《Guild Wars》Chapter 13: Powerlessness
“If what I have just witnessed, is indeed true,” Feno says cagily, “then our worst fears, has already come into fruition. That power, is undeniably the crimson witch, herself.” tapping his fingers against the glass orb in little plinks, he mutters,
“And being Magia bombed by Luci will explain why your aura resembles hers.”
She tilts her head at him,
“Magia bomb?”
“Overloading your opponent with Magia until it blows them up.” raising a hand to his neck, Feno unenthusiastically demonstrates what he’s referring to,
“When she’s strangling you.” before dropping it by his side to let it hang, as if keeping his arm up is too much effort,
“But the same as Crystalline, if the opponent has sufficient Vita to contain the Magia dosed into them, it ironically just makes them stronger.”
“Oh!” she clarifies,
“You mean, if the glass is big enough to hold the orange juice, then it just means there’ll be more orange juice in the glass.”
He gives her a little confused look, trying to process what she’s said. Before he nods,
“You can put it that way.” beside her, Cyan’s a little taken aback,
“You understand her metaphors?!” swishing his tails. Before he composes himself like he hadn’t intend to commentate, and its amazement that made him blurt it out. Isn’t it simpler to think of it that way? Vita is the glass, and Magia is the orange juice. The orange juice won’t overflow if the glass is big enough.
“Yes, I do suppose I understood that.” she can tell Feno still doesn’t entirely trust her when he balks,
“However, why would Luci do that? It is a horribly inefficient way to kill someone.” fixating on her with a doubtful gaze,
“Amongst the myriad of less effortful methods available, why would she specifically choose to Magia bomb a child like you?” his eyes, piercing like he wishes to slip a knife through her ribs like a key in a lock to pry her secrets,
“Isn’t that a bit too convenient? Because of that, the suspicions on you can entirely be cleared.” it only tells her, she’s ought to keep what she’s seen to herself.
“It’s like she’s declaring, not only is she still alive, but she’s also responsible for the slaughter of Hollow Bow and is current at large. Therefore, sending us on a wild goose chase.”
Cyan immediately scoffs,
“What the heck is wrong with you. Can’t you just accept what you’ve witnessed and realize she has nothing to do with this?” he taunts, folding his arms before his chest,
“Or is the Elite ten just as inefficient as ever because it’s easier to go after kids than the real enemy?” his sentences make Feno ponder a little, glancing out the windows to watch the tiny pink birds perch on a branch. He sighs,
“You do have a point.” and skeptically agrees, “sometimes, the graceful solution, is often the simplest one.” before bringing his eyes back to address,
“However,” it’s getting colder in the room, growing with the uneasiness in her heart in anticipation of what he’s going to do next,
“The sevenths must not be underestimated. Based on my past experiences with them, not only are they elusive, they are also extremely cunning.” ice sprawling from him, forming crystals up the walls, condensing the windows with a translucent white sheet of cold air,
“And if I must choose,” snowflakes trickling inwards, piecing into eight ice blades behind him. Like glacial wings slowly fanning out. An arctic wind picks up, fluttering his black cape with it,
“Between risking the lives of many-” his pupils glowing grey. Blowing his hood back and clearing his face. There’s a grotesque scar down to the side of it. In the space between his right eye and ear, where his fringe has previously covered. The faded lines look deliberately carved, in the shape of an upside-down star,
“And killing one girl as preventative measures.”
She’s getting a bad feeling about this. Instinctually reaching for her axe. Outside, the settled birds have been startled off trees, escaping in flocks with loud chirps she’s able to hear through the windows.
It’s already too late. Before she can even turn her head to search for an escape route, he’s disappeared from her sight in a blink. Leaving only his apology behind,
“I’m sorry, young lady. It is not personal.”
Instantly, she feels his blood lusted aura from behind. She spins around, not even given enough time to witness what’s going on before she feels something sharp, piercing into her side. Right through her kidney. The force of it is so immense, it’s throwing her backwards. Violently pinning her into the blackboard where she’s being crucified. Splitting it in half, but even that and the wall behind, doesn’t stop the force of it, so it shoves her through. Past, book shelves, past spiraling stairs, to the next circular open room. She finally orients, slamming her axe into the ground and using traction to stop herself. Splintering the wooden floorboards and the yellow-green carpet beneath her in a messy line. She thinks, the friction alone could burn right through her heels. But more ice blades, as though train carriages are propelling towards her. Feno chasing closely. Moving so quickly, all she’s seeing is a flurry of his black cape wildly fluttering on his back.
