《Guardian》Chapter 8: royalty trouble
POV: Third
“Find her!”
“Get the filthy mixed blood!”
“My lord. Her chambers are empty.”
“Then, look harder! The daughter of that filthy whore could not have gotten far!”
“My lord. The palace guards have all been “taken care of”. The castle is now ours.”
“Excellent. We have restrained all members of the royal family except her. Correct?”
“Yes. My Lord.”
“Find her. No members of the royal family can escape. I don’t want that thorn on my side once I assume the throne.”
“Yes. My king. It shall be done.”
After those words, the two men left: one briskly walked to the throne room while the other sunk back into the shadows of the castle halls. However, the room was not empty for another being stirred from the shadows. Immediately, the man snuck around to a window and began to climb down to another window. His destination was the castle’s hidden escape tunnels. At the tunnels, two people were waiting, trying to keep as quiet as possible. One was obviously a Knight with his gleaming armor and elegant sword that hung at his side while the other was dressed in nothing but a nightgown and slippers. Noticing the man, the knight came forward.
“What is the situation?” (Lehoi)
“Not good. Lehoi. The palace guards have been wiped. All other members of the royal family have been captured, and they are searching quite desperately for the princess right now. To make matters worse, it turns out that the king’s brother planned this shit.” (Ugurtz)
“So father is still alive?” (Princess)
“Yes. That is what I have understood from the conversation I have listened to.” (Ugurtz)
“Then what is the plan to rescue them?” (Princess)
“Rescue them? No, your highness. We are escaping.” (Lehoi)
“No! My father needs me! We need to rescue him!” (Princess)
“With all due respect, we are severely outnumbered. We cannot hope to win. We must retreat and gather some allies before trying to take on your uncle.” (Lehoi)
“I will not abandon my father.” (Princess)
“Getting caught would be abandoning your father. Princess. We have no time left. We must go right now.” (Lehai)
“He’s right. I just heard one of the trapdoors open. Since the traitor is your damn uncle, he should be aware of the secret passages. Oh and here you go. I got you some dye to cover up your purple hair, and I got you your bow.” (Ugurtz)
“Thank you. Only 5 arrows?” (Princess)
“Purple head. Lay off. I tried my best. Do you think it is easy sneaking around the castle with people running around everywhere?” (Ugurtz)
“Ugurtz….” (Lehai)
“Yeah. Yeah. Speak to the Royals with respect. Well, Purple head doesn’t mind it anyway so why don’t YOU lay…” (Ugurtz)
“Now is NOT the time. We must start moving faster. I think I heard something behind us.” (Princess)
With that, the trio quickly moved through the tunnels before they exited to the warm summer air of the commoner’s district. Using the moon’s light, they quickly made their way through the alley way before making a stop at a tailor store. They snuck around to the back door and began to knock as quietly as they could until they heard a muffled acknowledgment from within.
“Who the fuck is knocking at this hour? We are closed damn it.” (Taylor)
“Taylor. It’s me.” (Princess)
“Cecilia? What? Why are you here? Did something happen?” (Taylor)
The door opened to reveal a plump middle age man. His eyes glanced over the trio before understanding dawned on his eyes as he quickly checked the alleyway before ushering them into the store.
