《Tartarus- A Prison Odyssey》Prologue- The Greatest Prison


A young child, only five years of age, sat, watching intently at the television screen in front of him. On the hologram screen was an aerial view of the largest creation of man, not counting massive cities…

The walls of Tartarus… a super prison the size of a country, holding the worst of humanity, and on the television was a frozen image of the massive walls.

Rapists, murderers, arsonists, mobsters, thieves… if their crimes were enough, they were sent inside, never to leave again for the rest of their lives.

It had stood for 43 years, building started in 2010 and finished in 2020, the huge walls were a testament to the ingenuity of the men of past…

And all the boy could think, staring at the massive walls… was that he wanted to stand atop them.

To see what no one else could see, to stand at the border between eternal damnation, and freedom, and see all that could be seen from that point…

Of course, a normal child wouldn’t have such contemplative thoughts… then again… the intelligence of the child watching the television was much different from those of his peers in school, even during the year 2063.

The child frowned as he heard the arguing voices of his parents, panicked and hostile, even to each other, as the child sighed… it seemed they would be moving once more…

He never understood the need to move the way they did, nor did he understand why his parents seemed so strange even when they were ‘merely’ lock-smiths… not that he believed their claim.

No lock-smith, even the best in the world, would be able to live in comfort like his family did, nor would they need to constantly run from something… what it was, the child didn’t know, all he knew was that his parents were scared. He had heard whispers of fear caused by someone with white hair and red eyes…


The child frowned as he finally heard something like a slap as he stood, feeling some emotional turmoil as he considered his options… then walked to the sound of his parents shouting.

Aaron Hassan had made his choice… and it would affect everything… and little did he know it, his choice was more than just what he would do in this moment…

No, his choice had determined what his dream would be.

He would see that view, the view which no man had seen, beyond the images of cameras.

The view that could be seen atop the Walls of Tartarus…

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