Panicked, she grabs the ledge of the nearest bookshelf, throwing it forward to catch his blades, yanking her axe out at the same time. Scattering papers, as though the flapping wings of migrating birds, to the floor in a dance. The single ice blade, still grotesquely sticking out her side like a popsicle, it feels like one too. But she isn’t even given seconds to grimace the pain before she’s forced to orient, craning her neck up to watch Feno vault over the toppling furniture. His ice blades, following as if they’re magnetized to him in a hover.
Still airborne, Feno throws them downwards, cascading over his head, like the spines of a porcupine pulled forward by an invisible string. Collapsing above her to which, she instantly barricades with her axe overhead. Repelling them with stuttering clinks. High pitched, akin wind-bell chimes. But the force of it, like an avalanche, slams her knee to the ground. So violently, she’s punctured through it. Exploding wood chips like fireworks, just as he lands right before her.
Bending down, he’s relentlessly swiping the string of blades for her legs. Not even giving her a second to blink. Looking as though he intends to cut them clean off, despite she’s mid barrel rolling away. But before he’s able to, two crescent wind blades violently cleave in beside her,
“Lilith!” Cyan’s bolting after her. His attack, severing the toppled bookshelf that’s in its path into three segments and viciously tumbling forward. Slicing cleanly through Feno on each side of his limbs. Shattering them into ice fragments. Before the entirety of him crumbles too like a snowman on a hot summer’s day.
It’s a fake.
Real Feno’s already beside her while she’s still climbing herself up on her feet. Immediately feeling a knee strike to her stomach. Again, ruthlessly throwing her backwards from its force, making blood fountain up her throat to spit from her mouth as she crashes into the more bookshelves. Toppling its contents downwards like hail. Finally, stopping when she slams against a load bearing wall.
It’s occurred so quickly that it hadn’t given neither of them the time to react. Attempting to aid her, Cyan swings two more crescent blades forward but Mereekh too, joins the fight. Catching his attacks between his scimitars in a crisscross,
“Woah, not so fast kid.” violently repelling it back whilst positioning himself between them to stop Cyan getting to her,
“No hard feelings, but I don’t want to get demoted again if I stood still.”
The sharp shings quickly snaps her gaze forward. Relegating Cyan’s demand for Mereekh to move to the background. Hearing them clash attacks.
Feno’s relentlessly leaped after her, ice blades, whishing in like a hula-hoop for her mid-section. She tries to move. A sharp bolt of pain stops her. Glacial, crawling from where she’s impaled, spreads up her sides to freeze her against the surface behind. Now she’s lost complete sensation on her left. She thinks, if she tugs, the frost bite’s going to explode half her body.
Cyan’s panicked reiteration of her name is getting more distant to her ears. She can feel blood rushing to her head, making her vision groggy.
Feno intends to kill her right here.
It’s making her taste cotton on her tongue, watching him, as the blades encroaches. Sharp, sharp, sharper, until she’s able to feel icy embrace of death radiating from it. It’s almost melancholic, she thinks, the look in Feno’s pupils reflect.
Does he... feel sorry for her?
Then, an abrupt gust makes her instinctively squeeze her eyes shut. Only for the sounds of ice shattering to open them again. Witnessing a fuzzy white silhouette intruding between her and certain death. Around him, fractals, sparkling under the dim crystal light. Almost as if scattered stardust. For a second, it makes her question if she’s still alive. The searing pain reminds her she is, so she blinks her vision into focus.
Glancing past his bald head, the same time she finally registers what happened,
“Rufus...” Feno addresses, gracefully landing on the ball of his feet. His black hood, fluttering to the ground. Before her, Rufus is lowering his cane that has been pointed. Even though he has his back turned towards her, she can tell he’s reaching a hand out to stroke his beard when he greets,
“Ah... My old friend, Feno.” longingly, “it has been centuries and you still look the same as you did when we met as mere boys.” he laughs softly,
“Whereas time, has treated me with a lot less generosity.”
