《Tales of the 33rd universe - A Mech Designer story》Chapter 12 - Design accepted
Mech Designer course
Mech designs
Form and Function classification
Mech usually are classified using a mix of words and the most classic is following the Size – Movement. For example, ‘medium 2-legged mech’ however as we saw previously medium is the new standard size so it could also be said ‘standard 2-legged mech’ or simply ‘2 legged mech’. However, this is not descriptive enough and we needed to add more specifications so Form and Function come over.
Form is the general form they have but mostly they are used to describe the main body of the mech.
Animal shapes are the most common for general use but the academy only recognize certain forms.
Canine mechs are 4 legged with an elongated body but not particularly bulky.
Feline mechs have usually thin and flexible legs with a thin elongated body.
Bovine mechs have a bulky elongated body with stocky legs. Basically, a container with 4 legs.
Arachnids (while the biology department loves to discuss this) are accepted with 6 or more legs and usually a seemingly segmented body usually used for detachable storage space very common for harvesting mechs.
Humanoid mechs are a misshapen cylinder simulating a human torso, 2 legged and having arms either fixed or with multiaxial movement.
They are usually generalist mechs to be used for many reasons.
Then you have all the others that do not follow a natural design and most of this are used only in some specific places.
Platform mechs are the standard defense for most cities. Basically, a cylinder with legs that end in feet or tires/tracks. They tend to have a very visible and reinforce frontal part and weapons on to the sides and the top.
Turret mech. Technically they are a mech as they require a pilot and a Neural Interface is used to control it but they are a building with protection and weapons. Usually used outside of cities of in places that get attacked a lot, they usually carry long range sensors, escape mechanisms for the pilot and a variety of weapons. They are also used for external forts to handle threats.
Ship and submarine mechs are water faring mech recognized directly by their function. The classification for them can also be added to the name for example a destroyer or a corvette.
Planes and helicopter mechs are also used for flying mechs. The one difference they have is that most are short range and while they may carry 2 pilots only one can be connected at a time. Crosstalk between Neural Interfaces have been proven to create multiple problems to pilots.
Finally, spaceship mechs that can be also added their function however only the smallest of them are mechs, the rest, due to increased complexity, require to be manned by multiple persons in specialized areas.
Lastly function.
Harvester mech is any mech used for harvesting or foraging. Logger mech are the most common example as every city needs to keep flora away and not growing close to it.
Transport mech are basically big bulky mechs with few to no armaments and lots of cargo space. The most common for this are the plane mechs.
Offensive mechs are basically mechs with enhanced firepower and decent movement.
Defensive mechs tend to have increased armor at the expense of movements and multiple short range or control type of weapons.
Scout mechs are rarely used as they are replaced by drones and exo scouts though they can be used for specific environments, they should have enhanced mobility and communications at the expense of everything else.
There are multiple functional keywords for design but the idea is always the same, they will describe the main function to give a quick idea of what the mech does.
Thus, what we know as a logger mech is technically a humanoid harvester 2-legged mech.
"Emil, have you sent your design already, remember that the due date is next week"
"Yes uncle, my design was sent yesterday"
"Excellent, then you should have a positive answer soon"
"Why don’t we celebrate for a bit uncle, I been here cooped up doing nothing but designing that hateful harvester mech"
"You mean, besides getting drunk, playing those dumb games or all the other inane things you do to waste time?"
"But uncle, it was super easy, a design for an area with cliffs to harvest bark from a dumb tree. I made a …"
"I don’t want to know, you either did your best and I would be proud or I will teach you from the basics one more time"
"I made an excellent design uncle, you’ll see"
"You better. You are lucky that we moved to this Quintus world who only have 2 semi decent Mech Designers who are occupied and that guy who graduated early, unlike someone else, if it where another more dangerous world with more metallic resources you would be competing against multiple other designers"
12 days after
"FUCKING SHIT" a glass bottle is thrown harshly against the wall "SOMEONE HAD TO HAVE CHEATED FUCKING SHIT"
"Nephew. What is the matter?"
"You WHAT!?"
"I was just contacted by the research association that my design was inferior to another presented design. You have to find out who and invalidate them"
"From now on you won’t drink a single drop, no more ‘companionship’, games or other things, you will review your design and do your best or you’ll be punished"
"THAT’S UNFAIR, my design had excellent metrics everywhere, could do everything that was requested and do it well, it w…"
"ENOUGH. You will review the design and improve it. I’ll see if I can get more information about the designer and see if something can be done to give you a second opportunity, AND YOU MUST NOT FAIL. UNDERSTOOD?"
"Designer Caelum
Upon review of the presented designs, we selected your design for the ‘Metentis Aranea’ as the winner.
As previously stated for winning the competition you will be paid 20.000 credits for the use of your blueprint and your citizen score will be increased by 300 as a public service provider.
