《One Step At A Time》4. Those that followed
Catalina and Karisa sat side by side on the floor as Keagan paced around.
“Fuck.” He yelled.
He had removed their hoodies, revealing that they wore nothing but underwear underneath and when he searched the two, he found some of his boxers in each of their pockets.
“Fuck!” Keagan yelled.
“Would you please tell me why you’re in my house and how, before I call the cops?” Keagan asked, his voice had become a hoarse growl due to the stress he had been under recently.
The two women looked at each other briefly, then back at Keagan.
Except, Catalina kept her eyes low, while Karisa looked at Keagan’s chest area.
“We- Catalina told me what you said to her. I understand if your angry, but please understand-"
Keagan felt the most unsettling sensation when he looked into Karisa’s eyes.
They looked… hungry.
“We only wanted to get to know you better, but when you said that you didn’t want to be involved with us anymore, we felt horrible.” Karisa continued.
“So you thought that the best way to do that would be to break into my house? What the hell is wrong with you?” Keagan asked. His expression one of pure disgust and annoyance.
Keagan then noticed that Catalina was trembling. He looked closely at her face but saw no tears. He turned to Karisa and saw that she had a large bruise on the right side of her face.
Keagan groaned.
He assumed that Karisa was the daughter of some big shot politician when they first met. If that assumption was correct, it would mean hell was waiting for him if her father saw her in her current state.
Keagan’s pacing became frantic.
He didn’t know what to do.
“Ok… what do you want? Huh? Just tell me, please.” Keagan asked.
Karisa looked at Catalina, who looked back at her and they both nodded.
“I want you to… punish us.”
Keagan’s heart stopped.
His mind silenced and his nerves calmed.
“What?” Keagan asked. Unsure if he heard Karisa correctly.
“H- Hit us.” This time it was Catalina. Her whisper reached the inner parts of Keagan’s ear clearly.
Keagan collapsed. His knees ached but that pained paled in comparison to the gut-wrenching pain he felt in his head.
He hated the two women in front of him so badly it made him sick.
“Haaarg!” Keagan screamed into the night and even the sky’s trembled as a nearby thunderstorm roared in pain.
Keagan fell backwards as he silently wept. His mind ran as it looked for any possible escape from the two demons in front of him. He knew that whatever they were doing was just getting started and he hated the prospect of having to deal with any of their bullshit.
His chest ached as he groaned in agony, then to make things worse, Karisa crawled over to him and placed her head on his chest where she heard his heart as its beat tremored across his entire upper body.
Catalina followed suit and placed her head on his belly.
The two then tightly wrapped their bodies around Keagan, not in an attempt to comfort him, but as an act of accomplishment.
It was as though they felt rewarded by his anger and hatred.
Keagan’s breathing started slowing down as he realized that if his anger is what they wanted, then he had lost the moment he let Catalina get under his skin.
Keagan’s already tired eye’s shut and he slept and had dreams of dirty serpents coiling around his body.
Keagan was honestly too tired for work. Not only that, but his body felt three times heavier for some reason.
He opened his eye’s and found two half-naked women could around him. They were sound asleep, but even that couldn’t hide their twisted nature from Keagan.
He looked at Karisa. She was shorter than Catalina but bigger and softer. She had a pair of large breasts and thighs that completely enveloped Keagan’s left leg. Her pale skin and black hair made her a world-class beauty. Unfortunately, she had a bruise on the right sight of her face but Keagan didn’t and couldn’t feel any guilt for what he did.
Keagan turned to Catalina. She was far taller than Karisa and slightly taller than Keagan. Her long limbs coiled around Keagan’s body and her beautiful brown bronze skin was only enhanced by her black hair.
Keagan hated these women equally, but simultaneously he felt enamoured with their beauty. But even their beauty wasn’t enough to convince Keagan that their actions were in any way forgivable.
Time was moving and he needed to go to work. He fought his way out of their grasp and made himself some coffee as he got dressed. He took several sips then left for work.
Why didn’t he kick them out? They got in before. Keagan reasoned.
There wasn’t much stopping them from entering his apartment. Besides, Keagan had other worries.
Unity was a relatively corruption-free country, but even it had its fair share of power-hungry maniacs.
If Karisa was the daughter of a man with power, then her delusions of masochism would be the last thing he’d have to worry about.
