《The Way of Ambitions》Chapter 10 Old bastard


Hi mates, 10th chapter!

Since there was no new review on the novel, the surprise has to wait hm?

Eitherway I wonder if anyone can take the hint.... Doesn't really matter thought....

Lastly please vote or write am review if you have a bit of time and want to help me. And FUCKing comment OK? I mean it, write comments, no matter about what, it at least shows me that you are actually here!

Chapter 10 Old bastard

Having made his announcement Dan started to play around with the three level two guards. It wasn't to the point where the three would die, or keep serious injuries from the fight, but the amount of scratches, bruises and broken bones they got from this little 'fight' would teach them a good lesson for their lives.

It was extremely likely that none of them would never again take night guard shift or walk around at night.

Dan saw the punch of another man, one of the two who had previously watched the first one attacking Dan. Now that the first one was flattened on to the ground, having a little bump in his head, the two other guards naturally also attacked.

Of course, unlike the first guard that had underestimated Dan, they attacked with their full power. Dan had finally released his aura as level three expert and the two guards as fellow cultivators could finally see the strong glow coming from his body, a glow that could only belong to a level three expert!

But even though the two guards wouldn't hold back now as they knew that their enemy was a level three expert, they still didn't panicked. All of them were excellent warriors, the elite of the faction and despite them being only peak level two, together they had the confidence to at least last against an average level three expert.

After all there were huge differences in power even within a single level and an average level three expert was only about two times as strong as an average peak level two expert. He would be hard pressed to knockout or kill two elite peak level two experts.

But of course Dan wasn't the average level three expert!

As the punch came, Dan once again activated his movement technique and disappeared from his previous location. His movement was truly like a ghost's, leaving his opponents no chance to attack.

"Too slow!"

A cheerful chuckle reached the guard from behind before he felt a powerful, but strangely gently force coming from his back. It was like a wave that suddenly got him from behind, the force didn't harm him, but instead simply inevitably pushed him forwards, resulting in him losing his footing and falling forwards.

The man reacted quickly and caught himself with his arms pushed against the ground instantly getting up again, turning around and looking back, but even though there was only a moment between his fall and looking behind him, he only managed to see a shadow and a faint blur. There was no sign of Dan's body anymore.

The other still standing guard also charged forward, finally taking out his gun and fired shot's at the rapidly moving Dan.

But none hit! Dan's movements were like water, simply evading each bullet by walking around it. It was as if the whole world was slowed and only Dan was able to move normally. Of course this wasn't the case, it was Dan's extreme speed and his powerful movement technique, coupled with his reaction speed as a level three expert that allowed him to precisely evade each bullet.


Even more it was a showcased of what Dan was capable of and the three guards quickly realized that even now that they used all their strength as well as their equipment, they had no chance to fight Dan head on!

Finally the three guards, the one on the ground had finally regained consciousness, pulled back a bit regrouping themselves. It was obvious that on their own had no chance against this strange expert who was carrying some strange black sack on his shoulder.

Because of this they quickly formed a formation, with one person on the front and two behind him.

Seeing the three guards regroup, Dan stopped his rapid movements and appeared a few meters away from them. His eyes glittered as there was a clear change in his expression and aura:

Try to get me ya bastards!

Unknowingly Dan's mouth had curled into a grin and he had to notice that he enjoyed this more than he thought. Of course, this was like a tiger bullying a bunch of kitten, but it was certainly more entertaining then fighting some soul stage crazy bastard and a good way to vent all frustration.

The three guards naturally also saw the change in Dan's eyes, as well as the grin that revealed the fun he had with all this, but they couldn't even feel angry or insulted, this enemy was much stronger than they thought and the serious and grave expressions on their faces gave good proof of this.

Serious because of the difficulty of their opponent, grave because of the fact that this strong expert had become their factions enemy.

An expert like this would have his own faction, or belong to an extremely strong one and in the current situation any enmity could prove fatal to them!

But there was nothing to regret and even if they did, there was no medicine against it. What had happened that already happened and now that this man had become their enemy, they had to slay him or he could become a future problem!

Seeing the three men still not moving Dan became impatient.

"Hey, are you going to hurry up? It's not like I have the whole night for this!"

The guards could only grit their teeth and endure. This lad might have a big mouth, but he also had the ability to back it up.

Finally they got into motion. All three started to use their movement technique as they tightened their grips on their weapons. They began to move in a certain manner, each following a strange path that only existed inside of their own minds.

As they move, their figures began to blur, overlap and seem to randomly switch places. It was as if all three figures, were one but at the same time three, as if they were anywhere and everywhere. They really managed to fully make use of this formation of their's to cause such an effect and it showed that they had a lot of practice with it.

Dan's eyes brightened a bit.

"Seems it won't be as boring as I thought!"

