《One Step At A Time》11. Plainly Average
Keagan woke up with a weak yawn.
The day was Saturday meaning he’d soon be meeting Karisa’s father.
Usually when you meet a girls father, peaceful talks about life and marriage are common, but this was going to be painfully different. This time most likely be peaceful.
Keagan realized that Karisa and Catalina were nowhere to be found in his apartment. He deduced that they were out shopping for clothes in preparation for the dinner.
Keagan honestly didn’t care.
Actually, he wanted to do something he hadn’t been able to do in a while. So he took a quick shower before entering his den where he switched his pc to hear the sweet sounds of fans spinning. He knew that he’d need to prepare for the dinner but how much preparation should a guy do anyway?
Keagan hoped it wasn’t much.
He then loaded up his favorite game and went to work on reminding his brain what it felt like to actually enjoy something.
Keagan played and played until the void in his heart filled up somewhat.
His K/D ratios were in the high whole numbers, his flanking was flawless and his internet speed was stable which made his experience most pleasurable.
That is until he heard the door to the apartment open.
Keagan let out a muffled scream of pain internally, before shutting down his computer and leaving his den.
Upon leaving the den, he found a sharply dressed Karisa and Catalina.
“Let me guess, you’re coming as well?” Keagan asked as he found the most formal set of clothes he had.
Well, in all honesty, Catalina was the one who bought them all for Keagan. After all, most of them were way too expensive for an intern like himself.
Keagan got dressed and after a quick phone call, they were on their way to Xipec Totec which was Unity’s equivalent to Hollywood with an added sprinkle of unreachable wealth gap.
It was almost impossible for a normal person to live in Xipec and for those who would, the cost of living was headache inducing.
Keagan wondered if this was done on purpose by Unity officials.
Were they sucking out as much money from the moderately wealthy while fooling them into think that the high life was actually worth it?
Keagan didn’t know the answer to that question.
What he did know was that for a person like him, it was better to leave those thoughts alone.
Keagan and company eventually arrived at the Astali household which was more of a mansion surrounded by hundred is acres of land that could probably benefit Unity if it was used for something different.
After checking in at the front gate, the guard let Keagan and company in and that’s when
Keagan saw serval luxurious cars parked all over the place. He sighed as he had partially expected this outcome.
Keagan and his entourage were led into the main building by one of the many workers who attended the guest.
Keagan couldn’t help but notice many high profile faces in the crowd, but two stood out to him.
It was Dan and Mercy. They were surrounded by people dressed in stiff looking clothes, but Keagan had other things to worry about.
At the center of it all, stood a middle aged man with graying hair and a warm smile, which was enhanced by warm brown eyes. That man was Andre Astali.
His smile caused deep lines to form on his face, which was a rarity because most of the upper class had face altering surgery as soon a single mark appeared on their skin. Well, that’s what Keagan read in a magazine.
Standing next to middle aged man was a middle aged woman. Who, like Andre, had a warm smile and a fair amount of wrinkles. She wore a deep red dress and had various pieces of jewelry around her neck.
Keagan was about to mentally praise the two, but the he realized that they hadn’t undergone surgery because not doing so probably helped with their popularity. The common man could say “Hey, Andre is comfortable with the way he looks, so I guess I should too.”.
Andre noticed Keagan’s presence and his smile brightened. He excused himself from whatever conversation he was having and approached Keagan, Karisa and Catalina.
“I assume you are the man who’s been taking such good care of my daughter. It’s truly a pleasure.” Andre said as he extended his hand.
Keagan didn’t bother to smile, but he did shake Andre’s hand.
Also, Keagan was unable to fake smile because he felt the smallest amount of guilt for mercilessly beating Andre’s daughter.
“The pleasure is all mine I’m afraid. As an employee of yours, I must say, you’re truly awe inspiring.” Keagan said, trying to mitigate the damage not smiling may have caused.
It was then that the middle aged woman who stood by Andre’s side approached.
“Is this the man who I’ve heard so much about?” She asked, her voice low and silky smooth.
“It is indeed. Go on, introduce yourselves.” Andre said with a hearty laugh. He truly seemed elated.
Keagan accidentally looked the middle aged over as he introduced himself. He had gotten so used to giving Karisa’s ugly body inspections that his eyes started scanning people subconsciously.