“Were you followed? What happened?” (Taylor)
“There was a rebellion. Gradius betrayed us and took over the castle in the dead of night. It was a well-coordinated attack too.” (Lehai)
“Humph. That snaky bastard. Well, it makes sense. So, he finally shows his true colors. Well, at least, the crown princess managed to escape. So, what do you guys plan to do now?” (Taylor)
“We are going to the fortress city of Uwile. The Lord has been a close friend of the king and won’t hesitate to provide support. Once we get his support, we will retake the capital.” (Lehai)
“It won’t be that easy you know. I highly doubt Gradius would act unless he had some strong backing. Anyway, what do you need from me?” (Taylor)
“I was wondering if you could provide some money, change of clothes, and horses as well as allow us to hide out here for a night. All the entrances should be tightly guarded right now so it would be better if we take our chances at the day time blending in with the crowd. I highly doubt that Gradius would make the takeover public news until he gets his hands on the crown princess.” (Lehai)
“Okay. I can provide you with three gold coins, and you can use the storage room tonight. As for the horses, meet me at the west gate tomorrow. I know some people who would help.” (Taylor)
“Thank you for your help.” (Lehai)
“By the way, I am not doing this for your filthy politics. I am doing this for my friend. You keep her alive. Am I clear?” (Taylor)
“That was my intent.” (Lehai)
“Taylor. Thank you so much.” (Cecilia)
“Hahaha. Anything for the tomboy princess.” (Taylor)
With that, Taylor went up to his bedroom while the trio went to the storage room to rest. Cecilia began to put on her dye to cover up her purple hair that was symbolic of royalty while Ugurtz simply plopped down onto a pile of fabrics and went to sleep without even removing his leather armor. Lehai removed his armor and began packing it away in the bags provided by Taylor.
“Lehai. Will this turn into a civil war?” (Cecilia)
“There is a chance. I can think of numerous possibilities for this treachery. It could be nobles within the country who are unsatisfied with the King’s policies, and the crowning of a princess with commoner blood did not settle well with the traditional nobles.” (Lehai)
“I never asked for this. I just wanted to live my life in peace. I just wanted to live with my mother in the countryside. Was that too much to ask? Was it?” (Cecilia)
“Fate can be a fickle thing, your highness. Anyway, tomorrow, Ugurtz and I will buy some supplies. You will stay here and…” (Lehai)
“No. I am going outside away from this store. By staying here, I will endanger Taylor who is harboring us.” (Cecilia)
“But princess…” (Lehai)
“I know this place like the back of my hand. Also, I refuse to endanger a friend like Taylor with my presence. Don’t worry. I will stay right next to you. Also, how do I look?” (Cecilia)
“The brown color suits you, princess.” (Lehai)
“I wish I had this color of hair. I never asked for the purple hair.” (Cecilia)
“Princess. It would be best if we get some sleep now.”
“Good night Lehai.” (Cecilia)
It was a busy time in the marketplace with people going from peddler to peddler and store to store shopping for daily necessities, food, and goods. There was an idyllic atmosphere that pervaded the marketplace as many of the people were unaware of the events that have occurred at the castle. However, this idyllic atmosphere did not apply to this one cloaked figure who was desperately running through the dark alleyways of the city trying to escape the pursuers.
“Shit. How the fuck did they find me?” (Cecilia)
Cecilia was separated from her companions when Lehai noticed that they were being followed. It was Cecilia who suggested going into the alleyways and separate in order to get a better chance at escaping. However, the pursuers seemed to have knowledge of the complex pathways of the commoner’s district as well so Cecilia was unable to shake them off. Suddenly, she ran into a person who seemed lost at the intersection.
“Oh can you hellllppp….” (Stranger)
“No time. You have to run!” (Cecilia)
Suddenly, a hooded figure jumped down from the roof tops and landed between the two people, stabbed the stranger in the chest before hurling him into a stack of crates. Then, the assassin attacked the princess with a knife that gleamed with a liquid that Cecilia assumed to be poison. Cecilia dodged the first strike and retaliated with a swift knee to the assassin’s stomach before trying to flee through the right passage. However, it was too late as Cecilia was quickly surrounded from all four sides. The hooded man stood back up and stared at Cecilia.
“It’s futile. Come along with us. Resist and things can get quite…ugly.” (Assassin)
“In your dreams. I’ll shove that knife up your asshole instead.” (Cecilia)
“A sharp tongue. Just like the rumors.”
The assassin waved to the hired street rats, and they surged forward. Cecilia tried her best to fight back as she fought back with her fists, legs, and teeth; however, she was quickly overpowered and taken down. Even after being taken down, she continued to struggle violently spitting into the eyes and trying to bite at whatever flesh came near her mouth.
