《I'm the descendant of the Demon Lord!》Chapter 8: No 17


Wh-wh-where am I?

Slowly, my mind began waking up, as if it were in a deep sleep. My entire body feels heavy, and my mind feels sluggish.


I struggled to remember what had happened, but my brains couldn’t grasp any memories. My body felt weak and frail, almost ten times than before.

Then, suddenly, I remembered. The woman. The deaths. The blood. I started trembling when I remembered it, remembering my need to kill that woman, tear her into bits. Then, new memories flooded into my head, my hands tearing into her body, my teeth tearing out her larynx, her blood staining my body, and spurting out like a fountain.

An indescribable joy filled me when I remembered her screams of pain, her face of anguish. That’s right…I had given up everything, everything I had in order to just kill her.

Maybe this is the afterworld. I see, I’m dead huh.

My mind began to slowly clear up, like the morning fog lifting from the ground. I faintly began remembering the battle, the aura that had surrounded me. It had made me strong, empowered me enough to just get her killed. I tried to connect to that same power, but to no end. It was as if I never had it, the aura had vanished.

Slowly, tenderly, I opened my eyes, in order to find out where I was.


The thought filled my head, when a bright white light entered my eyes, hindering my sight. My eyes began tearing up when the luminescence entered, and I closed my eyes quickly, unable to bear.

For a while, I began opening and closing my eyes, in order to get used to the bright light.

Then, bleakly, my eyes adjusted to it, and I could see.

I could see that I was in a room, and there were numerous silver colored tables before me. The entire room was white, including the walls and the ceiling. Except at the wall in front of me. Only there, a huge glass layer stood, a see through glass layer. But the bright light of the room stopped me from seeing through to the other side.


I slowly began to take notice of my body. I was standing upright, my body was pressed up against something hard. It was flat, and a chill ran through my back due to the cold feeling it gave.

My arms were wrapped up in something, something sturdy and tight, preventing me from even moving them. They were suspended, raised above my head.

My neck was also fixed to something, making it so that I couldn’t even turn my neck, and I was stuck on to that board, crucified, to be exact.

The thing that shocked me was,


I muttered horrified. I couldn’t feel my legs! Wh-wh-what happened?! I struggled to turn my head in order to check my legs, but to no avail. My legs couldn’t be moved, as if they weren’t there from the start.

Is this the price I had to pay in order to kill that bitch? If it is, I don’t mind. Although, it would have been better for me to die.

My heart tinged with pain when I remembered the deaths that occurred, and I bit my lips, to prevent sorrow from taking over me.

What am I to do now?

I tried to shift my train of thoughts, in order to understand what I am supposed to do.

Then, at the corner of my eyes, I saw a part of the wall disappearing, and someone walked in.

“Ara? You’re awake now?”

A clear voice enters my ears. Male, I guessed. The man had a voice that was like the devil’s, soft and believable.

The voice of footsteps echoed across the room, as the man walked towards me.

He was quite tall, almost 3 meters, with jade green hair. A pair of spectacles covered his eyes, and it reflected the brightness of the room, hiding his eyes. He had a face that would make women swoon for him, with finely detailed cheekbones and lightly full lips, the tips of which were curled upwards, in an almost deceiving smile.


I stared, suspiciously at the man before me, who was also staring at me.

I realized that I was naked. Stark naked, except for a loincloth covering my nether regions. When I realized it, the man’s stare became uncomfortable for some reason, and my instincts screamed at me to cover myself from the stare of this man.

“So, do you remember anything?”

The man asked me, pushing up his spectacles with his forefinger, revealing his bright jade like eyes. His eyes were filled with curiosity, as if I were a newly obtained toy. Maybe I was.


I could only mutter those words, and my throat gave out before I could speak anymore.

“I ask the questions here, little lamb. Do you remember anything?”

The threatening lines and the cheerful demeanor immediately made me wary of this stranger, and I nodded, showing my affirmation.

“Do you know me?”


I whispered, my throat feeling dry.

He smiled, and replied.

“I am Augustus Zoltive, The Professor! This, is my wonderful facility, the Cradle!”

He exclaims, extending his arms as if he were proud of this place. Wait, Zoltive? My wariness increased to another level as I stared at this suspicious man.


Before I could introduce myself, he raised his arm, stopping me.

“Here, you are only No 17. Nothing more, nothing less. Names are unneeded for you”

He smirked, and walked towards the table.

“Now, do you know what we are going to do?”


“I’m sure you know about the human’s ‘Bloodline creation project’?”

He asks me, picking up a small silver blade, which had a curved edge, which looked really sharp. He


“The pitiful humans tried to create the power of our Great Demon Lord, in order to increase their war potential. But, they have failed, for they do not know the true nature of the Demon Lord”

He continues speaking, examining the blade of the small knife like instrument.

“For, the true power of the Demon Lord lies in his blood, a secret buried in your veins.”

He gestures to me, and begins walking up to me.


“We, shall create another version of you, a smarter and stronger one. In other words, we shall make you strong, and kill you. Then use the data obtained in order to re create our beloved Demon Lord!”

He begins walking up to me, blade in hand. His steps resounded in the huge white space, echoing. Those steps filled me with dread, but all I could do was just stay like that, pressed against this board.

“So, please comply with us, our guinea pig”

Smiling sweetly, he stabs the blade into my heart.



I spat the blood out, and look down at my chest. A fountain of blood sprouts, staining the silver edge of the blade.

Haaah…So this is the price I had to pay huh…Fine.. I’ll comply.

Thinking so, my consciousness fades, and I can faintly feel the blade being pulled out.

“It’s time to begin, No 17!!”

[Note: The blade The professor had is a pseudo scalpel, FYI]

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