《Goblin Flood》Chapter three: The danger of dreams


Chapter Three: The Danger of Dreams

In a certain kingdom there was a noble house called the Thunderclan. They were named such due to the unique technique they practiced. The Thunderclan focused on speed and sudden power, and once they reached a certain level they would create a massive sound like thunder. The Thunderclan was easily recognized on the battlefield, and became a symbol for their kingdom. When a youth of the Thunderclan partook in their first battle it was customary for the head of the house to bestow a name. Thunder beard lacked talent and ability. When he showed mediocre results in his first battle the head referenced his beard rather than his performance as a means to mock him. The name Thunder beard became the joke of the family, but things would change. At a certain battle Thunderbeard lost, but his opponent showed mercy. This lit a fire within thunder beard’s heart that would lead him to grow at an incredible rate. After years of battle he remembered his debt and set off to pay it. Before he disappeared Thunder beard had become the symbol of the Dives kingdom.

The old man woke with a start. Years of battle had made him a light sleeper, and something felt off. His eyes instantly moved to his nephew. John was a fairly normal looking boy with brown hair and green eyes, but something had changed. The boy was glowing under the stars his hair had turned white. Two streams of tears had frozen to his face. The old man could feel that the magic in his body was distraught. The old man rushed to his side; ready to intervene if things got worse. Just a moment later there was a shift. The magic within the boy started to disappear as his eyes and mouth shot open. He was gasping for breath as his body started to seize up. The old man didn’t know what to do, so he started to shove his in magic into the boy, hoping that nothing would go wrong, “John wake up! Wake up boy!”


As the purple lightning snaked into the boy’s body he quickly relaxed. John looked up at his uncle in complete bewilderment. “Uncle what happened?”

“Why would you ask me? You wake me up in the middle of the night and have the gall to ask me what’s happening? Think boy! Do you remember anything?”

John looked at his uncle with a blank face for a few moments. “I think it was a dream? There was this very pretty lady singing a sad song, and some monster attacked me.”

The old man had a grave face as he looked at John. “Think carefully, tell me every detail.” After thinking about it the fragments slowly flowed back, and John began to recount what he could.

By now everything had returned to normal as the old man slowly thought over the contents of the boys dream. “Hmm, did this dream feel like a memory, or something you are going to do?”

“It felt real. Like I was actually there and could reach her. It felt like right now.”

“Can you remember what she looked like, were there any landmarks, or can you remember any details about the screech at the end?”

“She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“I know that you dolt! You’ve seen maybe a dozen women, and most of them were fat old house wives! I want details; her hair color, height, or any distinguishing features she might have had!”

“I’m sorry uncle. I can’t remember any details, it was all so fast and still seems fuzzy.”

“What about the thing that attacked you, or the surroundings?! You have to have something!”

“I never saw what attacked me. There was a waterfall, and a vast forest with massive trees. Oh wait! There was one tree that looked really big, almost like the mountains looked from home. It was very far away, but it really stood out.”


The old man stopped and thought before he slowly asked the next question. “What about the sky?”

“The blue sun was out, about the middle of the sky, I think.”

“The elf lands should be in the middle of winter now, and the vitae river has a waterfall with a view of the elder tree.” John had been taught about such places, but he had never seen them. According to his uncle the elves were a peaceful race that lived close to nature. Some people said they were immortal, but John's uncle knew a bit more. He said that elves didn't age, but would eventually return to nature, although he didn't know what returning to nature meant. They were incredibly beautiful, and were ony of the few races that did not attack the human kingdom. “Listen closely John, I’ve told you before that your dreams are special. Now I must tell you that they are also very dangerous. There are powers in this world that do not wish to be known or seen, so be careful from now on.”

“Yes uncle, but what should I do if I have another dream like this one?”

“I don't really know, I'm not really knowledgeable about this stuff. Maybe try running away? Regardless you need to be careful. Now let's get ready, we’ve got some animals to hunt. I'm looking forward to some good meat for supper!”

John looked at his uncle helplessly. How do you run from a dream? He could definitely feel the danger that he was just in, but had no way to escape. Without that zap from his uncle he was certain he would already be dead. Unable to find a solution Jon put the matter to rest as he got ready for the day. Although it was still dark these two were use to an early morning. John prepared some tea along with berries for their breakfast. After a light meal the two went their separate ways to see what they could find.

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