At that, the ice holding her in place fractures. Without it holding her up, she collapses forward. Slamming the handle of her axe to the ground, she tries to perch herself on her feet. Only to immediately slap her hand over the unbearable twinge tunneling through her sides. As though it’ll alleviate the pain. It doesn’t. Instead, it just stains her fingers red. She’s feeling something warm and wet beneath her touch, only when she attempts to push at it, makes her realize it’s her own intestines that are spilling out. Rushing beside her, Cyan immediately catches her as she collapses on her knees,
“Lilith!” he follows her to the ground, panickily flickering his eyes between the wound and her face,
“Lilith! Say something!” but holds himself stable from shaking her. Regardless, something’s bubbling up her throat, making her nauseous. Throwing her head forward, she vomits more blood on the ground. There’s a ringing in her ears that’s dimming Cyan’s repeated reiteration of her name. Trying her best, she wipes the blood off her lips before gripping both hands onto her axe to raise her head. Very difficultly, she wheezes,
“I’m okay...” despite she doesn’t think she is. It’s cold and it feels as though she’s getting stabbed every inhale. Her vision’s flashing white in the corners, smudging like colors in the rain, that she hardly notices a woman rushing to her side. She’ll blame it on her blonde hair, tied in a high bun, blending with the woody backgrounds. But when she’s squatted down, close enough, Lilith can’t help to remark,
“Hold her very still.” her voice sounds awfully familiar.
Except, now she’s in a nurse’s uniform. A red cross band atop her upper arm. She extends a hand to her, there’s an Under Oath guild ring on her finger, basking in green glow, she depresses the Magia downwards. It’s alleviating the pain, hurting less and less Lilith thinks, she’s able to breathe again. Her gaze focuses on her sheer black stockings, stretched over her milk white knees.
Then Lilith flicks upwards, finally well enough to recognize who she is,
“Miss... Rosemary?” addressing her blue eyes, “what are you doing here?” but it doesn’t make her less perplexed.
Returning her a little amicable greeting,
“Hello, Lilith.” Rosemary smiles.
Beside her, Cyan after doing a double take at her stomach, is just as confused,
“You know this woman?” he helps her up. Lilith presses the area where she’s impaled. Looking down to check, it’s completely healed. In fact, she’s feeling better than healed. There’s a fresh surge of energy rushing within her. As if, she’s just consumed a bunch of sweets and now, she’s on a sugar high.
“Yeah...” she replies hesitantly. Cyan who’s now straightened himself and giving her a committal gaze to wait for her to elaborate,
“She’s the woman Killian invites over every Saturday.” she finally says after blinking the onslaught of confusion away. Registering in her mind, that she isn’t going to die. Not yet at least. She’s saved. Again.
It rings a bell in his head,
“The one that baths with him?”
At that, Rosemary gives a little awkward giggle,
“My... You didn’t have to expose me to that level.” before she coughs to find her composure, formally introducing,
“My name is Rosabelle Maristella, lieutenant to the third division captain, Rufus Ivory of Under Oath.” she giggles,
“Rosemary for short. Due to the confidential nature of my mission, I was unable to reveal to you my real name while I was working in Gildamore. I’m sorry for deceiving you, Lilith.”
After examining their interactions, Feno finally says, resting an arm on his hip,
“I presume, this means, Rufus Ivory, you disagree with my judgement?” with so much nonchalance. Even looking at him now, still makes her feel uneasy, so she takes a defensive step backwards, only to bump into the wall behind her that’s exploded with her blood. Beside her, Cyan hunches forward at the sound of Mereekh sheathing his weapons. Leaning his shoulder against a column with an out of place airy grin like he’s saying, ‘don’t hold it against me. I'm just following orders.’ She can tell Cyan want to punch him instead by the returned snarl. Finally, she straightens her gaze when she hears Rufus reply,
“Your concerns are not baseless.” he turns on a side,
“However, are we truly deserving of governance if the way we choose to resolve problems, is through murder upon suspicion?” stacking both his hands on his cane,
“As you have mentioned, the sevenths are incredibly cunning. Then it may perhaps also be true that this young lady is framed and innocent.” laughing softly,
“In the ways you’ll put it, sending us on a wild goose chase and luring us in a false sense of security.” he hits the nail in the coffin,
“wouldn’t it be a pity, that a life the Hollow Bow so painstakingly tried to save, to be sacrificed for naught.” so that’s what makes the ice in Feno’s veins melt. Age may not be telling on his face, but she’s able to see it in his eyes. It’s almost despondent, as if he’s reminiscing memories that have long passed. She guesses, Feno’s closely acquainted with the Hollow Bow.
