《Guild Wars》Chapter 8: Freeze Tag Finale!
There's a tension in the air as they got into position. Lilith going bottom right, and Cyan makes bottom left. Staring upwards, her hands are turning a little clammy from the nervousness. The holes in the wall they've made a night prior has already been repaired.
It's alright. They've practiced this. It should work.
Behind her, the redhead skeptically studies their movements, as though he's trying to figure them out.
She's tried to explain, but Cyan told her it's pointless if they can finish the game quickly. That and, he didn't want the old man, Rufus, she thinks his name is, to hear it.
Beside the redhead, lab coat man gathers himself and sets his Magia up. Manifesting a puppet beneath his hands. The cross brace appears above round fella. Its strings crawling downwards to wrap around his wrists and ankles.
Then the Magia field cloaks around the Arena, Rufus announces with a cough,
"Very well, I shall begin counting." picking her heartbeats up with his words. Pounding in her ears, she's uncertain, if it's anxiety or excitement. Although, she reckons it's a mixture of both. The scuffling she hears tells her the others are also rushing to their places. Then she tunes them out, closing her eyes to focus her Vita instead.
Kneeling on a knee, she channels it onto her legs, picturing an imagery. Carefully, like pouring juice in a measuring cylinder. She ought to account for the weight of her axe this time, so she portions more. The moment Rufus begins the first utterance of,
"Three." she leaps, breaking the brief quietude with thunderous booms with their loud movements. Shocking through the arena like sonic waves. Stretching a hand out, she grips hard onto the podium ledge to change directions. Folding her knees, with another forceful kick, she projectiles herself forward. The wind roaring in her ears almost makes her miss the counting,
"Two." as she lightnings through the first flag, snatching it with her. Zooming past center and brushing Cyan in the intersection as he secures the second flag. The wind, whipping her face like needles.
When the last number drops,
"One." she's only meters apart from victory. Fixating her eyes on her third flag. Fluttering wildly in the wind. She begins an internal countdown, four hundred milliseconds. The distance quickly diminishing. She can almost taste winning in her mouth, in her blood.
But in her peripheral, she's noticed Rufus has already flickered onto Cyan's pillar with his cane raised. Awaiting by the flag for Cyan, who's unable to land and dodge with the forceful momentum he's launched himself.
It makes her realize Rufus can go faster than what they've initially witnessed.
His sudden appearance forces Cyan to phase, evading both Rufus's cane strike and the flag pole that seems as if they've stabbed through his hand. But Rufus flicks upwards, all she sees is the afterimage of white in his robe sleeves. So quickly, she needs to guess where he's aiming.
At that, Cyan retracts his entire arm, like he's touched a hot plate to avoid getting tapped. But Rufus relentlessly chases with a third over the small of his back.
Cyan won't be able to prevent that, going in the straight trajectory midair as he is.
Panicked, Cyan swipes, unleashing a barrage of crescent blades at the arena walls before him. Pushing himself backwards with the momentum of violent wind. The haphazard attacks wheeling wildly makes Rufus withdraw his cane to catch the ones saw-blading towards him at near point blank. Dispelling Cyan's Magia upon contact into a burst of iridescent, high-pressure gusts. The others however, crashes into the white force field around them. Rattling it like a bulletproof glass as the compressed, sharp wind collapses its shape, unable to cut past.
It buys Cyan enough time to be out of reach, flung spine first, towards center. Away from capturing his final flag on top right.
On the que of that, she quickly straightens her pupils. It's like she's guessed, Rufus is coming for her next, now that she has the flag pole within her reach, curling her fingers around it. His cane raises above her head. Picking her heart rate up with adrenaline.
Just how stupidly fast is this old man exactly.
If she isn't intensely focusing on him, she'd have missed him in half an eye's blink. Will she make it in time? She's moving quickly as she can, but so is he. The tap lands before she's even able to close her grip. Freezing her.
Despite the practice, they still weren't fast enough.
Then he's gone again, to stop rounded fella who's making his way up Cyan's, now unguarded pillar. Two taps. One to lab coat man who's beneath the center pillar. Another midair, three quarters way up to stop rounded fella in place like a gravity defying bowling ball.
