《Development of hamster space civilization [Space strategy]》Chapter 12. Hired by the Proteus Directorate


Two weeks later. The ice planet of the Blurboks

“Brave guys” executed a landing operation well. Unfortunately, one of their assault shuttles was lost. Not all of the blurboks' anti-aircraft guns were destroyed, but Clarissa the mercenaries didn't worry about that. The Proteus Directorate promised to compensate the cost of all their lost machines in this mission.

Currently “Brave guys” worked for Proteus Directorate. The corporation offered all mercenary companies – who were hired by the blurboks – a contract, right after the blurboks' defeat in that space battle. No one refused as well as no one felt obliged to the blurboks. Mercenaries didn't know such foolish feelings. It was their chance to make some easy money. Everyone knew that the blurboks were weak now; even their existence as a race was questionable.

Clarissa jumped out from her shuttle and hid behind the closest cover. She could see her subordinates around. Clarissa's tactical display showed a current situation. The brave guys had their own tasks.

“Move!” She gave a short order and her company complied.

Hundreds of mercenaries hurried forward along the streets in snowy weather. The living conditions were terrible on the surface. It was too cold to live here.

That's why the blurboks have built their houses underground, Clarissa thought as the brave guys passed by large metal constructions. They could see and hear the ongoing battle, which was coming off ahead of them.

The brave guys and other mercenary companies continued to advance forward fast. The blurboks couldn't stop their movement due to their own weak resistance. As well, Proteus Directorate dominated in the air and bombed any organized defense. As a result, the casualties of mercenaries were minimal.

Soon the mercenary companies – and some troops from Proteus Directorate's army – had reached a heavily fortified position of the blurboks. It was an entrance to the underground part of their city. As well, the defending side concentrated here a lot of soldiers. It seemed that the blurboks were going to defend this area stubbornly.


The first ones who attacked the heavily fortified entrance were mercenary companies. The brave guys performed brilliantly, thanks to the mouchi. The fluffy creatures were organized, disciplined, and brave. The hamsters moved ahead without paying any attention to their own losses. They became formidable opponents to the blurboks. Unexpectedly to everyone, the brave guys had broken through the enemy's defense line in a short period of time, which caused a collapse of the entire fortified position of the blurboks. It was a great success. Now a path to the underground city was open.

All of a sudden sub-director Ketford – a commander of the whole operation – connected with Clarissa and said. “Good job, captain Clarissa. Your mercenary company can expect a bonus from the Directorate. I am satisfied with your work.”

“Thank you, sir!” the women's mood became much better.

A powerful figure from the Proteus Directorate paid attention to her company. It was a chance to get a good client, and become a famous mercenary company with a good reputation in the future. Clarissa knew that such companies earned a lot of money and – the most important - their heads were filthy rich.

Sub-director Ketfort closed their channel.

At that moment the woman looked at the nearest mouchi. If all of the other mouchi are good soldiers as they are...

Clarissa felt as her heart began to pound faster. She could feel this familiar feeling again. The woman felt greediness.

Later new commands were given to every troop, and an attack on the underground city began.


Next day

The brave guys observed as the specialists from Proteus Directorate examined numerous machines in a huge complex. Some of those machines continued to work, making some production even now. Clarissa's subordinates guarded these specialists.

Some time ago the blurboks announced a capitulation. Now Proteus Directorate was doing the most exciting part of a war: a robbery. That was their privilege as winners.


Clarissa heard that the pragmatic Proteus Directorate forced the blurboks to sign a peaceful agreement. The woman didn't know conditions, but knowing the corporates it was like enslaving an entire race. Those guys couldn't lose any profit.

Did Clarissa pity the blurboks? No, she didn't. Clarissa learned that in the past the blurboks had mortgaged their home world to Proteus Directorate in exchange for a credit. The greedy blurboks' officials stole that money. As a result, Proteus Directorate – when the blurboks had refused to pay their debt – took by force their home world, and the entire race ended up on this ice planet.


The same time. Planet “Katak”

Two weeks had passed productively for Seed. A number of mouchi had reached ten thousand. Therefore, Seed had sent a few hundred hamsters along the river to establish a new settlement. The abrai was so kind and taught the hamsters how to build boats and small river ships. Thanks to that, the river was covered with many boats now. The main settlement of the mouchi race needed much food. By the way, in the near future Seed planned to send more hamsters outside to establish more settlements. As well, the ball had sent a part of his insect deeper in the jungle to establish a colony. Some biocomputers should manage them, maintaining a connection with a main base.

In the first underground hangar the growing spacecraft wished to go outside and fly. Sometimes it complained by yelling or gnawing at the nearest stone wall. Seed sensed this desire clearly, but the spacecraft was too young and weak yet to allow it to fly.

In the second underground hangar some artificial wombs had given birth to the first batch of alive organic weapons and armors: angry rifles and calm battlesuits. Seed examined them. They had some defects, but it wasn't difficult to correct them in the future. Seed knew that these weapons and armors were outdated, but it was much better than simple spears.

I need to test them, the ball concluded. I guess the mouchi's future settlement will be a good test ground.

Seed watched as his hamsters fought on an ice planet. They looked cool and effective. The ball was satisfied.

They are going to be good mercenaries, He concluded. And earn a lot of yummy high-tech things for their papa. Indeed, children are a blessing!

The mouchi could sense their creator's happiness; as a result, they were happy as well. A loyalty to Seed was engraved in their essence. The hamsters were glad to serve their creator.

A week ago the hamsters – who fished - had found three ka'shogs on the shore. They were true inhabitants of this planet. The ka'shogs were exhausted, starved, and wounded. Yes, Katak was a harsh place for living; too many wanted to eat you.

Seed learned about the ka'shogs’ appearance from the eaten database of that cultists' spaceship. The ka'shogs were humanoid creatures with green skin. Physically, they were quite strong. As well, the ka'shogs' language is stored in that database.

Seed ordered the hamsters to care about the ka'shogs for some time, because they looked too exhausted.

They can die if they'll bring them here now.

Only when the ka'shogs looked better, Seed ordered the mouchi to bring them to him. He wanted to interrogate the green humanoids and get their DNA samples. Then he – as a curious being - planned to conduct some experiments with the alive ka'shogs.

Soon the Seed's order was executed, and the centipedes had brought three green humanoids right to the giant black ball.

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