Keagan’s commute to work was rather uneventful, which by Keagan’s recent standards, was an amazing thing. He met Roy, they laughed about how Keagan was neglecting his streams and they eventually made it to the Lezzaro building.
Keagan, Mercy and Daniel prepared for Keagan's trip to Kukulkan district. He would be speaking to students and professors at a local university about the importance of cryopreservation and such.
During lunch break, Keagan heard that Catalina called in sick and said she wouldn’t be coming to work for a couple of days.
Keagan also heard something strange on the news.
[Allegations of abuse in the Astali household have surfaced after images surfaced of Karisa Astali, who is Andre Astali’s daughter, she appeared to have a bruise on the right sight of her face. Just a reminder, Andre Astali is the grandson of the founder of Lezzaro and is currently its CEO. What do these allegations mean for the company or the family running it? Find out more on the channel.]
The reporter said.
Keagan felt what was left of his hope shatter. He hoped that this would all blow over. That Catalina would find someone else to obsess over. That Karisa would do the same. That he could go back to streaming his favourite games and watching movies with Roy on weekends. But all of that was now gone and washed away.
Keagan worked the day away and by the end of it, he was hollow. He took the train back home and by the time he arrived, he had nothing but dark thoughts flooding his mind. He opened his door to find that his apartment had been cleaned. The mess from the night before was gone.
Keagan closed the door and entered, then his heart sank when he saw two sharply dressed women sitting on his bed.
At that moment he corrected a thought that lingered in his mind.
These women weren’t snakes.
They were annoying.
Like bugs.
“Oh? You’re here? I wonder why, hehe.” Keagan said with a deranged chuckle.
Karisa pulled out a leather briefcase with several documents in it.
“We were serious when we asked you to punish us.”
“Oh? You don’t say.” Keagan said as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge to cool his head.
“Yes and so, we got you this.” Karisa offered him one of the many documents.
Keagan took it and read over its contents.
It was an index. An index to what looked like a list of things they wanted him to do.
“We realize that we asked you for too much last night and so we put this together. With this, you’ll be able to do as much as general human rights allow. This is not a contract, it's just something to make you feel better.” Karisa explained.
Keagan finished the index and dropped the paper at Karisa’s feet.
He knew who Karisa was at this point. He saw just how much she was exposed to the public eye.
Yet there she was.
Begging for him to hurt her.
Catalina on the other hand had the more obsessive side to this.
She had it all.
The perfect job.
Yet there she was.
Silently awaiting orders.
Like a dog.
Keagan hated that about her. How she could switch from top of the class businesswoman to whatever she was when no one was looking.
Keagan then had an idea.
Before him sat two very powerful, very stupid women. He could use them somehow. He didn’t know how and he didn’t know when, but he was sure their statuses in society would prove useful to him in the future.
Was he playing right into their hands? Maybe, but he didn’t care anymore.
“Listen here, I really hate you two and that will never change. However, I will agree to this and you will become my punching bags so to speak. Understood?” The two nodded their heads.
“Oh my goodness, speak dammit!”
“Yes!” They both said with scary amounts of blood in their cheeks.
Keagan sighed.
“Take off your clothes,” Keagan said suddenly.
The two looked at each other, then back at Keagan.
Keagan himself felt his stomach twist at the thought of hitting anyone.
Fortunately, the people before were trash so the feeling was suppressed.
“Have you suddenly gone deaf? I don’t want to mark your faces any further. Next thing you know I’ll be in prison.” Keagan said as he took off his hoodie and shirt.
The two removed their clothes.
Karisa removed her emerald green dress, revealing a set of black and pink lace underwear that beautifully contrasted with her skin.
Catalina removed her grey top and skirt revealing a set of black underwear.
Keagan absorbed the sight before him. He admitted to himself that they were truly beautiful, but was met by the harsh reality of their true nature.
Keagan looked into Karisa’s eyes and could see them quivering in anticipation. Catalina on the other hand shyly covered her body, even though he face was completely flushed.
“I said undress,” Keagan said as he removed his belt from his waist.
The two removed their underwear further revealing their shameless bodies.
Keagan had a reasonable amount of experience with women so he wasn’t too concerned about whether or not he’d be aroused.
He was too focused on punishing them.
Karisa undressed first, revealing a pair of beautiful breasts and a seamless canvass of unblemished skin.
Something that struck Keagan was the darkness of Karisa’s hair and eye’s.
Once again she was the truest manifestation of the word contrast.
