《Erroneous Quest》Chapter Eight: RAM: Revolution Around Madness
Well I was a bit late I guess.... Sorry. Also, how can you guys comment on how that story is so far.
At a later time, in a room of peerless white with vast number of tiny specks of emerald scatter throughout the ceiling, floor and just about everywhere. Seems this room is not just a room but a huge space similar to that of a spider web. Just in the distance is a looming spider with eight translucent, sapphire eyes make inquiries about the sudden intruder to this space.
(Ah. Uh. Uh….) The groans and moans from the soon to be alerted Rain as he says his first words, “Where am I? What happened to Rengar and X?” Rain seems to be missing memories of the recent battle. Noticing the ground isn’t solid but yet seems to be web like, sort of like he was in a massive spider web. Looking around for a while to adjust himself in this foreign environment, as a gargantuan spider approaches, just as he starts to escape. It started to speak as it’s mandibles are waving around erratic; a voice was projected but not from its cephalothorax but in my head. “Eh” as Rain tilted his head.
“Hello, strange fellow, I am the master system of this world. I can control all that that is far and wide. You seem to survived an impossible encounter as you defeated my enforcer.” As the spider tilted its head, with a pause, like it was taking a small breath, “This never happened in all my eons of existence, the only reason I’m talking to you and not continuing the job of my enforcer. Is because you obtain a power beyond the realm of your entire being.”
Rain is looking at this thing, “What are you talking about. Why do you have the same name as my system?”
ACTIVEAstral Mind
As Rain’s ability, actives without his consent it breaks the illusion of the spider.
System(Sub): Current target is a false entity; the source of the communication is… Processing…. Look to your left about 10 meters and in that location there is a bead that is blue instead of green.
Rain’s head shifted to that position, at the same time the spider follows his graze. Then turns back in the web like material. “Ah how did you found my real body. Hmm it seems like I can’t scan you. What ability did you use?” The bead glows brightly, it projects a similar shape of the enforcer but instead of pure black it is an almost transparent cream.
System(Sub): User, the current name of the target is designated as “System32”.
“Well, it’s an ability given to me by a foolish, idiot god. It’s called Astral Mind; it allows me to see thought-out any barrier or protection. Oh and by the way do you have any other name beside System32, like an easier one?” The figure was looking at Rain with a shocked face, well as much as a hologram can be.
“How…How can you know my name but I can’t access any of your information. That ability is too much of a cheat. My master, the local god, at the moment he is not here but the name he called me was Harris. So you used another ability during that alteration against my enforcer, what was that? It defies the law of the world and changes as you see fit.” As Harris puts his hands on his chin, then solemnly stares at Rain. “Oh and can you let me scan you?”
Why is this, Harris, looking at me like this it’s not my fault of these skills. “Well since you asked somewhat nicely, my name is Rain. That skill, Debug Goggles, I can’t use at the moment because of some odd reason. The skill allows me to access and control local god's network with the aid of a system. And for your last question, yes you can look.”
After a couple moments, Harris turns around to think about something, some more time past as Rain is getting irritated. “I not mad but what has you thinking so hard?” As Harris turns back around, “Ops, I forgot you was here” Rain starts to steam up and curse at Harris. “Calm down Rain the reason why I was pondering is because your race is a particular one, an ancient and obscure race called Echoran. I just remembered that the only one I saw was my master, he was one and his name was Richard III.” Rain started to laugh at Harris, started to cry for the coincidence of that name. “Why are you laughing, did I make a joke?”
Calming down and wiping the tears from his face, “Well remember I told you of that god who gave me these abilities, well his name is Richard IX, he is a kid but an idiot.” Harris gives Rain a death stare then starts to smirk,” Rain, don’t talk about my Master’s son, but even though he is my master. At times he was incredibly dumb. You said you had a system like me, how was it able to overwrite the commands of myself and other systems? Why would Richard give you access to such features?”
"Well you won't believe what happened but before that one quick question, what is a Echoran?" said to Harris which seems to be annoyed at Rain ignoring his questions. Breathing in and out metaphysical air then starts to speak, “They are species that have no limitation set on them, just like my master. Meaning that an Echoran can be any race or species, there are only two conditions that causes the creation of them. One; You have to surpass every limit of your race and species to ascend to a new form. Two; By obtaining divine energy and surviving that power, this is an extremely difficult way to gain it. They are basically the echoes of time, at that moment they shed their body to become pure divine energy and they have to ability to do anything they want.”
“So why I became an Echoran?” Harris shrugs his shoulders, “Answer my previous question first?” Harris actually turn a shade of red in anger. “Oh Ok, well the kid Richard forgot to log out of his account and I basically made me have the same level of permissions.” With a beaming smirk, Harris looking in dread, “Idiot… Well let me completely scan you.”
RainRaceEchoran(Partial)Level1ClassNullJobNullHP1/1Mana1/1StatsStr1Wis1Int1Sta10Will1Dex1DP1.0TalentsAstral Mind EXPeerless Insight IVDebug Goggles II
"Seems you an Echoran but not one because you really didn't surpass your limits but you gain that status by gaining the ability to generate DP by an unorthodox method. Also if you don't notice your body isn't all there but just mass of DP. " Looking down just to see the ground, not his legs or having any other feeling or limbs. “Hmm, ain’t that something I guess I am a bit of an idiot as well. Cause I just noticed that my vision was not in a 160-degree view but now 360-degrees. "How did I get one DP, I thought I used it all up during that fight."
