《The Emergence Of Spheres》Woe of Passing


The bottom of a glass - a sight Tycon had come to know over the past few months. Within the tavern, days went by as quick as they came and sometimes felt as if they had never even happened at all. The cries, the laughs, the songs and the smell of alcohol were something he welcomed with open arms. An endless cycle that continued through the empty nights he spent leaned over a counter with his head in his hands. Nobody spoke to him, they'd prefer to pretend that he wasn't there at all and that was fine with him.

An emptiness followed him like a stray black dog, wanting more and more but he had nothing left to give, yet, it continued to follow. There was a cloud that buried him in gloom, a shadow embracing him with a cold touch and only the taste of alcohol kept it away.

His mind wandered as he had his whole life, aimless and pointless, searching for purpose. Tycon decided he was better off alone, that way he wouldn't lose anyone else. The pain was unbearable but it was a choice he didn't regret, he couldn't regret it.

The loss of Balin was something he wouldn't forget. The pain lingered with every breath he took, he tried to find comfort knowing that he was with Evaline but it was denial. Once he and Ambre had left the Zinlyn desert and by extension Meliora, the pain had shot through him. So sudden and fast, he was reminded that'd he'd never see him again. He was the first real friend he'd made since he lost his parents. He was gone.

They buried him there in Hindal, where Tycon knew he would always find him. The night, the silence was the loudest.

Tycon was grateful for Ambre's support, she helped him through those few weeks after Balin's death but he eventually pushed her away, so much so that one day he woke to find her gone. That had hurt but at the same time he felt relieved, he was convinced she would live longer that way.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the wine. His hair had grown noticeably longer, the blonde strands now reached his shoulders and it was as unkempt as ever. His eyes looked different though like they were hardened, or weary. He couldn't decide. His short beard began to itch and he scratched at it, keeping his head low and sipping his wine.

The lights within the tavern were dim, yet gave him a fleeting sense of comfort and that was enough for him. The bartender never seemed to argue with how much Tycon was drinking, always pouring with a smile and without the slightest bit of concern, with how quiet the place usually was, he wasn't surprised at all. During the day it was like an event when he heard the familiar creak of the door and the presence of another sitting by his side at the bar, so when he heard the door open, he shifted his gaze from the glass and to the person who stood in the frame.


Fucking hell.

It was Ambre, standing in her armored robes and with her sword at her hip. Her hair was let down and flowed majestically down over her breasts. She gave him a weak smile but he could see in her bright ocean eyes that she was happy to see him. He could feel his heart beating faster and the familiar flush he got when he saw her rushed through him. She gracefully made her way over to him and sat by his side, the intoxicating scent of lavender perfume wafted to his nostrils and he blushed.

"What are you doing here?" Tycon asked.

Ambre gestured to the bartender and asked for a beer. After a few moments the man set down a pint before her and she took a long sip.

"I'm here for you, Tycon," She said.

He returned his gaze to the glass before him, wondering why she would be here for him. He didn't deserve her to come back for him, not after the way he treated her. Though she always understood his grief, he continuously drove her patience which was probably why she left in the first place, now she was back in his life again, he didn't know why.

"Why?" He asked.

Ambre sipped at her beer, "I went home."

Tycon sat up straight and looked her dead in the eye, "Home?"

"Well not exactly home," She replied, "More like... Somewhere close to the border."


"I thought about what you said back in Meliora and I decided to see what happened since I left."

"What did you find?"

"A recruiter."

Tycon contorted his face in confusion, "For what?"

Ambre paused and took another sip the gazed emptily at the wall across from the bar, twirling her hair in a finger.

"A revolutionary army," She said finally.

"You want me to join?"

She sat there for a moment and tipped her head, "Yes," She said softly.


Her blue eyes widened "No?"

"I'm not a soldier."

"You won't be a soldier, just a hired mercenary. You'll be paid a substantial amount of Uon's."

"Ambre," Tycon said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "If I were to help you, it wouldn't be for coin."