“My name is Keagan Keita, it really is a pleasure to meet you.” Keagan said, still unsmiling.
“My, he is a peculiar one, isn't he? My name is Sylvia Tannin Astali.” The woman said as she gracefully offered Keagan her hand.
Keagan shook it gently, before raising his brow.
“Astali? I didn’t know Karisa had a sister.” Keagan said, his face unmoving.
Andre let out another hearty laugh before prompting the group towards a separate room.
“Oh, You flatter me, but I’m actually her mother.” Silvia said, but Keagan couldn’t care less.
In his eyes, the woman responsible for creating and raising Karisa was just as sick.
“Is that so? I couldn’t have known.” Keagan said as Andre led everyone into what looked like a dining room.
It was longer than it was wide and a similarly long table graced the rooms centre.
Andre gestured that everyone take a seat, with him sitting at the centre. His wife sat by his side and Keagan sat next to him, meaning Karisa was a bit further away, along with Catalina.
Andre let out a sigh as he rubbed his smooth chin.
“So… what’s up?” Andre asked, his eyes narrow and his tone serious.
“What do you mean?” Keagan asked.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I did some homework on you and you’re about as average as they come and I mean no offense in that. I’m just curious as to why my daughter found comfort or perhaps even joy in your company.” Andre said, his brown eyes were calm and composed.
"Why don't you ask her yourself."
Keagan tilted his head towards Karisa and for the first time since arriving at the Astali household, he smiled. His black eyes widened and they showed an unfeeling void to those who fell under their gaze.
“Ooh! I absolutely adore that look. Andre why didn’t you tell me our guest was so intense?” Silvia asked rhetorically.
Karisa’s eyes widened before she put on a rehearsed smile.
“Well- Keagan is amazing. He’s fun to talk to-"
“And he treats me and Catalina well.”
Keagan couldn’t help but vomit internally every time she spoke with that Oh so revolting smile on her face.
“I hope he hasn’t been treating you too well.” Andre said with narrowed eyes.
“Oh dear, I’m not quite ready to be a grandmother. Or maybe I am…” Silvia said more to herself than anyone else.
Keagan then faced Andre.
“Trust me, sir. Our relationship based on nothing but friendship, although I’m surprised that numerous suitors aren’t constantly begging you for her hand in marriage.” Keagan said with an empty smile.
“Well, I’m sure you know this, but Karisa isn’t exactly… perfect.” Andre said as a waiter entered the room. He prepared the table as other waiters placed various silverware on the table before taking their leave. The first waiter then served Andre and company before taking his leave as well.
“I apologize, but I’m unfamiliar with your tastes.” Andre said as he ate away at his meal.
Keagan looked at his plate and saw that his food looked edible, so he had no complaints.
“Please don’t, this looks quite delicious.” Keagan said before eating what he assumed was beef. He tried not to think too hard about the taste and texture as he ate away.
The group eventually finished their meals and after letting out a satisfied sigh, Andre turned to his wife.
“Silvia, it’s been a while since you and the girls had some time alone. Why don’t you catch up while Keagan and I get to know each other a little better." Andre suggested, but Keagan knew that it was more of an order.
Silvia, Karisa and Catalina stood up and walked out of the room.
But the door was then opened again, this time Dan and Mercy entered the room.
“Yo, Andre. The damned camera’s are here. If we’re going to do the thing, we’re gonna have to do it now.” Dan said as stood next to Andre.
Mercy stood next to Dan, who was dressed in a pure black suit.
Mercy was wearing a pale green dress, but Keagan didn’t care about their clothes. He wondered why they were standing so casually next to Andre Astali.
“Oh Keagan, hey. I hope you don’t mind but we’re going to ne stepping in front of a few cameras in a couple of seconds.” Dan said with a bright smile.
“It’s only fitting. You three represent the future of Lezzaro’s medical research division. With your ground breaking work, many lives will he saved, isn’t that right Mercy?” Andre asked and Mercy nodded silently.
Dan loudly clapped his hands before turning to leave.
“Come on then.” Dan instructed as he led Andre and the others to a separate part of the building.
There, they were met by over a dozen photographers and various other people.
Keagan squinted as the numerous flashes of lights rendered him temporarily blind.
