《The King of Snipers》Fighting against a king


We were in our way to the top, in the way we hear the gryphon, and some monsters hiding in the caves, some looked like a lion from the mountain, but it was afraid of the monster, they were quite strong but they didn't have what the gryphon has, essense, it looks like only the elite of the monsters have essense, and the weak could only low their heads.

they didn't dare to come at us, probably because of the gryphon, or because of my skill of intimidation, it doesnt matter, we still keep going at the top, and to my surprise the top of the mountain was flat, and trees take the place, i didnt ask my self how it was possible, nothing makes sense since the apocalypse, i have my armor of devilsaur scales, and Death Claw has his own, but the problem was the essence, if it gets us it will probably kill us in one hit.


I yell with all my strengh to call the gryphon.


He flys in the sky, the gryphon flies around us, i point my slingshot at him and take a shot, he was fast and evades my firestone, the gryphon look at us, electrical sparks appear in his eyes, by instinct i can tell this is bad.

The gryphon open his mouth and a golden lightning spear try to pierce me, i could dodge but still it hits my arm, i feel my arm numb and a terrible pain hits me.


The gryphon sees it and dash with full speed at me, i look at Death Claw and even without me saying, he gets in front of me and hellish flames come out of his mouth, but in the last moment the gryphon could stop and fly away, i shot another time, the spear was there again but i could evade this time, it was an bad idea to fight him in the air, but i already have a plan.


- Follow me Death Claw - Michael

And i run at the forest, the trees were too close to each other, and there was no way it could fly above us, the gryphon look at us, it tries to hit us with another lightning, but fails, we were inside the forest, i look at him and yell.


The gryphon dont understands but it flyes around the trees, abd then it decided to follow us, i was hidind behind a tree, the gryphon looks around but it didnt find me, i look at him and a smile cross my face.

- You should have stayed flying - Michael

My arm was in terrible pain, but still i could fight, i point my slingshot at his chest and strikes, the gryphon evades it, i already knew he could, his dexterity was not only for flying, but i was not pointing at his chest, it hits the tree behind him and yellow flames burst, burning one of his wings, it was not good enough.

He could not fly, but still he was part lion so obviously it would hunt in the ground too, the gryphon shake his wings, a big chunk was burned, it looks at my direction and runs at me, i shot an explosive firestone at him, but he was too fast, series of explosions get him but he was too quick and evades everithing, the gryphon jumps at me, but something was behind him, it was Death Claw, i knew my slingshot was terrible against monsters of high dexterity, thats why i set this trap, i was only distracting him, before the gryphon could reach me, Death Claw jumps at him geting him out of my way, Death Claw was stronger and he bites the neck of the gryphon, golden lightning get out of the mouth of the gryphon as to try to reach the Death Claw, it was futile, between Death Claw bite, red flames scapes his teeth, not only he was biting the neck but burning it too, the gryphon was miserable, blood flows by his white feathers, and dies, even so Death Claw was still biting and he takes a big chunk of meat and begins to eat, it was a terrible sight, but i was a hunter, and beast eating another beast was already normal.


- Ugh - Michael

I look at my arm, it have marks of the lightning in my arm, it would be an good scar, i look around the little forest, there was nothing much, but i could live here, there was a lot of beast in the mountain so food was not a problem, and in one side of the mountain i see an water fall, it was the perfect place, i look at the corpse of the gryphon that Death Claw was eating.

- Looks like i am the new king of the mountain - Michael

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