《Cultivation at Home!?00》Chapter 15: Steward Fu trouble


Chapter 15: Steward Fu trouble

Fu Cheng

He's a steward of Fu family, he's in his 80's but because of his strong cultivation his looks just like in his 50's.

Fu Cheng came from the branch of the Fu family, he's quite talented in his cultivation. In just 17 years of age he's already in grade 2 warrior. Still, compared to those from the main family, his talent isn't bad from this world perspective. It just that he didn't have enough resources to compete against the main family.

Now his current cultivation already at 8th grade Grandmaster, if the Ancestor and the father of main branch patriach didn't count, he's the third highest cultivator at the Fu family, right behind the patriach and his wife.

Now Fu Cheng is troubled.

"Who's in his sane mind dare to steal from this compound!" Fu Cheng muttered angrily.

With super tight and advanced security system, high-end bodyguards, and even a hitman that the patriach had hired to guards this compound. Of course people would think thrice before deciding to make a trouble.

With this much line of defense, how come people from the outside could come and gone as he pleased.

So Steward Fu could only suspect people from the inside.

Looking at the people infront of him with his sharp eyes. He started to question all the people, one by one.

He pointed at one guy and asked

"Where were you on 19:16?"

"In my room, resting" he answered

"And you?" He asked the man behind the guy who just answered the question.


Steward Fu ask each of the servant there.

And all of them are honest. How do he knows about it? The answer lay on his cultivation prowess and his knowledge, he would have known if any of the servant lied, from their body language, facial expressions, and even from their heartbeats with his Knowledge.

And looking at Cultivation perspectives, he only needs to stare and ask seriously to the servants and they'll answer truthfully, with his cultivation prowess, people with lower cultivation realm would saw him like some sort of a higher race than them, that's what everybody thought when they met people with higher realm of cultivation than themselves, alas, only people in the same realm could fight against each other. For example, 3rd level Grandmaster fighting against 5th level Grandmaster, even though the possibility for 3rd level Grandmaster to win is lesser than that of fifty percent, there is still a higher possibility than that of people with Mastery realm.


As for Battle Soldier, Warrior, or Militia realms, they can't even make a scratch on them.

As for those mortals, even just a look sent by them would made them flee. It's like being stared by a primal being, and it would scared them for life.

"....so I want you to search for someone suspicio.." the steward said before getting cut off.

"Steward Fu, young miss Fu Xun wanted to see you!" Shouted one handmaiden that still in the distance.

"Quickly!" The handmaiden emphasize.

Steward Fu's face became dark, the thing he hated the most is getting cut off on his talks. This would diminished his reputation, but when he heard his young miss name, his moods became that of worries.

He hurried to the young miss room, only to look at his young Miss holding a brown box, with some scribble on it.

Fu Xun aren't like those young miss who likes to be pampered, becouse of a certain accident, she became what she is now. From then on she became cold, and even distance herself from her family. but in return her cultivation speed became like that of a monster.

With her pitch black hair, dark blue eyes, and her rosy lips, it's no wonder people would race themselves to her. But with her being in Grandmaster first level at the age of 16, people wouldn't want to be on her bad sides.

Now she's 17, and many people forget about her, but that's a good thing to her as it was what she had planned from the beginning.

But then just as she was about to enjoy her 'free' time(from cultivation) and take a bath.

When she came out from the bathroom, she didn't see her underwear. Even though she didn't panic, she did felt weird, as usually her undergarments and her clothes were placed on the bed, but now the undergarments were gone, so she ask one of her handmaiden to bring her a new undergarments and ask about the problems.

It turns out that the servant had already prepared her clothes and undergarments, so she concluded as a work of a theft as there's a proof of a dampened circle on the bed, right where the female servants usually place her undergarments.

"Is there anything wrong Young miss?" Said the steward, puffing lightly.

"What is this in my hand? Steward Fu, how come this brown box appear right on my backyard without anyone knowing? We aren't lack of security are we? Even my personal servant didn't noticed it until now?" The girl, Fu Xun said to the steward.



"Forget it, as it had already happened. Now let's just see what this brown box is" the teen said

As the box already in her hand, she look closely at that had a scribble on it, at first glance, this scribble are just some random scribble, but when you look closely, you could see that it was some words that made a sentence, this is a high leveled calighraph...... No it's not, it just the writer that have a bad hand writing!

The word scribble said: 'aiyo!, I am so sorry!. I didn't meant to take your underwear, I just wanna dry my loundry on your backyard seeing that it have quite some sunlight on it so I went and dry my loundry there, but I didn't want to get some sunlight on me so I went to your room? And sit myself waiting for my laundry. And when I get up somehow your underwear stuck on my pants, I want to release it from me, but when I heard the sound of door opened, I quickly get away with my laundry. Once again I'm so sorry about what had happened yesterday, so this is some sort form of an apology, please accept it.'

After reading the message, she frowned, for someone that could come and gone as he please and undetectable, he must be a really high level cultivator.

So she could only let this go, and wait until she herself reached the higher realm, and get her revenge!

As for the one behind this, he's casually reading some books in the library, looking for some information about this world.

'hmm... So this place had a different cultivation name with the world that I'm from. With the first realm being Militia, the second being Warrior, third being Soldier, fourth being Mastery, and it seems that there's only little information on the fifth Grandmaster, and none on the sixth and above....'

As he looks at the screen before him, he frowned. It looks like the robots from before, the PTX e-60, it's strength at least at Warrior realms, as there's only general information on it, and the price range around 5 to 10 thousand gold, it seems I did quite a damage on them, that it needs 200 gold for each of them to get fixed.

Still, he's quite impressed with the technology at this world, from the hologram screen in front of him, the taxi that he just take that driven by a Robot, and for the ID card that used blood and fingerprint sensors, the high-tech security on the Fu family, the gun that each of the Fu family guards had,

As for the detail accident on the Fu family, he's already forgot, all he knew is that, it's a place to hang his laundry.

He didn't really care about a little accident such as that.

As for the 2000gold he owed, he just remembered that!

'hmm... maybe I'll just pay it to that wild girl, as she have a connection with that police, and it will be less dangerous than facing the police head on.'

"Freeze! Put your hands up! "

Looking at the person who just shouted, I nearly fell of my chair.

Your Sister!

Every time I think about you, the police, about how to evade you, and to not be on your radar. You just appeared like that! In front of me! Pointing your gun at me!

Oh wait it didn't seem like that, looking closely at the place he pointed, it seems like it was someone who sit infront of me.

"I have found the suspect, and in need of backups!" The police talked to his collars.

3 minutes later.

The police had already came here and in process of arresting the suspect. I don't really care about the suspect as I, myself is one of the wanted.

So I just need to get out of this place, blend in with the crowd.

Just as I reached the exits, the alarm sounded, and a f*ckin' light shine down on Me!

I nearly vomitted blood!

Just what did I do!

I came here with my eye ability, that can teleport almost anywhere....... Why didn't I used it!

Haah.... It seems that my past as that of a Mortal still affect me. I'm too careless!

Feeling that it would be troublesome to fight against the police. I just let them handcuffed my hand and bring me to the police station with their car.

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