《One Step At A Time》7. Forsworn Resistance
A voice called.
The voice called louder this time.
Keagan opened his eyes and found his vision was blurry.
His face felt wet. He wiped at his eye’s and saw that he had been crying.
He got his bearings and realized that he was sleeping next to Karisa.
She tightly clung to Keagan as he desperately wiped his tears.
He felt warm.
He felt… comfortable.
Even though he was in the arms of a person he honestly hated.
Keagan’s thoughts started running wild.
What was that dream about? He wondered.
This was the first time he had such a strange dream.
Keagan remembered the darkness he felt at the end and clung closer to Karisa.
Karisa gasped as Keagan silently wept. He hadn’t felt so afraid in his entire life.
Twas a fear born from deep within his heart.
Keagan shook as Karisa ran her hands through his hair.
All of a sudden, the darkness that ate away at his mind had receded.
The sound of the morning alarm was drowned out as Keagan sank into Karisa’s breasts.
Karisa reached out and turned off the alarm, allowing Keagan to rest for a little while longer.
Thirty or so minutes passed and Keagan eventually calmed down.
“You have to go to work,” Karisa whispered.
Keagan groaned as he separated from Karisa and as he did so, the darkness in the back of his mind gradually returned.
He was scared.
Keagan steeled himself. He didn’t know why he was behaving this way, but he wasn’t going to let that affect his daily life.
Keagan took a quick shower, got dressed and had his morning coffee.
“Mmm… Go get some things at the supermarket. I’m not sure if you can cook, but it’d be nice to have a home-cooked meal.” Keagan said.
Karisa nodded as Keagan left the apartment.
The further away he walked from his place, the colder he felt.
One could reason that winter was getting ever closer, but still…
He eventually reached the Train station where he found Roy at his usual spot.
“Yo, what’s up? What with that look? You look like you just got divorced, hehe.” Roy said with a cheerful expression.
Keagan tried smiling but his checks felt unusually stiff.
“Nah man, it’s just-"
“Yeah. That and I’ve got a bunch of other stuff, so yeah.” Keagan said as they boarded the train.
“Yeah, I get it. But just remember, dark clouds are usually followed by the brightest sunlight.” Roy said with his nose raised high.
“You’ve been watching those weird motivational videos again, haven’t you!” Keagan said with a weak smile.
“What else am I supposed to watch when you rarely stream anymore," Roy said while pouting.
“Good point,” Keagan said as they sped through the vast area of Acan.
Keagan looked outside the train's windows and for the first time in a while, he saw just how vast Acan was. How vast unity was.
All of the red central rail lines were connected to the blue interstate lines which were connected to all the green local lines and all of these stretched out for thousands of kilometres.
He wondered if his problems meant anything in the grand scheme of things.
Keagan and Roy eventually reached the Lezzaro building and parted ways.
Keagan made his way to the R and D floor where he calmly sat behind his desk and went to work.
The working day went by rather smoothly and Keagan did what he needed to do.
But he couldn’t shake off the cold feeling he’d had since waking up.
The time eventually came for everyone to take a break.
Keagan went to the men’s room and washed his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw someone completely unrecognizable.
Yes, he was the same person but he felt different.
Keagan shrugged those thoughts away, left the bathroom and called Dan.
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask what I’m doing next as spokesman,” Keagan asked. He needed a distraction.
[Ah ha! Perfect timing. I just got off the phone with the network where my wife works and guess what? You’re going to be on national television on Wednesday night!]
Dan said.
Keagan’s brow sank. He wanted a distraction, but this was far too extreme. He wanted an escape from stress. An escape from all the excitement and chaos. But calling Dan seemingly triggered the opposite.
Keagan sighed.
“Ok. I’ll be ready,” Keagan said.
[Oh and I got my hands on a console and you won’t believe what happened.]
Dan said excitedly.
“What happened?” Keagan asked as he returned to his desk.
[I logged in like you said, played a few matches, but on one of five matches I got yelled at by some kid!]
Dan complained.
“These things happen quite often the more you play,” Keagan said as he ran the program that assessed data and organized it on his PC.
[Oh yeah? Well, I don’t like it. I thought gaming was a fun experience for every party involved.]
