《Path of the Jade (Discontinued)》Chapter 5 - Problem on the First Day


Chapter 5 - Problem on the First Day

“We need to fight in pairs huh. Hey, Aaron. Wan-“

“No, thanks.” Aaron cut me off.

“Well, alright. Why are you sweating though?” I asked.

“I-its probably the heat.” Aaron smiled awkwardly.

“Hmm, since you don’t want to spar with me, who should we pair up with then?”

Most students had already started to fight after finding their own space. Looking someone without a partner will probably take some time.


As we were looking around, I fell onto the ground after felt like being pushed by someone from behind.

“Watch where you’re standing!” It was one of boys I saw staring at me in the classroom earlier.

“Ah, I’m sorry. We’ll get moving.” I said as Aaron help pulling me up. We were about to leave before,

“Tch, I wonder how can a trash enter this academy.” The boy sneered.

Uh oh. Is Aaro- Yup, this wouldn’t end well.

“Wait right there! What did you mean by that?” Aaron frowned.

The boy stopped in his tracks and said, “Ha? Isn’t it obvious? How can someone who’s result is white card enter this academy? Everyone here is at least have silver card. Even the weaker ones has black card.” He look at me as if he’s looking at trash, he continued, “He is the only trash in this school.”

“You!” Hearing the last sentence, Aaron moved to attack the boy.

“Wait, Aaron!”

I reached my hand out. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to react in time to stop Aaron.

“Heh, stupid.” Sinister smile appeared on the boy’s face.

As Aaron threw his fists, the boy easily dodge them by side stepping around the fists. The boy then lashes out a powerful body kick. Aaron never had any physical nor martial training before, so he helplessly received the kick head-on. The kick was strong enough to send Aaron flying.



I quickly went to Aaron to check his condition. Phew, looks like he fainted from the pain.

“I take back what I said.”

'What now?' I frowned.

“There are two trashes in this school.” He smirked

Now that’s a little tad bit too far.

As if something triggered inside me, I ran towards him. In a few seconds, I deepened the gap between me and him. Without wasting any time, I threw out a punch.

‘He’s fast!’ The boy thought. Taken by surprise, he was unable to react in time to dodge the punch, ‘But, not fast enough!’ Instead, he threw out a punch to counter my punch. Right before our fists were about to clash,

“Alright, stop right there.” A deep voice sounded out.

Unknowingly, Mr Maverick already stood between me and the boy. Both mine and the boy’s fist were caught by Mr Maverick’s palms.

“Sigh, Even if I did told you to spar, I would be in trouble if you were to cripple each other, y’know.” Mr Maverick sighed as he released us. He glances towards the boy, “You shouldn’t start trouble, Paul. Even if you’re the baron son’s friend, you can’t escape punishment.”

“I will be careful next time.” The boy, Paul, nodded smilingly.

“And you, what’s your name?”

“Leo, sir.” I replied.

“Leo, huh. You’d probably want to get your friend there to infirmary.” Mr Maverick said as he pointed towards Aaron.

I nods my head as I walk towards Aaron. I carefully carry him on my arms to avoid his condition from worsening. Before leaving for the infirmary, I glared towards Paul, “We’ll pay for this.” In response, he sneered.

“Wait right there.” Suddenly Mr Maverick stopped me from leaving. “In four months, the school will host a tournament. Do me a favor and stop trying to cripple each other instead, settle your scores right there.”


“And that’s all happened after you fainted. Mr Maverick forbid Paul from coming near us so that we avoid fighting each other.” I explained to Aaron who just woke up in the infirmary.


“..Hey, why are you being quiet now? Something wrong?” I asked Aaron who has been silent the whole time he woke up.

“Hey, bro Leo. If you were to fight that guy, do you think you will win?” He asked.

“What’s with that qu-“ I stopped after seeing the looks in Aaron’s eyes. “..I can win easily.” I answered.

“I lost easily to someone who you can defeat easily..I’m too weak.” Aaron clenched his fists.

“Oh come on, you never learn how to fight before. Its not weird for you to lose.”

“That’s no reason to lose. What if..what happened to our village happens again? I don’t want to lose both of you too.”

“…” Memories of that day flashed in my mind. The day when our village was destroyed.

“I must get stronger. Stronger enough to protect both you and Lynn…Ouch!”

“Idiot. Where should I hide my face if you were to protect me?” I flicked Aaron’s head.


The infirmary door slides open loudly. Both me and Aaron freaked out. The one at the door was Lynn. She was gasping for air and her body is covered by sweat. You can easily tell that she ran here right after her class ended. She walks in and sit on a chair next to me.

“Geez! Did you know how worried I was when I heard you were sent to the infirmary!” She starts hitting on Aaron’s body.

“Ouch! Hey stop that, my body’s still hurts!” Aaron screams in pain.

“Haha.” I laughed.

Somewhere in Arshan Academy.

“So, did you teach him a lesson?” A blue-eyed boy asked.

“Only the other guy. Mr Maverick stopped me when I was about to beat him up.” Paul spoke.

“Hm..Oh well, we can always do it at the next class.”

“About that, Mr Maverick forbid not only me, but anyone related to you from going near them. It seems he found out about what we do before coming here.”

“Tch, good thing you’re my good friend. If not, I would’ve beat you to pulp.”

“Whatever, David. Ah, I almost forgot. Mr Maverick said that we can only fight in the tournament.”

“The tournament? That’s four months later, wasn’t it?” The blue-eyed boy said. “Very well, I’ll let you off for now.”

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