《Star Wars: The Twisted Force》Title Crawl and Prologue


Star Wars: A Fan-Fiction

The Twisted Force

Luke Skywalker has vanished.

In his absence, the sinister

First Order has risen

from the ashes of the Empire

and will not rest until the last Jedi master

have been destroyed.

The young Republic covertly supports

an interstellar Resistance,

a group dedicated to hindering

the First Order's efforts

without risking a new galactic war.

The leaders of the Resistance

have sent their most daring pilot

to find Luke, hoping that his return

will be the first step in defeating the

First Order, and bringing peace

back to the galaxy...


Dameron dove over the top of the dune and threw himself down the other side, tumbling head-over-heels in an uncontrolled shower of sand. The ridge above him glowed, red and orange against the black sky, as everything on the other side burned. The screams of innocents followed him, piercing the night like shriek-hawks.

The sound put his teeth on edge. He grabbed his blaster out of the sand with his free hand and glanced back up at the dune, hating himself for fleeing. But the little rectangle of metal clutched, digging coldly, in his left palm had been entrusted to him, and the last orders given before the old guardian committed himself to death was for Dameron to get as far away as possible.

The First Order could not get this information. It was, to the men and women who had once protected it it, a secret worth dying for.

A ball of orange and white flew down the side of the dune with a high-pitched squeal, landing with a dizzied Wooo not far away. Dameron motioned frantically for his droid to be quiet, then forced himself to his feet.

There was no time to hesitate. Whether he liked it or not, the fate of the Jedi was in his hands now. And his orders... were to run.

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