“Sir. Can we have some … fun with this girl? I want to pay her back for this black eye.” (Random guy)
“Go ahead. He never specified in what condition she had to be brought back. You thugs can go deflower her. It might break her spirit.” (Assassin)
Hearing those words, Cecilia began to fight back even more violently, but it was in vain. Empowered by those words, the street rats retaliated with more effort. Cecilia closed her eyes when she felt her pants ripping and waited for the humiliation until everyone stopped fighting when the stranger who got knocked out earlier got up from the crates that were burying him and looked around. The stranger was now wearing a colorful mask that could be gotten from any of the random street vendors.
“First, you stab me and throw me into a pile of crates. Two, you guys gang up on this poor girl. Three, you guys try to rape this girl in front of me. I think that is sufficient enough reason for me to murder you all.” (Stranger)
“I won’t ask how you are still alive, but this is not your fight. Go away. I also don’t know why you are wearing that ridiculous mask, but it won’t help you if you try to pick a fight with me.” (Assassin)
“Oh no. This mask is only supposed to protect my identity so there will be fewer people who know my face. Since you are one of the two people here that have seen my face, you are going to be the first one to…” (Stranger)
Immediately, the masked man jumped right in front of the assassin and punched him in the chest. However, a blade was sticking out of the assassin’s back, and Cecilia heard the masked man whisper into the assassin’s ear: “die”. The assassin coughed up blood and sank to his knees. When the man pushed away the assassin’s body, Cecilia saw that there was a blade attached to the man’s gauntlets.
“Who’s next?” (Masked man)
The masked man had a murderous gleam in his eyes as his left gauntlet slowly brandished its blade as well. With their employer dead, the street rats immediately ran off in all directions. After making sure the street rats were truly gone, the man leaned down and cut the ropes binding Cecilia’s arms.
“Are you alright?” (Masked man)
“Yes. Thank you for your help. But are you alright? If I recall, you were stabbed…” (Cecilia)
“Yes. My necklace saved me. You don’t see any blood, see? So, mind telling me why those men were after you?” (Masked man)
Cecilia thought she saw a glint of gold as he redid his shirt to cover up the cut. Immediately, Cecilia began to think up some lies. It would not be a good habit to spread her identity to every single person she meets.
“My father had some unpaid debts so…” (Cecilia)
“Okay. I got the story now. So, in return for saving you, can you show me the way to the eastern gate? I was going there, but some kid stole something from me so I chased him to this alleyway. I caught him, but by that time, I was hopelessly lost in this damned maze. Now I have no idea where the fuck I am.” (Masked Man)
“That was my original destination, too! I would be glad to take you there.” (Cecilia)
With that, the man helped Cecilia get up and began to pull out an article of clothing from his backpack. Realizing that her pants were all shredded, she quickly put on the pants with a bright red face and began to lead the man to the eastern entrance, keeping an eye out for any other potential pursuers.
“So what is your name?” (Masked Man)
“Ummm… Cici. What about yours?” (Cecilia)
“I am slightly hesitant to give you my name. If you have not forgotten, I just killed one of your pursuers. I would prefer to keep my identity a secret should someone seeks revenge on me. And the less you know the better it would be for me. That is the reason why I put on the mask in the first place.” (Masked Man)
“Oh, I see. However, it seems wrong for me to call my rescuer “the guy”. Is there something you want to be called? It does not have to be your real name.” (Cecilia)
“Sorry. I am unable to give you one.” (Masked man)
“Why?” (Cecilia)
“Certain rules I am bound by.” (Masked Man)
“Ohh… I… see….” (Cecilia)
“Ehh. Don’t worry about it. It’s not something to worry about. It’s not a curse.” (Masked man)
“Then, if you are so worried about staying out of trouble, why did you save me?” (Cecilia)
“Off the top of my head, I have two reasons. First, it was revenge for stabbing me with no warning. Second, I would feel pretty damn guilty for leaving you since it will leave a very unpleasant taste in my mouth later.” (Masked Man)
“…You are a foreigner, right?” (Cecilia)
“Yes. What gave it away?” (Masked Man)
“Your accent and you got lost.” (Cecilia)
“You are a very observant girl.” (Masked Man)
“I had to learn to be very observant.” (Cecilia)
With that, they made haste toward the East Gate where Cecilia was immediately approached by Lehai and Ugurtz.
