《The Land of the Unknown》Episode 5 (Part 3)


“While my father and his group were searching and hunting for berries, fish, and water, they happened upon something: A vortex that appeared out of nowhere. They hid in the bushes, observing the strange apparition, and wondering what to do next when the group witnessed some creatures that came out of the vortex. These animals seemed to explore with some external devices they brought with them; it was weird.

“After a short while, the newly arrived aliens found one of our secret caves and settled in for the night. They used external equipment and other strange devices. However, whether or not the race knew it, they were harming the surrounding environment. Animals grew sick, lake waters got murky, wet grounds dried up, and plant life slowly turned to ash. It showed no signs of stopping, so my father revealed himself to the creatures to try and warn them. Let’s say; it didn’t go well.

“After that, my people returned to this village, where my father told me the whole story. Peace had returned, and it looked like the place would go back to its peaceful state once again, but alas, that didn’t last long. None of us expected it, but the strange creatures attacked us. They seemed to have lost their minds, chasing after us and behaving like blood-thirsty demons!

‘Please stop, why are you doing this?’ My father tried to reason with them, but they would not listen.

“When they saw me standing there petrified and afraid, I thought all was lost. That was when my dad stepped up in front of me to block their vision.

‘No, get away from him!’ He shouted.

“My people tried their best to fight them off while I, who had no fighting experience at the time, ran off to hide. Eventually, the battle had stopped, and the Miletis left. I peeked out of hiding, and some of the villagers lay motionless on the ground.


“Soon, others came out of hiding to give medical attention to the injured. One of the wounded was my father, who bled from the chest and had a chewed-off ear. I went to the medical room where my dad lied on a hay blanket with a clay pillow to support his head. The village healers applied ointments to heal him. I sat beside him as we both stayed silent for a while.

‘Son?’ He asked quietly as he slowly opened his eyes to glance at where I was, breaking the silence.


‘When I go, if I go, will you take my place as the chief?’

‘What? Me? But how can I handle—?’

‘I’m sorry I failed you all. This is all my fault, and I’m not sure how to stop this. I hope you find a way to forgive me for everything.’

“I couldn’t believe my ears. Was he apologizing to me? I had no idea why.

‘How is it your fault? What are you talking about?’

“I never heard him repeat another word after that. I was devastated when his last breath left him.

“I took the crown from his dying paws and placed it on my head. That was when I swore to protect the village. Just as my father had done all those years ago, and to avenge his death.”


“We’ve been fighting ever since. So that’s my story...” Ruth’s father finished.

The retelling of his emotional story had noticeably drained him as he slumped in his seat and gave out a hefty sigh.

“No way, we’re sorry to hear that,” Tommy replied, lowering his head.

“It’s alright.”

“Those stupid jerks, I can’t believe it...” Maggie muttered under her breath, grinding her teeth.


“Wait a minute,” Antonio said. “Here’s what I don’t get. If that was the case, then why did those guys ask us earlier to join—?”

“They what?” The chief interrupted, standing up from his seat. “That’s absurd! Look, I know you might not see them as a real threat, but they’re delusional. It would be impossible to get them to snap out of it.”

But, they're human like us... “Uh, no offense, but do you know why they’re acting like that? I can’t imagine them behaving like that without some logical—”

“That I don’t know, I wasn’t there.” He raised his voice. “My father told me the whole story. I don’t think he’d lie to me or forget any crucial details...” He didn’t seem interested in hearing about the creature’s side of the story.

“You know what I think?” Maggie started. “I think family members are more trusting than those scientists. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yeah, I would.” The chief nodded in agreement. “It’s getting late. Why not stay here for the night and have a lovely banquet and some sleep?”

“Sure thing!” Maggie and Tommy replied. Antonio just nodded in response. He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this story than he let on, but was too tired to argue.

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