《Fate Of The Swordsmen》Chapter 20: Ice and Fire
Ilya was trying to wake Anarion up first thing in the morning. "Mister, it's time to get up." Anarion grunted and closed his eyes. "Mister, you are going to be late."Anarion sighed. "I'll be right there." Ilya left the room. Anarion's new Ghee was hanging on the open dresser door.
Anarion changed his clothes then stumbled down the stairs. Everyone was sitting down at the table they drank at the night before, even Tycondris. “Rough night?” asked Ithilious. Anarion ignored him and sat down next to Tycondris. Both him and Amma were in similar shape. Giselle had prepared eggs and bacon, a simple meal.
Anarion could barely eat it, his stomach was a mess. Tycondris ate his quickly then left for his first guard duty. Once breakfast was over Bwoire brought them to the edge of town, about two hundred feet from the gate. He sat down on a boulder. The four of them sat down in front of Bwoire.
Bwoire smiled. “In the academy, you meditated daily. This was to strengthen your chi. You did not learn Elestran, because of the dangers it could present to those around you.” Everyone collectively nodded. “The concept of Elestran is rather simple. Controlling it can be rather difficult. The key to Elestran is emotion.”
Ithilious replied “Emotion? What?” Bwoire glared at Ithilious “Let me finish.” Bwoire continued “Let’s start simple. To use Elestran you need to learn how to channel chi to your hands, or to wherever needed.” Bwoire brought his hands together as if he was holding on to a small ball.
"You need to focus on making a small energy ball. Don't force it, just focus and imagine a small ball of light or energy in your hands." Bwoire demonstrated though the energy ball was not visible. "You will know if you have done this properly if your hands take on marble-like texture, additionally you will feel something between your hands as if the wind has started blowing between them."
Everyone followed Bwoire's instructions. It was quite easy. All four of them made the chi ball quite easily. "Good, now let me explain how Elestran works. I mentioned it works on emotions. The correct mindset is important as well." Bwoire made a chi ball. "Earth comes from calm. Rather a void of emotions."
A chunk of dirt formed between Bwoire’s hand. It was round like the chi ball. He dropped it on the ground. “Wow, that’s crazy,” said Ithilious. “I’m not done, be quiet Ithilious” said Bwoire with an angry expression on his face. He formed a chi ball once again. Suddenly he was struggling to keep his hands in place. All four could feel a breeze from his hand. “Wind comes from Anger.”
Everyone looked shocked. Once again forming a chi ball a round ball of metal formed. It was Iron. “Metal comes from Determination.” Bwoire brought his hand up again, he had a smile on his face. A ball of water formed between his hands. “Water comes from Happiness.” He wasn’t letting it go, suddenly his expression changed, the ball of water turned to ice. “Ice come from frigidness.”
Bwoire looked at Anarion. As if he was telling him that he would be a natural ice user. Suddenly Bwoire looked enthusiastic. He slammed his hand to the ground, a tree came flying out from the earth. Bwoire peaked from behind the tree. “Wood comes from Eagerness.”
Ithilious stood up. “That’s so damn cool!” He was likely a natural wood user. There was a short silence. Amma raised her hand and asked, “What about fire?” Bwoire smiled, he grabbed the tree and burned it to ash. “Fire, comes from love.”
Anarion, Falcon, and Ithilious suddenly recoiled in horror. “That’s so corny!” yelled Ithilious. Bwoire laughed “I don’t make the rules.” Amma laughed but did not speak. Bwoire looking at all four said, “Of course I only made basic chi balls, you will need to master channeling chi where ever needed.” Standing up Bwoire escorted them to a field just a minute away.
“We’ll start with fire first,” said Bwoire. The men looked unenthusiastic. Bwoire pointed to Anarion. “You are up first.” Anarion looked embarrassed. He raised his hand, then put it down. “This is cheesy as hell Bwoire, don’t make me do this.” Bwoire laughed. “Not a chance, I want to see your love!” Anarion vomited a little in his mouth.
He began thinking about the people in his life. Tycondris was the closest person to him, though he doubted that he had any deep feelings of closeness. A tiny spark came out of his hand. “Wow, that’s pathetic!” said Bwoire. He was laughing hard.
Bwoire pointed at Falcon. “You’re up ladies man!” Falcon glared at Bwoire. “Will you shut up!” Falcon began to think deeply, but nothing came to mind. He eventually lowered his hand. “Sorry, I’ve never had any family. Both you, Anarion, and Ithilious piss me off, as for Amma, I’ve never been attracted to her.”
Bwoire laughed again. “So blunt.” Amma was laughing too. “We can be good friends at the very least.” Falcon gave Amma an odd look, he did not reply. Bwoire pointed at Ithilious “Next up, the Virgin who wants to be a ladies man!” Ithilious threw his Katana at Bwoire. He dodged out of the way, laughing his ass off.