“Your high… My nephew. You’re safe. I feared the worst.” (Lehai)
“I was this close to going back searching for you. You saved me the trip kid.” (Ugurtz)
“Don’t worry. I ran into some… trouble, but I was saved by this man.” (Lehai)
“Who? This masked fool behind you?” (Lehai)
“Ahh. Forgive me for being rude. For the sake of protecting my identity, I have put on this mask.” (Masked man)
“Makes you more suspicious actually.” (Ugurtz)
“Why do you need to protect your identity?” (Lehai)
“No need to be so wary, sir. I just don’t want her pursuers to seek revenge on me for killing one of them. Well, it is time to part. Once I meet with that metal scrapper there, I will be on my way.” (Masked Man)
“Wait. Are you a mercenary?” (Cecilia)
“….How did you know?” (Masked man)
“I saw that badge dangling from your neck. You are a gold rank and you are also a solo mercenary considering that single stripe on your card, aren’t you?” (Cecilia)
“A solo gold rank…” (Lehai)
“How strong is he…” (Ugurtz)
“I was wondering if you could lend us your aid. We would be willing to pay of course.” (Cecilia)
“You still have money to pay me even though your father is in debt?” (Masked Man)
“We cannot just hire a random mercenary from the streets with this delicate situation. What if he is a spy? An assassin?” (Lehai)
“Don’t be ridiculous. If he wanted to kill or capture me, he would have already done so. Second, he is a foreigner so it is unlikely that he would have many connections with any of my enemies. They would not hire any foreigners. Third, it would be great to have someone of his caliber on our side.” (Cecilia)
“It is great that you trust me and all that, but who are you guys really? I don’t think you’re just a simple daughter of a man in debt.” (Masked Man)
“Perhaps we can speak somewhere more private.” (Ugurtz)
“Yes. That place would do. Alright. Perhaps proper introductions are in order. I am the crown princess of the Ruhan Kingdom, Cecilia Tennesley the Third. I humbly ask for your assistance in a pressing issue.” (Cecilia)
“Okay. That is a good joke. But all members of the royal family has purple hair and you have brown haaiir? Okay. Okay. Holy shit. Fuck my life. Uggghhh. Fuck my life indeed.” (Masked man)
“Watch your language. You are in the presence of the crown princess.” (Lehai)
“At ease. So will you lend me your help?” (Cecilia)
“First, what will be my job?” (Masked man)
“Your first job will be to escort me to the Fortress City of Uwile. Once there, you can decide if you wish to keep working with us.” (Cecilia)
“How much are you paying me?” (Masked Man)
“Because of who I am. I would say I would hire you for about 500 gold coins.” (Cecilia)
“… That makes me real suspicious of how dangerous this escort mission will be.” (Masked Man)
“It will be very dangerous. I believe that you are aware that the route to the fortress city is dangerous not including the urgency of my mission.” (Cecilia)
“Yeah. I know. I was also planning on going to the Fortress City as well, but I had trouble finding a caravan that was willing to go there.” (Masked Man)
“It is up to you if you wish to accept this request or not.” (Cecilia)
“Sigh. *stare* Fine. I have a feeling that something very bad would happen if you fail in this mission. Fuck you Fate. I swear to my fist that if I ever meet your embodiment, I am going to sock you in the face. However, Cecilia. I will not treat you as royalty in this escort mission. Also, I will ask one more thing from you.” (Masked Man)
“Why you cretin.” (Lehai)
“It’s alright. That would be great in fact. I was never one to prefer formalities in the first place. Ask away.” (Cecilia)
“What is your mission?” (Masked Man)
“I will tell you that once we set out.” (Cecilia)
“Alright. So, let me buy something from the scrap peddler first and buy a horse.” (Masked Man)
“Wait. Since we will be working together, may I know your name?” (Cecilia)
“Descal Binus. That is my name.” (Descal)
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