《Smoke and Murders》City Lights
Loukas has met quite a few people throughout his life.
Even when he was just a sheltered boy living in an overtly lavished mansion, he had many opportunities to meet different sorts of people.
Usually from the frequent visitors and overseas travels who came to mostly speak with his parents, aunts and uncles.
However despite his experience, he can say with complete certainty he had never met another man like this goat-eared, beast-kin he was chatting with on the balcony of the manor.
“Soooo, Loulou,” he drawled out, “you’re not doing my little dare? you owe me.”
Loukas sighed, those people he met, he knew they were only there to do business with his family, and they forced him to sit and watch, regardless of how little he could input.
During his multiple runaway attempts, he had times to meet even more people. Different accents, different smiles, and distinct faces.
However, he now, he had to let out a poor imitation of a roster as he awkwardly mimicked flapping wings with his arms. All the while, Hide laughed at his display.
“That was a shitty chicken hahaha, I’m tempted to make you lose a point for that attempt,” he crowed
Hildmire was an…. interesting guy. Despite knowing him for around a year now, he was more of a positive acquaintance at the moment. Granted, that may be due to a good chunk of that year of Hide being as crass and abrasive as humanly possible making any sort of friendship difficult.
Although he had to admit nothing much has changed from a year ago, Hildmire was still crass and abrasive.
Loukas' eyes focused on the spaghetti he had made for the man. He still could not believe he was that much older than him. It was surreal.
The meal itself, almost completely devoured, had given him a sense of pride, despite Hide’s earlier remark of, “what is this crap? You're serving me, worms?”
The remark was expected and ran off Loukas like water on a duck’s back. There was no reason to get upset about it if his taster clearly enjoyed it. Even if the remark was genuine, it’s just an incentive to try harder.
Hide either way always did this whenever he made his food. He always came with one complaint to make towards it. It would be a concern if he came to him and ate without a single complaint or nitpick.
Lately, however, either his appetite has increased, or he has been sharing with someone. He asked Loukas if he could have larger portions. Loukas was a lot more inclined to believe the former happened than the latter, because, from what he had seen, Hide was one of the least friendly people he had ever met.
He got bit by the little beast-kin when they first met, so not the best giver of first impressions.
Loukas had little reason for his consistent contact with Hide, initially. If he was honest, Hildmire would be his last choice of people he would talk to.
But if he was to say his reason at that moment, he would have said it was just refreshing for once to have a conversation with someone, not his loving brothers, nor with a high status nor was bowing before him out of the belief he is above them, only to talk about him behind his back.
… Nor… those people...
It was... nice to have someone who would openly speak to him as if he was just a person.
When they had first met Hide sank his teeth into his hand for being in his own words, 'annoying and creepy’. Loukas despite his surprise tried to ask for the actual reason, only for Hide had the audacity to tell him, “Why should I give one to some overgrown bitch hasn’t learned to screw off?”
He knew Loukas was the future head of Ilden's most important corporation, he just didn’t care.
An oddly comforting reaction.
If he were to describe him overall, Hide was a scruffily dressed guy out of uniform, always a bit on the effeminate side, and very very vulgar.
Hide was just a guy who on his breaks, decides to chat with him to ease his boredom, or at least that what he told him.
However, ever since that tutor showed up those chats he had with him have become less frequent. Not that he was complaining, as mean as it sounded. Loukas realized too much Hide may lead to a headache, even in someone as patient as himself.
Hide gave him a toothy grin, “My turn, I pick dare.”
“I dare you to...,” Loukas gave the game some thought before he said, “create a song about sweets.”
The goat-boy waggles his eyebrows as he takes a deep breath and bellows out a very, maybe purposefully, off-key song made up on the spot about all sorts of sugary confectionaries. Loukas winced at the tune and regretted ever making the request.
Once it was over, Hide turned around and gave Loukas a wink, causing the younger man to let out a little laugh.
“Impressed?” he said with a smirk
“Well, it was very creative,” Loukas then turned away to look over the balcony. The sun was setting underneath the smog, causing a reddish-orange hue through it all. Loukas just stared at it as he entered his thoughts.