It's at that same moment, she feels a jerk on the back of her bralette. Unfrozen, she's tugged into a portal exiting on top of center pillar. Right behind Cyan who's rapidly flying towards her, he tilts over his shoulders, yelling,
"Catch me!" making her realize he's unable to land with all the built-up momentum. Rooting firmly to the platform, she springs her arms out, receiving him in a body slam. She hadn't anticipated him to hit her like a wrecking ball. So violent, it throws both of them back, threatening to push them off the ledge. Thinking quick, she draws her axe with the other hand, smashing it into the surface. Slowing down the force with traction as the concrete surface comes loose beneath it, dragging in a line with each centimeter deeper, she presses in.
They finally stop when her heels are tipping off the ledge. Tilting her gaze over her shoulders, looking downwards where redhead hollers at them,
"Keep putting pressure, he won't come for me as long as you do! I'll go for the saves!" speaking so fast, that his words are all meshed up like a sped-up video. He's exiting through a portal beside lab coat man as the portal on top left, where she's at a second ago, closes like a zipper line. Un-tagging him to resume round fella's journey up top right pillar.
She finally catches up in her head that the redhead has untagged and placed her there. But the action caught her by surprise that she didn't react in time to take the flag with her. It still tauntingly stands tall.
They've already retrieved three, if they can get the final two on top left and right, they'll win this game.
But it's harder than it looks. Searching around frantically, she doesn't see Rufus. Before she's even able to ask where is he, Cyan's sudden tensing notifies her he's already in front of them. So she snaps her head forward.
Rufus's, presumably heard their strategy and going on the offense with his cane raised. Lashing downwards in a blur she's unable to tell who he's aiming for. Instinctively, Cyan swipes another wave of high-pressured wind blades towards him.
Rufus, instead, retracts to parry the point-blank wind blades. His cane, swishing in a flurry of brown like propellers of a jet.
An idea pops into her mind, she says, yanking out her axe out with a violent jerk and flings herself leftwards while Cyan keeps him distracted in a barrage,
"If he comes for me, launch your attacks directly at me! The fastest and deadliest ones possible!" it's the only thing they have that's able to stop Rufus from tagging them.
Cyan spares her a sideway glance to watch her jump. Building up momentum, she lands. Hacking her axe into the colosseum walls to keep her from falling and dashing along the side of it. Dragging a trail of sandstone indents in her path. Pebbles, crumbling to the ground behind her.
Her destination is towards the flag she's missed.
Rufus quickly realizes and targets her, flickering beside her with his cane raised again.
But she pinpoints her gaze onto her target, trusting Cyan despite he's admonishing her,
"This is by far, the stupidest plan you've came up with!" the onslaught of crescent wind follows. Sharp as chainsaws. Slicing like vacuum blades, it shrills, tearing through the air as it is, crashing into the walls where she's sprinting with thunderous booms.
Fracturing bigger boulders loose that begins tumbling down around her like hailstorm
It's like she's predicted, Rufus is choosing to dispel the ones propelling at her instead of risking her life to tap her.
Blocking them with his cane and bursting them into gusts of ravaging winds. Then Rufus sees a gap of Cyan's barrage, again flickering beside her in a white flash.
But this time, she's able to preemptively leap onto the raining rock slabs, out of the way from being tagged.
Continuing forward, another wind blade, slices the rock beneath her feet cleanly in half just as she jumps to the next. Near centimeters before a haphazard attack zooms past in front of her. Almost cutting her in two pieces.
But the wind bombardments abruptly halt.
She glances behind.
Rufus instead decided to go for Cyan to stop the distraction. Swiping the cane for his legs. Cyan jumps, folding his shins into his thighs to avoid the hit, but the second is descending quick. Overhead at his shoulder. Cyan has probably anticipated this because he phases through. Just as he lands, the third cane strike connects at the ankles.
That'll be his first tag.
But he's bought her enough time to be within reach, throwing herself towards top left pillar.
They're still not fast enough!