Keagan tilted his head towards Catalina who was still getting undressed. He wasn’t surprised when he saw her breasts as she had shamelessly sent him pictures of them before.
Keagan spectated as she removed her panties.
Keagan realized that they were both cleanly shaven.
Keagan didn’t care.
“Turn around and bend over.”
They did as they were told.
“Now, we're going to play a game, since Catalina ensured I’d never enjoy that hobby of mine ever again. I’m going to ask a question. If you answer it incorrectly, I hit you. If you answer it incorrectly, I also hit you, got it?” He asked as he wrapped his belt around his right hand.
Catalina and Karisa nodded simultaneously.
“Good. Now, why did you pick me when there are a billion other assholes who’d actually enjoy beating the living shits out of you?” Keagan asked.
“It was Catalina. When she first met you, she noticed the way you looked at her with such beautiful cold eyes. She told me about you and after I saw you I was convinced you were the one.” Karisa said.
Keagan realized that these crazed women had been crazy long before they met him. He would’ve wondered what made them this way, but he honestly didn’t care.
“I see.”
The sound of the belt hitting Karisa’s bare flesh resounded throughout the apartment.
Her tiny squeal tickled a nerve in Keagan’s ears.
“Ok, Catalina. I dislike you the most. What led to you vomiting on my floor?” Keagan asked, his voice low and his eye’s narrowed to a slit.
Catalina turned to face him and when she met his gaze she felt the burning anger and annoyance. Her body quivered at the terrifying site of Keagan’s half-naked body as it pulsed with anger.
Keagan wasn’t all that much to look at. He exercised every now and then and had a pretty balanced diet. His curly black hair and average height made him look like an average Joe. But Catalina and Karisa had introduced him to an insufferable amount of annoyance and frustration, resulting in the Keagan who stood before them.
“Who said you could look at me?” Keagan hissed. His face one of pure disgust.
A loud smack then pierced the air as Keagan’s belt bounced off Catalina’s ass.
“Ah!” Catalina yelped as her body quivered erratically.
“Now answer my question.”
“I was with Karisa- after I told her about you, I drank a bit too much and-“
In all honesty, it wasn’t that big of a deal, but Keagan had already sunk his teeth into their little game and turning back was going to get harder the more he played.
Keagan hit her again.
Keagan’s brain had already marked down the differences between Catalina and Karisa’s screams.
“Now one for both of you. Are you enjoying this?” Keagan asked.
The two looked at each other before simultaneously looking back at Keagan with teary beet red faces.
“ “Yes!” “ They both screamed.
In that moment. Something within Keagan broke. He didn’t know what nor why, but he felt like he had been unhinged from whatever prevented him from dishing out his feeling onto Catalina and Karisa.
“Is that so? Well then, I see no point in holding back anymore. You shall be mine from now on. Anytime I feel like you two are in any way inconveniencing or annoying me, I’ll make you pay for it by mutilating and humiliating those beautiful bodies of yours so they may match your ugly insides.”
Keagan then uses his entire upper body to unleash a rather cathartic series of beatings.
This continued until neither Karisa nor Catalina could stand.
They silently wept on Keagan’s bed as he absorbed his new reality. He then made up his mind.
He’d do his job as spokesman, get his dream job as a researcher at Lezzaro, prepare for his retirement, all the while ruining the two women below him.
Karisa hiccupped from the pain and her body convulsed as she wept.
Catalina was no different.
Their once flawless buttocks were now lined with bruises and bumps.
Karisa’s bruises were most visible against her pale skin.
Keagan felt no pain, no regret and absolutely no pity upon seeing their beaten states.
“That’s enough for today. My hand is sore. Go get some lotions and creams tomorrow to help with the swelling and pain.” Keagan said as he prepared some quick microwave micro meals.
Three of them to be exact.
Thirty minutes passed and he handed the meals to Catalina and Karisa who were still trembling from pain.
They silently ate as Keagan stared at their naked bodies.
“What’s so special about the human body? Why do artists and scientists alike marvel at its so-called beauty? I’m no philosopher, but I think humans should be judged by what’s on the inside and what’s on the inside is ugly. Just like you.” Keagan said after swallowing a spoonful of his quickly made rice.
Catalina and Karisa both kept their gazes low and didn’t speak. But their tear covered faces were bothering Keagan. He walked to the bathroom and got a towel and he started wiping Karisa’s face. Her skin was so soft, it was as though merely touching it was tainting it.