We thank you for your support for the development of the New Roman civilization
Minerva's laboratories"
"YEESSSSSS" happiness, joy and pride were exploding in Marcus. He started dancing and shouting not minding anyone else…
Which was quite strange for the other people watching or hearing him as the sound had echoed everywhere. The others were questioning to themselves if he had finally lost it or what had happened for Marcus to be shouting so loudly.
Otho was in the same bay and he went closer "Hey Marcu…"
Marcus suddenly moved and hugged Otho while the later showed clear concern in his face.
"Look, read this!" said Marcus while releasing the man and showing him his data pad.
1 minute of pregnant silence as other workers moved closer to see what was the commotion.
"You lucky fucker, you really did it" Otho couldn’t believe it, a probationary mech designer nailed his first design from a research group when most laboratories usually just ignored poor designs. Even if there was just 1 design presented, they could ignore it and burn the designer by saying that it was of poor quality. He had sent his design, competed against at least someone else or more and had won it. Also, for a governmental reward it was quite plentiful, government jobs usually paid little credits but gave lots of citizenship points.
Otho hugged Marcus suddenly with one arm, he was feeling happy for his coworker, someone he had seen grow and worked during over 15 years from a fledgling mechanic that didn’t know the correct end of a plasma torch to this… a Mech Designer. "Congrats Marcus, you deserve it" said Otho releasing the arm.
Val suddenly entered the bay "What is happening? Anyone better be injured or dying" she was a bit out of breath and feeling a bit angry as everyone seemed OK. She had come running as someone triggered the emergency button with no clear cause.
"Look here Val" said Marcus while handling his data pad.
"Someone pressed the emergency call for me so it better not be for this." said angrily Val.
Hilaria was just coming to the bay "I called you Val, regardless of what had happened, someone screaming like that should have been an emergency… though it seems to be happy tidings instead" concluded Hilaria after looking at Marcus happy face and Otho relaxed face.
Marcus realized his mistake, he had been too moved and did something he shouldn’t have done, the workshop had to be a quiet place, a mistake can be costly and can harm someone. Looking ashamed he said "Sorry everyone, I just received a message I had been waiting for a long time and without thinking about it had caused problems for everyone. I’m very sorry".
"Wait, message you been waiting?" Val’s mind started to pick up the clues "Your design got accepted?" incredulity was clearly shown in her face "REALLY?"
Marcus smile bloomed "Yes" a simple answer filled him with a very complex feeling.
Everyone knew that he had graduated, they also knew he was working on his first design. They also knew that a Mech Designer usually took 2 to 3 years to start making designs with enough quality that they are accepted for those types of contract.
Marcellinus who usually was stone faced now was slack jawed, Hilaria, the ice queen who kept her composure even with dead people around, was struck in place, Val just stood there, fury forgotten looking at Marcus as if it were the first time.
Suddenly Val hugged Marcus and then the rest came over. They all knew him from the very beginning, to when he started studying from Mech Designer, his troubles after losing someone, his recovery, how hard had he worked for his title and then for his design the last 2 months. They were all part of the family and they all wanted to congratulate him.
Val realized the mood and while she hated it, she had to kill the moment, they were in the middle of the work day, they had things to do so order first, work later.
"OK EVERYONE" shouted loudly so that all would hear well "While I understand the mood you must remember that we are working here, we will party AFTER hours but we must go back to work, the smelter is still working, the machining shop is doing nothing, we have things to do and can’t stop for now, I’ll allow 5 minutes for congratulations and well wishes but afterwards we need to keep working. Understood?" she clapped her hands
"YES BOSS" they all answered loudly. They knew that some jobs where time sensitive and some couldn’t just be left around.
The mood was kept happy but much more manageable, congratulations were given, some hugs and they all went back to work.
The rest of the work day was strange for Marcus, he was filled with energy, not only from the mana gotten from a repair and clean job for a few Vigile’s mechs that was drenched in blood but also from the news. He felt incredible and his worked showed that. With Otho they finished all the mechs in short time and even went to help at different areas, Otho went to help at the assembly and Marcus went for dismantling.
Finally, the work shift had ended, the party had begun. Drinks a plenty, lots of printed food with a good quality printer and fancy cartridges.
The full group was there, very much like when he graduated.
Hilaria, the group leader of the assembly team, a no-nonsense blonde and tall woman that rarely showed her emotions. She was also the expert on emergency disassembles. She is also one of the oldest of the group bordering 100.
Cynthia, a brunette with coffee eyes and dark complexion, medium height, and super thin. Twin sister of Leon and on the assembly, team mainly doing wiring, piping, and other internals. A bit of a tomboy and the most dangerous when drunk.
Leon, with almost the same head as Cynthia but with an incredibly toned body from training. He usually worked with the cranes connecting the multiple parts. Both are in their 40’s so quite young
With white hair and mechanical eye augmentation for both eyes, Seneca is the expert software and module master. Usually quiet and introverted but always there when needed. His has multiple body augmentations ‘gifts’ from when he left the Vigiles and the reason why he doesn’t pilot anymore yet he still works closely with mechs.