Rufus's already there, not a moment wasted to even breathe. Awaiting her at the landing site. But he flicks his head rightwards, she chases his gaze towards the other remaining pillar, top right. Witnessing the round fella coming in clutch. Inches before the flag.
On the ground behind, lab coat man has ran himself to the furthest point from the two remaining flags after being untagged by the redhead. Forcing Rufus to go for him with the threat of rounded fella securing the top right. That Rufus did, disappearing briefly to freeze both lab coat man and rounded fella just hair from capturing the other flag.
They've distracted Rufus enough to let her safely get onto the pillar. Bolting for the pole, but the old man has returned defensively in front it with his cane raised above her outstretched arm.
Behind her, redhead's managed to portal to un-tag Cyan above center. At that, Cyan immediately launches himself for the unguarded top right flag.
They're still too slow, Cyan wouldn't reach the other flag in time to force a move. Right now, she reckons Rufus wouldn't go for him, she's a higher priority.
At that, redhead hollers,
"Girl, speed buff! Boy portal!" shortening his sentence and raising two silver barreled guns in his hands. He pulls the triggers. There's a small swirl of black Magia in front of the barrels. It makes the bullet connect instantly before she even hears the bang.
The force of it nearly throws her forward, directly into Rufus's cane. Then, gold light bursts forth beneath her, in the outline of a clock. It's hands spinning madly about the roman numerals.
The noise quietens, there's a buzz in the air as she looks around. Everything seems to be frozen in a dim blue filter. She's able to see Rufus's movement clearly now. No longer the same fuzz of blur. He's descending down the cane towards her. But the radius of the clock is diminishing quick, taking the blue with it, shrinking and shrinking.
On the other side, Cyan's just zoomed through a portal transporting him directly beside the flag.
So that's what the redhead meant.
She retreats backwards with a jump. The cane brushes by the tip of her nose. So close, she could feel the wind of Rufus's strike. Meandering around him, she dives for the flag, just as the clock disappears. Pulling it out, but she's immediately tapped above the head.
Strike two.
Wasting no time, Rufus is relentlessly going for Cyan to safeguard the final flag.
He's there in a flicker, but they're so close to victory.
Cyan's fingers are curled around the pole. Rufus forces him to phase by aiming his hand. Unable to tug it out. Cyan retreats before the second strike for his head. Falling back, through the disappearing portal into the safety of the center.
It gives redhead an opening to teleport to Lilith and unfreeze her on top of top left.
But this time, Rufus isn't coming after them, instead, he's just standing guard before the final flag, as though a statue. Still as the green bowling ball man beside him that's frozen in perpetual motion. Finally giving them space to catch their breaths. Her lungs are burning.
It makes Cyan realize, hyperventilating,
"He's no longer playing the role of the catcher, but the defender." she tilts her gaze towards center to watch him elaborate,
"He can't afford to leave his station knowing that we're able to teleport any second." his shoulders, raising and dipping hastily. Then Cyan finally drops the two flags he has to empty his hand.
She mimics, before flickering back to the unmoving Rufus who's stroking his beard nonchalantly.
Cyan's right. He isn't coming for them.
She asks, turning beside her to address redhead,
"How many portal things are you able to make?"
Heaving, redhead wheezes, swiping the sweat that's beginning to drip down his chin with the back of his hand,
"Two sets." before he bends over with his hands on his knees like he's about to collapse from exhaustion,
"Four in total." he has his gaze fixated forward, studying Rufus intensely,
"This one gives the speed buff," he shakes the gun on his left,
"And this shoots portals where I want it to be without having the need of me being there." wiggling the other on the right. Before he finally straightens, panting heavily.
It strikes her,
"Let's try a combo attack! Like the one Wysera did! If he goes for any of us while we're in the air for the final flag. Teleport the other." inhaling sharply to find her breath,
"Otherwise, go for lab coat man when we're diving for the flag!"
Catching on,
"Gotcha!" Cyan's already on the move.
Again, violently launching himself forward from center pillar. She instantly follows, jumping and kicking the arena wall behind her hard as she can from top left and not waiting for the redhead's batted whine,
"Give me some breathing time would you!" he readies his guns regardless.
