《The VocaLords》Episode FOUR - Electric Angel


Gumi stormed from the cybernetics lab, intent on chasing down the men she saw leaving it moments before. About three steps into the passageway, she gasped. Wheeling with a look of shock on her face, she raced to grab the door.

Her hand clutched its handle the instant it clicked shut.


She cursed herself for being so stupid. She was locked out of the lab, and wished she had jimmied the door to keep it from closing. More pissed now at herself than at others, she stomped about the ship. Due to her agitated state of mind, the lack of support from wearing a bikini top that wasn’t her size made her breasts bounce around too much. Everything began multiplying together, making her disgust with herself and her situation cause her to hate the entire world.

Gumi returned to the stateroom containing her heap of clothes. Even with a damaged nose, she could tell the room reeked of Club Kocchi Muite. She directed more of her anger inward while rummaging through her crap. Everything she owned was still as gross as ever. She whipped off her red hooded jacket and tied an extra knot in the bikini top, to help hold her boobs in place.

Furious over allowing herself to be shanghaied by a pretty boy with steel blue eyes, she put back on her jacket and resumed searching the ship.

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