《Realm of Fantasy Online》Chapter 1: Enter the game
‘Time until launch 5 minutes.’ I floated in the light blue void staring at the countdown. “System, Please play Realm of Fantasy Online trailer.”
A large screen appeared, showing a vast, beautiful grassland. A man in a grey robe shot a ball of fire into the air, hitting a large half-lion half-bird creature, reducing it to ash. I could feel the heat from the fireball and smell the charred flesh. The screen panned over to a misty graveyard where a hero clad in a holy light fought against countless undead. He swung his sword, and an explosion of light assaulted my eyes. A female voice narrated the trailer.
“Realm of Fantasy online, the world's first full-immersion virtual reality game. Gather your friends and set off on the adventure of a lifetime. Find out what awaits you in this mythical world of magic and sorcery.”
I relayed the trailer over and over again, waiting for the timer. ‘Time until launch 2 minutes.’ I floated around in the void going over my plan. I already had my character created by the system and had picked my name: Grey Godborn, a human. The game made your in-game character look just like you did in real life. I have no idea why but, I guess if someone is self-conscious about their looks, they could decide not to be human. The game had options for over 200 races, but I did not care. I pulled up an image of my game character. It was me but with a little more meat on the bones. For some reason, it was embarrassing to look at a better version of myself. Although I never thought of myself as ugly, I also was never self-confident. Besides being 5’10, a big turn-off for girls. I had good features, I wasn't muscular, but I wasn't fat. My mom blessed me with a full head of raven black hair, and my dad gave me his strong chin and jawline. Even so, I never had luck with the female gender. Let’s just say there are reasons other than my looks and girl problems that made me decide to put myself into a VR game permanently. Realm of Fantasy will be my fresh start. It will be my new life.
‘Time until launch 30 seconds.’
I won't waste this chance. ‘10….9…..8….7.’ I won’t screw this life up. ‘3...2...1….Initializing.’ My vision went black, and I felt like I was falling. A swirl of rainbow appeared all around me. A familiar female voice rang out.
“Welcome to Realm of Fantasy Online, do enjoy your time with us.” I looked around me as the rainbow colors turned into clouds and sky. The sun blinded me, and I felt the sensation of falling. My heart raced. The voice spoke out again like the whole world was a loudspeaker. “Loading completed.”
I jolted up in my body like you do when hitting the ground in a dream. Simple houses made of stone and wood stood all around me. From the looks of it, I had started in a small village in the forest. People walked around me going about their day, dressed in simple cloth clothing. Salesmen were manning the storefronts selling swords and potions, and women carried bread and meats in baskets. I stood still as people walked by me, going about their day. The sun beat down on me, warming my skin. I took a deep breath and smelt manure as well as baking bread. Other than the fantasy setting, it was indistinguishable from real life.
I noticed others who stood in this town with the same expression I had. Maybe seven or eight others stood aimless, still getting their bearings. Everyone was dressed in simple cloth clothing like the villagers and had small backpacks. All of them were human.
This town must be one of the human starting areas. I thought. I just need to figure out how to open my inventory and character sheet.
The game seemed to read my mind because the inventory screen and character screen opened up in my vision.
Grey Godborn
Small Backpack, Small Coin Pouch
Backpack, I thought, trying to see what was in it. Nothing happened. “Backpack!” I said, but all that happened was a few odd stares from the villagers near me. Maybe I need to open it up manually. I took the backpack off my back and opened it up. Inside were a few individually wrapped pieces of meat, a small dagger, and a blank leather book. I went to try a bit of meat when out of nowhere, someone yelled.
“Thief! Thief!”
I turned around to look, and one of the players was running off with a long sword that had previously sat at a shop front. Like clockwork, a large man stood in front of the player. He held a two-handed club.
“A thief in my village?” The man said in a thick Scottish accent.
The man stood over two feet above the player who had drawn his sword and readied himself. The player had a black and red mohawk as if he was trying to look like a generic thug. A slight grin and yell had the player lunging forward, attempting to gut the giant of a man. The man didn't even try to dodge or parry and instead brought the club down onto the player’s head before the sword strike even had a chance to land. A spray of blood and gore erupted from the player’s head. Brain Matter and skull fragments littered the ground as the player's body slumped to the floor. The body twitched and convulsed before sinking into the ground, leaving nothing behind but the bloody mess and a sword.