But she hadn't anticipated for Rufus to immediately come for her the moment she reaches the midpoint. Flickering right before her eyes and blocking her path with his cane raised over her head.
It makes sense because she's on her final life.
If she gets tagged again, she's out of the game. His cane closes in, but she's unable to dodge midair.
Then, she hears the trigger of the redhead behind her. Bursting forth another golden clock beneath her feet to let her find purchase on top his Magia construct mid-way. Just in time, she flings herself leftwards, closer to the colosseum walls, to evade the cane strike encroaching her.
Even with the speed buff, she's seeing Rufus move exceedingly faster. But she's able to match him now with the redhead's help,
"Teleport Cyan!" she screams just before redhead fires another shot, hitting her again to make another clock platform to catch her the moment the previous one disappears in a dot. Rufus swings for her torso, she ducks. But he's swiping for her legs, forcing her to backflip off the clock platform in the same motion.
The speed buff makes her experience the fall much slower. She also notices, Rufus's making a Magia barrier beneath his feet. The same type that surrounds the arena. That's how he's able to move so agilely in the air. Before, he was too quick for them to even see.
Then, Rufus jumps over her.
That was a bait! Rufus's true aim is the redhead. He's the anchor that keeps them in the game.
Snapping her head over her shoulders, she watches Rufus sprint for the him on the pillar directly behind. Within reach with his cane raised above him.
"Watch out!" she couldn't finish her sentence before he's tagged.
Perhaps, it's out of reflex, but the redhead's managed to pull the triggers once more in the same instance. One, opening the portal before Cyan. The other, firing the speed buff bullet. But she doesn't feel the hit.
Instead, it's slowly traversing. The copper tip, drilling through the air. She thinks, she's able to see the wind being split in its trajectory. There was no swirl of black Magia around one of the barrels this time. She reckons that was what the redhead used to make the bullet connect instantaneously. Judging from how rapidly the previous clock that she's just backflipped off is shrinking into a dot. She assumes, her own speed buff wouldn't last much longer.
Rufus is turning around. Ignoring and sprinting past her overhead to defend the last flag that Cyan's just portal next to. His gapes are wide, the wind throwing his white robes back revealing endurance trained leg muscles bulging with veins.
Cyan's going to get tagged.
Rufus is saving her for last, waiting for the speed buff to wear off. At this rate, they're going to get checkmated.
Panicked. She frantically looks around to survey her options.
She's in the center of the two top pillars, twenty meters up in the air, still falling. It'll take too long to wait for gravity to take her to the ground. The bullet's slugging forward overhead, ten meters behind her, and levelled with the top left pillar where redhead's shot it from.
Before her, Rufus's rapidly encroaching on Cyan that seems to be moving in slow motion from the buff she has on her. Cyan's diving for the victory flag, but from the looks of it. He won't make it in time.
She'll need to catch that bullet if they have any chances of winning this.
Winding her axe, she swings it against the colosseum wall. Anchoring it in to pull herself up. Standing on the handle, she turns around and cranes her neck to measure the height and trajectory of final bullet.
There isn't much time, so she coils, leaping towards it. Receiving dead in her chest. She can feel the force of it shoving her back. Immediately, the redhead's Magia courses her veins, pulsing with her heartbeats.
In a burst of gold light. The clock manifests beneath her feet, its hands spinning madly about. The speed buff refreshes.
She orients towards Rufus; he's a footstep away from the ledge and she's able to see him draw his cane, almost like a samurai sword as if he's about to slash Cyan that's mid dive, folding finger by finger around the pole.
It makes her realize; this bullet's different from the rest. The effect is much stronger.
She positions herself, bending in a sprinter's pose. Closing her eyes briefly to muster her Vita into her legs. The more she pours, the quicker the clock hands spin beneath her. Until she's pooled everything that she has. She's not holding her axe anymore, so she'll be much lighter.
The moment she bats her eyes open, she bolts, two steps, and launches herself straight off the platform with all her strength forward. The sonic wave that's left in her steps appears almost stagnant. Rippling outwards like a pebble dropped in a placid pool. It's so silent, she can't hear the wind this time, but her hair's whipping wildly, flying off her face that even her skin feels like it's been pulled back by it. She thinks, she might have broken sound barrier.