Dan whined.
“Yeah… Ok, we’ll have to talk later. Gotta work.” Keagan said before ending the call.
Now he was more anxious and stressed than ever. His temples ached and he felt short on breath.
“You don’t look so good, man,” Tommy said.
Keagan looked at his hands as they trembled.
“I dunno what’s happening. I think it’s stress or something, hehe.” Keagan said with a chuckle.
Tommy’s expression changed from curious to concerned.
“Nah, bro. I think you need to get checked or something.” Tommy said.
Keagan nodded as he got up. He stumbled over to the emergency staircase as the pain in his head increased. He frantically took out his phone and texted Catalina.
[Emergency staircase, now!]
He typed and not a minute later, Catalina entered the emergency staircase. She wore a pure black skirt and a rather cute white shirt, but Keagan couldn’t focus on any of that.
Catalina looked at Keagan as he trembled against the wall.
At first, she wore a concerned look, but it changed once she saw Keagan’s pitiful state.
She opened her arms inviting him in for a hug.
Keagan’s trembling increased to the point where it looked like he was convulsing in pain.
Keagan fell into her arms and just like that, the pain disappeared.
Fuck! Keagan thought as his body calmed itself.
His heartbeat calmed and his thoughts became clear.
Twenty or so minutes passed as Keagan tightly.
“Are you- are you ok now?” Catalina asked softly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” Keagan said as he let go. He looked at Catalina's once perfect shirt and saw that it now had creases.
“Umm… are you busy after work?” He asked as he did what he could to fix her shirt.
“Umm… Mercy and I need to visit the lab in Cynosure to check on the prototype development.” Catalina said.
“Mmm… how about I come over to your place later,” Keagan said.
Catalina’s face lit up.
“Ok.” She said, her face beat red.
Keagan exited the emergency staircase and returned to his desk.
“Feeling better?” Tommy asked.
“Ok, but don’t forget to get checked up, ok?”
The working day ended and Keagan descended to the ground floor.
“Yo, go on without me. I’m working overtime today.” Roy said.
“Why would you do that" Keagan asked.
“Well, the other guy called in sick so I’ll need to step in for now. Besides, overtime may mean more work, but it also means more cash.”
“Ok, see ya,” Keagan said before heading home.
He arrived to find Karisa sleeping on the couch.
Tsk! Keagan cursed internally as he got changed.
He then rummaged through the kitchen and found himself a veggie bar. He found himself staring at Karisa as she slept.
Karisa must have felt his gaze because she slowly woke up.
Keagan's gaze avoided her entirely as looking at her caused him to experience a strange warmth.
Keagan went into the bathroom, took a quick shower and got changed. He emerged wearing some top of the line clothing Catalina had gotten for him.
A smokey grey shirt and some black pants, coupled with some semi-formal shoes.
Karisa’s expression changed as Keagan walked to the door.
“Where are-"
“Don’t you have friends?” Keagan interrupted.
“Oh- umm… yeah, but they're only friends with me because of family connections. Nothing real or serious.” Karisa said.
Keagan turned around.
Karisa had a wistful look in her eyes, which made Keagan want to tease her.
“I’m going to Cynosure,” Keagan said softly.
Karisa’s ears perked up slightly.
“Oh.” She made the tiniest, cutest noise.
Keagan couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He approached the couch.
Karisa looked up at him, almost in anticipation.
Keagan placed his hand on her shoulder, prompting her to lay down on the couch.
She was wearing a two-piece pyjama, revealing her belly button as she lay.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, ok?” Keagan said, causing Karisa to let out an almost undetectable sigh of disappointment.
Keagan smiled as he looked into her eyes, then just as Karisa began to smile, his disappeared.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he left.
He took the elevator to the first floor and got onto a taxi to the nearest vectrain station.
The ride was rather pleasant, but Keagan couldn’t help but feel anxious.
It wasn’t because he was going to Cynosure.
He just felt on edge.
“So- uh, have you heard about the recent strings of crime that police say could be gang-related? Acan ain’t as safe as it used to be.” The driver said in an attempt to cheer Keagan’s visibly sour mood.