The giant man picked up the dropped sword and looked around. He made eye contact with me and another player.
“To all you new people, I do not tolerate crime of any kind in my town! The kingdom of Keneth gives me the power as a village chief to deal with criminals as I see fit.” He gestured to the bloody mess on the floor. “As you can see, we are not the type to throw you in prison.”
A few villages clapped and went back to what they were doing. The other players scattered, leaving me staring at the village chief, who didn't break eye contact as he walked up to me.
“Ey, You there! what is your name?” The chief said as he pointed his giant, meaty finger right at me.
“G-G-Grey, Mr. Chief,” I said. So much for trying to be a heroic badass adventurer. I sighed; even in a game, I can’t be manly.
“Welcome to Brooksdale.” He said with a smile while reaching out his hand to shake mine. “Just call me Alnod, Alnod Toller” He crushed my hand in his. “That was just a little demonstration to keep you, new people, from trying anything funny. We are very nice and friendly people here. If you need anything, just ask!”
His demeanor was not that of someone who had just crushed a man's skull like a watermelon. He still had chunks of brain matter on his shirt, yet he seemed like a teddy bear. Speaking of which, who knew this game is so graphic. I guess while I have him here, I should press him for some information. I put on my best adventurer voice. And I puffed out my chest.
“Sir Alnod, is there anything an adventurer like myself can do to help out around here? An adventure like myself should always offer his services to those who need it!” A grinned nervously, a bit too Corny, I'll give myself a C+ on that.
“I knew you looked like a good lad! Yes, see Yolanda, our village healer. She always needs help making potions and whatnot.”
Smacking me on the back, he directed me to a small church-like building at the town’s western edge. I thanked him and headed over. I opened the wooden double doors of the church. Inside were a few sets of pews as well as a large altar adorned with gold and gems. A girl was kneeling in front of the altar wearing expensive-looking white and gold silk robes. She gracefully got to her feet and turned around.
“Greetings, my name is Yolanda. May I ask yours?”
Yolanda looked young, definitely still in her teens. Her skin was pale, and she was beautiful with rosy cheeks, red lips, and perfect features. Her eyes were a soft blue, the color of the cloudless sky. She spoke in a smooth and gentle tone. Can you be in love with a video game character?
I looked upon the radiant maiden and told her in my manliest voice. “Grey Godborn at your service.” I got down on my knee so I could kiss her hand like in medieval films. Unfortunately, when I went to grab her delicate hand, she pulled away, causing me to fall over. I hit my head against the stone step of the altar.
“Shit.” I rubbed the bump that had formed on my head.
“I’m so sorry, are you ok!” Yolanda helped me to my feet.
“Yeah, I’m good, my confidence will never heal, but my head will be fine.”
She put her hand to her mouth and giggled.
“Anyway, the chief said you have work for me.”
Her eyes lit up. “Grey, how do you feel about killing some ducks for me?”
‘Quest received: Livers for Yolanda. Bog Ducks killed 0/1. Bog Duck livers acquired 0/1.’
Hell yes, my first quest!
I spent another thirty minutes asking Yolanda questions about the game. Since she was an NPC, her explanation of game systems was cryptic. Almost everything in this game is purposely hidden with no tutorials or guides. Me and everyone else in the game have to learn through experience. I guess that’s part of the fun of Realm of Fantasy; everything is a mystery. We chatted a bit longer before I set off into the forest.
I walked down the forest road Yolanda told me to take. I glanced at the leather-bound book in my hand, giving off a slight glow of mana. During my questioning session, Yolanda had taught me that the book in my bag was an empty spellbook. I found out that the magic system in the game is unique to most other games. A player can only use one school of magic to start, and once chosen, you are stuck with it. You present the spellbook with an element or item of some kind, and then boom, you are a mage of that school of magic. For example, if you place a fire crystal in the book, fire magic. A high-level mage may take fire, water, and earth magic and become an Elementalist but would never acquire druid magic or dark magic. There are many schools of magic that are harder to discover, such as demonology. For example, you need a particular type of demon soul to acquire it, meaning that you need to preplan what you want to do if you’re going to be a caster. There are also spells that anyone can learn called “arcane spells.” These are spells like Magic Missile, which Yolanda inscribed into my spellbook for free.
