《The King of Snipers》The Blue Tiger


After minutes in the truck we finally get in the military base, and there looked to have an entire army, but even with the army, all around the base have corpses of red gorillas, Blue tigers and human bodys, it was an genocide, the base obviosly wasnt safe, we get in the the base and was guided to an building, the place was full of injured people, it looked like a war zone a medic even bumped me because he needed to stop the bleeding of an black woman that have the arm bited, me and my father just get in a place where no one was bleeding, some times i hear somebody crying, others is just peaple screaming in agony, but what gets me more anxious is the outside sounds, for hours i have heard shot sounds, with time the shot sounds were getting worse, ultil the point were it looked to have an terrible battle that they were desperated to win.

there was no soldier in the room, and the gun shots have stopped for some minutes, but no one wanted to get out, to see what happened.

* BAM *

Something out of the door wanted to get in, but for some reason my body gets paralysed, and not only me, my father and everyone in the room have stopped breathing, pure silence... until.

* BOOM *

The door gets broken from that explosive power and then we see what was the thing that have the power to destroy an door made of steel.

It was an giant blue tiger, he was big like a horse and had many holes in his body, but they looked superficial like a scratch, when i focused on him a message of the system appear.

Name: Blue Tiger

Strenght: Beginner 69%

Dexterity: Moderate 40%


Resistense: Moderate 47%

Essense: Lightning Beginner 6%


Thunder Paw: Beginner 2%

Wild Presence: Beginner 80%

His status were supernatural, with just a glance i could predict that everyone here will die, with a roar the blue tiger begins his carnage, with his paws he destroy a man's head and with a bite he tear another man's arm, everyone started to panic but the tiger was in the exit, everyone tries to scape but the tiger get them first, some have even tried to fight the monster with improvised weapons, but the carnage never stops.

But with time the tiger gets closer to the mass of people and far from the door, then with a urge to survive i ran.

- MICHAEL DON'T - Father

My father tries to chase me, but i was so desperate that i didn't listen, the tiger was away he see me running then strikes his paw on me wich makes me fall a few centimeters close to the door, the tiger roars and bited me.


It wasnt me who yells, then i see the tiger biting the whole arm of my father, he uses his other hand and he shove his fingers on the eye of the tiger.

The beast falls back and with this act, my father takes my hand and both of we started to run, and we runned for our lives, we get in the jungle and keep running, it looked that it would never stop.

And we finally stopped we were in the middle of the jungle, thankfully nothing was here, and when the adrenaline falls i check my father, his arm was ripped off and his skin was pale and out of breath, i get shocked, i could only see him there... bleeding.

- Run Michael.. huff... i can't survive, i have bleeded too much. - Father


I wanted to stay, thats when i hear a roar in the distance i could only glance at my father, my instincts were yelling me to run, and i see the blue tiger, he was not looking at me, but at my father, i get my slingshot with a futile intent to fight back.

I looked at my father, he was crying because he knows i cant make it, he knows i am the only one who can survive, the tiger jumps but not at me, thats when i runned, of course i would run, i am only stupid boy with a slingshot, i am no hero, i am no one, bullets could not penetrate his skin, what an boy with a slingshot could do.

i keep runnin and running, my legs wanted to stop but i knew i could not stop or i will be the next victim, i runned until i fainted, i was at my limit, my legs and lungs hurts, i focused and i see in front of me a small river, i take some sips of the water, i looked around, there was a small cave, i walked like a cripple and fall.

- He is ok right.... he can survive that right...

Of course not, the tiger was killing for sport, why would he not kill my father.... what happend to this world, nothing makes sense, everything was so quick, not even the military could do something, they have guns but the only thing i have was a slingshot, i didn't even have somethin good to protect me how i would survive.

- I will die.... i will die here...

That was a fact, i would die here, but i have one last hope, the system, if the system can show me my status that means i can evolve, get better than a normal human and survive, that is my only chance of survival, evolve... or die.

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