Dan, Keagan and the others then posed for a few photos before Keagan was told to summarise their research while leaving out any details about the CryoPod.
Keagan stepped back as Dan announced various things, but what Keagan found puzzling was Mercy's presence. She barely said anything and only did as Dan told.
Keagan held Mercy in quite high regard so it was strange seeing her being so strange.
After all the media stuff came to an end and the dinner wrapped up, Keagan asked Mercy if they could speak alone.
“Hey.” She said, her voice hoarse.
Mercy was a brilliant woman and she was young, she usually had so much energy and life in her eyes, yet Keagan couldn’t see any of that in the woman who stood in front of him.
“Hey, sorry if I’m speaking out of place, but are you ok?” Keagan asked his boss.
Mercy’s winced for a moment. Keagan didn’t know why, but he could read her expressions quite clearly.
She was distressed.
“Hehe- what makes you ask that?” Mercy asked, her green eyes staring blankly at Keagan.
Even as she smiled, Keagan couldn’t feel any of the warm radiance that she usually had.
“I don’t know… it’s just you look, stressed. Like I said, I’m saying this based solely on what I see, so I apologize in advance if I’m wrong.” Keagan said as Dan approached them.
“There he is! The future of our beloved company. I can’t even begin to tell you how I’m excited about the Cryo-" Dan moved in closer to Keagan and whispered.
“-The CryoPod.”
Keagan could smell a bit of alcohol on Dan’s breath, but that wasn’t Keagan’s only issue.
Dan had shot Mercy several… cold glances as he walked towards them.
“Anyway, Mercy and I have some business with some shareholders. Small details about the project, you understand.” Dan said as he led Mercy out of the room Keagan was in.
Keagan let out a weak sigh. His plate was already full, but he couldn’t help but feel concerned about Mercy. Whatever Dan had involved her in, it was clearly stressing her.
Keagan sat by a nearby chair as he the Astali household emptied.
He then saw Karisa walking along her mother and Catalina.
The trio approached Keagan as he stood up.
Keagan inspected Karisa and Catalina. They looked fine, but Keagan could tell something wasn’t right.
“Mr. Keita, are you about to leave?” Silvia asked.
Keagan looked at his watch. It was ten o’clock. Returning to Acan would be a hassle. They’d have to get or hotel room or something.
“Uh- yes. It pains me to leave, but our journey to Acan will be long, so-"
“Acan?” Silvia gasped.
“That will not do. For you to travel so late and so far...” Silvia’s voice trailed off as she spoke.
“Oh! I’ve a wonderful idea! Why don’t you stay the night?” Silvia asked.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of your hospitality any further." Keagan said as he frantically waved his hands. He absolutely DID NOT want to be in the same house that Andre Astali called home.
Silvia then grabbed Keagan’s hands.
“Please, it would be a pleasure to have you over.” Silvia said.
Keagan knew that refusing her request at this point would come off as rude, but what could he do.
Keagan jerked away his hands from Silvia and rubbed the back of his head in thought. But he was unable to think up an excuse to he sighed in defeat.
“Wonderful!” Silvia exclaimed as she walked over to Karisa.
“Show Mr. Keita where the guest room is situated.” Silvia said as she turned to leave.
Karisa then silently led Keagan to the second floor before stopping at the guest room.
She opened the door revealing a rather luxurious looking room, but that’s not what Keagan was worried about.
Firstly, there was Mercy. Keagan didn’t know what Dan had done or was doing, but he was definitely sure it was the cause behind Mercy’s stress, or her stressed appearance, at least.
Then there was his second problem-
Keagan plopped onto the rather comfortable bed and allowed his butt to sink in, absorbing all the comfort the bed could offer.
“So… those were your parents, huh?” Keagan said, more to himself than Karisa, who’s head was lowered.
Keagan then took off his shoes and put them away before getting undressed.
“Don’t you have rooms of your own?” Keagan asked.
“We do, but-"
“Then go.” Keagan instructed as he laid his head down to sleep.
Karisa and Catalina left the room, allowing Keagan to sleep peacefully.
The next day came quickly.
Keagan wanted to leave the Astali house as soon as possible, so he shot out of the bed, remade the bed, got clothed and left the room. But just as he closed the door, he saw someone to his right.
“Mercy?” Keagan called out and the person turned around to face him.
