《The King of Snipers》Finally Free


I walked in the jungle, but the only sound i heard was the sound of smalls animals scaping, since i evolved my intimidation to 50% small animals always try to scape when i am close, i slowly walked but nothing, for some crucial minutes nothing happens, but then i smell blood and step in something hot and wet.

It was blood, that was a bad sign, i slowly walked to the side, and tried to find something strange, i didnt smell, hear or see nothing, so i walked, for minutes and nothing, but the smell of blood gets stronger, and stronger till the point were i thought there was a blood pool in front of me, thats when i heard.


Something was eating, i wanted to turn back but if i could sense him, he probably could sense me, i walked and see it, the blue tiger.

The blue tiger was dead, and being eated, what was eating him was 2 times his size, it has a body like a lizard with 2 bat wings and the head of a rooster, the thing was bleeding, one of its eyes were torn off, the body was really hurted and one of its legs looked bad.

Name: Cockatrice

Strenght: Moderate 21%

Dexterity: Moderate 56%

Resistense: Moderate 27%

Essense: Awakening 79.9%


Charge: Beginner 16%

The monster stopped eating and looks at me, tried to walk away to see if loses interest in me, but it low its body and run at me, i take a quick shot in the head, but it still run.

I jump to the side almost geting hit, the cockatrice hit its head in a tree, the tree looked to be damaged but the monster not, it wave its head and looks at me with the good eye trying to focus, i didnt missed this opportunity, and take a shot to his eyes, the stone hits the eye and burned.


- KOAAAAAA - Cockatrice

i decided to run, the flames could only burn for three seconds, but the attributes were moderated, i didnt wanted to see if it could or not survive the shot, what i wanted is to leave this jungle.

And so i did, i run, for three seconds i run with full speed, behind me i hear the cockatrice roaring angry, but i was already away from him, but i didnt stop, if it could sense my smell i would be fucked, so i ran like crazy.

I was jumping, and changing directions, fortunatly nothing was in my way, then i see something, strong light takes my vision, i was out of the jungle, it was plain, the place looked to have only grass, i look behind, and it was like a diffrent world, but i decided to run, if i was being hunted in the plains would be the best place to be hunted, and so i ran.

I was sprinting for some minutes when i decide to stop, i was aready far away from the jungle, when the adrenaline falls, i smile.


I yell as loud as i could, i never was so happy in my life, i dont need to stay alert all night in fear of being killed, i could talk to other people if i find a city, i can live peacifully.

- I survived, now i can rest.

I dont need to live in fear now, i get up and walked, for some hours i walked with no particular direction, i walked and walked and walked, thats when i undertand, i dont have any directions to go, i dont even knew if other cities would exist, my city was destroyed, and it could have happend to any other.


- Shit, no... nooooo.

Thats when i see an city, but the city was in ruins, the houses were destroyed, the buildings abandoned, nothing was there, i walked on the street that was broken in pieces, some cars were in the street, but they were destroyed, some looked to have been burned, in one of the cars i see an skeleton burned that has the jaw abnormaly open, like yelling for help.

- The poor man was burned alive.

There was nothing, the city was in ruins, take food was not an option, the food could attract monsters, it would be better to just hunt and eat the meat in the place, i dont want to be hunted anymore.

I just walk straight, not looking at the skeletons, luckly there are some things in the city that i could take to make my life easier.

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