But as he said this a dangerous glint also appeared in his pupils.

"Truly nice to be able to fight ya guys, seems that old bastard isn't as stingy as I thought giving me such nice playthings."


His foot moved his figure blurring and multiplied.

"…BUT, sorry guys it won't help you at all….

The voice seemed to come from everywhere as the three guards, staying in their formation tried to pinpoint Dan's position. Sweat gathered at their foreheads as they observed their surroundings.

The light of the lanterns illuminated the whole street, letting only a few areas dark and mysterious and while the men tried their best to find out where their opponent was they couldn't help but notice the unnaturally big moon that shined down onto them.

Their eyes couldn't help but stop to get a good look at the beautiful trees that grew along side the street and they even the mosquitoes that circled the lanterns attracted by the light suddenly seemed extremely attractive.

Somehow, completely irrationally in this important moment their thoughts completely strayed from the fight and for the first time in life they even noticed how beautiful the street was.

Dan's eyes twitched.

These bastards?

Why did they suddenly spaced out?

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt extremely irritated and offended, so much that later on he would find it unbelievable himself. It was as if something inside of him had suddenly said:

Ah fuck it let's just screw 'em.

In this moment, he totally without any reason actually got into a berserk rage.

He suddenly flashed into the distracted guards formation and made a roundhouse kick. The completely unprepared guards flew across the surroundings, slamming into the wall of the mansion or the street and coughed up blood.

Only now they woke up from their strange state and realized that they had spaced out. Their eyes widened as they realized what had happened.

But before they could even move a single muscle they saw two completely red eyes, full of blood descending down onto them. It was as if someone had enraged a god to the point were even the heaven collapsed under his rage. In fact the rage was so strong that it even seemed to materialize, solidifying the air.

The effect of the rage was even strong enough to keep the three guards from breathing and almost crushing them. It was a miracle that their hearts kept beating in that minute!

Unable to move the three could only wait for Dan to finally descend upon them.

Finally just as Dan was about to crush his fist into the first guards head a figure appeared at the gate and flashed to the scene. This figure's speed was even faster then Dan's and as it moved it easily reached Dan and the guards before the fist slammed down killing the guard.

In last second the figures hand reached out, gripping for Dan's fist.


Somewhere in the endless space.

"Em, you sure this was a good idea?"

"Hm, what do you mean?"

In the endless darkness two figures floated next to each other. Both seemed to be about 20 years old and wore extremely particular clothing.

"Well, manipulating human emotions like this….."

The left person asked as he looked a bit helpless.

"Ah, nothing big about it. I was tired of watching this fight so I let the things escalate a bit. Let the three poor guys space out for a moment and this interesting kid go rampage. Nothing big happened, right? It's not like I triggered some strange things so calm down.

Also the almighty being (author) wanted to finally get over it. Doing it like this, everyone profits, right?"

The other person relaxed replied.

"Come on, be honest it was really boring to watch it, I mean I have already seen freaking nascent stage kids fighting more interesting!"

The left persons eyes twitched.

"You DO know that they are only body stage, don't you?"


Back to the fight.

"Have you gone crazy?"

Having gripped Dan's arm and avoided the death of the completely 'frightened guard, the old man frowning asked.

For a moment it seemed that Dan was inserted into his rage and would also attack this newcomer, but then suddenly he blinked.

he blinked once,



Finally he looked at the old man, his eyes having gone back to normal. The cold grey in his pupils had once again taken dominance over the scary red. The old man breathed out, obviously relieved.

"Finally you have come to senses."

"O-old bastard?"

Dan was still a bit confused as he stared at the old man, the leader of King's Sanctuary.

"What the fucking hell just happened?

"That's what I would ask you. Well right after you answer me why you have my daughter on your back!"

The old man let go of Dan's arm, allowing him to completely straighten up. Then he pointed at the 'black sack' on his shoulders.

Dan still couldn't really understand how he had ended up in this situation, but after a moment he finally understood what the old man meant.

"Oh, well I guess she tried to assassinate me."

He flatly replied the question.

The old man blinked. Dan blinked.


"Sigh~ I knew it…. this child..."

The old man sighed as he wryly smiled.

"I'm sorry for this I guess it was my fault for being to neglectful with her. But from your looks and the fact that she is still alive I take it that you didn't have too big of a problem with her."

"Well she broke my window…."

Dan said as he lifted the girl and gave her to the old man. The latter quickly scanned over her body checking for any injuries and as he saw that there were none except for a small one in her hand his face showed relief. She was his only daughter after all and it would hit him hard if anything bad happened to her.

Just as he wanted to turn back to Dan he suddenly noticed something else. His left eyebrow lifted.

"Yeah, but I guess I will take you getting a good grope on her breasts as a repayment."

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