Flurrying forward, she keeps herself streamlined to reduce air resistance. Rufus gives her a glance over the shoulders, realizing she's encroaching so he hastens his movements. Inch from stopping Cyan from pulling the flag upwards.
But even him, now feels way too slow.
She's already within reach, stretching her arms out. She throws them around him, grabbing his forearm to stop his descend. She's half anticipating her momentum to push both of them forward towards the wall. But instead. Rufus spins the cane in his fingers to tap it against the pillar surface.
Aura pulses through the entire arena like a heartbeat. It cancels the speed buff and the force of her forward momentum. The sudden halt makes her flop half her body to the ground like a flaccid windsock.
Arms still arrested around Rufus as she is, her face pressed on the small of his back, she realizes all of them are frozen.
Did they lose?
There's a silence in the air.
Slowly, she hears a labored exhale from Rufus. Now collecting himself with both hands placed on the cane.
The force field around the arena collapses.
Quietly, Rufus laughs,
"It has been a while, since someone has forced me to go all out in a trial, I have to say, young lady, you are quite reckless." then he clears his throat,
"Alas, the catcher becomes the caught. Well done younglings, you have all, both impressed and bested me."
At that, she glances Cyan's hand.
He's managed to capture the final flag with the time she's bought him!
When Rufus releases his Magia on them. She quickly retreats to collect herself, but the elation makes her fling forward, arms open at Cyan the moment he's gotten up,
"We did it!" embracing him and excitedly leaping up and down, squealing on repeat,
"We did it, we did it, we did it!" through her hyperventilation. Completely ignoring how utterly boneless her legs feel.
"I thought we were going to lose!" Cyan's catching his breath too,
"That was such a clutch, Lilith!" he replies a little swept away, excitedly waving the winning flag in one hand and giving her two slaps on the back with the other.
Then, it's as though he's reminded that he's supposed to be the serious one of them two,
"Also, get off me," he musters the remaining strength to shove at her,
"You're so sweaty!" he's in no position to say that about her given how entirely drenched he is. It's like, he's just came out of a shower. But she's too happy to complain.
She finally relents when the redhead and lab coat man step out of a newly formed portal, joining the four of them on the pillar.
At the sight of them, Lilith immediately turns, exhilaratingly exclaiming,
"That speed buff!" bringing her hands up to imitate a gun, "Pew pew! That was awesome!"
The redhead matches her enthusiasm,
"I was worried that it wouldn't work! You see, you see, I only came up with it last night so I didn't have a chance to test it out yet!" and overelaborating despite no one asked,
"I was afraid that you won't have enough Vi to withstand the force of that last bullet so I didn't use it earlier! But, but, it turned out far better than I thought! You utilized it perfectly!" sweat dripping off the tip of his fringe to run down the bridge of his nose. He looks soaked. Then he nonchalantly tosses his weapons into another portal, making them disappear, before extending a hand towards her,
"Good game!"
It's a weird position for a high five, but she slaps it regardless. It gets her a curious look before he laughs it off. Extending the same gesture towards Cyan,
"You too! Thanks for the carry!" which makes her realize she was supposed to shake it when Cyan replies with an acknowledgment,
"You're were somewhat useful. I take back what I said about your intelligence." it's the closest thing she's heard from him thus far that sounds remotely similar to a compliment. And it makes her whine,
"No fair! How come you never praised me?!"
It shocks redhead a little, drawing back,
"Wait, that was a praise? I thought he was patronizing me!"
Cyan scoffs, admitting,
"I was. She's just an idiot." at that, she proceeds to puff her cheeks at him.
But they've directed their attention to Rufus when he laughs, congratulating,
"Indeed. Well done, my children. It has been a while, since this old man had so much fun in a trial." then waves his hand to gesture them closer,
"Come around." to which they abide, encircling him,
"Allow me to say, as a guild adventurer, it is equally important to be able to work together with others. And sometimes, it may not be with friends or comrades you know." it's unfair he's the only one that doesn't sound like he's just ran a marathon across the continent. Infact, he's hardly even struggling. Adventurers are so overpowered.