I walked up the creek until I found what Yolanda sent me to find. On the edge of the stream, A beady-eyed, dark-brown bird the size of a goose gnawed on some kind of small animal. The creature had a sharp and jagged grey beak covered in blood and a small curved horn protruding from its head. Yolanda called it a ‘Bog Duck.’
“That thing is not a fucking duck!” I cried.
I opened my spellbook ‘Magic missile: fires an arcane bolt in a direction. Damage type: physical, Cast time: Instant, mana usage: 10.’
“Magic missile,” I said as quietly as I could. Of course, the magic system involves saying the spell's name like in some kind of anime.
A tiny wisp of energy propelled from my hand, flying into the Bog duck. A sound of cracking bone rang out as the missile impacted his side. Feathers and blood flew everywhere. The attack was strong enough to daze the duck, but he quickly recovered, charging toward me, making a dumb half yelling half quacking sound.
“Magic Missile,” “Magic Missile,” “Magic Missile” I shot three more into the charging duck using all my mana in the process. Bones cracked as each missile hit like a professional boxer’s punch.
‘Level up! Character Level 2 acquired. Arcane spells are now level 2. You have unspent skill points.’
Confirming that I killed the bog duck, I opened my character sheet. I saw that my intelligence skill had gone up along with my health and mana capacity. I also had a type of shop menu with things I could buy with skill points. I decided I'll wait on spending my points until I get back to town.
I took out my dagger and skinned the bird. Other than players, all creatures in this game have to be looted by hand. They don’t seem to drop loot like in other games. I cut up the bird the best I could and took out his liver. I wrapped it up and put it in my bag. Lucky for me, I had experience hunting back in the real world. My stepdad would always drag me on his yearly hunts to “make a man of me.”
‘Skinning skill is now level 2.’
‘Quest finished: Livers for Yolanda. Bog Ducks killed 1/1. Bog Duck livers acquired 1/1. Return to Yolanda to claim your rewards.’
Well, that was an easy quest. I felt the residual tingling in my hands from the magic I had cast. “Yeah, I’m going to be a mage.” The feeling of shattering bones with a spell felt terrific. To be honest, I always hated playing swordsman or archers. A badass fire mage would be perfect. All I need is the fire gem required, and ill be in business. I smiled. “This game is amazing.”
I took the path back and came to the church. Inside, the beautiful maiden waited, praying at the altar.
“Grey!” she said enthusiastically, walking up to me.
I handed her the liver, and she smiled.
“I can help so many people with these! I will put them right into the potion brew. Thank you, Grey. please accept this as my thanks.” She took out a small vial of clear liquid and handed it to me.
‘Inferior luck potion: the drinker becomes lucky for 1 hour.’
Well, that's interesting. I wonder how luck works.
“Yolanda, what exactly...” I got cut off by the doors being slammed open. The player who got killed earlier walked in. Two other players accompanied Mohawk. One an ugly, short chubby guy, the other a tall skinny guy wielding a longbow. All three of them had disgruntled, mad at the world expressions. Did he decide to start a gang or something?
“Hey, I need heals!” he said in an arrogant, thug-like tone. He looked me up and down.
“What are you looking at, newbie.” The other two laughed.
“We are all newbies, and the game came out a few hours ago.” I retorted back, trying my best to sound tough in front of Yalonda. “Maybe be nicer to her if you want some healing,” I said, pushing out my chest. Solid B on that line, I thought.
“You talking back, newbie?” he said, drawing his dagger. Putting the blade against my face, “Or you mad I’m interrupting your little date with the NPC?” “She's a pretty one, Kain.” the short guy said creepily, looking her up and down.
I went to take out my spellbook to shoot them with magic, but Yolanda’s eyes filled with rage. “Put your weapon away in my church! You will leave my presence at once unless you want me to call the chief.”
The thug’s faces went pale at the thought of Alnod and his great club. Mohawk looked at me and spit at the ground next to me. “this town is garbage anyway. I’m out of here.” Mohawk put his finger on my chest. “Watch your back, loverboy.” He gave me a slight push, and Mohawk and his gang left.
Yalonda looked at me and smiled.
“Back to our date then?” I said as my face went pale. Cringy, cringy, cringy, That's an F-.
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