Rufus concludes, “If this little lady is indeed Luci, would the notorious crimson witch not have retaliated upon the verge of death?”
“Time may have dulled your senses, but that tongue still remains sharp as ever, Rufus Ivory.” Feno agrees with a forlorn sigh,
“I am unable to refute that.” and it surprises her when he politely apologizes with a nod of his head,
“Pardon my act of recklessness, Lilith Renarvas.” as though he hadn’t just tried to end her life, he adds before directing his gaze away,
“Mereekh.” to make Mereekh abruptly stiffen his posture and suppress a disgruntled expression as though he knows more work are to come,
“Bring me the full list of Hollow Bow’s guild members and the circumstances regarding their disappearance.”
Despite Mereekh’s bowing at the order,
“Can’t the information department handle this?” he’s complaining, “I’m usually part of the field team, so I don’t do well around books and scrolls.”
“Then I presume, you wouldn’t mind if your pay is adjusted as such-”
“No!” Mereekh interrupts, scurrying away into shelves, “No, my pay is fine the way it is.” disappearing around the corner that she almost missed him muttering,
“In fact, I think I’m underpaid.” begrudgingly.
Meanwhile, Rosemary’s already repositioned herself in the center of the demolished room, channeling her Magia with her hands steepled before her chest. Drawing magic circles around her. Glowing green. From the center of it, something begins creaking. Like branches being twined against each other, small woody creatures emerge from it. It’s rather adorable actually, stumbling like little toddlers for their heads are far too big from their bodies. Each of them, wearing an upside-down pink flower as little hats. They’re running towards the destruction. Some of them tripping over themselves in the process. Laboriously heaving up the scattered grimoires and papers that appear far too imposing compared to their tiny statures. They’re carrying it to the previously toppled bookshelves that the other woody creatures have holstered up together. Few, merging into the floorboards to patch the holes.
They’re repairing the damages.
Before she’s able to ask Cyan what kind of Magia is that, he’s already giving her a tug on the wrist. Flicking his eyes towards the door. Reminding her that they should use this opportunity to sneak away.
He’s right. The adults are busy. Feno’s in a discussion with Rufus. They seem to have contradicting opinions regarding Hollow Bow. But just as they’re take the first scampering step, Feno’s voice darts her like a knife,
It freezes her in her steps, turning her head. Despite she understands he no longer has the intention to kill her, it still gives her shivers.
Cyan immediately injects himself between them, responding for her,
“What? We’re done here, aren’t we?” he can feel she’s afraid. Even now, looking at Feno still makes her taste blood on her tongue and trembles in her arms.
“While it is undeniable that I have attacked you irrationally. The suspicions against you remains justified.” he waves a grimoire into existence,
“The truth remains that, you are a child of unknown origins that came into the protective custody of Killian Renarvas six years ago.” hovering above his fingers, its pages flipping about,
“The only records we have of your past, are those memories you have just showed us. If they are indeed real, it wouldn’t be difficult to cross reference with the existing information we have about your parents,” he ponders for a moment, trying to decide what he wishes to do.
She doesn’t like him. Feno’s scary, so she takes another step back while Cyan tries to argue,
“Haven’t you already proven enough, paranoid freak-” which Feno completely dismisses to continue,
“As such, I fear, I may have to detain you until we can ascertain-”
“Admiral Feno,” Rufus interrupts, the look on Feno’s face tells her that he isn’t use to the formality Rufus’s addressing him with,
“First you attempted to execute this little miss, now you’re suggesting to throw her in prison.” his tone is laced with a subtle mockery as he strokes his beard, injecting himself in the conversation,
“Don’t you think, for a girl her age, she’s had quite enough for the day?” He’s protecting her.