"Then how can I convince you?" She asked, her voice quivering.

"You can't."

That's when she snapped. Rising to her feet, she grabbed Tycon by the coat and dragged him over to a nearby wall, slamming him up against it. Her eyes were fierce and intense, it was clear she wasn't playing around anymore. The sudden movement shocked him and he simply looked to her with empty eyes.


"So what are you gonna do then? Sit here and fucking waste away? huh!?" She said through clenched teeth.

The bartender attempted to interfere but was met with her gaze and slowly backed away, hands in front of him.

"Do you really think Balin would want this for you?!"

"What good am I?" Tycon said dismissively, "I'm just a fucking merc."

"You're my love, I need you with me on this."

"Your love?"

Ambre's grip loosened and she let her hand slip away, her shoulders sagged as she glanced down at her feet for a moment, then met his gaze again, her eyes wet with tears.

"I love you, Tycon. I need you for this."

Tycon stood there, back against the wall with a mix of emotions rushing through his head. She was right, of course, Balin wouldn't want this for him but it wasn't that simple. All he knew was that she needed him right now and with everything after Meliora, she was there for him. The least he could do was be there for her, it was the right thing to do.

Those words she said, they pierced right through him, those three little words. He felt them too, he always had from the moment he locked eyes with her. The memory from the night of the ball in Meliora, when they spoke, rushed back into his mind. Watching the city lights with her on the footsteps, the feeling of her head on his shoulder, the warm embrace she had given him and when they walked on the empty streets gazing at the stars, those feelings returned like the wax of a hot candle had suddenly been poured over his heart.

He loved her too.

He kissed her hard, enveloping himself in her lavender scent. She returned it gratefully, feeling her soft hand caress his cheek.

"I love you too."

Night had fallen once again, the moonlight illuminating the curtains of the dimly lit room Tycon stayed in. Ambre sat lazily on the patch cloth bed that sat by the window, now dressed in a simple shirt and pants whereas Tycon sat in a nearby chair, using his coat as a cushion on the rigid wood.

The day had passed rather quickly and the two spent it talking about their adventures over the months they hadn't seen one another, though Tycon didn't have much to say.

Ambre had spent her time heading north to the border side town of Endon's Watch. There she learned of a revolt beginning to seed in light of her uncle's tyrannical rule over Winter's Peak.

She had known that it would come to this but her motivation to fight stemmed from seeing how poorly the people were treated. Executions in the name of treason were commonplace and misjudged. Her uncle had become paranoid and began murdering anyone that he thought had the slightest hand in a conspiracy against him.

Famine had begun to take hold, the royal army hoarding it for their continuously growing ranks and with no way to afford taxes, many young men had been conscripted into the royal military in an effort to keep their families fed.

"Tycon," Ambre began, "They told me something that I thought you should know."

"What's that?"

"Another reason why I came to you. My uncle, Ralesif, they said he had something embedded in his chest... A gem."

Tycon shot from his seat, "A gem! Like the ones from Selenicar and Meliora?"

"According to what I've heard, it would seem so," She paused a moment, "What do you know about them?"

"Not much," Tycon admitted, "But a man called Grey told me that they hold unimaginable power. I don't see it personally."

Tycon moved over toward the bed and took a seat next to Ambre, she seemed deep in thought with her finger on her chin, gazing at the floor below her.

"I think it may be responsible for my Uncle's actions."

"It could be," Tycon said.

"If that's the case, I don't want him killed... I want some answers."

"Yeah," He agreed, "Not only that but we have to get to him before Zeke does."

"What do you think he needs them for?" Ambre asked.

"I don't know but it can't be good."

"No, definitely not."

She leaned onto his shoulder like she had many months ago and Tycon wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you," She said, softly.

"For what?" Tycon replied.

"For deciding to help me."

Tycon smiled to himself and kissed her on the head. Ambre reached up to his face and pulled him down to her lips. As it went they became undressed, finding warmth under the covers and with each other. They slept together and for at least a little while, until morning came, everything was okay.

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