《Path of the Jade (Discontinued)》Chapter 7 - Magic and Roommate


Chapter 7 - Magic and Roommate

‘I shouldn’t be wrong this time’.

I asked Diana where the magic library was again for confirmation before leaving the library. I walk around the block and arrived infront of big wooden door which is exactly like the library earlier. I pull the door open and enter the room.

The insides of magic library is pretty similar to the library. A few differences would be that there are much more bookshelves, probably twice as much, and there are lower and upper floor. Unlike the library, magic library is so full of students that almost all the free spots are taken. On the right side of the library, a boy is sitting behind a counter while reading a book. I went towards the counter to ask for information.

“Excuse me, may I ask something?” I ask.

“What is it?”

The boy glance at me before continue reading his book.

“Where can I find body enchantment magic books?”

“Lower or upper floor?”

“What is the difference?”

“The lower floor only have low-ranked and middle-ranked books while upper floor has higher-ranked books. If your ranking is 1000th and below, you can enter the upper floor.” He explained.

“I see. Lower floor then.” I nodded

“Fifty-seventh to sixty-fifth bookshelves. There are numbers on the bookshelf so you won’t get lost.”


After receiving the directions, I find my way to the fifty-seventh bookshelf. It took me around 5 minutes to find the bookshelf I am looking for.

‘Alright, this is it.’

I look around the before taking a few books which caught my interest. I carried all the books I picked and find a free spot nearby.

‘Lets see..’

The first book I picked is a low-ranked book named Hawk Eyes. Just like the name says, it raises the user’s eyesight and make the user to be able to see far away. It would be useful if I were to leave the academy but unfortunately I am probably staying here for a few years. I can learn this magic sooner or later. I close the book and open the next one.


Second book is another low-ranked book named Light Feet. It is a magic that enchances the user to move faster. It is useful to have both when going for a long distance or in a fight as I can avoid taking enemy’s hits.

The last one is a low-ranked magic which enchances the user’s weapon. It makes the weapon sharper and much more durable which is a good thing in a fight. The name of the book is Armament.

I return Hawk Eyes magic book to the bookshelf after deciding to learn Light Feet and Armament. I first start with the easier to learn Light Feet before going with Armament.

A few hours has passed. I made my way to the martial arts field to test out my newly-learned magic.

“Enchant:Light Feet”

Right after I activate Light Feet, I feel as if I was lighter than before.

‘Lets test it out by running two hundred meters.’

I get in position and then started to run straight ahead. I was stunned by the difference of with and without the body enchantment magic. Two hundred meters which had taken me 26 seconds to complete now took me only 22 seconds. A whole 4 seconds differences when I haven’t even mastered the magic.

‘Next would be Armament.’

I deactivate Light Feet and grab a wooden sword that I borrowed from the training store infront of the martial arts field. I close my eyes and chants,

“Enchant:Sword Armament”

When I open my eyes, I was confused. The wooden sword didn’t show any sort of change after I use Armament. I couldn’t say that it didn’t work since I could feel my mana decreased after using Armament.

‘Could it be?’

As if a thunder struck me, I raises the wooden sword and slash it to the ground.



The wooden sword easily cut through the ground. As I suspected, the magic did work, though, you can’t see any noticeable differences.

After a few more testing, I decided that it was time to go back to dorm. I return the wooden sword back to the store before going back to infirmary to grab Aaron and Lynn. We split off with Lynn on the way to the dorm because girls’ dorm are on the other side of the academy. After reaching the males’ dorm, I enter Aaron’s room and left him on his bed. I exited the room and open the door to my room.

“Ah, its you?” A male’s voice was heard from inside the room.

I turned to where the voice came from. On the bed was a boy with disheveled black hair probably either 17 or 18 years old. It felt a little creepy at how he keep smiling while staring at me with those eyes of his. I feel as if he’s watching every single movement I’m making.

“A-are you my roommate?” I stuttered a bit.

“Yeah. My name is..what was it..Sam. Yea, that’s it. Sam.” He introduces himself.

He’s weird. I mean, how can you even forget your own name? I was about to introduce myself before he started to speak.

“By the way, your name is Leo, right?” I nodded. “Ah~, I knew it. I saw you at the martial arts class earlier. Haha, I wonder what would happen to Paul’s hand if Mr Maverick didn’t stop you two.” He laughed.

‘What?! How did he knew that?’

“You must be thinking how I know that.” I kept silent. “Well, its pretty obvious. You can figure it out by looking at the speed and force you put into your fist when you punch. I bet that Mr Maverick stopped you because he noticed that too.” The boy, Sam, said as he lazes on his bed.

“You are quite something, aren’t you? To be able to figure that out just by watching isn’t something anyone can do.” I smiled.

“Yeah yeah. I’m off to sleep now. Go away.” He hug his pillow as he wave his hand as if to shoo me away.

After talking with Sam for a few minutes, my impression of him is a very laid-back yet sharp and a little bit creepy.

‘I should start my training now then.’

I lay down on my bed and starts to close my eyes. A minute passed and suddenly something bright enters my vision. I open my eyes and infront of me stood a transparent middle-aged man in his 30s. His left hand is holding a cigarette.

“Its time to change the routine, brat.” Reid smirked.

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