“Oh? I don’t think the police nor we as citizens should jump to conclusions. I haven’t been that attentive to the news recently, but I’m sure it’s your usual group of maniacs. What are the crimes again?” Keagan asked.
“Oh, the usual. Stuff like robbery, murder and some bootlegging here and there. But one can’t help but realize that Unity isn’t safe from what affected the rest of the world, ya know? Some people don’t need rhyme nor reason to go over the edge.” The driver said as they arrived at the vectrain station.
“Yeah…” Keagan said with a deep sigh.
“Anyway, have a good one.”
“You too,” Keagan said before exiting the taxi. He made his way to the vectrain and paid an unreasonable price for his ticket to Cynosure.
The time was around seven-ish.
Keagan made it Cynosure and stood just outside the vectrain station as he dialled Catalina’s number.
“Yeah, it’s Keagan. I’m at station R03.” He said.
Catalina said before ending the call.
Keagan lazily paced around the sidewalk as he waited for Catalina.
Keagan then stopped dead in his tracks.
Wait a minute! Keagan thought.
Why am I here? He wondered.
He wanted to reward Catalina for her help when he had his little episode.
Also, why the hell was he having a panic attack?
Keagan quivered as a dark possibility crossed his mind.
A car horn shook him back into reality and he saw a rather small but luxurious looking car with a beautiful woman inside of it.
The woman emerged from her vehicle, revealing herself to be Catalina. She wore a modest outfit, that kept her warm as the evening winds blew past.
Keagan’s heartbeat drastically slowed down as he approached her.
Their eyes met, causing Catalina to lower her head.
Keagan’s new reality stood right in front of him and back at his apartment.
It was a beautiful, yet oh so sick one.
“Well? Aren’t you gonna take me to your place?” Keagan asked.
Catalina silently nodded and returned to her car.
Keagan joined her and they made their way to Catalina place, wherever that was.
Keagan enjoyed the ride as many of the sights were completely new to him. He saw cars one could only dream of owning.
Buildings that nearly reached the heavens themselves and technology that was scarcely available to the general population of Unity.
They finally arrived at a hillside home a couple of kilometres from the vectrain station.
It wasn’t anything too big but it was rather isolated.
The gate opened as Catalina drove into the driveway, revealing a modern aesthetic.
The house was designed to fit against the technical backdrop of central Cynosure, thus there was a lot of grey and white.
Catalina led Keagan into her home and prompted that he sit on one of her three couches.
Keagan didn’t want to be too much of a nuisance, but the house seemed a little too clean… as though she barely lived in it.
Catalina prepared Keagan some coffee. He noticed that it was the same brand he had at his place.
Keagan took a sip as she stood patiently beside the couch.
“Mmm… do you like coffee or…?”
Catalina shook her head.
“Umm… I saw that you had some so I got some in the case that you visited.” She said softly.
“I see.”
The evening wore on rather calmly.
Catalina turned on the TV and they watched the news for about an hour or so.
“Are you- are you hungry?” Catalina asked.
“Yes but-“ Keagan looked into her kitchen and saw that there wasn’t much in terms of things to cook with.
Catalina noticed Keagan’s expression and walked to the kitchen area.
She opened the fridge revealing to Keagan a week's worth of microwaveable meals.
Keagan tilted his head in confusion as Catalina prepared their meals.
The two finished their meals and Keagan decided that it would be best if he accomplished what he came all this way to do.
But something felt off.
He felt it in the tips of his fingers.
“Wait!” Catalina interrupted.
A faint frown formed on Keagan’s forehead as Catalina ran off into what Keagan assumed was her bedroom.
Three minutes passed before she emerged from the room, wearing what Keagan could see was a dog collar and nothing else.
Keagan pinched his brows together.
“Ugh… I really dislike how you are always prepared for this.” Keagan said. He also noticed that she had a pair of fake dog ears and what Keagan hoped was a fake tail.
Catalina walked to the centre of the living room, presenting herself to Keagan as he removed his shirt and belt.
“Turn around,” Keagan instructed.
She did as she was told revealing a peculiar sight.
The “fake" tail was indeed fake, but it was attached to something that was inside of Catalina.