“Certainly, Captain Rufus,” Feno responds in kind, “you should know best that it will be against my code of conduct if I were to let her freely walk out of here.”
“Then perhaps, will you be gracious enough to trust this old friend with the fate of this girl?”
“That’s absurd, you may be the former guild leader in your prime, but right now-” but Rufus continues over him, implying that he doesn’t wish to relent,
“If your suspicions do come into fruition,” he reiterates, “if she truly is Luci, then I, Rufus Ivory, as the third division captain of Under Oath will take full responsibility of the outcomes, and accept any repercussions if necessary.”
“And you believe you are enough to stop her?”
“Regardless, it will be my men on the frontlines and not yours. Or do you doubt the influence I may still hold within the very guild I’ve started, given the lesser title I currently hold?”
That statement seems to have disarmed Feno. Finally conceding with a sigh, he waves a quill into existence, scribbling midair its contents on a gold trimmed scroll. Fluttering it before Rufus,
“Then I can only request of you to make it official. You’ll stake your title and the lives of every Under Oath guild member in stopping Luci, should this little Missy turn out to be her.” hearing that line makes her heart pinch. Rufus receives the pen. Reading it for a brief moment,
“Very well. It is only fair.” he agrees before raising his hand.
He shouldn’t sign the paper, not after what she’s seen. Right now, she doesn’t even understand it herself. But the only words she’s able to get off her tongue is a tiny utter of,
“Um,” so softly, they didn’t even hear her. She can’t say it.
What is this feeling in her heart? It’s being clenched. She shouldn’t say it. Feno might attack her again if she did. But she should, because Rufus is a kind man. She doesn’t like this feeling. Of guilt, of fear.
It’s then she feels something bump her leg. Looking downwards, she realizes it’s one of Rosemary’s little familiars, holding something in its branchy hands. A slip of paper. Attempting to shove at her as if it’s telling her to take it discreetly. Retrieving it, there are ominous red letters on the surface, don’t trust anyone, anything you see, don’t say anything. Come home safe, and I’ll explain everything. It’s Killian’s handwriting. Fading away soon as she’s read it. By the time Cyan’s noticed it too, it’s but a pure white sheet of paper. So, he just returned her a confused eyebrow.
She wishes she knew too. What the hell is going on?
Is Killian here?
Lilith glances around, Rosemary’s on the opposite side of the room, helping her familiars replace the books on the freshly patched shelves. It’s almost fully repaired now. In fact, it’s prettier than it was before, with flowering ivies, in the same shade of pink as their tiny hats, climbing up the pillars and walls wherever her familiars' touched. She doesn’t seem aware of what just transpired. The little familiar has scurried away, Lilith’s already lost it amongst the countless others that look exactly the same.
It doesn’t seem like he is.
Before them, Feno, after Rufus’s signed the contract, waves it away in a golden light. Telling him that the girl is now his responsibility. A breath after, Mereekh reports that the documents are ready in the upstairs office. It’s only when Feno fully disappears behind the corner that she finally dares ask Rufus,
“Why would you put so much on the line to help me?” to which, Cyan immediately scoffs,
“Hah. Helped you? He just stepped in when it was convenient for him.”
“Cyan! That’s rude-”
“He watched Feno beat you up.” he interrupts, crossing his arms. He isn’t looking at her anymore, instead, staring accusingly at Rufus as he’s turning around, almost as if he’s challenging him,
“He was here the whole time, otherwise, how else would he have known Hollow Bow got wiped trying to save your life. And Satys is the bitch that ratted you out to begin with. Everyone in the Elite Ten can’t be trusted.” the agitation in his voice almost surprised her, is Cyan angry? For her sake?
Rufus laughs softly, conceding,
“It is exactly as you described, young Cyan.” and taps his cane twice on the ground,
“I was indeed watching, and stepped in when it was the most convenient.” a white door, like an elevator, rises behind him. The sight of it makes Cyan even more skeptical,
“Then what’s your catch? What do you want from her?”
Rufus turns around, pushing the door open with the bottom of his cane,
“Come, take a stroll with this old man, that is all I ask for.” the simplicity of his request puts Cyan at a disbelief. Regardless, after a few exchanged glances, they follow him.
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