《Development of hamster space civilization [Space strategy]》Chapter 6. First contact


Seed watched as the group of mouchi was coming to the archaeologists. The hamsters were armed with primitive spears, because a way to the city wasn't a peaceful one, even on the raft. The local life forms ever wanted to eat a piece of hamster's tasteful meat. But even spears and a bunch of angry hamsters weren't enough to stop those hungry predators. As a result, the group of mouchi had lost some members on the way.

Now the hamsters were in sight of the abrai. The archaeologists didn't do anything. They just waited patiently. They knew that primitive societies – as a general rule - were aggressive. A life - with many dangerous things around – made them aggressive. Strike first or a dangerous thing strikes you first. It was a basic behavior of primitives.

The mouchi came closer and halted at a short distance from the abrai. Two groups waited. They observed each other. No one moved. It lasted over a minute. No one had even said anything so far.

Seed worried. He wasn't sure what his creatures should do now. He felt that the mouchi also worried and were unsure.

How should I show to these humanoids that my mouchi are a peaceful bunch here? The black ball thought. But at least it's a good sign that they don't show any signs of aggression.

Seed focused his attention on his subordinates. A few female mouchi had caught the ball's attention, because it was unusual to see female mouchi among the tribe's hunters.

The mouchi had already divided themselves into working groups in the tribe. Males became hunters and builders, females cared about children and performed administrative work. Besides, all adult females were pregnant; even those ones - who were among the hunters - had signs of early pregnancy. Indeed, the mouchi reproduced themselves quickly.


Seed had read their memory. It turned out that the females were taken in the group of first contact because many males weren't present in the settlement. It was too dangerous to move to the city in small numbers. As well, Seed's request was urgent.

Another minute passed in silence. Two parties continued to stare at each other. It wasn't a good situation.

Make a step forward and put a spear down in front of the abrai, Seed commanded telepathically to one of the mouchi. I hope they will interpret that as a peaceful sign.


As a humanoid race, the abrai had the same liking of cute things as the other humanoid races. Hence, the abrai were dumbfounded when they saw the coming up mouchi. They had never expected to find the creatures – on this planet - which resembled plush toys. Also - thanks to Seed's adjustments in the mouchi's DNA – each of them had a fur of different bright color. The archaeologists could see green, pink, blue, gray, black, yellow, and red fur right in front of their own eyes. It only deepened their first impression.

The mouchi didn't look aggressive or even strong in the abrai's eyes. They looked rather funny and cute. But as representatives of the elder race, the archaeologists didn't say a word. They waited. They wanted to see the behavior of the primitives.

The drones had already scanned the hamsters. The mouchi hadn't anything that could pose a threat to the abrai.

An untypical thing for primitives were pregnant women in their numbers. All humanoid primitives – as a rule – kept their pregnant females safe.

All of a sudden one of the hamsters – with a bright blue fur - stepped out and put his weapon down. He – it was a male hamster – showed its bare palms to the abrai and said some words in his language; which sounded cute and a bit funny for the archaeologists.


“Sign of peace?” the professor questioned. “Possibility is high.”

His voice was transferred to others by their own communication device. No outsiders could hear them.



It was a good sign for the expedition members. Too often aggression escalated with young races during the first contact. The abrai didn't want to bring harm to the primitives. They considered their own race as scientists, not barbarians.

The professor also stepped out and put one of his instruments down, close to the spear. He repeated the hamster's gesture. The head of the expedition hoped that the primitives would understand it correctly.

Another hamster stepped out and – saying in his language - offered a piece of dried meat to the professor. Now the abrai were relieved. It was a very good sign. In primitive societies food meant a lot. Food was difficult to get. Therefore, a primitive will not share food with an outsider without a good reason.

The professor accepted the gift and gave an abrai's snack in return. As a result, both parties looked happy. The mouchi were glad that they could be useful to their creator, the expedition members were glad that no violence had occurred during the first contact. It was a success for both sides.


Seed observed with an interest as the representatives of both races began to communicate. Of course, it wasn't easy at first. Both sides didn't know each other’s language. But the abrai – as an elder race – had a lot of such experience. At first the two groups mainly used gestures, but later – with a help of AI's powerful linguistic analysis - the archaeologists began to use some mouchi words. Gradually the process of communication was getting easier.

As I thought these humanoids aren't aggressive, Seed thought. But I hope that they are generous as well.

Seed did want to get some high-tech.

Perhaps, my creatures should show their interest in the abrai's high-tech?


A few days had passed. Two races continued to communicate with each other, but now the abrai could speak in the mouchi's language.

The archaeologists had sent information about a new race to their home world. It inspired almost no interest. Just a small bunch of anthropologists expressed their interest, and a part of them agreed to come in person to K-5135343435.

The abrai questioned the mouchi about the disappearance of their drones. It was a hope that the primitives might know something, but the hamsters looked puzzled and shrugged. They didn't know anything.

The representatives of mouchi's race were invited to tour the expedition's base. Frankly, at first the abrai were afraid that the hamsters would be scared to see their devices; or that the hamsters would think that the abrai were gods and would begin to worship them, but – to the archaeologists' surprise - the representatives of new race behaved themselves not as expected. It turned out that the hamsters were eager to visit the expedition's base, and inside the base they asked a ton of questions. The abrai were exhausted when the visit had ended.

The abrai also had visited the mouchi's settlement. They had even given a hand with the jungle chopping process. It eased the workload for the hamsters much.

Unexpectedly the archaeologists' interest was piqued by the hill – in the center of the settlement - where Seed lived. It disturbed the black ball. He didn't want to be discovered. Seed had a suspicion that the abrai would study him with a great interest.

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