“Mmm… weird, but fitting. Just don’t expect me to do anything to your ass. The only thing I want to do to it is to destroy it, not… you know.” Keagan said as he did some light stretches.
“Face me,” Keagan instructed.
She did as told and Keagan observed her freakishly tall body.
Her breasts, although beautiful, were nowhere near the size of Karisa’s. Her hair was thick and black and silky.
Keagan ran his hands through it.
Her face became flushed as Keagan’s eyes surveyed her every cell.
Keagan noticed his heart rate.
It was so steady.
So calm.
Keagan grabbed Catalina’s collar as his expression changed. He went from calm and collected to downright disgusted.
“Why do you have a dog collar? I didn’t see a dog when I got here.” Keagan said.
His voice a whisper.
His face twisted in a scowl.
“I- I’ve always wanted to do… this,” Catalina admitted through the slight choking effect of Keagan’s hand.
“I see. So you admit that you’re not normal. That you’re perverted.” Keagan said.
“Society wouldn’t take that lightly and so I shall punish you in society’s place. Bend over.” Keagan instructed.
She did as she was told.
Keagan took a deep breath as he contemplated marking Catalina’s body, but then he remembered that she once broke into his house so…
“Ah!” Catalina let out a small noise after Keagan hit her bare bottom with his leather belt.
Keagan felt the slightest quivering sensation in his ears.
They danced.
He hit her again with the same amount of force.
The same happened again.
“Mmm… That noise is annoying. Shut up!” Keagan said in a desperate attempt to stop himself from enjoying this too much.
He hit her again and eventually developed a rhythm.
This went on for about ten minutes until Catalina couldn’t stand anymore.
Keagan panted heavily as he had worked up quite the sweat. He knelt and looked at Catalina’s soaking wet face.
Tears and sweat had coated her face evenly, much to Keagan’s satisfaction.
“Ah crap! I forgot you have work tomorrow.” Keagan exclaimed as Catalina trembled on the floor.
Her dog ears were nowhere to be found, but her not so discreet butt plug was still inside her.
“I wanna sleep, let’s take a shower.” Keagan said to he convulsing Catalina.
“Come on.” He said and she slowly began crawling behind him.
“No, not behind me. This is your house, you know where the shower is.” He said as he waited for her to crawl to where the bathroom was.
Her ass was wildly exposed as she was on all fours.
Her once beautifully combed hair was now a mess and her beet-red face was drenched in tears.
They eventually made it to the shower and Keagan got the water running.
He washed himself as Catalina wept on the floor.
She eventually joined him in the shower and after they both dried themselves.
Catalina then led Keagan into her room.
Keagan wasn’t that surprised by her choices of decoration, which were bland and mostly grey.
One thing that stood out was a pink box in the furthest corner of the room.
Keagan told himself not to dare look inside it.
Catalina turned off the lights, got dressed in a rather modest nightgown and climbed onto her bed.
She gently patted the side, prompting Keagan to join her.
Keagan did so.
They looked into each other's eyes for a moment.
Fresh tears still formed in her eyes and her body still shook slightly.
“I don’t know what you and Karisa did, but I’ll never be the same again,” Keagan whispered.
“I… I didn’t want this.” He continued.
“But it looks like there’s no going back so… might as well enjoy it,” Keagan whispered.
He slowly reached out into the blankets until he found Catalina’s body.
He held her hand and brought it up to his mouth where he gently kissed it.
Then in an instant, used that same arm to bring her closer to him until their bodies touched. He could feel her frantic breath, which was completely different from his slow and evenly paced breath.
Keagan lowered his head into the blankets.
He then moved his head to her chest and used his lips to trace across her skin in search of something.
He found his target and took a nibble at it, prompting Catalina to make a sound Keagan wasn’t sure was born from pleasure or pain.
Catalina’s arms wrapped around Keagan’s head as he took tiny nibbles at both of her nipples.
He was about to go even further down but stopped himself momentarily.
Keagan emerged from beneath the blanket and came face to face with Catalina. He leaned closer towards her and she did the same.
Keagan tilted his head to the side, preventing their lips from touching.
He could feel her anticipation through her very skin and so Keagan decided to throw it all on the line and kissed her.
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Flame Beneath The Snowfall
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