She watches Rufus reach beneath his robe sleeves for five small pouches, before approaching them one by one, starting right most with lab coat man and round fella. He explains,
"As such, this trial consists of evaluating not only your individual abilities, but how well you are able to utilize your unique skills to benefit the team to achieve a common goal." distributing a pouch to both of them,
"you two, despite not being Agilitas aligned, you were able to creatively use your abilities in a disadvantageous game, as well as created pressure and win conditions, no matter which team you played in. That in itself, is commendable for a pass." then he moves on, to the redhead,
"You, my boy. You have demonstrated promising prowess in your own abilities as well as having the versatility and quick wits to utilize them efficiently." giving him a pouch,
"Keep honing on that, and you will be a formidable adventurer in the future. Alas, this means that you are more than deserving of passing my trial." which he receives with an enthusiastic 'thanks' and immediately dips his hand in like a child gifted christmas presents.
She fidgety awaits Rufus to approach her, holding back her excitement,
"Ah... the reckless one," he smiles, it's the first time she's seen him face to face so close, and she can't help but to notice the bushy eyebrows raising to reveal a sliver of his gold eyes. He's examining her,
"Compared to the rest, you appear to have yet learned how to externalize your Vita into Magia." stroking his beard,
"However, to be able to fortify your own body to the extremity of that level even without the knowledge is exceptionally notable. You truly have impressed me. I will anticipate seeing you again in the future if you do pass the exam." before he too hands her a pouch, it's lighter than the one Satys gave them.
Finally, he approaches Cyan,
"Despite being a Veneficius class, you have exceptional control of other attributes outside of your own class for a boy young as you. That destructive power of yours, will be formidable and desired by many guilds, should you become an adventurer." before he sighs, glancing upwards into thin air,
"However, it seems also to be true that you carry a heavy weight over your shoulders. My only advice to you is, as an adventurer, you will not be bearing all that weight alone. I hope you have learned something from this old man's trial today. Sometimes, it's fine to rely on others." stroking his beard,
"Especially good friends you have made along the way, whether be it a silly test trial, or other things in life." something in his tone tells her, he knows more about Cyan than both of them are letting on. But Rufus instead, conclude his sentences and flickers onto the bottom of the platform, craning his neck,
"I wish all of you the best of luck in your upcoming trials. You have this old man's blessing."
With that, it finalizes their attempts at freeze tag. Leaping down the platform, she retrieves her axe on the way. After bidding farewell to the redhead that disappears through a portal and thanking Rufus, they head towards the exit of the colosseum.
She asks curiously, turning to address Cyan as they pass the flight of stairs leading to the audience podium,
"How come Rufus spoke to you different?" it gave her a nagging sensation that they may be previously acquainted.
Cyan flicks an ear,
"What do you mean?"
She points out,
"His message to you, seems a little more personalized than the rest of us."
But he merely shrugs,
"Who knows." before he jokingly says,
"Maybe he just sees more potential in me than in you." she can tell he's in a good mood from that victory. So, she's just about to banter when someone calls out to them,
"Hey!" she turns over her shoulders to see lab coat man breathlessly running after them. Poor guy must have climbed all the way down considering his perfectly gelled hair doesn't look so perfect anymore. It stops them in their tracks to watch him hyperventilate,
"I just want to say thank you," slouched with his hands pressed onto his knees,
"For helping me pass the trial." before he reaches into his pocket for a square piece of paper, finally catching his breath,
"I don't have many ways to express my gratitude, but this is how you can reach me if you need a returned favor. I do not like to feel indebted to others."
Receiving it. She reads the title, M.D Igeor Reeves. It's a name card, there's also his contact details and office building on it. The only thing she recognizes is the location, he's from Andora, part of Under Oath's territory. The most technologically advanced city amongst all the guilds.
She can't help but to exclaim,
"Is it true that you guys have flying cars and hovering Magia bridges?" that's when his friend, rounded fella finally catches up breathlessly, after spending the last five minutes precariously coming down the pillar.