“Oh- good morning Keagan. What are you doing here? I though you’d gone home.” Mercy asked, her voice hoarse and her glasses missing.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Keagan said coldly.
Mercy opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.
Keagan then decided that it would be best if he didn’t get involved in whatever she was involved in. Not because he didn’t like Mercy or anything. It’s just that helping her might lead to more headaches down the line.
Also if she wanted help, she’d have asked, right?
“You know what, forget about it. See you at work.” Keagan said as he walked past her. He could’ve sworn her expression turned into one of pain, but Keagan ignored it as he made his way towards the first floor.
There he saw Silvia talking to one of the workers.
Keagan approached Silvia, who was well dressed even though it was seven AM on a Sunday.
“Good morning Mrs. Astali. Sorry for any inconvenience my stay may have caused.” Keagan said while wishing he could sprint out of the door and run to Acan but that was almost impossible.
“Good morning to you Mr. Keita. Oh and don’t worry, it was a treat having you over. Care to join us for breakfast?” Silvia asked.
Keagan looked at his watch and pretended to look at the time.
“I apologize, but I have some matters to deal with back home.” Keagan said.
“Is that so? That’s so unfortunate. I was really looking forward to spending more time with you and Karisa. Speaking of which, are you taking her with you?” Silvia asked and for the first time since they’d met, Keagan saw a different emotion on her face.
You see, most of the times when Keagan saw her, she wore this weird motherly expression that didn’t feel right. It was a gentle smile yes, but mothers don’t just smile all day. That’s what made talking to her all that weirder.
But that expression was nowhere to be seen as Keagan noticed.
She really wanted Karisa gone.
Her eyebrows were arched upwards and her eyed wide.
“No.” Keagan said flatly.
Her expression changed again.
Keagan was perplexed by Silvia’s complex facial expressions.
He wanted to tease more expressions out of her-
Wait a minute!
Keagan reeled himself back in.
“Ahem, I wouldn’t want to separate you and her any longer.” Keagan said after letting out a fake cough.
“That’s no problem, really. Me and the girls managed to catch up last night and they told me all about you." Silvia said.
Keagan narrowed his black eyes which made Silvia’s face change again.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?” Silvia said and Keagan’s unconsciously twisted to a frown. He fixed his face, but Silvia had already seen his reaction.
“Ahem. The girls talked about me? Then I must ask, what do you think of me?” Keagan asked, unable to reduce the seething cold in his eyes.
Why was he upset?
Well, Silvia talking to Karisa and Catalina could only mean one of two things.
The first case is one in which they lied and Silvia doesn’t know anything.
The second is one in which Silvia not only knows the truth, she may be the one who played a hand in making Karisa and Catalina the woman they are.
“Well, from a parent's perspective, you’re ok. Karisa doesn’t get in trouble when she’s with you and your relationship seems stable, but I hope you’re not thinking about making any moves on her.” Silvia said and Keagan merely shook his head.
“However, as a person- no. As a woman… many things are off about you Mr. Keita. Oh, can I call you Keagan?” Silvia asked as they stood besides the staircase.
The house was rather busy, so Keagan and Silvia thought it would be best to not interrupt the workers.
“Keagan is fine.” Keagan said.
“Ok, frankly speaking, you’re not that handsome, your financial situation is average, you’re barely employed and you’re not that tall.” Silvia said.
Keagan didn’t taken offense as everything she said was true.
“But, those things are all external. What makes you special is what’s inside. Your voice and the way you talk to people is… interesting, to say the least. Not to mention those eyes of yours…”
Uh oh.
Keagan needed to get as far away as possible from Silvia. He couldn’t help but feel like she was an older version of Karisa.
“Mom, breakfast is ready.” Karisa said as she peeped her head out from the next room.
Keagan sighed.
“Anyway, it was a pleasure talking to you, but I must take my leave.” Keagan said.
“Ok. I look forward to our next meeting.” Silvia said as Keagan left the house. He had long since ordered a taxi, so he made his way to the front gate as quickly as possible, hopped into the taxi, made his way to the vectrain station, paid for an unreasonably expensive ticket and made his way home.
Upon reaching his apartment, he saw Roy and his brother waiting for him at the door.
Keagan didn’t mind.
Actually, he was quite happy to see Roy’s lovable face.
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