Marcellinus, another tall, muscled, and silent guy, hair black as night and dark coffee eye with one mechanical hand and augmented eye. Easily the best machinist of all thanks to his attention to detail and precision. Also, the second in command and the second person to be hired directly by Val.
Otho, one of the jokesters, the soul of most parties and working mostly in dismantling like Marcus. He has been working with Val the longest as his first hire since over 50 years ago. Because of his experience he can handle any and all works but prefers disassembly mostly because him being thin and wiry allows him to reach smaller places. A forever romantic soul.
Titiana, a young woman with a lithe and muscled body that could shame the famed Amazon exo warriors. Brown hair, green eyes and a permanent smile in her eyes that were covered almost always when working as she took most smelting jobs thanks to her mastery on chemistry and specialization in metallic composition.
Last but not least, Flaviana, who hated her name. Ana, the second jokester, a curvaceous beautiful blond woman who had come specifically to the party with her husband Junius despite she being in the 8th month of pregnancy.
Of course, Val was also there. Valentina was the boss and owner of the workshop, a you-shouldn’t-ask-a-lady-such-a-question-if-you-don’t-want-to-be-thrown-into-the-smelter years old. She was the mama bear of the group, most of the time grumpy, with a hard face, harsh laughter, and harsher roar. Yet she had an incredible business finesse to not only land the contract with the Vigiles but also making beneficial contracts with many of the other mech holders and workshops making her biggest and only big mech workshop of the whole city. She was tall and broad yet wiry with brown hair and eyes.
"Now I know that everyone wants to party but IT’S WEDNESDAY. Control yourself for I want tomorrow everyone working and not losing any body parts. GOT IT?"
The stern remainder of Val was widely heard yet for sure there would be many hangovers tomorrow.
"YES BOSS" chorused everyone.
"Well then PARTY!!!" Val said with a warm smile
"PARTY!!!" chorused the rest.
Alcoholic drinks started flowing everywhere, enough that some generators may even turn on. The printed food was good, most likely bought from one of the food catering companies and jokes came and went everywhere.
"Who knew our marvelous cue ball would be having so much success so early" said Ana while hugging Marcus "You would do well to remember us when you climb your highness, we still know tons of embarrassing stories"
"And pictures" chimed Otho from somewhere.
"You wouldn’t blackmail an esteemed Mech Designer, would you?" Marcus said while laughing widely with them, he had known most of them for the 15 years he had worked there. He was sure of their answer.
Otho answered for all. "OF COURSE WE WOULD" laughter came from the surrounding "At the very least you should invite us to one of those expensive vacation cruises around the solar system where all the liquids serve inside are alcoholic beverages"
"Sure, sure, as long as you complete your old bet" some laughter and some quizzing looks came.
"Otho, did you have any bet that you haven’t finished?" chimed Ana from the side "Your face, while not augmented, can easily work as armor plates of how hard it is. What is that you haven’t done?"
Otho look at Marcus with doubt all over his face.
"You don’t remember dear Otho?" said Marcus while grinning "Let me help your memory of an old, old tale of how a man sought death.
It was a sunny day where a short, lithe but attractive and young-looking woman came looking for someone, she introduces herself as Mina and the man that sought death said that it was a pleasure to meet her" laughter started to sound all around. "This young man asked her if he could help her in any way possible and she said that she was looking for me, to what this man dutifully answered ‘It is heartwarming too see how such a filial sister looking for her younger brother’"
"It is said that this woman blushed so the man continued. He would do whatever she wanted so long she agreed to accompany him to a date later, such passion stunned the woman giving enough time for the seeker to grab her by the hand and guide her for no more than 15 meters until they met us. This meeting being slightly shocking as he met Roxxanne".
To this point Ana was laughing out loud sitting in a chair nearby almost falling over while her husband looked at her curiously and grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall and she wasn’t the only one, while not all, most had met his mothers.
"When the death seeker came into sight of Roxxanne he froze, like a deer in the mech lights, Mina then introduced herself as my mother and the furious red headed bear coming for him as her wife. It is said that the man had found death but he fled as she went for him, never coming back to ask for the owed date"
Marcus ended the tale by projecting the body of Roxxanne the Red Ogre of the Aquilae in her exo. 2.2 m, 120 kg of muscle and augmentation. She had more muscle mass than Otho had total mass and the collection of head scars, furious face, battle armor and machete of the projection were enough to turn most people running for their lives.
Otho was white by the end of the tale asking please to never make any of my mothers remember this for he still loved his life to what the most general answer was even more laughter and pitying looks.
The party kept going and it was fun but controlled, eventually ended and Marcus left to sleep at home feeling great.
Waking up Marcus saw that his data pad had an urgent message.
"Hello Marcus, please contact me at as soon as possible. There are issues regarding your design.
Evander Gaius, Minerva’s laboratory"
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