Igeor replies,
"Yes. That is true, young lady." gesturing beside him,
"And this is my assistant, Tonk."
Skeptical, Cyan instigates after taking a glance of the name card,
"Why would an established doctor want to become an adventurer? It's a far cozier and well-paid job."
At that, Igeor sighs as though he's anticipating the question to be inevitable,
"We have our own reasons to do so. But the gist of it is, in Andora, hospitals are going under because of the newly instated laws where we must induct a guild member into our directors' board."
Cyan scoffs,
"So, you took the exam out of pride, because you didn't want a guild member to be part of your decisions making committee?"
She nudges his side,
"Cyan, that's rude to say to our teammates who we just won a game with!" it makes him flinch uncomfortably, before clicking his tongue at her.
Surely, she didn't hit him that hard.
Tonk, seemingly agitated by his statement steps in,
"Don't you see, it's all about economic power. This way, the guilds are able to gain more influence on the commonfolk by creating reliance. There are many things about the real world that you do not know of, little kid! So, don't run your tongue-" before Igeor stops him with a hand on the shoulder,
"No. It's fine, Tonk." before he cagily says,
"In a way, you are right to say that, a part of it is out of pride." he seems more reluctant to elaborate than to defend their case,
"A difference in opinion will not change my offer and gratitude." he bows politely,
"If you would excuse us." and adjusts his glasses before heading for the exit.
They watch their silhouettes disappear into the crowd.
After they're gone, Lilith curiously mutters,
"What was that all about?" turning to Cyan,
"The thing Tonk said."
He gives her a shrug,
"Who knows."
Then, something else catches her attention in the arena, grabbing Cyan's shirt,
"Look, look!" and immediately dismisses the previous conversation, she points to direct his gaze, "the assassin girl seems to be wanting to start a game!"
He addresses nonchalantly, folding his hands behind his head,
"You take interests in a great deal of people." but she isn't paying attention to him. Instead, she has her eyes glued to the girl.
She's hopping down from the audience podiums, agilely leaping on each platform as if she's weightless. Bending down on a knee to tap, what looks like a black dagger in her hand beside the flags.
At that, she drags Cyan up the flight of stairs,
"That's because, I'm curious of what the other test takers are capable of!" running fast as she can so she's able to see what the assassin girl's doing. By the time they're leaning over the railings, the girl is on the last pillar in the center. Pressing down her dagger to make what looks like a stenciled rose. It's not very big, but it's noticeable. Then the assassin girl leaps down beside Rufus, who's standing at the base, waiting for new contestants.
She says in a monotonous voice,
"Blythe wishes to start the game." to draw his attention.
Rufus gives her a patient glance, stroking his beard,
"I'm afraid, my child, there are no other players at the moment, so you may have to wait a little."
But she just shakes her head,
"No. Blythe can do the game alone. Blythe has learnt the old man's movements."
Rufus laughs quietly,
"Very well." forming the circular force field around the arena, he begins counting.
At that, Blythe, that seems to be her name, after doing a series of what looks like sign language with her hands burst into a black swarm of swallowtail butterflies. Her physical form, completely disappearing, before the butterflies too, fades away.
They reappear on the top of the bottom left pillar, closest to them, right above the rose stencil she has previously made. Collecting inwards into a black swarm, forming a humanoid sihoulette to amalgamate into the girl.
She bends to retrieve the flag.
"Two." before bursting apart again, to the next pillar, top left. Lilith realizes, the stencil has disappeared upon her manifestation.
Then she flickers her eyes up to chase the girl. She's already going for the third on top right,
"One." retrieving three flags in the short duration.
Rufus begins chasing. Flickering next to Blythe. His cane, raising for her upper arm, she looks like she's about to be tapped.
But she just collapses into fluttering butterflies before his cane's able to make contact. Reappearing at bottom right pillar. Relentlessly going for her forth flag.
Rufus instead, doesn't pursue, and awaits her at the top of the last center pillar. Right on her stencil. Readying his cane for her to manifest from the swarm. Whipping down, light speed, for her shoulders when she does. But Blythe too, seems to be able to match up. Dodging backwards with a leap just as quickly, almost as if it's preemptive like she's anticipated his movements.
