《The Mighty Creature Collector》Chapter 4: The Red Mask


"What?" the two people who first offer me a respective large sum of money synchronously said out of pure shock. Even me, with no denying, got frozen to what I heard from the approaching guy. 500 million pesos and the chopper, he is just joking, right?

Since the said aerial vehicle had landed a distance away from the house, it took some while before the mysterious person finally arrives at the house's doorstep. He joined the two people that are interested in my letter and at the moment, are transfixed by the sight of this man. I can't really identify how exactly this guy looked like since he is currently wearing a red masquerade mask. Who is he? I think he is also interested in my letter and at the same time wants to be anonymous.

"Hi, Mr. Nathan," he said as he presented his right hand waiting to be claimed by mine. The megaphone he recently used is currently on his left hand.

"Hello, mister..." I said as I reached his hand. The prolong in my tone serves as a question that the answer is me hearing a name.

The red-masked guy first smiled before answering. "Just my nickname, Mr. Nat, I am Yer."

And the two of us shake hands.

"Yer? Can you take off your masquerade mask?" From the view of the guy that in my estimate is already in his late thirties or early forties with a nickname 'Yer', I channeled my sight to see who did just talk on my side. It is Drew.

The mysterious man replied as he finished the handshake, "I'm sorry but I won't do that. To think, that is the last thing I want when I wear this red mask."

"So how are supposed to know you are not a scam when in the first place you do not want to reveal your true identity?" my best friend blatantly asked. He has a point, so I remained silent and just waited for Yer's response.


"Ahm... let's see," the masked guy said then started thinking. It took several seconds before he once again spoke, "Let's put in this way, the reason why someone could be called a scam or scammer-- even though whichever term is correct-- is that they were fooling people. And in my case right here and right now, I don't have any intention of doing that to anyone. What I just offered a while ago will be really given to you, Mr. Nathan. Only that, if you will agree to give me what I want."

After he talked, the mysterious guy flashed a smile. But even though how white and uniform his teeth are, it failed to discourage me into giving him doubts, to question his credibility. I just don't really believe he will give me 500 million pesos and the chopper where he used to go here, that is the craziest line I have ever heard.

"And you also want Nathan to give to you his letter, right?" Drew asked. And because I expected that he will answer 'yes', I took the moment-- as everyone in our circle waits for the answer of the mysterious guy-- to turn and face my siblings. Liselle and Michael were listening to the adults' conversation. But by the moment that I'm planning to face again the three big-time guests, once again I went frozen when I heard the red-masked guy spoke.

"No, Mr. Drew. You are wrong thinking that way. I have a different offer to Mr. Nathan in exchange for 500 million pesos and the chopper."

"What?" Drew said as if in confusion. I, on the other hand, has started asking myself what will be the different offer of the guy that will make him give the two things he was bargaining to me if I agree. My life? No, that is absurd, why would he want my life in the first place? The house? He's gotta be kidding, this is dilapidated. My siblings' life? Let him state that and I'll be punching him to death. I faced the mysterious guy the moment I felt his hands on my right shoulder. From my peripheral, I also saw he put his other hand to the left shoulder of Drew. Behind the red mask is his pair of brown eyes. The two of them are calm yet serious, with no hidden intention.


"Nathan and Andrew, please work together and accept my offer. For 500 million pesos and the chopper, please accept the invitation of Rey Vallera. Join the public demonstrator of Mindrey Gear. It is only for you, Nathan. And the others don't deserve it. Just enjoy the game like you were just a kid that is a seeker of adventure. I am observing you, Nat, since the day of death of your parents. You will really like the game where the Mindrey Gear will be used. Go and explore that world. Don't let the remaining kid-part of your heart will be thrown away just wanting you the best of your siblings. Now, you don't need to worry about anything anymore."

I don't know if my eyes were functioning right at that time. But what I did see in that pair of brown eyes of the guy, was that they seem to be watery. From once being close to me and Andrew, Yer distanced himself and turned his back to us. He extracted a plain white handkerchief from one of his pockets and removed the mask. The two people who are interested in my letter seemed to have seen a ghost when at last Yer has no identity concealment. He signed the two to go away and with no word coming from them the two started walking away. He put again his mask and turned to face us. Here, he told me the particulars of his offer and also to contact Mr. Rey at midnight...

Minutes have already passed since Yer said goodbye to us. But still, together with Drew, we are looking at the same spot where the chopper has been parked a while ago but now it is gone. It is already dark, but the cold wind is making us stay on the door's threshold.

"Hey, Nat, do you think you know him?" in the silence of our wondering, Andrew asked.

From the dark outside, I faced him first before shaking my head. I replied, "I have no idea."

"I have something in mind," Drew said. "You wanna hear?"

"What is it?" I absently asked.

"That there is a big possibility that that wealthy guy is connected to your late parents." He heaved a deep sigh before continuing, "By the way, Nat, do really mean it when you said I can join the dinner?"

Hearing it, I immediately chuckled. And Drew laughed.

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