“To quote Anarion, I swear I’ll kill you someday!” He raised his hand, in a similar situation to the others nothing was happening. Suddenly he yelled out “I love boobs!” a small bit of fire plumed from his hand. Amma punched him square in the face. “Fucking pervert!” she yelled. Both Falcon and Bwoire were laughing. Anarion remained as cold as ever.
Bwoire pointed at Amma. She looked a little embarrassed. She carefully lifted her hand. Moments later a giant blast of fire shot out of her hand. It stretched so high into the sky that everyone in the village could see it. While this was happening Bwoire, Falcon and Ithilious gave Anarion a funny look. His face turned a little red.
Finally, Amma stopped. “Well done, I think you are a natural fire user. As long as your heart remains in that state.” Bwoire gave Anarion another funny glance. He was getting angry. “Let’s move on! Rather than trying out all of the elements I want you three to focus on the following.”
Bwoire pointed at Anarion. “You are one cold bastard. Focus on Ice.” Anarion was losing his patience. “You could also focus on wind since you have a temper.” Bwoire pointed at Falcon “Try metal. I don’t know where to start with you, so we’ll try different things until something fits.” Bwoire pointed at Ithilious “Try wood.”
“That’s it? Try wood? Am I that boring? asked Ithilious giving Bwoire attitude. “Compared to Amma, you are fucking boring.” Ithilious slammed his hand to the ground “Fine, I’ll show you how amazing I am.” A small sapling began growing out of the ground. “Wow that’s pathetic, keep trying.”
Falcon formed a chi ball. He was able to form a ball of iron just like Bwoire. “Good, well done. Try to coat your arm next. Everyone should become good at metal, it’s saved my limbs a few times.” Anarion lifted his hand to the sky. A nine-foot wall of ice formed in front of him.”
“I was right, good job you miserable bastard!” Bwoire peeked behind the wall and gave him a thumbs up. “Your rather cheeky today you pointy-eared bastard.” Another fire blast flew up to the sky. “I may be cheeky, but you are a dumb ass.” Anarion punched the wall of ice, causing it to shatter.
“Scary, but if a simple punch can break that, you need practice. So get to it,” said Bwoire. The practice was extremely awkward for all of them, especially Anarion. All of Tycondris’s pushing the last few weeks was annoying enough, but the blast of fire soaring into the sky made him feel uncomfortable. He thought Amma might be physically attracted to him, but the fire burning in the sky made him wonder who she was thinking about.
Lunchtime came about, Anarion left ahead of the group. Giselle had cooked up some cod, freshly caught in the morning. Anarion could not help but feel uncomfortable as the rest returned. Amma sat next to him, which made things even more awkward and uncomfortable. Tycondris came back from his guard duty. The first thing he said is “Kid, you look like you are about to shit yourself.”
Anarion shoveled in the rest of his food, then stood up. “I’m going back to train.” Bwoire and Tycondris were snickering as he left. Amma got up and left as well. “What happened? His expression was priceless,” asked Tycondris. Bwoire whispered the events in his ear. Tycondris laughed out loud. “See, I told you he’s a shy kid. Outwardly hostile, but uncomfortable with feelings of closeness. I pegged his personality down a month after I met him.”
Falcon and Ithilious finished their meal then returned to train. “I have not been this amused in years. His brother is the stout approachable type. I never thought I would have this much fun!” Tycondris laughed. “Just don’t push his buttons too much, he’s bound to flip out.” Bwoire still snickering said. “I’ll try, but it’s so much fun. I’ve never had a student like this.”
Tycondris yelled out “Giselle, a pint please.” She scurried around the corner with a pint in hand. Tycondris smiled. “So Giselle, what do you think about his subordinates.” Giselle looked up. “They seem nice enough. That tall guy is kind of cute. The blonde guy creeps me out, I’d say the black-haired guy is nice. The girl seems nice as well.”
Tycondris laughed. “Very frank aren’t you. I think we’ll get along.” Giselle laughed nervously. Tycondris raised his hands. “Don’t worry, I may be an old man. But I’m not the creepy kind that flirts with younger women.” Giselle smiled “Good to hear.” She returned to the kitchen.
After an equally awkward afternoon, Anarion returned to the tavern. Tycondris was still there, in fact, he was already inebriated. “Anarion! You old so and so, come have a drunk with me.” Anarion sighed. “You could have at least waited to get tanked, old man. Come have a drunk with me? I don’t think a sober person would say that.”
Tycondris was laughing more than usual. “Kid, how did the training go today? Are you a skilled Elestran user yet?” Johanna came around to deliver a pint. The tavern was busy this evening, Giselle was assisting other customers. Anarion brought his fingers together. A small cube of ice formed between them, he dropped it into his ale. “I guess, it’s easy to do, but difficult to do well.”