Then she ducks the subsequent swing overhead. In a tumble, she rolls past Rufus's legs, Blythe retrieves the last flag in her hands in time with the cane striking the crown of her head.
Whoosh. She again, explodes into a formless swarm right before being tagged. Five flags in her hand when she remanifests herself at the base of the pillar. The game ends, just as quickly as it began.
The Magia force field collapses.
She stretches out a palm,
"Pouch." she says, "Blythe won."
At that, Lilith turns to Cyan excitedly, not spectating the rest of their exchange,
"That was incredible, she won that game so easily when we struggled a whole bunch! What Magia type was that?" but she realizes the fur on his tails have puffed up.
He's a little tense.
Very ominously, he answers,
"That's a Sollertia alignment."
She tilts her head at him,
"Sollertia?" it's been a while so she can't recall what it was,
"Dexterity alignment," Cyan reminds,
"Most probably the other stat she has is agility, given how quickly she's able to move. She's a Sicarius class."
Lilith hums,
"So, what about them?"
He seems bristly when he elaborates,
"Remember I told you the Magia users with the one hit ko abilities?" and warns,
"She's one of them, so don't get too close to her."
- In Serial37 Chapters
Level Down
Hell is for children. Thats not a social commentary, its open mockery. After finding out the supernatural world has a video game interface I figured not much could shock me anymore. Guess I shouldnt have tempted fate. WARNING: This is a long form story. The chapters starting out will be buildup and it might take some time to Reach the litrpg elements. please enjoy the first infernalRPG.
8 154 - In Serial9 Chapters
Re: Ent
A normal(ish?) guy dies and gets rebornyeah that's about itinspired by Re: Monster among other Re: stories on this site, especially Re: Axe From the North Mature content Later on probably, if I feel like it, maybe. Lots of swearing.
8 194 - In Serial7 Chapters
Queen Of Zanith: Who say Quantity doesn't matter?
The Zanith revolve around their Queens. Without a Queen, time stops for the Zanith no evolution, no birth, no power.Killing a Zanith Queen is harder than killing a thousand dragons. It is their Swarm that strikes fear onto the universe, with its endless soldiers and ceaseless attacks. Zanith is a race, one of the countless others. It is one of the 36 races with a planet to itself. Hosting a population of 4 billion. But this great race stumbles, The queen ages and dies, and the egg never hatches. Until this fated day.--------------------------------------------------{inspired by starcraft 2} {inspired by alien series} {inspired by half-life(a little)} {inspired by my imagination} {inspired by all the swarm/alien novels I've ever read}. [My passion for writing and loving alien so much is...war, not war as in war. but an endless alien army eating up everything it sees not caring about its troops, knowing more can be made.]
8 103 - In Serial71 Chapters
The Unknown
Fem!Harry. After saving the Philosopher's stone, Dahlia Potter soon discovers the world isn't as black and white as she believes it to be. She suddenly discovers the truth of her true parentage and is faced with the threat of not only Voldemort, but beings and people off realm, who would wish her harm, if they discovered who her father is.
8 144 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Last Player
This novel tells the story of Allen, a virtual mmorpg game player who once made the history of mankind, Creatia. But who would have thought that the legendary game had to close the game due to a significant decline in players Even at the last moment of this game, only Allen alone stood to see the end of the world that accompanied him for 30 years But just as he thought that this was the end, a miracle happened He returned to the previous 30 years! What is the meaning and purpose of returning to the past? To be the strongest? Protecting those he cares about, or to prevent Creatia from closing? No matter what, regrets and mistakes will not be repeated a second time! strongest items, hidden dungeons, secret quests, legendary jobs. He knows it! And here, the journey of the last player, begins! --- Skip to game: chapter 11 If you find a typo/error, please let the author know!
8 194 - In Serial29 Chapters
The Revenge Of A Businessman
Amelia Isabella also known as Mia work as a secretary in the company of Gabriel & Sons which is later bought by Jacob Max the man who she always insults. Would Jacob be able to get revenge from Mia who has always insulted him in the public or not?
8 172