
"Now that that is done, some of you may rest. You all will have an hour, so split up and see who'll assist me first."
Noticing us stop, I opened my eyes... it was strange, we haven't made any breaks in two days or so. So actually stopping was somewhat unnatural... at first.
There was a fork in the road, and we were going to the side as I heard the [Slaver] order those guards around.
As they headed towards one road, he turned to us. And started shouting.
"Wake up, [Slaves] it's time for you guys to get organized... these two [Thugs] will escort you out of the cages, you all shall stand in a row from smallest to the tallest, it doesn't matter if you don't understand those words, that is what these two [Thugs]-- are there for. But any sort of resistance will make us teach you. That disobeying orders will cost you. And I'm sure none of you... want to pay that price."
Those two [Thugs]... apparently that was their class, even though they were working as [Guards]... it was confusing.
They started from the last cart. Any sort of sudden movement or something that looked like resisting--- was met with violence. After few examples, nobody wanted to be slapped around, and if you resisted the slap... well escalation of force wasn't pretty.
They were at least three heads taller than us, dressed somewhat worse than 'nobles' of our village... but their clothes looked sturdier, like that of the skin of the beasts except there was no fur on the clothes. Their faces looked... well, like any face that you could see on a street. And not pay much attention to them. The only difference between ours and theirs? Well, their hair didn't look like rats-nest. And they were overall cleaner.
They didn't talk much, except if they slapped... or well beat you. Making sure you understood, even if you were thick-headed, that well, there was no other option except--- total obedience.
As it came time for me to get out, well I obeyed but with the height... of the cart, and my legs being uncooperative, after sitting all day. I tripped, falling face-first into the mud.
There was a chuckle, that went through the crowd, and well I found myself... with a face full of mud--- standing there. I felt awkward, and the occasional laugh didn't help at that.
Having sorted us out, [Slaver] walked in front of us.
"Where are my manners, we have been in each other’s company for two days now, and I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Ron, not like you are allowed to call me by my name... but it would be awkward if you didn't know who was kind enough. To raise, feed and teach you... not to forget that I will be providing rooms for all of you to sleep in."
Nodding to himself Ron continued.
"Now, that you all somehow managed to do this well enough--- and thanks to few of you, now you have learned your first lesson. The only request we have of you is full obedience. As a reward for that, you all shall be well-fed, trained, and taught the basics of the world that you live in. That well... when you get a new owner, you don't embarrass Snot, nor me as the one responsible for you."
Meeting every gaze directed at him, looking for something... in the way, we looked at him? Ron continued.
"I shall be naming each of you so that we have less trouble in the future."
He declared. Some of the beggars gasped, some were happy, some expectant. They never had a name. Before they could start talking, discussing. Ron silenced them and continued.
"As you all were sorted out in a way from shortest to tallest... well, the tallest one shall be named One, and by following that trend, second tallest Two, and so on till the smallest one. Who shall be named Seventeen... be sure to remember your names, if we call your name, and you don't respond within a reasonable amount of time... you shall be punished, be it no food for the day? Or being beaten? I don't care, people under my command shall determine that. But if you thought that today's lesson was harsh? I wouldn't recommend that you attempt your luck."
Scratching his chin, Rons eyes lit up.
"Now that I think about it, and well you all being out of your cages. We shall play a little game... the name of the game shall be--- Beating Names Into You!"
He nodded to himself, looking somewhat proud, and I could already see some of the [Slaves] start to sweat. But Ron didn’t care, he was smiling now.
"Don't look so nervous, it's easy! Quite entertaining too... plus it has positive effects. Makes it easier for you to remember your own name. Shall we start then?"
With a wicked grin, he motioned for the [Thugs] to begin.
It was a short game, it lasted maybe twenty minutes. But I was glad, once we were escorted back to our cages... I was sure that no one would remember how I fell face-first into the mud. As I was the only one who wasn't beaten... or well have his 'name' beaten into him. Though it might come back to bite me, maybe they would pay me back? For not being beaten together with them? I didn't know, but well... I really didn't feel like getting beaten by those big [Thugs]. And maybe it would make that [Slaver] Ron, consider me as a more valuable possession.
I didn’t know, but I felt like if I was hit… by one of those [Thugs] or [Guards] whatever they were… it wouldn’t have been pretty.
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