Tycondris hit the table with his fist. “That’s amazing kid!” Anarion made another cube and dropped it into Tycondris’s ale. “Apparently coldness is a factor along with strength for an ice user. I need to be able to make Ice colder than the coldest winter day, or so Bwoire said.” Anarion slammed down his pint. “Thirsty?” Tycondris laughed even more. “I’m getting drunk tonight, fuck the consequences,” said Anarion.
Tycondris smiled “I never pegged you as the drinking type. It looks like something is eating away at you.” Anarion glared at Tycondris “Not a damn thing, I just want to drink. I spent a whole year in a pit in the ground, it might be nice to live a little.” Anarion was lying, Tycondris could see this but did not pester him.
The events of the day were eating at him. Seeing that giant blast of fire shooting into the sky made him feel uncomfortable. Tycondris had harassed him endlessly about Amma on the boat ride, so much so he intentionally avoided him. He felt uncomfortable that someone might have deep feelings for him, especially when he had put a wall up around everyone to keep his distance since he had never excelled at friendship.
The only friend he had was an old man, even at that, he didn’t treat him with kindness. “Johanna, another drink please.” Johanna brought Anarion his pint. Eventually, Amma, Bwoire, Falcon, and Ithilious reached the tavern. Anarion did his best to put up his usual front, it was a dangerous thing in his mind to let people know what he was thinking, or at the very least let people on to the fact that he was disturbed by what happened today.
Johanna appeared once again, bringing pints to everyone. Bwoire and Falcon sat beside Anarion. Amma and Ithilious sat beside Tycondris. Anarion felt closed in. Like everyone was looking at him. Of course, they were not, but in his deluded head, they were. Johanna brought meals for everyone. A nice juicy steak, with potatoes and cobs of corn.
Anarion ate with ferocity. He drank with ferocity. So much so that even Tycondris was in awe. “You sure are hungry tonight kid.” Anarion pointed the cob of corn he was eating at Tycondris. “Eating replenishes Chi for training.” Tycondris gave Anarion an odd look. “I didn’t know that.” Bwoire nodded his head. “While technically true, you might want to slow down.”
Anarion threw the cob of corn at Bwoires head. The end hit him square in the forehead. “You can be an unlikable bastard sometimes. But I guess that’s why I like you. Well, mannered pretty boys like your brother are a bore. Teasing and harassing you has quickly become my favorite thing to do.” said Bwoire. Anarion ignored the comment.
When the food was gone he continued drinking. It seems everyone was intent on doing the same. Tycondris was far more inebriated. “Nothing better than this. Good drinks, good company.” Anarion who was nearly three sheets to the wind at this point stated. “I didn’t think you could piss me off more when your drunk.”.
Falcon stated “Everyone and everything pisses you off, trying lightening up for once. Quit bringing down the mood.” Anarion glared at Falcon. He had been keeping pace with Anarion. “I’ll bring down the mood all I want you son of a bitch. Since when did this become the party table. I’m drinking” Anarion stopped quickly, almost saying too much. “I’m drinking because you assholes piss me off.”
Anarion slammed back another pint. Ithilious was flirting with Johanna each time she brought more drinks to the table. He wasn’t getting anywhere. She seemed to dislike him. When she left Bwoire said “God your such a fucking loser. Stop trying so damn hard. Look at these two.” Ithilious glared at Bwoire “Hey I’m in my prime, I have to try hard dammit!”
Amma glared at Ithilious. “Rather than trying to pick someone up for a one night stand maybe you should grow some balls and find someone to stay with.” Bwoire, Tycondris, and Falcon began laughing out loud. “Your far too savage Amma, don’t change,” said Tycondris.
Ithilious turned his gaze to Tycondris. “Don’t encourage her big guy. Man how did I end up with such unpleasant assholes.” Falcon laughed. “What, do you want a functional group of well-mannered comrades?” Anarion said nothing, he just continued drinking. Ithilious pointed to Anarion “We also have this asshole. The king of assholes, all hail his asshole Majesty.”
Anarion spoke for the first time in a while. “Do I look like I want to be here? Don’t be jealous because I’m stronger than you.” Ithilious slammed his hand on the table. “I demand a rematch!” Anarion stood up. “Fine, let’s go outside.”
Everyone got up from the table and stumbled outside. It was dark and rainy outside. “I’ll give you a free hit,” said Anarion. Ithilious punched Anarion right in the gut. He did not flinch. “You call that a punch?” Anarion punched Ithilious in the gut, causing him to keel over. Tavern patrons were watching with interest.
Ithilious stood up, then keeled over to vomit. Suddenly everyone was vomiting at the sight of Ithilious vomiting. Everyone decided to call it a day after that.
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