《Vegeta Reborn!》Chapter 15


"Long'er, you must have noticed that besides the three stages of body refining that we have that dont really tell us how to refine our bodies as the first three stages are just for us to condense some of our bloodline so that we can use our great ape form, while it is true that condensing our bloodline also increases the strength and durabilities of our bodies, after reaching the third stage it is no longer possible to condense our bloodline, you must know that every time you pass get to a knew stage in body refining your blood qi becomes much richer and denser, this is also the case when we condense our bloodline, the thicker/purer the bloodline the richer and denser the bloodqi is. Our Great ape family have much tougher bottlenecks in cultivation than regular people and thats because of our bloodline, while the bloodline also makes us stronger than people of the same stage it also makes it harder to breakthrough, this is because the bloodline was passed down by an expert who has reached a certain level of power passes down the trait they used to reach that power, while this is normally the case there are ways to increase the cultivation speed of a bloodline cultivator and that is to cultivate a body refining technique specific to the bloodline in which the body refining technique refines the bloodline and the actual body making bottlenecks have only half of the regular resistance. This is the reason why i havent yet stepped into the eigth stage, we have the first three stages but since we are missing the rest, the cultivation speed of our family is alot slower than what it should be, due to this issue we have started cultivating body refining techniques that arent relates to any bloodlines and just simply focuses on refining the body and adding more blood qi, and this method has actually worked pretty well for us and while its not the same as our families techniqe it does spedd up our cultivation by at least twenty percent compared to just cultivating while at stage 3. It's possible that of i had the complete method of our family i would already be at the peak of the 9th stage, but if i wasnt cultivating this no bloodline body refining technique i probably would still be in the 6th stage. Your probably wondering how a non bloodline body refining method can be so useful despite not really condensing the bloodline, well the reason for that is that bloodline warriors use their bloodqi and qi to simultaniously attack the bottleneck, and while gathering blood qi using a nonbloodline warrior body refining technique is slow, its still better than not being able to gather any more blood qi and having to rely soley on your qi to attack the bottlenecks." explained Fang Tianmeng. Vegeta sat perplexed as he could probably solve the issues of his new family regarding the next few levels of body refining, but the problem was he was to young still and there would probably be no one to believe that he had solved the families cultivation issue at the age of six, also he didnt know if his hypothesis is correct yet and still needs to do a couple of tests and hardcore training. Seeing his grandson's serious experssion made him smile warmly " It's about to be midnight which means its almost time for you to begin your first session of body refining." Hearing this Vegeta woke up from hos thoughts and nodded.

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