Harris taking some time to think, “Wait one second Rain, I have records of everything in this world.” After a quite a long time, Rain is pasting the time by learning that he can fly so he is floating around like a cloud, “So this is how a cloud feels…” Harris is staring at Rain, “Rain, are you done messing around. From watching you float around it seems that you’re not the talkative type so I got a movie for you.” Rain floats down to the ground, “Eyyyyyyyyyy… Turn on that DVR. You have popcorn?” Harris ignores Rain and his holo body turns into a screen.
Back in the dungeon’s basement, the crying Rengar is looking at the fight between X and Rain as he knew he made X mad and that he was going to die. Then seems that X’s body got penetrated by Rain’s impromptu weapon, fragmented femur, just after a couple moments a blinding light illuminated the room. But it wasn’t just that room but the entire outpost, as Shana still on the rack bleeding, “Ah… ouch…When did Rengar get new lights. About time he did. When is he coming back…?” As the light starts to dim within the room.
System: User, you’re dying I’m using some of your irrelevant stats; luck, dexterity to maintain this connection. If you can grab that cluster of energy from the fallen entity, you can survive this... Maybe.
Rain: So you can joke at a time like this. Wait doesn't that mean you would die too.
System: I am part of you user; I won’t die unless you cease to exist. Also I’m slowing down time around you by disabling all of your skills.
Time has slowed to about 1/20 but the light is distorting the area similar to how X’s “Return to 0” and is slowly abrading the environment to nothing. Rain kicks off the ground to propel himself toward the remnants of X. After that step the ground, Rengar and that leg turned to dust. Wincing it the pain of his loss and panicking in the depletion of his mana, leaving him without anything as ledge to get to his goal. Just shy by one meter, in desperation Rain yells, “System, convert everything that is non-essential so I can have mana, please.”
After a quick pause and the feeling of losing all the strength in his body and sudden loss of intellect. “All systems disabled or removed. I would be disabled as well until you regain nominal status. Goodbye, Rain.” Said by system as Rain’s mana surged beyond maximum and assuming the superman pose.
Propelling Rain at break neck speeds, grasping at the mass, only to learn that all his finger are nubs. More swinging of his limbs, cause them to turn to a musty mist of human dust. In near insanity, Rain consumes the mass in his mouth. Completing his goal but at the same time he realizes that system called him Rain instead of user. Rain became to cry as he realized that system wasn’t a robotic aid but had a somewhat sentience life.
The whole space surround rain simply turned to an intensely bright white environment as his body surged with power and feeling the pain of being bathe in a tub of acid.
DP 0.0 >>>> 1.0
Returning back to the past time, Harris assumes his humanoid form, “Hmm you absorbed the DP I gave to my enforcer that's why you lived but your entire body was destroyed. Even with the DP you can't rebuild your body...” As Harris gets cut off by a familiar robotic tone.
“Incorrect, I-I-I-think of a way 2-2-to fix that solution. My first autonomous action was to create save point at the moment we entered the world but because Richard didn't explain anything to Rain, so he didn't have all the information.” Said by system.
"Ah, your alive I… mean functioning. How come you didn’t say anything earlier?" said by wearily eyed rain as tried to cry but unable since nonexistent body. “Well, didn’t want to waste time because of lower intelligence. Plus it seemed you need to hear it from Harris anyways. XD” Rain is sort of shocked at the development of system in this short time. "What you mean by save point?" Quickly said by both Harris and Rain.
“In case of rain dying by the actions of another God, Richard added a safeguard since he caused the death of Rain by mistake. So it bypasses the rules of that current world's laws. But at the cost is I, as in you'll lose me forever.” Said by system in a teary tone, well as much as a robot can be.
“Why is that a thing. That is broken asf.” Shouted by both Rain and Harris. “Richard didn't anticipate that you would be able to gain DP so soon. So with the cost of .5 DP you can revert back to your body at that same time and space with all your current memories and abilities. This is a one-time action.” Rain and Harris looking at each other, “: So damn broken.” Rain asked his system, “So what can I do with the remaining DP I have?”
Harris stated to Rain, “So I can offer you a new class that would aid to help me and the other systems to maintain balance over the world. Also, you would be gaining limited powers of the enforcer type but since you would be using your own DP. I would allow your system to be added to the existing list with permissions just under mines.”
“So what’s the catch?” quickly said by Rain. “Well your only duty is to correct the world just like an enforcer would, other than that your free to do what you want. Oh and you have to fulfill a quota of 100 DP in one celestial year. Ok?” Rain looks a bit puzzled, “So what’s a celestial year and what’s the class name?”
“The class name is Equalizer and one celestial year is equal to 100 years.”
“Hey, system give me info on that. Since I am at the mental level of Richard”, said by Rain who is now doing loop de loops in the air.
“This guy head” said with a lowly sigh by system. “Well Equalizer is a class that follows the same roles as an enforcer but is a newly created class by Harris. It’s similar to some of the hero classes. So you would have some extra power added. And Rain, I am going to use the remaining DP to make you into a full Echoran by altering myself. So I would be disable until you reach the spot. ;)”
"Let's do this." Said by rain with pride. "Also as an added bonus since it would take the actual time to revert back to that point I'll give you a tutorial of this world because of that idiot God. Let's proceed" as the white space turned to pitch black. Advertisement Previous
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