He dropped the towel and held Karisa’s face so that her gaze would meet his.
“Do you hate me?” He asked and Karisa slowly shook her head.
“N- N- N- no.” She stuttered.
“I see,” Keagan said before he shifted his attention to Catalina.
“Do you hate me?” He asked as he gently raised Catalina’s head. She looked into his eyes and any coldness or anger was gone.
He was tired.
“No.” She answered.
Keagan then looked at both of them.
“This would be unfair if I didn’t reward you for behaving, but since the both of you pissed me off so much in such a short amount of time, you’ll be getting the bare minimum.”
Keagan handed Catalina his towel.
“Since you like ruining my stuff, here. Enjoy.”
Catalina took the towel and grasped it close to her chest.
“And as for you-"
Keagan got up, grabbed her head and kissed her bruise. He ran his hair through his hair.
“What did your father say when he saw this?”
“I told him that I fell, so he didn’t mind,” Karisa said with a pained smile.
Keagan frowned, effectively wiping her smile away.
“Don’t smile if you don’t want to.” He said as he kissed her bruise.
Then he licked it.
“Ah.” She made the faintest sound as he traced his tongue along the bruise's edge.
After they finished their meals, the three noticed that it had gotten rather late.
Keagan got into bed, while Catalina and Karisa stood by its side.
“I’m going to sleep. When I do and only then, will you be allowed to sleep. Until then, stand there without a word or else.”
Keagan closed his eye’s. He felt weird going to sleep while two naked women watched him, but he didn’t care.
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Ward Holden considers himself the creator of a utopia. As a hapless college student, he found himself in nearly complete control over a revolution in physics. Advances in material science, unlimited energy, and an explosive shift in the meaning of wealth are all in the hands of a guy who doesn't quite know what he's doing. The time is coming when everything people could want for themselves and their families is available with the push of a button. Cheap production, safe homes, and unlimited energy to power it all. But giving up a way of life is hard, even if that way of life causes poverty, starvation, and worse. But history moves on, and doesn't care about men or mice. King in the Castle is the memoir of one man who managed to ride a wave of technological breakthroughs to success and power as humanity comes closer to a post-scarcity existence.
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How could I, Guizou, perish under your blade? Do you believe this old master to be a pushover? Then watch! Watch how I regain a foothold in the world with only my soul! Nine Skies Great Emperor Guizou, a peerless master of the legendary Fairy Land, had his fleshly vessel destroyed under an assassin's blade.Who could assassinate this mighty figure? Guizou is perplexed and confused. In the world, who could even stand a single strike from him, let alone kill him?However, this mystery will not be uncovered for a very long time.Having sealed his own soul inside a jade pendant to protect it, Guizou must wait.Wait for a worthy heir and tool for his revenge. ----- Update Schedule : None, this story will receive random updates. I will start writing it seriously when my other story's (Celestial Journey) second volume has been completed. The main character of this story is Guizou, but a second main character will be introduced later. This story contains : -POV (1rst Person / 3rd Person) is not determined-Two Main Characters-Romance is not determined ----- Cover Art : AI Generated by WOMBO Dream, edited in paint.net.If WOMBO Dream demands it to be put down, please message me on ROYAL ROAD.
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The story of the Dragon and Phoenix is a myth, a tale constructed by our wildest imaginations. Unless the tale isn't fiction.It is said that every generation, fate bestows its imprint into the blood of two vessels replenished with new life, still innocent of the world. Upon their birth, they are the game pieces, their paths, the board, and fate; it's only player.~One became an Emperor. He followed a path of trials and tribulations, war, and bloodshed. His sovereignty was one seized by travail force. His victims were slaughtered to their grave, never to be spoken of again. The cost of power was only his humanity and name, both stained in blood.The other stayed innocent.She followed a path of a simple, conservative life. She was content, happy, and yet, she possessed a heart brimming with hopes and dreams she dared not speak, a mind filled with intelligence she dared not reveal, and eyes full of tears she could not let fall.So unlike, and yet, fate holds the key to their parallel destiny.And so, it isn't a surprise for the heavens when she is chosen, chosen for a harem filled with cunning and bitter women skilled in the art of despicable scheming. Chosen for an Emperor, whose very name renders shivers down one's spine and who's sinful deeds haunt the empire's dreams. She has no choice. She must go.But what happens when she catches the eye of that very Emperor?After all, the Dragon is nothing without his Phoenix.
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