《The Mighty Creature Collector》Chapter 8: The Pink Lipstick


From spending several seconds looking at the deserted chopper, with a question unanswered about where my two companions go, I decided to bring my sight back to my front. I guess I will not get enlightenment of where Yer and the chopper's pilot go-- even I that answer soonest-- not unless this orientation will already be finished.

But by the moment I looked forward, I just felt myself paused when a girl ran into me.

"I'm sorry," immediately, the girl that bumped me apologize. Her tone of speaking is undeniably telling me that she really did not mean what happened.

To describe her, she is more or less two inches shorter than me. She has black hair that she lazily ponytailed on the back. I think, our ages don't gap that far. And if my estimation is next to right, then I'll be correct in saying we both aged the same.

Along with her is another girl that there is no mistake in telling older than her. Their faces resemble one another, maybe they were blood-related.

"It's fine," I replied casually. The impact she caused on me has done nothing but only made me felt shocked for a very short period of time. I saw her nod and smile I can't think of any bad reason for not doing the same. We separated paths because I am going to my seat, and the two girls are going to my right.

But before they finally became unseen from my peripheral sight, I think I already have gotten the answer of why that girl had bumped me. While walking away from me, I heard that girl quarreled with her company. She said, she looks good already. But her company keeps on telling that she is not. Her hair is a mess, her face needs makeup, her clothes need to be changed, and her lips need lipstick.


Although I want to laugh at what I am hearing, I just composed myself to don't proceed in doing it. I continued walking up until I made it to my seat. But before making myself comfortable by sitting, I roamed my sight in the surrounding.

To clearly illustrate the setting of the place-- in front of I think 150 chairs-- there is this elevated platform. Attached to it is a wall that is made of LED screen. It is continuously showing the animated logo of Mindrey Incorporated. A small green ball dancing around the company name itself.

From the stage, I channeled my sight to the chairs that are around me. If I will guess-- from among 150 chairs-- I think, almost 100 have already been occupied. By just looking at my fellow soon to be public demonstrators, I can tell that our personality is very diverse from one another. There is this one that is smiling as she types from her cellphone, there is this one that is sleeping, there is this one that is looking at me absently, and there is this one that is crying. Staring at the latter, a question is what suddenly popped in my mind. And that is: why does she cry?

But because I know that I won't be having an answer to that question not unless I will approach her and asked for enlightenment, I just made a resolve to myself to don't worry about her because she is not my concern. I decided to take a seat already. Next to my right and left are still vacant chairs. I placed my sight on the front and waited for the moment to pass. Up until...

"Bro, how are you?"

From looking at the printed name that indicates the owner of the chair on my front, I turned to my left to know who did speak. It appears to me that the chair to my left has already an occupant. He is a guy with blonde hair that I think is younger than me. Among others in this place that I dare to look in the face, he is this one that I think very jubilant. He's displaying a smile that even though I want to be an introvert just for this time, I can't help it but to face him and accept his invitation for conversation.


I answered. "I've been good. What about you?"

He replied, "Here, still not sinking everything. I am just an ordinary college student struggling in academics when I received that invitation yesterday. Have you applied to be a public demonstrator?"

I shrugged first my shoulders before responding, "Nope. I did not apply."

He said, "So I think we both got surprised seeing the letter. By the way, I haven't yet introduced myself. The name's Rustee Perth."

He presented his right hand indicating that if I want to befriend someone already, then I should grab it.

"Hi, Rustee, my name is Nathan Skye," I said as I grabbed his hand. We then shake hands for about three seconds.

"I said, I won't put on that pink lipstick!"

From facing Rustee I immediately turned to my back to face who spoke that line with an irritated tone. From my right, I saw a girl that unlike earlier now dressed and fixed much decent. Still along with her is the girl that looks like her but just older.

"Don't be scandalous!" with a controlled tone, the older girl pressed.

"Why would I not? You are commanding me to do things I dislike!"

"You still act like a child. I am not commanding you, I am just telling you to act like a lady now!"

"And I am!"

"No, you are not!"

"Argh!" exclaimed by the girl that had bumped me earlier. From the person she is quarreling with, she turned to the direction where I and Rustee are. Immediately, her eyes widened.

"Oh, here you are," the girl said. She added, "My apology for being undisciplined. But just don't mind me and my older sister. This is just the natural us. (From us, she faces again her company). Suzzette, just go away."

"No, I will not," her sister replied.

"Okay, okay, give me that pink lipstick," while rolling her eyes, the irritated girl said.

"Good, here," the one with the name Suzzette replied. She handed the girl this pink thing that I think is already the lipstick...

Moments pass since that encounter took place, now the girl has already lipsticked her lips. Although I haven't asked for her name, but since we just sit next to each other, I already have an idea who she is. Lily Cartbridge. And I don't know why, but I find that name somehow rings a bell.

I, Rustee, and Lily-- together with everybody around-- waited for more moments to pass before someone appeared on the elevated platform. With a formal dress-up, he approached the center stage before speaking using the microphone he is holding.

"Good morning, everybody. Now, let us begin the first day of orientation for my highly reviewed Mindrey Gear. Is everyone excited?"

No one answered. But I guess, Rey Vallera already interpreted the silence as everyone's 'yes'.

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