《Dungeon monster》Chapter 9: pants


A horrible trimmer wakes me up from my sleep.


You have evolved into a void wolfman and was given the skill weapon creation lvl 1 and the humanfication title.

Man, what was that trimmer.

As I was about to get up I saw that Dakota was sleeping next to me.

That is odd. She usually doesn't sleep near me.

(Zig)" hey zake you there."

(Zig)" what the heck I can talk"

(Zake)' yeah, I can hear you talk.'

(Zig)" so anyways what was with THOugh's trimmers."

(Zake)' o THOugh's I moved closer to a village.'

(Zig)"ok, I am going to check my stats and see if I can make some kind of weapon for me so yeah."

I leave and start heading for the entrance.




RACE:Void wolfman









Darkness step


Dungeon map

Analyze lvl 2

Claw attack lvl 2

Tail whip lvl 2

Ambush lvl 4 (passive)

Void magic lvl 1:

Void scythe

Weapons creation lvl 1


Zake's first creature

Pack leader

One with the void


'Man, that's one upgrade.'

Analyze: all new titles and skills.

void magic lvl 1: allows you to use the magic of the void.

void scythe: magic of the void that summons a scythe made of the void.

Damage: 50 - 100

Mana cost: 100 per sec

Upgrades per lvl

weapon creation lvl 1: if you can figure out what this does your an idiot.

Can make poor to normal weapons.

title: one with the void: gives you 30% infinity to the void

title: humanfication: lets you leave the dungeon without Time Limit

'Man that was a lot of information hope this will be good.'

I decide to look at myself.


I am a complete wolf that is standing on two legs. With a black aura coming off of me.

Also pretty well hung if you know what I mean.

I get outside the cave and was a bit to go collect supplies.

(Zake)' yo dude when you get back the dungeon will look a bit different and also I will have a body.'

(Zig)' k, wish you luck.'

I run off legt this time no darkness step.

I collect some tree branches and kill some horn rabbits that attacked me out of nowhere.

O yeah, this forest is beautiful with lots of trees.

After a little collecting and killing like 9 horned rabbits I head back.

When I enter zake my dungeon map skill kick in.

Dam there are 10 rooms in a lot of crazy design.

(Zake)" welcome back."

I turn around to see a big rabbit man.

(Zig)"zake that you?"

(Zake)" yeah, you like."

(Zig)" looks weak."

(Zake)" it can kick your ass."

We both laugh and stop fooling around.

( zake)" well, I moved the wolves to room 8."

(Zig)" ok, that's good to know."

(Zake)" also I evolved the rabbits and Rogor to dungeon creatures."

(Zig)" you know what that's good because I don't want to die from humans."

(Zake)" and you think I do."

After that we talk a little and I leave for room 8.

(Dakota)' hey zig how are you feeling?'

(Zig)' good Dakota, how are you.'

(Dakota)'I am good.'

She comes up to me and lays down next to me.

I take the first horn rabbit brake off his horn and start skinning the rabbits with the horn.

skill gained skinning lvl 1

I skin the rest of the rabbits and take off their horns, then I throw one to each of the other wolves.

I keep two for me and Dakota.

I take some of the bones out and use the vines I picked up to try and make some pants for me.

skill gained cloth making lvl 1

I make a really shitty par of pants basically it was like a par of rags put together.

After that I call it a day and go to sleep.


Hope you like this chapter more worked a little harder on it.

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