Hide’s goat-like ears then flatten against his head, as his lip twisted with annoyance
“You know I can kinda see you not completely into it tonight, I’m not some dipshit,” he said
Loukas now snapping out of his daze turned to the Hide, who watched him intensely. He at this point saw no reason to be truthful to the guy. However, he had a feeling a full-blown lie would make himself feel bad, and Hide would most likely sniff it out, anyway. So he rubbed the back of his head and gave Hide a small smile.
“Yeah, you got me. What made it so obvious?” he said.
“Your posture, your tone, and your clear aversion to eye contact are the biggest indicators,” Hide spouted off.
That was... a very good observation. Was he being that obvious?
“Plus, you’re booooring and keep stopping in the middle of my game it's stupid,” he whined.
Loukas gave this whole thing some thought. He needs to be very careful in the information he gives out. He does not trust Hide by a long shot... there’s just... something about him that made Loukas feel like Hide was covering up something.
Hypocritical on Loukas’ part, but he thought little of that.
Loukas then let out a dull sigh and seemed was about to pat Hide’s head similar to how he did his brothers when he had something difficult to tell them. Hide eyes however narrowed at him and maybe he just imagined it but he saw the much shorter man’s lips pull back in a snarl.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the tone had a still playful edge to it but there was a strange sort of intensity to it.
Loukas pulled back his hand as if nothing had just happened and said, “Nothing I guess.”
He then leaned on to the balcony and looked up at the sky.
“It's just… I'm just worried about my little brother, you know,” he finally said
Hide approached and was back to his usual tone, “Aw, aren't you being a protective big bro. It's pretty gross”
Loukas laughed, “Hide, Cherly is not that much younger than me, only by, like, 11 months. ”
He’s a reasonable 5ft 8, not a freak like himself in that regard.
“How can I not? The man’s tiny in all ways Loulou”
That nickname...
At first, it annoyed him, but over time he just shrugged it off. He figured voicing his annoyance would just encourage its usage, anyway. He just wished Hide did not say it with that tone. It was embarrassing, causing a heat to rise to his cheeks whenever he said it. He was just glad the few times they met in public he just called him, Louie.
Less embarrassing and patronizing.
Loukas gave a weary sigh, but then catches onto the innuendo Hide just made, “Don’t talk about my brother in that way, it's gross”
“Oh, come on just a little joke, normally you’re up for joking around,”
Loukas was not facing Hide. Instead, he was looking out at the view from his balcony, “Yeah, but not that, plus isn't it a little late?”
Hide gave Loukas a suspicious look, “okay, screw you. You're not an old man. What’s up?”
“... I know Cherly’s a good guy, I know... he has his entire future ahead of him... he shouldn’t be the next heir…”
When Loukas fully came back to this manor at 18 after years of runaway attempts and actual run-aways. He was afraid that during the times he was absent, Cherly would have changed into something unrecognizable.
Especially being sent to that oversea’s private school chosen specifically by their family to be ‘re-educated’ by more ’reliable sources’. Probably full of so many disgusting officials and backstabbers. Similar to people who he was forced to call family.
Though many of his brothers changed physically and mentally over the years, underneath Cherly’s vain act was the same boy who he would defend against any who would dare pick on him.
It also helped he got a suspension from that school for god knows what. So their education tactic did not work, anyway.
He grew up in Ilden as many before him. He was used to the smog, and as sheltered as he was, he had seen how the Beast-kin servants got treated and degraded.
Although he may choose to act ignorant about the smog, he was aware of some of its... properties and it sickened him with how it was being currently used.
Everyone around him during his childhood and teen years encouraged and time and time again fed him the propaganda of what to do once he took the title of his now-deceased mother.
… Sometimes he regrets running away at 12 and once again at 15. He should have stood against it all. Have them not try to get their claws into Cherly and manipulate the younger ones. Maybe if he had just….
Loukas realized that in his musing, Hide was staring at him the entire time with a questioning look.
“Cherly’s an ass, I don’t see it.”
Loukas gave an exasperated sigh, “Because he’s Cherly, give me some slack.”
It's a balancing act of share a bit himself, to appear as friendly and non-threatening as possible whilst saying nothing truly personal at all. He did not owe Hide information about himself and he would keep it that way.
“Hmm, is the current head your old man or your old lady? cus let’s be honest other than being the head of this business, no one knows a damn about them.”
Loukas gave Hide a look of suspicion, “I didn’t think you were interested.”
