《Fear: Ever-Changing and Evolving》Chapter 11 Part 1 - Admission Test


HEY EVERYONE!!! I'm back! I was on April Vacation and was busy beyond belief! Work, track meets, homework, other random stuff, etc. and so I had no time to write or, well, do anything for that matter! Sorry about that. I will still be posting daily, but if a chapter doesn't appear, then that means that something in real life came up that takes priority, it does NOT mean that I have abandoned the fiction! Anyway, enjoy the chapter! I will release part 2 later today!


It has been a few hours since the little "admission incident". Aurum and I have been waiting in the line for the admission test this ENTIRE FREAKING TIME!!!

The admission test is done to examine the capabilities of the students and their familiars. It determines which class we will be put in. The classes are ranked in order of strength. The weakest class is the F - 5 Class and the strongest is the A - 1 class. You can pretty much figure it out from there...

Anyway, it is finally time for the test! FINALLY!! Oh, that's right, I need to tell Aurum something.

(Fear) Aurum, if we don't get into the A - 1 class I am gonna be pissed off, okay?

Aurum shivers, hearing my threatening voice. She turns to look at the miniature me on her shoulder and nods rapidly.

Heheheh...I'm so evil...crap, I feel guilty now for scaring her...

(Random Instructor) AURUM AND FEAR!! YOU'RE UP NEXT!

(Aurum) YES!!

Aurum sprints up to the intructor, who directs her to the one testing her. I look in the direction we were directed in and...


(Headmaster) Hello there little duo! I am going to be testing you 2!

(Aurum) Thanks headmaster! Are you testing us because we are champions of gods?


The headmaster's smiling face turns serious in an instant.

(Headmaster) Correct. I am quite interested in the 2 of you...

Saying this she glances at me, but suddenly gasps with a shocked expression on her face.

(Aurum) What's wrong?!

(Headmaster) Y-your f-familiar can s-s-smile?! Despite b-being a s-snake?!

Aurum and I glance at each other, and we both start laughing. Although in my case, the laughing sounds more like a banshee crying...

Anyway, once we calmed down, the 2 of us went to one side of the room we had entered with the headmaster, while she went to the other.

(Headmaster) The condition for passing the admission test is simple! You must land at least 1 attack on me!


Oh sh*t, I forgot that Aurum LOATHES arrogance...heh, well I do also!


I know, I know, REEEAAALLLYYY short! However, I will release part 2 today to wrap it up later, okay? It will be longer than this and will be a much better (hopefully) fighting scene than the previous one. Anyway, thanks for reading!

- MultiBlitz15

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