Hide scoffed as he leans over the balcony, “I honestly don’t give a damn. Just curious, unless their gender is some classified secret BS.”
Loukas shakes his head, “Just... just technically my dad right now… Mom died years ago”
Hide scratched his head before saying, “That probably sucks.”
“Yeah..it did…”
Changing the topic immediately Hide did a little spin before turning to him, “Sooo what you plan to do once you take your place as a big boy.”
Loukas with little thought answered, “Finished what my mother started. She was a wonderful lady. Who saw what we can do with the ventis rather than just let it smog up the city. I plan to continue her work.”
He lowered his head into his arms, “Unlike my Aunt, my uncle… my father”
Hide laughed his cackling laugh.
Loukas gave him an uncharacteristically sharp glare, “What are you even laughing at?”
Hide smiles at him, “Oh don’t be mistaking it’s not you nor you little story”.
Hide points his finger at the exit door, “just me hearing everyone singing more praises about you’re so-called bitch of aunt being just that. A good perfect person.”
Loukas shakes his head vigorously, “I never called her a bitch, and those people out there know nothing, anyway.”
“You don’t need to say the word bitch to make it clear you think someone is a bitch.”
Loukas wanted this conversation to end. He was so prepared for a polite goodnight and going away, but Hide once again changed the subject.
“Aw, you killed the game, so mean,” Hide pouted
“Well, it wasn’t getting very fun for me,” Loukas replied
“Killjoy, anyway from rumours you like cute girls, so how about that cute angel girl?”
Loukas to this day has no idea how those rumours started, just left for 3 months and now everyone has spread some things about him being some Casanova kind of person. He at this point knew it was just to make him look like some cruel heart breaker, petty but not surprising.
“The extent of the rumours are not true, I mean I guess but not in the amount their suggesting ,” He wanted to at least clear one rumour even if it was just to Hide of all people, “but if you are talking about Ms. Losnedahl right? I guess she’s been doing a good job. Although some people dislike that she’s making them work, she’s a good teacher I think.”
Hide had a bored, flat expression on his face, “Seriously, that was not what I was going for.”
Loukas let out a chuckle at the goat boy's disappointment, “Sorry, but you didn’t specify.”
“I mean in a more, on a scale from 1 to 10. What are the chances of her being a serial killer?”
That question... caught him off guard.
“Um, I would say..3… maybe,” He had no clue what to say to this other than to give his answer
“Oooooh, Loulou thinks the angel has a 30% chance of slitting his throat in his sleep. Interesting.”
“What? N-no of course not, like, I don’t know I just thought 3 was a low number. But what was up with that question?”
Hide cleaned his nails dismissively, “It’s a joke Loulou, learn to have some fun for once.”
Maybe hopefully never his version of “fun”
Before he could say anything, he heard a phone ringing. The ringtone was an out-of-date bubblegum pop song he didn’t recognize, Hide seemed confused by it himself before his ears flicked as if he just realized something.
“Oh yeah, my phone, give me a lovely moment,” Hide said with a wink as he pulled out the device and answered.
“Hmm, oh you…..................... yeah........................... tonight?............................ Okay lovely, hugs and kisses”
Hide then turns to face him with a casual smile, putting the phone away, “Sorry about that, but I kinda have to cut this whole chat short. I have things to do.”
Loukas gave him a light laugh accompanied by a teasing smile, “By that conversation, are you talking to your girlfriend?”
Hide gave a mocking scoff and a playful smile, "You assumed they're a girl? How rude, have some manners."
"Okay, so a friend?"
"And now you are assuming positive relations? Loulou these assumptions are gonna eat you alive."
Loukas then realized the game he unintentionally got himself into. A game he can not win with someone like Hide.
"Okay, I give up," He said
Hide gave Loukas a smirk, "And I win, better luck next time".
He turned and gave Loukas a brief wave as he left the balcony. Once he was out of Loukas’ sight, his thoughts only came to one conclusion.
He should keep a close eye on Hide. There was something about him that gave Loukas have a creeping sense of suspicion. His reaction to that phone made him wonder if that phone was even his own.
Was he being too suspicious of others? He should be more trusting to people. But….
is Hide-
Loukas then gripped the balcony handle tightly as he went through his thoughts, trying to come to some sort of conclusion of what to do and what to make of some people.
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